Falling for the Unexpected

By Chelsea_Frye

270K 8K 440

Living on the tenth floor of the Plaza, designing shoes for the best company, and dating her high school swee... More

Prologue ✔
Chapter One: A Daily Adult Life ✔️
Chapter Two: The Arrival of the New Boss ✔️
Chapter Four: Hiding in Black and Bushes ✔️
Chapter Five: The Proposal ✔
Chapter Six: The Ordeal of a Personal Assistant ✔️
Chapter Seven: An Introduction ✔️
Chapter Eight: The Girl in the Pictures
Chapter Nine: The Ultimate Surprise
Chapter Ten: The Closer, The Better
Chapter Eleven: Heart Breaks & Betrayal
Chapter Twelve: The Comfort of Prince Charming
Chapter Thirteen: It's a Working Process
Chapter Fourteen: The Preparation
Chapter Fifteen: The Fashion Show
Chapter Sixteen: Forgive & Forget
Chapter Seventeen: An Existence without You
Chapter Eighteen: Here comes the Bride
Chapter Nineteen: One Last Chance
Chapter Twenty: Truth be Told
Chapter Twenty One: The Departure
Author's Note

Chapter Three: The Interview ✔️

13.3K 401 23
By Chelsea_Frye

I know sometimes readers don't like having a cast, but I really think it does help with the imagining the book play in your head thing. So Happy readings!

The Interview

The interviews were set for today. Last names from letters A to N were first to go and tomorrow the remaining letters will have theirs. Many were nervous. Dealing with the amount of work they all had and an interview stressed everybody out. It determined whether you stay or you go, you're in or out.

Everyone was required to arrive early today so interviews could be done and over with. Audrey sat on her chair, more nervous for Jessica whose interview took place today. The intercom announced that Greg Albany was needed in Jacob's office.

"Jessica aren't you worried?" Audrey asked.

"Why would I? I was hired because I was capable of this job as a designer in this company." Jessica answered confidently. "Mr. Harris wouldn't hire just anyone. He hired you because you have potential and balls to do the job."

Jessica Hughes was always a very competitive and confident person. Unlike Audrey, she could live independently without a man's companionship. With negative outcomes of each relationship she entered, she decided that she didn't need a man to satisfy her needs and make her happy. Ever since her relationship with big-head Dylan Holmes, she remained single for the past years.

At the designers' room, Audrey sketch a pair of shoes thinking of a new design for the annual summer gala. She drew a simple, but elegant flat shoe embellished with lace. It looked very intricate to copy.

Jessica sneaked behind Audrey's back and grabbed her sketch pad. "Ah! Sketching to impress the boss," she teased, examining her work carefully. "Pretty, good! Maybe you can show him."

"Ugh no. I'm just sketching." Audrey answered, seriously. "I have no intention of showing him either."

"Hmm... Okay" Jessica replied. "I got a question for you. Don't you think he's cute though?"

"Dunno, I-"

"C'mon! I know you when you're attracted to a person. You tend to stare and become in a weary state. You're like... Like you can't find contentment." Jessica pointed out.

"Really, I do that?" Audrey questioned. "I guess he is kinda cute, but I can't."

"Let me guess, you're not ready to mingle with others. C'mon move on already! I'm sure you'll find someone else," Jessica advised. "Now is your chance. Hint, hint."

"Really?" Audrey demurred. "Oh, he's the boss and he wouldn't go for a lowly, dainty, timid girl like me. Maybe, now's your chance. You're a beautiful, poised, confident woman."

Jessica shook her head, lightly, disagreeing with Audrey's statement. "Don't think like that! Social class and looks isn't everything. What matters most is the inside. You're a great, significant person, Audrey. Any guy would be stupid to not chose you."

"Thanks, Jessica!"

"You're welcome, best!" They shared a quick hug. A rumble from Jessica's stomach sounded. "Oh there goes my stomach. Wanna go eat now?" she asked.

"Sure," Audrey replied. "And you better get fed. You're up next Jessica."

"Like I said, I don't care!"

An hour later, Jessica's interview took place. She wasn't worried at all. She actually thought this was all a scheme to scare people. Mr. Harris wouldn't approve of firing loyal workers who've been in the company for years. Jacob would be demented if he did that. As for Audrey, she continued off with her designs.

After thirty minutes, Jessica was back with the results. "So how was it?" Audrey asked in curiosity.

"Not at all surprised. It was simple and effortless," Jessica boasted with annoyance plastered on her face. "I don't know why people were so stressing about it."

