A Life Worth Living (an Edwar...

By bumblebee_5n4p3

4K 145 62

(This is the brother narrative to 'Leave me'- Severus' POV of the same story). This is a Harry Potter/Twiligh... More

Chapter 1- Godric's Hollow
Chapter 2- Recognition
Chapter 3- Forgiveness Part 1
Chapter 3- Forgiveness Part 2
Chapter 3- Forgiveness Part 3
Chapter 4- Guilt
Chapter 5 - Return
Chapter 6- Extraordinary Circumstances
Chapter 7 - The Anticipated Guest

A Life worth Living (an Edward and Severus fanfic)

1.4K 30 13
By bumblebee_5n4p3

Introduction to a Harry Potter and Twilight Saga cross-over fanfiction

By bumblebee_5n4p3

'A life worth living' (Edward's POV + input from other Cullens/Jake)

'Leave me' (Severus' POV + input from other HP characters)

Thank you for clicking on my cross-over story! I so appreciate your interest in my writing and I hope you enjoy reading this brief introduction.

Important information:

DISCLAIMER: the characters in both of these stories are NOT of my creation; they are the imaginings of the wonderful JK Rowling and Stephenie Meyer. I am merely playing around with both of these worlds and forcing these amazing literary characters to meet!

COPYRIGHT statement: The plot lines and dialogue depicted in this story are of my own creation, and are not to be copied/pasted onto other websites or used without my expressed written permission. Therefore, all rights to this story are my own (with much thanks to Stephenie and JK for creating such a wonderful world), so please don't plagiarise my hard work :) Thank you!

COPYRIGHT of other fan fictions: Just for the record, I have only read one cross-over story in my life. The author of that particular story is aware that I am writing my own cross-over, and I have assured her (honestly) that my story will be very different from hers. I imagine that the plot line I outline below may be quite a common one out there, but if this is the case, I have NOT read any such stories. Therefore, these ideas are entirely my own, and copyright of fellow authors was not in any way intended.

As underlined above, there are two stories that will come out of this cross-over: one from Edward's perspective and one from Severus'. However, there are times (especially towards the beginning of the story) where other characters may need their POV told for various reasons. However, once the story 'gets going' it will be an Edward/Severus fic. Therefore, the same story will be told from these two points of view (with brief inputs from other characters). For those who are concerned that they will be almost identical retellings, do not fear; they will be very different. As such, they will be posted as two separate stories, but as I say, they will revolve around the same plotline. Having said the above, please note that this story is still a work in progress.

I have not written ANY of the chapters for either of these stories. But rest assured that ideas, dialogue and plot twists are constantly on my mind! Therefore, updates will not occur consistently, but I promise to update whenever I have the next chapter ready to post; I will not hold out on you!

There are aspects of this story (especially at the beginning) that cover quite a serious topic. I will mention it again when I get to that part of my story, but I wish to say from the outset that in no way do I endorse the behaviour that I 'make' these characters do (or try to do) in my story.

Finally, I am a writer who loves to create plotlines compatible with canon. This means that, where possible, the events in canon will remain the same in my stories. However, given the context of this fanfic, I am hoping you will understand why I will need to make some substantial alterations to some aspects of the plot line. You will get an idea of how big these changes will be right now :)


Anyone wishing to understand this cross-over story needs to read this introduction (to understand alterations I will be making to the canon timeline), and also have quite a firm knowledge of both the Harry Potter and Twilight worlds. But even if you don't, I hope it will still be an interesting story for you to read!

Anyway, this introduction will set the scene for the beginning of 'A life worth living' and 'Leave me'. Please note that I will update each story alternating (unless I am inspired to continue writing from one character's perspective for a while. If this is the case, you will find out on my facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/Bumblebee5n4p3 Please 'like' this page if you haven't already :D. Also, I will post up 'teasers' for the upcoming chapters on this page once I have written them :)

While this prologue will provide you with a rough idea of what to expect, I hope you can appreciate that I may add or change various aspects in future chapters. If this happens, I will be sure to let you know on facebook and in my author's notes J

Happy reading, I can't wait to hear what you guys think of my cross-over idea!


