I'm Here For You, Always {Seq...

By Kayla_Boschert23

15.8K 220 20

4 years later Kayla and Tayler moved to Austin Texas to start growing their family. Both Kayla's and Tayler's... More

Chapter 1: Unpacking In Austin Texas
{Not an Update} Just what they look like and How old they are
Chapter 2: The Big Surprise
Chapter 3: The Big Surprise {part 2}
Chapter 4: The First Ultrasound
Chapter 5: Destiny's Surprise
{Not an Update} Just more characters and the ages they are and relation.
Chapter 6: Finding Out The Gender!
Chapter 7: The Baby Shower
Chapter 8: Destiny's Wedding
Chapter 9: Morgan is Having a Baby!
Chapter 10: Baby Katherine is Here!
Chapter 11: Finding out the Gender!! {Destiny's baby}
Chapter 12: Destiny's Baby Shower
Chapter 13: Telling the family about the pregnancy
{Not an Update More Characters and their ages}
Chapter 14: Destiny Gets Her Daughter Back
Chapter 15: Why Did He have to Show Up
Chapter 16: Finding out the gender!!! (Morgan's baby)
Chapter 17: Kaedie and Joey Come Home!!!!
Chapter 18: My Best Friend is Coming to Visit!!
Chapter 19: Kayla's 3 months Doctors Appointment
Chapter 20: Morgan's Ex Comes Back
Chapter 22: Finding out the GENDER of the Twins {T&K}

Chapter 21: Getting New Puppies

248 6 0
By Kayla_Boschert23

Tayler's POV

Today we're going to get us some new puppies!!!! I already have them picked out so that way Kayla and the kids can see them. I actually already adopted them for us, but I want to see if Kayla loves them the way we love our children. Kayla, the kids and I finally made it to the animal shelter and we headed to the front desk where the lady took us to the adoption area and brought out the 2 puppies I already had picked out. "Tayler they are so cute!!!! I want both of them." said Kayla. "Good cause I already adopted them." I said to her. "For real dad. You already adopted them?" I nodded. Justin just smiled really big and hugged me really tight. Kayla looked at me with tears in her eyes and I went over to her and hugged her. "Are you ready to take them home?" I said to her. She nodded and we grabbed the puppies and we went home to show everyone our new puppies.

After we get to the car Kayla asks Justin "What do you want to name the puppies Justin." "I want to name the black one Jackson and the white one Lulu." Kayla nodded and started to work on their name tag designs.

{Jackson Holder, 1 month, The Holder Family Dog}

{Lulu Holder, 1 month, The Holder Family Dog}

Kayla's POV

We finally get home and Tayler and I each carried a puppy into the house. "We're home!" Tayler yelled. I heard everyone come running to the living room. Everyone was excited for the new puppies. "Awe they're so cute what are their names?" said Morgan. "The white one's name is Lulu and the black one's name is Jackson." said Tayler. I go to the office to make the dog tags for Lulu and Jackson. When I came back out of the office and I see everyone playing with the puppies. I go to the bedroom where Tayler and I had some extra collars when we still had Luna and Rufus. I gave Tayler the blue collar to put on Jackson and I kept the pink on toe put on Lulu.
Tayler looks at me and I looked back and smiled at him and laid my head on his shoulder and watched everyone play with the new puppies.

Awe look at that..... They finally got their new puppies. What will happen next for Kayla and the family??? Will we finally find out what the twins are???

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