Dont let me go( a divergent f...

By crazymofos2000

49.5K 1.1K 100

Tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon so much that he died every night to let her breath... More



3K 59 5
By crazymofos2000

I honestly have no idea what the hell happened to the chapter I posted. It was completely screwed up. Idk. Hopefully this time it'll work

It was the end of the 4th day. We only have three more days of this physical torture. I had finally turned the page and moved into the dauntless chapter if my life, forgetting about the horrible chapter of Candor. My knuckles are bloodied and bruised. I knew we started fighting today, so I've been working extra hard. I've mad a couple of aquatints and I usually sat with the trainers at meal times, not because I was a suck up, but because Eric was pretty much my only friend. Sad, I know. But he reminded me of my old friend that I knew long ago. He had been a couple years older than me so when time came, he switched to Erudite. I was heartbroken, of course, but it was his life and he had to go. I don't blame him for leaving, I did the same thing.

Anyway back to fighting. I hope I'm paired up against someone small, like Amy, or Grace. The only boy I could take would probably be Jake. as much as I hate to say it, I don't think he will last very long. After all, he is a stiff.

So far, we've learned gun handling, I was Surprisingly good. We did knife throwing, to no surprise i sucked. And now, for the final rankings, we have to fight each other. I see the initiates around a board and I push my way through the crowd to see the order of the fights. Crap. I'm up against Dan.

Dan is a semi tall very burly guy. He is slower than me but his weight and strength will defiantly over power me. I try to think straight. They can't let him seriously hurt me, right? So I try to imagine if this was a dangerous situation. 'If I do not beat him," I tell myself "I am going to die. This is it.' I bounce on the balls of my feet and shake my hands in nervousness. I got this. I'll be fine. I clench and unclench my jaw.
"Ready?" Dan smirks. I notice he is not in a defensive position, probably assumes he'll beat me easily. Like I won't out without a fight. That cocky bastard.
I lunge and knock him to the ground. Now I only have half a second for him to realize what happened and attack me.'Weak spot, weak spot.' I think. what do I know? I smirk as I realize how helpful it is when all guys have the exact same weakness. I stand and stomp my foot in his groin area and he screams I try to fight a smile as he rolls on the ground cupping his area. There are muffled laughs and awkward coughs.
"Are you serious?" he yelps, still rolling around on the ground.
"Here's a tip for future references-if you know your enemies weakness," I whisper leaning closer, "use it, and abuse it." I say as deliver the final blow,knocking him out.

"Wow," Eric says raising his eyebrows as I sit down at the lunch table.
"What?" I ask innocently but laugh as he looks at me skeptically.
"That was, intense." He laughs.
"He didn't even get a single punch in," I laugh.
"Exactly, every one was very surprised," he laughs along.
"Wow, thanks," I say sarcastically.
"Your welcome," he tools his eyes and slides his broccoli over to my plate.
"No way," I shake my head and push them back.
"Pleassssssssse?" he whines pushing them back. I giggle as I slide them to Four. He looks up at me bewildered.
"Would you eat these for me?"I ask as I hear Eric chocking back laughter.
"No" he exclaims slightly chuckling.
"Common,Four, just eat the vegetables. They aren't gonna do me any good,"
"And you think they're gonna do me good?" He shakes his head and pushes the vegetables away.
"Well, you are getting a little, you know? bigger." I laugh as Eric puts head head on his hands and shakes with laughter. It was absurd to call Four fat because he had perfectly toned muscles and a flat stomach.
"Alright!" he stands up and walls away. Eric high fives me and we continue our lunch.

Now, when I was alone in the dark, listening to the steady breathing of my fellow initiates, I felt the cold seep into my veins and I wonder how a person could kill another. I think about the snap I felt go through my fist as it connected with Dans nose. I hurt someone and everybody probably thinks I'm a coward for taking advantage of the fact he has balls. But I saw a path that had survival on Ito so I took it.

I get up, unable to continue this inner battle- to feel or not to feel? I wake up and down the corridors Until I see no doors or people and I scream as loud as I could,and then wept. I haven't cried since I got here and it is ridiculous that I am now. But I had it all bottled up, it was bound to come out one way or another.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I stop crying immediately. Whoever it is hugs me and I soon find out it is Eric. After a minute, I stopped the tears and stand rigid beneath his arm.
"I have somewhere I want to show you," he says taking my hand and leading me out of the hallway.

Thank you so much for one hundred + hundred views. Gracias. Love you all


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