Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male...

By Daintypurpleeyes

61.6K 2.9K 511

So, basically, the humans have turned against the witches. Poor (M/n) was told by his family to run and leave... More

The school
The girls' dorm...
Elizabeta and Lili
A little chat between boys
Meeting a young 'gentleman'
New clothes and my own personal bodyguard
First day of school
Werewolf territory
Another day
Background Story
Almost devoured
Werewolf Base
Hidden Confession
Spending time with the Italians
The heartless have a heart, they just don't show it.
Secret admirer
Three days off
Accidents happen
Forgotten memories
Drunk P.2 and a Dream
Battle and escape
A tiny, little secret
Final battle
~Gabriel ENDING~
~Allen ENDING~
~Luciano ENDING~
~Oliver ENDING~
~Matthew ENDING~
~Lovino ENDING~

Never too young for Vodka

1.1K 62 3
By Daintypurpleeyes

(M/n) POV

I awoke by someone shaking me, "(M/n). Wake up.", I heard the person whispering into my ear. 

Tiredly, I opened my eyes. I looked next to me and saw Gabriel sitting on the side of my bed, smiling at me. "Good morning, sleeping beauty.", He said with a laugh. 

Groaning, I sat up. I looked at Gabriel again, to notice that he was wearing some loose swim shorts. I gave him a confused look as he simply sighed. 

"They made me.", He told me, unamused. 

I gave a tiny giggle at that, "Sucks for you, doesn't it?", I mocked, grinning. He seemed to be a little pissed but wore a smile on his face as he took something from behind his back. I immediately turned purple as I saw what he was holding. 

"Yeah, it does. By the way, Elizabeta told me to bring you this.", He said, mockingly waving the revealing clothes in front of me. 

With no words, I jumped out of my bed and ran out of the room. It only took him three seconds to progress what had just occured and immediately ran after me, screaming my name. 

"(M/n)! Come back!", Gabriel yelled as he ran after me. 

"No!", I yelled back, running faster. 

I was about to pass the living room before my arm got roughly grabbed, I groaned as I looked up. "I don't think so.", Ludwig said as he made me sit down, I pouted. 

After a while, Gabriel ran into the living room as well. Seeing me sitting on the couch, arms crossed as Ludwig said in front of me. 

He was about to leave the room till Ludwig spoke, "No. You're staying.", He motioned for Gabriel to sit down next to me. He did, grudgingly. 

"Before you go swim, I'd like to ask some questions.", He told us, I mentally groaned. 

"Go ahead.", Gabriel said, simply. 

"First of all, who are you?", Ludwig asked, looking at Gabriel. They looked kinda similar, they both had blue eyes and blonde hair. 

"Like I said, Gabriel.", the male next to me answered, truthfully. Ludwig opened his mouth again, about to ask something, but got interrupted by a certain happy Italian. 

"Ve~! Luddy! What are you doing~?", I groaned at the loudness in his voice. I noticed that Gabriel's cheeks turned a little pink as he looked at the Italian vampire. 

I smirked and whispered in his ear, "His name's Feliciano~", I chuckled and moved backwards. His blush worsened as he playfully punched my arm. 

"Feliciano, could you wait outside----", I rudely interrupted Ludwig. 

"No, it's fine. We're done here.", I said as I stood up, about to walk away. 

"Wait!", I heard someone yell from behind me, I looked back and noticed Gabriel holding up the bikini and smirking. 

"Hell no.", I muttered under my breath as I started running again. Gabriel immediately ran after me, blushing as he passed the Northern Italian. I quickly ran out and winced as the hot sand hit my bare feet. 

"Damn it, sun!", I yelled, continuing to run.

"You can run, but you can't hide!", I heard Gabriel yell from behind me. I laughed 'cause he was so wrong. I took out my wand and casted a spell, making me invisible.

I turned around and saw Gabriel looking everywhere with a shocked look, "Hey! That's not fair!", He yelled, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Oh yes, it is.", I simply said from behind him, chuckling. He quickly turned around and tried to grab me, but I moved backwards. I laughed as I saw him desperately looking for me.

I looked down at my hands and saw that the spell was almost wearing off, so I quickly ran away, back to the cabin.

"There you are!", He yelled as he ran after me. I quickly opened the door of the cabin and ran in, looking for a place to hide.

I noticed a tall Russian guy was standing in a corner, I ran towards him and quickly hid behind him. He have me a confused look but I simply whispered, "Hide me.", He gave a sort of creepy smile and nodded.

I then heard the cabin door open, signaling that Gabriel has arrived. I heard loud footsteps passing us, meaning that he didn't saw me. After a while, the loud footsteps passed us again and left the cabin. I gave a sigh of relief and removed myself from behind the tall guy.

"Thank you.", I simply said. He muttered a small, "You're welcome.", before giving me another of his creepy smiles. I wasn't intimidated or scared, I just found his smiles creepy.

I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed the tall guy walking towards a stand full of alcoholic drinks.

My face had a hint of confusement on it as I thought, 'Wait. Aren't we all underage?'

I ran towards the guy again, to ask the question. But before I could say anything, he already answered the question for me. "We're vampires, we age differently from humans.", I let out a small 'oh' and nodded my head. It was the same for witches, so I understood.

He held out a bottle of Vodka and filled two glasses. I looked at him, warily. He simly smiled at me and gave me one of the glasses.

"I don't know...I never drank Vodka before.", I confessed.

He motioned for me to drink it anyway as he drank some of his own glass. I sighed and warily took a sip from the glass I was holding. It had a bitter taste, but I kinda...enjoyed it. In no time, the glass was empty.

'This stuff is actually pretty good.', I thought, surprised.

I saw the guy give a smirl before letting his smile rest on his face again, he took our glasses and poured some more.

"What's your name?", I asked him.

"Ivan. Ivan Braginski.", He told me. I simply nodded and took the glass that was filled again.


I was laying on the couch, hiccuping. My right hand was holding an empty glass as my left hand was holding my fourth bottle of Vodka. Everyone was outside, excluding Ivan and I.

I looked at the clock and noticed it was evening, meaning the others would be back soon. I quickly tried to stand up, but my legs gave out on me and I fell down.

"Are you okay, pretty sunflower?", Ivan asked me, concerned.

"I'm fabulous~", I slightly sang, trying to get back up again. I held onto the wall for support. The alcohol started to kick in, and I completely lost my mind. I started giggling a bit as I tried to walk.

I made it to the stairs and I heard the Russian from behind me yell, "I don't think that's a very good idea.", I simply ignored him and started crawling my way up the stairs. I almost fell, but luckily caught myself.

I noticed a room slightly open, so I entered it. It looked to be a girs room, by the type of clothes that were scattered on the ground.

I looked at the open wardrobe that was on the left side of the room. Without thinking twice, I quickly ran towards it. "TAKE ME TO NARNIA!", I yelled as I entered it, giggling.

After a while of waiting, I noticed that nothing had happened. I sighed, "No Narnia for me, I guess...", I muttered, sadly.

I noticed a beautiful dress at the corner of the dark wardrobe, I quickly crawled towards it and grabbed it. I walked out of the wardrobe with the dress in my hand. Without thinking twice again, I put it on.

It was a little too tight and pretty short, seeing that the owner probably seemed to have different measures.

I ran towards a mirror that was placed above a nightstand, I checked myself out and giggled. "I look awesome~", I said, selflovingly.


That's it for the day! I'm sorry for not updating sooner, but hey I updated. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Cya!

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