Gaystripe's Guide to Sexualit...

By QueerWarriors

7.1K 372 223

Hi, there! I'm Gaystripe, and I've been summoned here to teach you all about the wonderful world of gayness. ... More

Part One - Gay and Lesbian
Part Two - Bisexual
Part Three - Asexual
Part Four - Pansexual
Ask Gaystripe
Ask Gaystripe - Answers
Part Six - Demisexual
Part Seven - Aromantic
Part Eight - Queer
Part Nine - Polysexual
Part Ten - Abrosexual
Part Eleven - Skoliosexual
Part Twelve - Gynesexual
Part Thirteen - Androsexual
Part Fourteen - Omnisexual

Part Five - Greysexual

507 29 4
By QueerWarriors

Greysexual flag.

Gaystripe is back on stage again, looking exceedingly annoyed. The audience snickers.

Gaystripe: Since video chatting all of you didn't work, I'm back here. Have fun trying to break the glass though.

The audience murmurs in confusion. One of the cats pads up to the stage, but before they get to Gaystripe, they smack into an almost invisible sheen of glass. Gaystripe smirks at the hapless cat.

Gaystripe: Well, let's get this started, shall we? *shakes fur out* The following few sexualities all fall under the ace umbrella, so they may sound somewhat similar. But, they are different sexualities. *flicks tail* With that clear, today's topic is Greysexuality.

More puzzled whispers emerge. Gaystripe ignores them and continues.

Gaystripe: Also, yes, I promised that this would be on time, but clearly it's not... *cough* there were a few... problems among the team.

Someone from backstage: *yelling* FIX YOUR OWN SCRIPT THEN!

Gaystripe: *yelling back* FINE! I WILL! *huffs* Anyways. Greysexuality. What is it, and how is it related to asexuality? Greysexuality, which is also known as grey-asexuality, is a sexuality where sexual attraction only occasionally occurs. In other words, a greysexual cat would typically experience no sexual attraction, but may suddenly experience it with a random cat.

Gaystripe jumps slightly in surprise when he realises the audience has moved forward, and the front row of cats are tapping at the glass, scowls on their faces.

Gaystripe: Hey! Move back! Are you even listening to me?

The cats share looks with each other, then shake their heads.

Gaystripe: *sighs* Are you even here to learn anymore?

Again the cats shake their heads.

Gaystripe: *sighs again* Well, we're recording these now, so hopefully someone else will appreciate these. *glares at the audience*

The cats titter, then go back to tapping the glass.

Gaystripe: *rolls eyes* Notably, greysexuality is very similar to asexuality, but asexuality is defined as a complete lack of attraction, as opposed to greysexuality's occasional attraction.

One of the cats pulls out a small bucket. Gaystripe watches them for a moment, wondering where they got it from, but bites back yet another sigh when the cat dips their paw into the bucket, then pulls it back out and slams their paw onto the glass, leaving a large, orange paw print.

Gaystripe: Oh! Before I forget, here's an important term that should be defined before continuing. As mentioned previously, asexuality is a spectrum. Why aren't the other identities a spectrum, then, you might ask. That's because they're on a spectrum where sexual attraction is present. Put simply, the opposite of being asexual is being allosexual, which means you experience sexual attraction. All previously discussed sexualities, excluding asexuality, are all part of allosexuality (which, by the way, has other synonymous terms, such as zedsexuality or zsexuality, though allosexuality seems to be the most prevalent one).

Half of the audience nods, actually interested. The rest all pull out their own buckets of paint and begin to deface the glass. Gaystripe watches them work, not sure whether he should laugh or cry.

Gaystripe: An easy way to explain greysexuality is that it is the grey area between asexuality and allosexuality. Some grey-aces, sometimes fondly called graces, can identify with things from both spectrums, though to what degree depends on the individual. Because it shares traits from both asexuality and allosexuality, greysexuality technically cannot be fully be put in either spectrum, but it is generally slotted alongside asexuality.

One of the cats trips over their bucket of paint and spills it everywhere. They wail as they turn into a mess of green fur, and the rest of the audience jumps back in alarm. Gaystripe merely sighs at the commotion and wearily continues.

Gaystripe: The experience of each grace varies. Some may experience sexual attraction occasionally, while others may almost never feel it. Some may be able to identify with allosexuality more, and some will be able to identify with asexuality more.

The cats have cleared a pathway for the now green cat, who stomps out of the lecture hall, leaving a trail of green paw prints behind them. Gaystripe watches them go, opening his mouth, then shutting it and sighing again.

Gaystripe: Some cats might identify as greysexual for the flexibility of the term, or because they're just not sure. Regardless of however they chose to use the term and the specific details of their sexual attraction, greysexuality is a valid sexuality and should be treated as such.

Gaystripe's eyes wander over to one particular cat near the glass. Said cat has multiple buckets of paint beside them, and they are completely focused on their painting. A little puzzled, Gaystripe continues the lecture.

Gaystripe: *calling backstage* Stagepaw! The flag!

The following flag is projected onto the wall behind Gaystripe. Some of the painting cats mutter in annoyance as the lights dim slightly:

Gaystripe: This is the greysexual flag. It was designed by DeviantArt user Shikku27316. The purple stripes stand for asexuality, or lack of sexual attraction. The single white stripe stands for allosexuality, or sexual attraction. The grey stripes represent the grey area between asexuality and allosexuality, which is the basis of greysexuality.

Gaystripe stiffens when he abruptly notices what the cats are drawing. He forces his fur to lie flat as his eyes scan the mass of poorly drawn portraits of him. The audience titters at his reaction, otherwise quiet.

Gaystripe: One thing that you must remember is that sexuality is often difficult to be pinned down. One cat's experience with greysexuality will most certainly differ from another cat, so please do not go around accusing cats of 'being a bad greysexual'.

Gaystripe glances back over to the intensely focused cat and gasps softly when he sees the beautiful portrait of him they have painted. In a moment of impulsivity, he bounds over to the cat and presses his paws to the glass in front of them, gesturing with his tail for someone to shine a spotlight on the cat.

Gaystripe: I just wanted to appreciate you for painting such a beautiful portrait of me! What's your name?

Stars are practically dancing in his eyes, but Gaystripe suddenly notices that the painter of the portrait has fled into the crowd.

Gaystripe: ... the ones that are actually nice to me never want to be near me. *trudges back on stage sadly*

The audience snickers softly as they watch Gaystripe clamber back onto the stage, shaking his fur out.

Gaystripe: Well, that's it for greysexuality, I hope you enjoyed this lecture *glares at the front row cats*, and will be back for the next *cough* hopefullyontime *cough* lecture.

The audience begins to stand up, but pause when a voice blares over the loudspeakers.

Stagepaw: Hey, everyone. Gaystripe's been talking about greysexuality, and some of you have been painting, though not with a lot of grace. What do you say to giving him some of that?

The audience nods eagerly, while Gaystripe shakes his head violently, his ears flattened against his skull.

Stagepaw: Well, here goes!

A gallon of grey paint is suddenly dumped over Gaystripe. He shrieks right before the paint buries him. The audience laughs, delighted.

Stagepaw: There we go. He certainly has a lot more grace now, doesn't he? *snickers*

The audience files out, still laughing. Gaystripe spits out the grey paint, growling at the loudspeaker.

Gaystripe: Stagepaw, I swear, when the lectures are over I will MURDER you.

Stagepaw: Have fun with that. *kissing sounds come from the speakers*

Gaystripe: *sighs*

Written by Aquarius (finally!)

Edited by Ren [tacocat spelled backwards is tacocat]

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