Kung Fu Wolf

By Happy_Hyena

87.1K 1.6K 386

Eria is Po's sister and she packs one heck of a punch. When her noodle wagon is getting robbed she is saved b... More

Rocket chair
Dragon warrior!?!?
Bring it old man
Noodle accident


6.1K 142 25
By Happy_Hyena

Eria's pov

"Dragon warrior!" The crowd cheered as we got carried swiftly into a very... different building. Po's palanquin was tipped swiftly by the pigs and Po fell out ungratefully onto the tiled floor, the geese carrying mine waited till I jumped out of mine unlike Po's carriers.

"Wait a second!" Po yelled, the geese and pigs started dashing to the door

"Thanks guys!" I yelled towards them as the door shut. Po walked towards the door slowly

"I think there's been a mistake" Po said mostly to himself "everyone seems to think that I'm... uh"

"Pfft, no way!" I saw Po jump slightly so I'm guessing he forgot I was here "I know for a fact that Oogway chose us for a reason!" I chirped, I saw Po challengingly raise an eyebrow at me "I know because..." I tried thinking of a reason but really couldn't think of one "because...I feel it in my gut! Can't you?" I said poking his belly

"No I can't actuall- uh" he takes a second to look at where we are "ooh! The Sacred Hall of Warriors! No way!" He said gaping. I quickly looked around the room to see the emerald coloured dragons wrapping around the pillars and delicate golden artworks on the walls. The candles set up a dim lighting around the pond in the back of the room

"Wow. more impressive than I thought" I said shutting Po's mouth using with my paw "they even have an indoor pool!" I said pointing at the circular pond

"Wow!" He gasped. Po swiftly grabbed my paw and dragged me to a red spiked rhino armour set? "Master Flying Rhino's armour, with authentic battle damage!" He said dramatically but still with a lot of excitement

"Rhino's can't fly Po" I said to him in a serious scolding voice. He looked at me with a confused look

"No the armour flys" he said like it's obvious. I was about to tell him that armour doesn't fly either when he started pulling me off again, I guess I can let him believe what he wants I sigh "whoa!" He says rushing to a sword that has a green dragon on it

"What is it this time 'The Flying Sword' or 'Master Rhino's Digging Spade'?" I asked sarcastically

"No those two are over there" he says seriously, I blink at him and he says "I was joking..." he says slowly

".....Ha" I say with my ears pinned and a blank look "what is it actually?" I asked perking my ears up trying to sound excited

"The Sword of Heroes!" He said excited again looking at me, I nod showing that I'm listening to him "said to be so sharp you can cut yourself just by looking" I look at it with suspicious eyes don't feel myself being cut at all

"Haha I looked at it and it did nothing. Guess it's just a myth" I said to Po proudly

"Reall- ow!" He yelped and sucked on his newly cut finger. I looked at my hand and noticed it had 3 new cuts on it I sighed quietly and wrapped my hand and Po's finger with the bandages I bring for training. Po gasped again and dragged me along while I sighed "'The Invisible Trident of Destiny'!" He exclaimed looking at nothing, I blankly looked at him like he was stupid.... which he is, I internally laughed "I've only seen paintings of that painting" Po gasped in awe

"Po" I sigh "the paintings of that painting are the exact same!" I yelled at him

"No this is the original" he stated, I made a whining noise and Po just dragged me along again giddily laughing at all the paintings, swords and other strange items. I think I saw a metal banana at some point actually. Po gasped in the middle of the room

"No!" He said excited and disbelief "oh, ho, ho, ho, ho! 'The Legendary Urn of Whispering Warriors'" he said quieter

"One too many 'ho's there Santa" I said nudging his arm slightly, he looked at me before looking at the urn that was painted with wolves. My eyebrows knitted slightly and I went to touch it, Po grabbed my paw

"Said to contain the souls of the entire Tenshu army" he said said still grabbing my paw to keep me from touching it "hello?" Po whispered into the urn

"Have you finished sight seeing?" Someone asked from behind us, I turned around and saw Shifu standing there with an eyebrow raised. I looked at Po and realised he didn't see Shifu. Po gasped

"sorry, I should have come to see you first" Po said thinking the urn was speaking to him. I face palmed silently

"My patience is wearing thin" Shifu said angrier, I just looked at Po amused

"Oh... well I mean, it's not like you were going anywhere" Po said without whispering this time

"Can you turn around?" Shifu asked

"Sure" Po shrugged, I looked over to Shifu and saw him glaring at Po. Po blankly stared at him "hey. How's it going?" Po asked Shifu, and I stifled a laugh "how do you get 5000-" Po's eyes widen "Master Shifu!" Po yells turning to face Shifu, but as he turned, he knocked over the urn and I quickly caught it and focused on the wolf paintings.

I ran my paw over it softly feeling the thin lumps of paint. My eyes squinted slightly and widened again, I leaned closer to the urn, seeing the details of it. The little bumps and imperfections. Whispers reached my ears and my eyebrows furrow, the whispers get louder and louder, I tried to hear what they say. I looked away from the urn still dazed and see Shifu reaching for Po's finger, I quickly grabbed Shifu's paw without thinking and glared at him

"I may be nice, kind, and... stupid as you would put it, but I swear if you lay a finger on Po, you won't live a long life" I said glaring at him

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