"Why? What'd he ask?" Audrey questioned, furrowing her brows.

"Nonsense questions. Impertinent questions that don't even relate to our status here in the company. "Rehiring," she said gesturing her hands.

"Easy for you to say!" Audrey quarreled. "You're good at talking and communicating."

"Trust me, Audrey," Jessica defended. "It's so easy! Just be yourself and you'll be alright. Alright?"

In the evening, Audrey was practicing on how to act for her interview. She stood in front of the mirror and showed facial expressions, pretending to speak to Jacob. She held her hand out pretending to shake his hands.

"Hello, Mr. Harris, nice to meet you," She said. "No that's not good!"

"Welcome to Harris & Co... Wait I don't own the company." she thought.

"Umm... Oh how about... Hi Mr. Harris nice to finally see you. Wait I sound too desperate."

She practiced all night and couldn't make up her mind about what to say, how to act and what to do. She finally figured out to trust Jessica's words. It would be easy. Just be yourself and have confidence. Let time handle the flow of things.

The next day, Audrey woke up early. Just in time, traffic wasn't so hectic. She was the first to arrive and had the chance to help the custodians and cleaners to unlock the doors and tidy the place up. In no second, the many nervous workers who were up to have their interviews arrived.

"Wow! I'm I dreaming or is this really real? Audrey you arrive earlier than me. It's a miracle!" Jessica teased.

"Oh shut up!" Audrey barked.

"And what a sophisticate look! Heels and a blazer! You look better than ever. You must really want to impress him" Jessica joked.

"Ugh no! And I don't want to get fired. You must look presentable of course." Audrey protested.

"Good luck with that, Audrey."

In the afternoon, the remaining last names with the letters U to Z were set to go. Audrey sat in her desk, anxious, playing scenarios in her head. She chewed gum, endlessly and hoped everything will go well. Jessica wasn't in the designers room due to a meeting for those who had their interviews already. Few minutes later, the next interviewee was up.

"Audrey Ward please report to the CEO's office," a woman's voice announced through the intercom.

Jacob's office was in the highest floor of the building. Unlike the designers' floor which was on the tenth floor, Jacob was on the twentieth floor of the building. There were very limited people on this floor. Audrey only spotted two women seated across from one another, taking phone calls.

Audrey approached the one ending her last phone call. "Okay, sir, I'll let Mr. Harris know," the woman said in an assuring tone. "Have a nice day!"

When she was done, Audrey tried to mutter a word, but it couldn't come out. "I-I-"

"Walk through that long hall and you'll see his office," Lexie the one who recently finished taking the phone call informed her.

"Thanks!" Audrey said, feeling some sort of shame.

"Good luck!" shouted the other woman -Sandra- from across. "He's a tough one." The two women began to giggle and bickered about some sort of new fashion trends that were being evolved.

Audrey began walking towards the long hall. This part of the building was luxurious. It was all coated white and silver and had a very pure, refreshing vibe to its interior. Portraits of past founders of the company, awards and certificates were hung throughout the long hall. The portraits were illuminated with beaming lights to accentuate and commemorate the past leaders.

Looking across from here to there, she suddenly felt an awful feeling in her stomach. She felt like puking. "Take it easy, Audrey," she advised herself. "You want to stay in this company. You want to keep designing shoes."

She took tiny steps towards the door. The bold words Jacob Harris, CEO was imprinted on the door which was carved with squares that slanted to resemble a diamond. A pink sticky note was taped on his door.

"Hello, interviewee! :)"

Audrey smiled and thought how nice of him to ease the tension. She kept a small smile on her face to conceal all coyness. Actually, she had trouble keeping a smile on her face due to overthinking the situation. Her mind needed to switch off so she wouldn't panic so much. She took a deep breath and knocked lightly on his door.

"Enter please," a husky voice hollered.

Audrey pulled the curved bar handle and to her surprise, she didn't find Jacob. She found the custodian, Frank Alvarez mopping the floor.

He was a very keen and strict man who had goals and dreams to send his only son to college. Unfortunately, due to low income and finance problems, Frank had to quit college to support his family back home in Mexico. Mr. Harris admired his commitment and diligence to the company and his desire for his child to excel in life.

"Mr. Alvarez, what are you doing here?" Audrey asked. "Where's young Mr. Harris?"

"Mopping the floor. It's very dirty" Frank replied. "Young Mr. Harris is coming, Senorita."