31st October, 1981

By 5pm, the Cullens had loaded their luggage into their cars (the rest of their belongings were already on the freight ship to Washington), and had farewelled their England home, where they had lived for the past ten years. They were moving back to their home in Forks which they haven't visited for multiple decades to ensure that anyone who would recognise them was now deceased. With a few hours to kill before they were due to catch their plane to the USA, and having hunted that morning, the Cullens decided to explore the dark lit streets in the hope of finding some amusement, perhaps some children dressed up as vampires for Halloween.

Together they ran quite a distance until they found a place that appeared lively with trick-or-treaters: 'Godric's Hollow'. Having never heard of the place, the Cullens decided to explore it, making an effort not to be seen. However, what they thought were children partaking in Halloween, were actually full-grown men and women wearing elaborate robes as they celebrated on the streets.

Was the tradition in this small town different from the others with regard to Halloween? The Cullens turned to Edward to see if he had gathered from the thoughts of those around them, what they were celebrating so passionately. Immediately Edward was able to provide them with an answer; their enthusiastic thoughts were crowding his mind, he could barely concentrate.

Hiding behind a house in the darkness, Edward whispered under his breath:

"A man who they identify as someone who 'Must not be named' has died- killed in a confrontation with a- with an infant..." Edward trailed off wondering if what he heard was even possible.

"My goodness, is the child alright?" Esme asked, her voice high with worry.

Edward paused for a moment listening to the thoughts around him, searching for an answer; surely one of them would know?

"Yes," he was finally able to report. "He is alive." Following this, Edward listened intently, his eyebrows knit together in concentration as he tried to make sense of the new information he was receiving from a short, portly man about fifty feet away.

"This man's death is incredibly mysterious," Edward pondered aloud, unable to determine anything beyond that so far.

"How do you mean?" Jasper asked, not able to sense any trepidation amongst any of the humans in the vicinity.

"No one is quite sure how he died," Edward clarified in a mysterious whisper, "only that he meant to kill the child but failed to do so... he perished instead."

"Is that even possible?" Carlisle queried, and then remained silent for a moment to contemplate how a human could try to kill a baby, and for it to then go so horribly wrong.

"Why did he want to kill a harmless infant?" Carlisle demanded, outraged that someone would attempt to take the life of an innocent child.

"I suppose there is a chance he wasn't harmless," Emmett contributed, though the broad smile on his face told his family he was only joking. Nevertheless, they couldn't help but take him seriously; it was the only plausible explanation.

Considering that no one around them seemed tended towards killing the child themselves, it seemed unlikely the boy was a danger to anyone, and indeed, what could an infant do to endanger the life of a full-grown man? Yet the attire of the celebrating adults around them, and the mysterious question of how an attempt at murder could literally backfire, left the Cullens feeling like they were missing some important information.

From what began as a curious and brief stroll through Godric's Hollow became an extensive exploration of the town to see what further information they could find. Despite walking in the light of the streetlamps, no one seemed to pay them any notice; these humans were so exuberant- so thrilled to be free of this 'Dark Lord' that they paid no attention to the seven gorgeous 'humans' who walked in their midst.

Edward, who was leading his family down the street, suddenly came to a halt, his eyes captivated by a series of multicoloured lights which shone brightly ahead of him in the absence of any bulbs or electricity. Walking slowly forward, Edward eventually laid eyes on what, or rather who, was creating the mysterious lights.

He stared in awe at the wooden 'sticks' being held by four robe-clad humans, two men and two women, who were chanting a spell that caused red, green, blue, and purple lights to swirl artistically up into the sky.

Witches and Wizards... performing magic with their wands, Edward informed himself slowly as he forced himself to accept the evident reality that magic-wielding humans exist. Although this realisation was difficult to believe, in that moment, everything fit together perfectly; all of these people were wizards and witches. This man whose death everyone was celebrating must have tried to kill the infant with some form of Dark Magic. Of course, the underlying question of 'why' was still to be determined.

