Hogwarts Professors

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Draco and Harry both end up becoming Professors at Hogwarts. What happens when the two boy's have to get alon... Daha Fazla

T W E N T Y - O N E
T W E N T Y - T W O
T W E N T Y - T H R E E
T W E N T Y - F O U R
T W E N T Y - F I V E
T W E N T Y - S I X


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_Books1031_ tarafından

For the next half a week the two boys hung out and joked around everyday all day. Draco however was getting more and more worried each passing moment about their date, Harry too was  becoming more worried. Harry didn't want to ruin their friendship, even though he totally wanted more. 

It was Monday morning the boys were sitting beside each other in the Great Hall. Harry was eating some merlinpuffs, and Draco was eating waffles with maple syrup. The boy's were making  small talk about their classes. 

"You excited to get back to teaching?" Harry asked Draco.

"Yeah, i've missed the kids honestly." Draco replied after a moment so he could swallow his piece of waffle. Draco looked down to his watch which was on his left hand which read 8:45am. 

"We should go." Draco said while sliding his plate away from him, and standing up. Harry too stood up and they left the Great Hall together, walking down the hall only 50 feet before they said their farewells and head to their separate rooms. 

~ ~ ~ 

Draco was standing in front of his blackboard writing today's potion on it when everyone came in. When he turned around the room was silent, and everyone was waiting for him to say something. Today he was teaching the third year Gryffindor's and Slytherin's.

"So... How was everyone's break?" Draco asked, walking around his desk to sit on it at the front. Everyone just nodded and mumbled 'good.'

"Would anyone like to share anything about what they did?" Draco asked. A few hands raised, looking around Draco chose a Gryffindor. "Jamie?"

"My family and I went to Florida, went to Disney Land." 

"How exciting. Anyone else... Steve?" A Slytherin.

"I went to France.." 

"That sound's like much fun." Draco replied. For the next five minutes people shared what they did for the Christmas break. A girl name Lauren then asked "How about you, what did you do Professor?"

"Well, I went to go spend some time with my mum, and that's about it."

"Really? You didn't communicate with anyone other than your mum for 2 weeks?" 

"No I did, I didn't just talk with my mother, I had a pen pall."


"You wouldn't know them, anyway it's none of your business." Draco smirked, "Okay now on to business. Today we are going to be making Pepperup Potion. Now, I have written the partners up on the board, and the instructions are on page 394 of your book. You only have this class to do it, good luck." Draco the stood up and walked to his chair and sat down. 

The student's did their potions with no trouble leaving Draco to be able to read through his planner for his next class. When the class was over he had everyone label their bottles, and place them on a shelf in the back.

This is how all of Draco's classes went, and before he knew it, it was already dinner time. Draco was excited to say the least. He missed Harry's stupid face even though they was each other at lunch only a few hours previous.

When Draco got their, to no surprise Harry was already there. Harry was usually there for any meal early. To Harry's right was Hermione, the two of them talking quietly, and to Harry's left was an empty spot for Draco. Harry usually left a spot open for Draco, since they enjoyed sitting beside each other. 

When Draco took his seat next to Harry, Harry stopped talking to Hermione for a moment to give Draco a smile, then went back to Hermione. 

After a few minutes of talking with Hermione, Harry turned away from her to talk with Draco. "So, how were your last few classes?" The green-eyed boy asked the grey-eyed boy. 

"They were good, actually all my classes were surprisingly good."

"I bet it's because they're tired, and tomorrow they will be a royal pain in the arse." Harry laughed. 

Draco laughed along, and just made small talk for the duration of their meals. 

* * * 

It was the next day around 1:30pm. Draco had the rest of his afternoon off, and decided that he was going to go see his mother. The two of them planned this a few day's earlier of course. 