"Oh, I'm really nervous for this interview," Audrey shared. "He's so intimidating to talk too."

"No, worries!" Frank assured her. "He is very nice, Senorita."

"Thanks!" Audrey slightly smiled ever so nervous and anxious.

Frank continued cleaning and Audrey awaited in silence. She sat on the sofa chairs where a glass coffee table was set in the center of the room. She made observations around Jacob's office. It was much luxurious and surely the most expensive room in this building.

The interior of the room expressed personality. The smell of success lingered around from the fancy chairs and lamps all set around his office. The room was huge. There must have been a hundred doors leading to whose knows. The colors grey, white and silver were spread out throughout his office. Modern and tradition styles were blended together and created a grand look. A breathtaking view of NYC was captured through his enormous window and his desk stood behind it all.

Frank dusted his father's gold trophies and framed certificates kept inside a gigantic glass cabinet. Everything was kept neat and organized maintained by Frank, himself.

After her inspection, the door came swinging with an eager Jacob. He carried Starbucks coffee on his right hand and his cellphone on the other, taking a phone call.

"Will do, Mr. Lows. I'll have my father notified," he reassured the worried man and ended the phone call. "Is the next interviewee here?"

"Here," Audrey replied apprehensively.

"An early bird, great!" Jacob expressed with a smile. "Thanks, Frank!"

He patted him on the shoulder. Frank nodded in response and gathered his materials and left. Jacob walked over to a room containing all the filing cabinets and held a folder. The name Audrey Ward was imprinted on the cover and a picture was clipped to the side.

He headed to his desk and signaled Audrey to sit in front. He looked it over, before speaking. "Audrey Ward, is it?"

"Yes sir," she replied as she took her seat.

"So you're a designer here at Harris Shoe Company. It said here that you finished with an English major and studied literature and arts," Jacob reviewed and had a transfixed expression on his face.

"Yes, that's right," Audrey assured him. She had the sudden urge to slap him and leave with no words to say. Instead, she remained seated, nodding her head.

"Why work here? If you do have those skills, why not become an author or become a teacher? Why did you become a designer instead?" he questioned as he toyed with the wooden pencil.

Audrey mustered all her courage to speak. She cleared her throat to sound articulate and clear. "I'm not a risk taker, Mr. Harris or younger Mr. Harris."

"Jacob," he interrupted, "Just call me Jacob."

Audrey nodded her head. "Ugh, I was saying that I take every opportunity I have. Your father, Mr. Harris, saw potential in me and hired me as a designer. I guess, writing can wait because designing shoes isn't such a job I dread."

"Well," Jacob arose from his seat and walked over to Audrey and sat on the edge of the desk, rubbing his chin. "Ms. Ward, wouldn't you want to do what you always wanted?"

"It would be fun wouldn't it, but like I said, designing shoes is my job. I learn to take opportunities not deny them and walk away." Audrey flashed a weary smile. "And besides, if I write, it will take months or even years to be discovered. It has been two glorious years in your company. It feels like home already!"

"I'm glad you feel that way. Satisfying all your needs has been part of my father's deeds," he responded, informatively. "He has a passion for helping others and I wouldn't allow anyone to take advantage of his generosity."

"Yes, he has a very big heart and I would never take advantage of him. With my service, I shall repay him. My dream can wait. Right now, I should be thankful for this job," she assured him.

Jacob seem bewildered about Audrey. There was something about her that made her differ from the others."If that's the case then," he said, "show me your designs."

"But, it's not that good," she admitted, keeping a tight grasp of her shoulder bag.

"I've never seen it yet and let me be the judge of that," he said, reaching her a hand.

"Fine here, but it's not the best," she said again and rummaged through her bag and took her sketch pad.

He hastened to grab her sketch pad. As he observed it, he wore a transfixed expression.
"Well, for a writer you have really nice designs. You have skills but it's concealed with shyness. It's very detailed and well put together. Maybe it can be part of our new launch. Have you ever tried to bring it up during the meetings?"

"Umm... Not really." Audrey muttered.

"You should!" he objected, "What's the point of being a designer, if you don't show it."

"I guess, but-"

"But?" He raised his brows and crossed his hands against his chest.

"I'm not as good as the others," she answered.

"Why do you belittle yourself so much?" he questioned back. "Like you said, you take every opportunities you have.

"I do, but I don't know."

"Well, stop covering your talent with a blanket," he advised her. "Ms. Ward, one last thing. Choose a number from one to ten."