Edward communicated this shocking discovery to his family, and received alarmed glares from each of them; they had no idea that magical humans existed, let alone so close to where they had lived for the past ten years. Yet, it was quite clear that the bright streams of light were indeed exploding out of wands left, right and centre as these witches and wizards lit up the sky with a brilliant display of fireworks.

Shortly after, a resounding cheer of: "To Harry Potter, the boy who lived!" filled the small town, and the Cullens assumed that Harry Potter was the young child now famous for somehow causing the death of 'He who must not be named'.

Deciding that it would not be wise to stay in Godric's Hollow much longer (even though Edward had not picked up on anyone who recognised them as being 'abnormal') the Cullens inconspicuously ran back to their cars. Having piled into the Volvo and Mercedes, which would come with them via ship to the United States (their other vehicles were already waiting for them in Forks), the family of vampires discussed the events they witnessed in Godric's Hollow on the way to the airport. Various questions regarding whether the Volturi knew of this magical human community, the size of the wizarding population, and pondering over what else they could do with their wands other than make fireworks and kill one another, were all hot topics of conversation in both cars.

Edward, who was leading the convoy towards the airport in his Volvo with Alice and Jasper, unexpectedly turned off the main road. Confused by this detour, Carlisle decided to follow his son; it was imperative that they stay together. After driving two hundred metres down a dark suburban street, Edward pulled up in a dingy backstreet. Jasper and Alice exited the car behind Edward, none of them speaking to one another as if this unexplained stop, when their plane was due to leave in three hours, was perfectly understandable. However, to the occupants of the other car, their behaviour was extremely strange. It took a second for Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle and Esme to be by their side, all of them looking quizzically at the other three of their coven.

Considering the sound of incoherent drunken drawling and the stench of stale alcohol, it was no surprise to any of them that at the end of the alley was a pub.

"Where are we?" Rosalie asked, her nose scrunched up in disgust at being in such a poor, rough area of England.

"Spinner's End," Emmett informed her, having managed to see the sign when Carlisle quickly turned off the road in pursuit of his son.

Rosalie snorted. "Yeah, tell me about it. Edward, what are we doing here?" she demanded in a hiss.

But Edward, Jasper, and Alice continued to remain silent, stiff and frozen. It took the others barely a second to understand that someone was affecting their family member's gifts. So they waited until one of them were able to explain what was happening.

But they didn't.

In the blink of an eye, Edward ran to the end of the alley and turned right. Immediately on his left was the pub they all knew existed even though they hadn't seen it. Jasper looked pained, but didn't make to stop his brother from whatever he planned on doing. Alice was still frozen, her gaze miles away as she focused on the future.

Carlisle struggled with himself, unsure what Edward was doing and why. Although he trusted his son would ensure his true essence remained unknown to any humans he came in contact with, Carlisle's fears got the best of him, so he and Esme walked casually towards the pub, leaving Rosalie and Emmett to watch over their brother and sister, who were monitoring the consequences of Edward's every action. They had to wait a full hour before they saw their brother again.


This was the worst day of his life. Severus Snape was barely functioning; Lily Potter was murdered by the Dark Lord two hours ago. He did not deserve to live when he was responsible for the death of someone so good. The Wizarding World was celebrating, none of them gave a shit about the fact that the Potters were dead or that their son was left orphaned. In one go, Severus swallowed his seventh whiskey appreciating the numbing effect the alcohol was having on him. Everything hurt- his mind, his limbs, it was hard to breathe, and his heart was torn into shreds. He was too traumatised to cry or even scream; he was a frozen statue of torture. Severus was certain he could never escape such pain; he could never forgive himself for what he had done.

Lily was lost forever.

Shortly after this, a tall, handsome boy walked into the pub. Severus found it obsurd that someone like this kid was allowed into such a place, or indeed, was present in Spinner's End. His shocking bronze hair was almost offensive to his eyes, and so he turned his back on the boy, and tried to ignore him.