Draco put on his shoes and his coat, and walked downstairs to the side doors of the castle. After a minute or two of walking in the snowy afternoon, he pulled out his wand and mumbled 'Accio Scarf' causing his green and silver Slytherin scarf to come flying into his hands. Draco wrapped it around his neck and continued walked. 

When Draco got to the outskirts of the castle he apparated to Malfoy Manor, walked up the steps of the door and knocked before entering. Draco took off his shoes, leaving them at the front door, and hung up his coat and his scarf in the closet near the door. 

Draco walked to the kitchen where he was to meet his mother, and when he got in there she was sitting at the table reading the daily profit. "Hello mother." 

"Hello Draco! Goodness how are you? How have your classes been?" Narcissa asked while standing up and walking over to Draco to give him a hug.

"I'm good, my classes are good even though it's literally like my second day back." Draco laughed, "How are you?" 

"I'm just wonderful hun. Now, why is it that you needed to know how to cook my mashed potatoes as soon as possible?" 

"Well you see, I was with Harry, and I told him about your amazing mashed potatoes, and I said how he had to try them, then he was like okay, and i was like how about next Thursday at 8pm, I can make them for you. And now we kinda have a date in 3 days and I need to know how to cook." 

"Right... well I am super excited for you, and we are going to be making more than just mashed potatoes, because you can't just have a meal of mashed potatoes -well I mean you can but not until you've been together for a while-.

"So you're going to need some Potatoes, steak, and corn. Also a potatoes peeler, 2 pots, and a pan. Also butter, salt, milk, pepper."

Narcissa refused to make it herself, so she told Draco what to do, but never actually touched any of the food himself. When he was done and Narcissa did her taste test, she was speechless. The food was amazing, she was surprised that her son was able to make the food this well even though she was telling him what to do the whole time.

Before Draco left, she handed him the recipe to the meal, and a list of spells to keep them warm. He thanked her than left, promising to send her a letter about how the date went. Draco then apparated to hogsmeade and walked all the way back to Hogwarts very excited about his little date with Harry that was very quickly approaching. 

~ ~ ~ 

Both Harry and Draco let out their last classes early. They both had year fives, however Draco had Slytherins, and Harry had the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuffs.

Draco let his class out much earlier than Harry, due to the fact that he wanted to prepare. He raced upstairs to his room, and looked around. The room was a complete tip. Draco wasn't sure how he was able to make his room so messy, but he knew that he had to get started right away. Now he knew that he could call for some House Elves to help him, but he decided against it. He didn't need their help, it was his mess and he knew that he had to clean it himself. 

Draco pulled out 3 bin bags and started to throw all of his trash away, left over tissues, banana peels, empty crisp bags. By the time he was done with all the rubbish, his room was looking a lot cleaner, he walked over to his bed (which was in the corner of the room) and made it so it looked nice, then he folded all his extra blankets that had been all over the couch. it took him about 3 hour's total for him to clean his whole room to look spotless. 

Draco called some House Elves to take the bin bags away, so that he could get started on dinner which he knew was going to take him a while to make. He pulled out the list his mother made him and got started. 

He decided to cook the Corn and the Potatoes at the same time in order to cut the time of cooking -which it did- and by the time he was done cooking, it was 7:45pm. Draco silently panicked and walked out of the small kitchen to his wardrobe and pulled out some black jeans, his white top and a black blazer. Draco put them on, then walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth and make sure his hair was perfect. 

When Draco walked out of the bathroom he glanced at his clock. 7:58pm. Draco nervously paced his room for the next 2 minutes until He heard a knock on the door. When he opened it, his breath was taken away. 

Harry was standing their, in dark blue jeans, a while shirt and a dark green blazer. The same colour as his eyes. Draco tried to greet Harry but all he could get out was "Wow." 

Harry smiled and said "Wow yourself."

The two boys smiled at each other for a few moments more, and then Draco stepped backwards making room for Harry and said "Come in, make yourself at home." 

Harry stepped into the room. "So how was your day?"

