In Love With A Straight Girl

By moonchild700

665K 23.4K 10.8K

Have you ever fallen for a straight girl? It's not fun. You stare at the back of her head in class, you watch... More

The Start Of A Crush
A New Year
Curiousity Killed The Cat
The Start Of Something New?
I'll Prove It
Happiness and Danger
Is It True?
Don't Argue With Rose
Sooner Than Expected
Preparing For The Worst


12.3K 541 404
By moonchild700

I looked at Rick in fear, hearing Clara bang on the door. This was it. He was finally going to kill me.

Sasha looked over at him. "You're not really going to kill her, right?"

Rick started to walk to me while I turned and ran to the back door. I turned the knob and it broke off in my hand. "Shit!"

A hand grabbed my shoulder and yanked me around. My head jerked to the side as a fist was met with my face. I stumbled to the ground and immediatley knew my lip was busted. He walked off and I stood back up. I saw Rick opening kitchen drawers, searching for something. I took that opportunity to run back to the living room, hearing footsteps behind me. I struggled to hurry up and unlock the door, but my fingers were trembling to much.

The back of my shirt was grabbed and I was flung away from the door. I landed on my back and saw Rick standing across from me with a carving knife in his hand. As he started walking towards me, Sasha grabbed the hand with the knife in it. "You can't kill her Rick!"

"This bitch ratted us out!" he shouted. "We're going to prison Sasha! I'm not going to prison knowing that she's walking around!"

Sasha tried to grab the knife from Rick, but he shoved her away. She stumbled, her head hitting the wall and she slumped down. Rick started walking towards me and I backed up. He quickly straddled me and before I could try to fight him off, I felt an immense pain in my side. The cold metal burned and Rick got off of me, leaving the knife in me. I could feel the blood leaving my body. I closed my eyes, wishing that Alayna was here with me.

I could barely hear the crash and screaming. There was a gun shot and then quiet.

"Stella?" Clara' s voice said. "Stay with me baby! They'll be here soon."

"Cl-clara," I breathed.

"Shhhh, baby. Don't talk," she said, tears brimming her eyes. "You need to stay. We can't lose you now...she's so excited to tell you..."


I heard mumbled voices around me as I opened my eyes, slowly adjusting myself to the blinding light. I reconized the beeping of a heart monitor and suddenly realized what all happened. I jerked up, then cried out in pain when my side felt like it was being torn apart.


I dropped back down in pain and saw Rose rush to me. She hugged me, taking care not to put pressure on my side. "Oh my gosh, I was so worried! They said you lost so much blood and that the knife barely missed one of your arteries!"

"Where....where's Rick?" I asked.

Clara walked up to the bed. "He's in prison awaiting trial, but he's going away for good. You don't have to worry about him."

"And Sasha?"

"She was unconscious when I came in," Clara said.

"She tried to help me."

"How?" Clara asked.

I swallowed. "When Rick said he was going to kill me....and when he tried to, she fought him. She tried to help me. I don't want her punished."

"Well, no matter what they are both going to prison," Clara said. "But the amount of time they serve can depend on if you press charges or not."

I nodded and looked at Rose. "Does Alayna know?"

Rose' s face softened. "Stella....she didn't want to come."


"Maybe you should get some rest," Rose said. "We can talk about this later."

"No. No, I want to know. Tell me."

They both looked at each other and I braced myself, knowing that this was bad.

Clara sat down on the edge of the bed. "Rose called Alayna and told her what happened. Alayna said she didn't want to see you. She...she said...she said she didn't want to be annoyed anymore."

I closed my eyes as I felt a pain in my chest. My heart physically hurt. The pain I'm my side was nothing compared to the ache in my heart. I felt empty. Those words kept repeating themselves over and over again.


I opened my eyes. "Yeah?"

Rose looked at me and placed her hand over mine. "I'm sorry sweetie. I really am. I know how you felt towards her."

I shrugged my shoulders and faked a smile. "It's fine. Seriously, I figured as much."

Rose and Clara both gave me their 'I know you're lying looks.' It was kind of creepy. "Seriously, I was losing feelings for her anyway."

Clara was about to speak when there was a knock on the door. It opened and a doctor walked in. "I see you're awake Miss...?"

"Waters," I mumbled.

The doctor nodded. "Well, you were stabbed with a carving knife, luckily it wasn't too deep. You lost a lot of blood and it barely missed your liver. You should be free to leave in about a week."

"Okay," I replied. "Thank you."

He nodded and left the room. I turned to look back at Clara and Rose. I saw Clara staring at Rose with a look I knew all too well. I pushed the emotions I was currently feeling aside.

"Okay," I started. "There's something you guys want to tell me, isn't there?"

Rose smiled. "Well, two things actually. The first is...well, me and Clara are together."

My eyes widened and a smile broke onto my face. "Seriously?! How long?"

Clara placed her hand on top of Rose's. "8 years. Ever since you were 8."

"Why didn't you guys tell me?" I asked. "That's so sweet!"

They both smiled and Rose spoke up. "We're glad you think so, because we have a surprise for you."

I narrowed my eyes. "What is it?"

"You'll find out when you're all better," Clara said.

I groaned. "Seriously?"

Rose smiled. "Trust me. It will be worth it."

"It will," Clara said. "But right now you need to rest. Will you be okay here on your own for a little bit? I have to go to the office to fill out paperwork and Rose needs to get some sleep herself."

I nodded. "I'll be fine. You guys go on. I'm kinda tired anyway. I'll probably just sleep."

They both nodded. Rose came over and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "We'll be back soon."

They both walked out the door and I sighed. I held my breath, hoping it would stop me from crying or make the terrible feeling in my chest go away. The voices came back in my head, replaying everything over and over again. The tears slipped down my face and I didn't bother to hide them. I didn't bother to wipe them away. I cried until my throat was dried up and there were no tears left.

My side ached with all the deep breathing I had been doing. I placed my hand lightly on my side where I had been stabbed and closed my eyes, letting my exhaustion catch up with me.

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