But he couldn't...

The consequences of the conversation that followed between this boy and Severus altered the future in such a complex way that not even Alice could fully comprehend it...


On the way to the airport, Edward, Alice and Jasper used Bluetooth to communicate to those occupying the Mercedes what happened from the moment they drove into Spinner's End, to the moment they left. Despite the detour, the Cullens still boarded their plane on time, and left England for the United States as planned. While they had physically left Severus, the memory of him and the 'Boy who lived' never left their minds. While impossible for all of them to truly forget, Edward, Alice, and Jasper's thoughts continued to drift back to Severus as they began the next stage of their existence back in Forks.

Years 1981- 1995

During the next fourteen years, the events that take place in the Harry Potter world remain exactly as outlined in canon. While Severus never forgot the strange appearance of the tall, bronze-haired boy in the pub, he pushed it out of his mind; he had no time to think of it once he swore his allegiance to Albus Dumbledore.

Similarly, the Cullens never forgot Severus, but continued their lives as if they had never met him; he was not their concern now. Although Alice tried to search for his future, she was strangely unsuccessful. Even though she had never met the man, having seen his future previously, she thought finding him again would not be difficult. Ultimately, she gave up, knowing that no matter what she saw, there was nothing they could do about it anyway. Edward had done all he could do; they needed to move on...

While the events from the Harry Potter verse remain exactly as per canon (unless stated otherwise), the Twilight world has been altered slightly: during these 14 years (between 1981 and 1995), Edward and his family live in Forks. After the first three of these years, Bella Swan arrives to live with her father. She and Edward meet in the school year starting in September 1984. The events as per the Twilight Saga occur from this point in time which is quite a few years earlier than they do in the books.

This means that at the beginning of 1995, Harry Potter will be turning 15 years of age, Bella Swan is now Mrs Cullen (a vampire, naturally), and she and Edward have been married for 8 years. Renesmee is chronologically 8 years of age, and was recently married to Jacob Black. They do not have any children (in case you were wondering).

Having been in Forks for 14 years, the Cullens decide it is time for them to move before anyone became dangerously suspicious of their infinite youth. Although a great sacrifice for him to leave his father and his pack, Jacob is prepared to go with the Cullens to wherever they decide to live as along as he can eventually live alone with Renesmee as husband and wife.

Just like Forks, The Cullens wanted to live in a similarly overcast town where they could walk outside during the day on most days. So, the Cullens began to brainstorm previous locations they have lived that might be suitable. One night, Edward, Bella (who had recently been told about the events at Godric's Hollow and Severus in lieu of their impending move), Jasper, and Alice had a private discussion, and concluded that they would try to persuade the rest of their family to move back to England even though they were there only fourteen years ago.

Despite various objections and concerns, the rest of the Cullens eventually agreed to this plan. A significant difficulty would be to find a house in a markedly different area to their previous home in case previous acquaintances recognised them. It was risky and less than ideal, but the 'gifted' Cullens made a compelling case. So when they arrive in England some 14 years after they left it, with Renesmee, Jacob and Bella in tow, they saw that the place looks roughly the same as they remembered it.

1995 'Present' day- (where a majority of the story takes place)

Within days of settling in, Edward takes Bella, Renesmee, and Jacob to Godric's Hollow (late in the night) to show them the place where his family had previously witnessed the witches and wizards celebrating the death of a man no one was willing to speak the name of. His curiosity piquing, Edward also drove his family back to Spinner's End wondering whether he would find Severus Snape there. But he could not, and could not gather from the minds around him whether the man was even alive. When they arrived home, even Alice attempted to search for the man's future, but to no avail; for some reason she was still unable to see him.

Deciding where they would go to school, and in particular, finding a job for Carlisle was difficult given that his previous colleagues were likely to be widespread across England.