"It was good, none of my classes were a pain at all which is always good. How was your day?"

"My day was also good, I taught my Second years some defence spells like in our second year." Harry chuckled remembering their little duel they had.

"Wasn't that when we learned you are a Parselmouth and everyone thought you opened the chamber of secrets?" The boy's were now at the table that Draco had set the food on. Draco pulled the chair so Harry could sit, Harry did and then Draco pushed him in. Draco walked over to the other side of the table so that they were sitting across from each other, then he sat.

"I was a Parselmouth, when Voldy murdered the part of his soul in me I lost the ability to speak it." Harry replied.

"I didn't know that."

"I don't know why you would." Harry laughed. 

"Alright so these are the mashed potatoes, this is steak, and here is corn." Draco said while pointing to each one, "Go ahead and try it, don't be afraid to spit it out if it's completely awful." 

Harry laughed at that last part, and Harry took a bite of the mashed. When the potatoes hit Harry's tongue he let out a moan of pleasure. The mashed potatoes were perfect. Salty, but not too salty, plus they weren't fully mashed, they had little thicker bits of potatoes, adding to the whole experience. "They're so good!" Harry finally said after a moment of just appreciating the mashed potatoes. 

Draco laughed at Harry's reaction to them, then he went ahead and dug into his food too. He had to toot his own horn for this, it was fan-frickin-tastic. 

The two ate in silence for a while. The silence was comfortable, not awkward at all like most silence is between two people going on a first date. Thats what this was wasn't it? Draco thought to himself.  

"Do you think that the Irish are going to win the Quidditch world cup?" Harry asked breaking the silence. 

"No, they are complete rubbish, the Canadian's however are a different story."

"I'm sorry you think Canada is going to win? Have you gone mad?" Harry questioned.

"The only mad one here is you, Potter." Draco laughed. 

"You're a nutter." Harry was shaking his head while chuckling softly. 

When the two boy's finished eating, Draco picket up their plates and brought them to the sink and let them soak in some water so that they would be easier to wash later on. "Want to watch a film or something?" Draco asked walking over to the couch where Harry had moved himself to. 

"Sure." Harry smiled, "What film?"

"Um... here is my large collection of films." Draco pulled out 4 films: The incredibles, Guardians of the galaxy, The woman in black, and Back to the Future. 

"How about The Woman in Black?" 

"Alright." Draco said while getting up and putting the dvd into his dvd player. He didn't use it much, however he was thankful he purchased it now.

Draco sat down beside Harry on the couch, not too far from him, but defiantly not close in any way. As the film started they sat quietly, both of them moving slowly closer, and closer to each other. About a quarter-way through the film, the two were practically sitting on each other. Their legs were touching, so were their sides. Draco looked to Harry and did that lame little yawn with his arm thing.

When Draco's arm got around Harry, the brunet looked up to Draco, but to his surprise he was already looking at him. The two slowly moved their faces closer together. Harry leaning his head up, and Draco leaning down due to the fact that Draco is taller than Harry even while they're sitting. 

Harry was leaning up, and Draco was leaning down due to the fact that Harry was four inches shorter than Draco. Even as they sat side by side, Draco was still taller. 

Harry closed his eyes first, with Draco following soon after. The two were practically touching, they could feel the others body heat radiating off of them. And as soon as they were about to touch their lips together... that's right you guessed it. There was a scream that came from the television. 

The scream scared both the boys causing them to jump apart. After a moment they started laughing, but the laughing didn't last long, because as soon as it started to die down Draco leaned down and kissed Harry on his mouth. The kiss was passionate, it wasn't too hard and desperate, and it wasn't light and short. 

Harry immediately kissed back, and soon the kiss was getting deeper. Draco started to lean back, eventually laying on his back with Harry on top of him, the two of them making out passionately.  

Needless to say, the two didn't really end up seeing much of the movie. And that's all that i'm going to say about that. 

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