Glitch (Prinxiety)

By Creativelyinsane14

69.9K 3K 1.7K

Glitch- a sudden, usually temporary malfunction of irregularity of equipment "Isn't he a glitch?" "Yes techni... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
happy birthday!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
New book idea?
Opinion book

Chapter 8

4.3K 201 54
By Creativelyinsane14

    When Anx got to his room he couldn't being himself to open the door. He knew what would await him. Bloody sheets. He couldn't. He didn't want to. He couldn't even bring himself to turn the knob.
    "You alright?" Prince had seen him.
    "Yeah m'fine." He responded.
     He heard prince's door open. It didn't close. "Then why aren't you moving?" He questioned.
     Anx didn't respond. "Do you want to hang in my room?" Prince said in a lighter tone. Anx nodded.
    "C'mon then. I'll give you a tour." He said holding the door open.
     Anxiety scoffed at him but walked into his room. He couldn't contain the gasp. It was huge! Well it was bigger than his room which wasn't saying much.
Disney posters litered the walls. He saw some Disney movies and a few marvel on a floor to ceiling bookcase. When he saw the harry potter movies, however he came up with a plan.
    "Lets do a harry potter movie marathon." He said picking up the first movie.
    "Okay. I haven't watched them in ages!" Prince responded excitedly.
     So they sat down and watched the entire thing, all of them. Occasionally getting up for popcorn and they did have a good snack every two movies or so. Snack usually meant chocolate or other junk food.
    So they were in the kitchen after successfully finishing all of the movies.
    "Hey, do you remember the harry potter in 99 seconds bid that jon cozart did?" Prince asked suddenly.
    "Yeah, that was pretty great." He said smiling slightly.
     So Prince started humming the tune and within a few seconds the humming turned into singing that became obnoxious after princey grabbed two spoons to use as microphones. They were both practically screaming the lyrics when they were summoned.
    Anxiety realized this imediately and dropped the spoon. However it took a while for prince. He actually got to the end before realizing what had happened. He dropped his spoon and blushed.
    "Should I ask why you were shouting that at the top of your lungs?" Logic asked, eyebrow raised.
    Prince slowly raised a finger to point at anxiety.
    "Why am I blamed for everything?" He demanded.
     This launched them into a whole argument over who was at fault and who got blamed more. After a while Anx noticed something odd and stopped talking, it's not like his mouth would cooperate anyways.
    "Why'd you stop talking?" Prince asked him.
     And slowly raised a finger to point in Thomas's direction. They couldn't believe their eyes.
     There, on the wall, was a picture of Corey. It was fanart but it was exactly like him. Every little detail. The cold stare made him shiver.
    "That's a fanart that I got in the mail today..." Thomas trailed off.
    "Th-that's- it's- I-he" Anxiety couldn't get a word out.
    "That's an exact copy of a corey. He's the one who..." Prince explained for Anx.
    "He hurt Anxiety pretty badly." Logan added.
    "Yeah, that." Anx said quietly.
    "Oh." Thomas rushed over and tore it down, putting it in the trash before pulling the dark trait into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry."
     "Its okay. I'm okay. We're all okay. Don't blame yourself." He said wrapping his arms around the host and rubbing his back.
    Soon enough Mo' joined in and then Roman and finally Logan. A giant sanders sides group hug. When they finally broke apart there was a comfortable silence before Prince said "What movie are we going to watch?"
    They all burst out laughing and eventually Thomas said "How's Moana sound?"
    The other traits nodded their agreement.
     "I got popcorn!" Patton rushed into the kitchen.
     "I'll get the movie going." Logic grabbed it from the shelf.
      "That leaves you two to help me with the fort." Anx was known for his pillow forts.


    "No princey, the other way!" Anx said for the millionth time. But the fort was finally done, after an hour.
    Movie time. They all sat down with their own buckets of extra buttery popcorn and loads of blankets.
    By the end of the movie Logan and Mo' were curled up together and so were Anx and Princey. Thomas took photos of course, he wanted to watch the fanders go crazy over prinxiety and logicality. C'mon, it would be funny!
     He woke up them all and showed them the photos on tumblr. Anx was so embarassed. So was Prince. The other two just chuckled and reblogged on their own tumblrs because why not?

Not alot of angst here. Be prepared for next chapter. Anyways thanks so much for reading and don't forget to vote and comment any thoughts. We talk next chapter!


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