Then one night, Jacob and the Cullens were hunting together in a deep forest multiple kilometres from their home. They come across animals they had never seen before, some of them with human intelligence. Knowing that it would be extremely risky to stay where they were, they left the forest immediately being careful that no one was following them. Once they exited the thicket of the forest, they come face-to-face with a tall, thin man who looked to be at least one hundred years of age. He had a long white beard, half-moon spectacles, and a wand in his hand which was pointed directly at Carlisle's chest.

Later they would learn his name: Albus Dumbledore, who informed them that they had just tried to hunt inside the 'ForbiddenForest', the area that was not protected by the enchantments surrounding Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Through various deductions, the wise man concludes that this family were not human. After further discussion (of which were numerous), the Cullens learn about the Wizarding world, and Albus in turn, learns of vampires and the outstanding abilities the Cullens possess that would greatly assist in his cause.

Much to the visitors' horror, the man of whom no one wished to speak fourteen years ago,, had recently been resurrected by an intricate form of Dark Magic. A war was coming- not yet here, but it would come, and Albus warned them to be careful if they chose to stay in England. By this stage, the Cullens and Jacob had become so enthralled by the complexity of Harry Potter's history with this 'Voldemort' character that they felt compelled to help these interesting humans. After various pragmatic and safety issues were resolved upon, especially with regard to the Volturi and the Ministry of Magic, the Cullens agree that instead of pursuing their education or paid work (they have a large fortune at their disposal already), they will assist Albus and his school to bring about the permanent destruction of Lord Voldemort.

The following school year, the Cullens are shown around Hogwarts castle whilst all the students are sleeping. This tour took place with the intention that once the vampires (with their perfect memories) saw the castle they would remember all the secret passageways, classrooms, common rooms etc, so if a battle were to occur there, they could easily find their way around.

It was on this occasion that Severus and Edward would meet again for the first time in 14 years.

Author's note: A majority of the cross-over stories will take place from Harry's 5th to (what would have been) his final year at Hogwarts, however I envisage at least three chapters taking place in those three hours before the Cullens catch their plane to Washington. During the years of 1981 to 1995, only one chapter will be posted which will reflect on the experiences of Severus and Edward/the Cullens during those 14 years. It will be (I imagine) quite brief.

I am not sure how many chapters these stories will entail. However, you can assume that both stories will have an equal number of chapters.

Obviously, the plotline described above will be written in much greater detail. This was only a 'sneak peek' of what you can expect. Don't worry, you will find out exactly what Edward and Severus say to each other when they first meet, and all of the conversations between Albus, Jacob and the Cullens. Thus, this story (from two different perspectives) is basically books 5 to 7 of the Harry Potter series, but from Severus' perspective with a little (or perhaps a lot :P) of Cullen intervention. However, I will warn you by saying that while the Cullens are most definitely involved, for Albus to keep them as a secret weapon for the final battle; they will not be able to do too much to influence the events that occur in canon.

And my final point: this is (I am stating it now) primarily a story between Severus and Edward. It will NOT be a romantic story in any way (just putting it out there). For those who know my writing well, this means that only the characters that have a direct impact on Edward or Severus will be written about (which will sadly mean that minor characters will be neglected). Having said this, I can most definitely incorporate short interactions between any of the Cullens and a character in the Harry Potter series should you desire J So please let me know if you would like to see specific characters have a conversation with each other. Please remember that only the Cullens or Jacob can be chosen from the Twilight world. Send your requests via a private message or leave me a comment on Facebook. Unfortunately, there may be some I will not be able to 'work in' to the story, but those I can do, I will :)

And as always, please vote and comment; let me know what you think of this prologue J

I can't wait to hear from you guys! And I am very, VERY excited to get started on these stories! My mind has been going crazy recently with all sorts of dramatic ideas!

P.S. for readers who are waiting for more 'Trust me' outtakes, I am terribly sorry I have not updated in the last few months. As you can see, other ideas have been boiling under the surface! But I have started the next outtake, and hope to post it in between posting the first and second chapter of these brother stories :) Nevertheless, I hope you can forgive me for my lack of Twi-writing!

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