"Ugh... What's this gotta to do with the interview?"she asked.

"Just pick to get this over with." he said exasperated.

"Umm, five."

"Five," he said and picked up a index card and read, "how do you know, if the person you love is really the one? he asked awkwardly.

"How is that related to our topic?" she asked, curiously.

"Uh... That question seem to be impertinent huh."

"Yes, very," she informed him.

"Here, what do you wish to aspire in this company?" he asked.

"Oh uh, like I said, opportunities should never be denied so becoming a skilled designer not just with shoes but with other things also has me inspired to better myself.
There is always a room for improvements," she confidently answered with a bucket of glee. "And repaying the never ending kindness of your father is my responsibility."

"Thank you Ms. Ward," he concluded.

"Just call me , Audrey." She smiled. "Ms. Ward sounds too formal."

"Nice to meet you, Audrey." He held out his hand, waiting for Audrey to shake it.

Audrey nodded and reached for his hand but it was interrupted by a ring. Jacob reached for his phone that was set on his table.

He picked it up lazily and answered it. "Diane, another meeting? Okay, informed them that I'll be there." He hung up quickly, saying no thank you or goodbye at all.

"Such a nice way to end a call," Audrey blurted, sarcastically out of accident. In the inside, she regretted every word she said.

"None of your damn business. And for the record, you can go now unless you want to stay here," he fired back.

She got up awkwardly and hissed, "I don't want stay here."

"Then leave!" he hissed back.

She glanced at him once more before heading to the doorway. Before she pushed the handle, Jacob hollered, "No goodbye?"

She glanced at him again and gave him a deer caught in the headlight stare. She exited his office, with no words to say to him. "None of your damn business," she said, mocking him. "I don't care either!"

As she headed back to her office, she felt a sudden relief. The weight was finally lifted off her chest. Trusting Jessica's words was the best thing she had. She vowed to never hesitate and be doubtful of securing her faith to Jessica ever again.

"Hey Jessica," Audrey greeted with a smile from ear to ear.

Jessica didn't notice her at first but when she did, she quickly slid her phone in her purse. "Audrey," She greeted as her voice trembled.

"Hey, you seem weary," Audrey assumed.

"What do you mean?" Jessica questioned. Her weary expression turned sour and her arms crossed tightly against her chest.

"You were with your phone and suddenly disposed it quickly," Audrey pointed out. "Care for me to demonstrate?"

"No need," Jessica assured. "I was just texting and enjoying the convenience of technology."

"Texting who?" Audrey questioned.

"You don't need to know that," Jessica persuaded her. "It's no one important."

"Why? I'm your best friend," Audrey declared, her tone serious.

"Ugh oh..." she uttered, trying to dodge the shots. "So how's the interview?"

Audrey knew that she was trying to change the subject by asking questions about her interview. She decided to just let it go. Holding grudges wasn't a natural thing Audrey would do.

She held her breath and slowly exhaled. "He was intimidating at first. He was asking questions about why I was a designer and not a writer or teacher when I finished with a English major and studied literature and arts. Then, I told that opportunities like these should never be denied. I was getting comfortable with him till he told me to mine my damn business," she narrated.

"See, it wasn't that bad," Jessica retorted.

"I guess but at first it was nerve racking, but at least it's all over," Audrey said in relief. "So Jessica, after such an exhausting week and I think I finally got over you know who, you want to go out and watch a movie? It's Friday and you know what I like to do on Fridays."

"Sorry Audrey, I have stuff to do," she replied in dismal.

"What, why?" Audrey's smile turned upside down.

Jessica phone's rang again and she quickly fished her phone out of her purse. Taking quick glances at her phone and Audrey, she declined the call.

"Oh, I'm busy, maybe next time. I have to go," Jessica uttered and grabbed all her things and hung her purse around her shoulder. "Bye, see ya at Monday!"

Jessica sprinted to the door and disappeared in a split second. Audrey was all alone. She had suspicions about her dear friend, Jessica. No one ever refused to a girl's night out.

"What's going on, Jessica? She questioned to herself. "You don't want me to investigate."



What is Jessica up to? Find out next on chapter four.

That's the end of chapter three. I'm making them extra longer. I hope you enjoyed it though.

Edited! Hope it's all good, guys!

If ya like:
-comment/ review(It'll make me a better writer)
-follow me, if you'd like. That will be greatly appreciated.

•Thanks for reading and stay tune!•

With Love,


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