Everything Cliché (Lesbian St...

By darksideofme17

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Two strangers meet by chance and all the cliche in the world happens to them but then again, what's a good st... More

Chapter 1: A Romeo & Juliet-esque cliche
Chapter 2: We Meet Again Cliche
Chapter 3: We Switched Up Phones Cliche Pt 1
Chapter 4: We Switched Up Phones Cliche Part 2
Chapter 5: Let's Pretend to be Girlfriends Cliche
Chapter 6: Let's Pretend to be Girlfriends Part 2
Chapter 7: Meet the Family
Chapter 8: The 'I'm In Love with my Best Friend' Cliche
Chapter 9: I'm Stuck In This One-Sided Love Cliche
Chapter 10: I'm in Denial Cliche
Chapter 12: One Night Stand Cliche
Chapter 13: We Need Time Apart to Sort Our Feelings Cliche
Chapter 14: Things Are Complicated Now
Chapter 15: I'm Sorry It Took Long For Me To Realize
Chapter 16: Our Families Hate Each Other
Chapter 17: A Family Feud
Chapter 18: We Might Be Romeo and Juliet but We're Not Ending in Tragedy
Chapter 19: Us Against the World Cliche
Chapter 20: Hold My Hand, Never Let Me Go
Chapter 21: Be Here With Me
Chapter 22: Silence Is Deafening
Chapter 23: If This Was A Movie
Chapter 24: Unravelling The Web Of Lies
Chapter 25: Betray the Ones You Love
Chapter 26: Kiss Me Goodbye
Chapter 27: Fight For Love
Chapter 28: Reconciliation
Chapter 29: Whatever Happens, We Face It Together
Chapter 30: Our Road to Happy Ever After

Chapter 11: Just A One Time Thing Cliche

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By darksideofme17

The next time Maxie sees Amelia, the girl was clearly distraught and she has no idea why. It's a Saturday and they decided to go to some coffee shop to change sceneries from the usual bar or club hang out. She has avoided the girl since she's gotten back from her grandparents' house with excuses like work taking all of her time. Amelia seems to have needed the time apart as well as she never called her out on her lies. So now, here she is sitting across a round table from her friend. She has been keeping silent so far, waiting for Amelia to start the conversation and it doesn't take that long.

"So I told my parents and my siblings." Amelia starts almost timidly.

"Oh? How did they take it? I bet your parents were relieved." She didn't mean it to sound bitter but it slip. Either the girl noticed it or simply chose to ignore it, she gives a sigh.

"Not gonna lie. Mom and dad seemed pretty pleased with the news." The girl informs her and she just hums in response. "How about you? Have you told anyone?"

"Yeah. I told my parents and grandparents when I was visiting them last weekend." She says nonchalantly. "They seemed devastated with the news since they liked you but I told them we're friends so." She trails off shrugging. Amelia stays quiet after that and Maxie doesn't break the silence. That is until she hears that familiar voice calling her. She turns around on her seat quickly to see the last person she ever wants to see in her life.

"Oh my god! It is you!" Maxie stands up as the person comes closer to her. "I haven't seen you for so long. How have you been?" Maxie's eyes turns hard and cold at the audacity of this girl asking her such a question.

"I'm good. Thanks for asking." She answers coldly backing away from the girl. "I should say I'm surprised to see you here after 3 years Cindy." Her old ex friend, Cindy, gives her a sad smile.

"I'm only here for a convention. I never thought I'd run into you." The girl says and Maxie decides it's time to end this conversation.

"Well you have. I would say it's good to see you but then that would be a lie." She breathes out harshly and meets worried green eyes looking back and forth at them.

"I know you're still angry at me but I wish we can be friends again." Cindy tries to reach for her hand only to stop when she glares at her. "I guess I should get going. It was nice seeing you Maxie." With that the girl goes out of the coffee shop as Maxie silently fumes, her anger and resentment towards that person has never receded even after 3 years. She takes a deep breath and sit back down on her chair to see a Amelia frowning in concern.

"Hey. I'm here for you." She hears Amelia tell her and she smiles at the words. "Who was that?"

"An ex friend of mine." She answers blankly before turning her head to look at her companion. "We used to be close. Dare I say it, I considered her one of my closest friends. Told her everything and it felt like I found someone I can rely on for all my life." She explains, her mind taking her back to the time she and Cindy were friends.

"What happened?" Amelia timidly asks, probably afraid to cross boundaries.

"We had a fall out." She offers and knows she should elaborate. "She started seeing this person and suddenly it felt like our friendship was just there to sustain her when her person isn't available. I got fed up and told her I want a friend I can rely on, not someone who remembers me just because they're not busy with their current interest." As she says this, she knows her voice is growing darker and colder. "She told me she'll be better and that she'll spend time with me but it ended up an empty promise, a bullshit she thought I would believe. So I cut it off. I don't see why keeping people like her will do me any good." She finishes with her hands clench into fists. "I cut off every possible communication with her, every connection and just moved on. I guess I'm still angry at her for making false promises and for abandoning me for someone else but that's life. People make promises but they don't mean to keep it." She mutters feeling Amelia's hands taking hers.

"I'm sorry you have to go through that." Amelia offers caressing her hand in comfort.

"It's fine. We all go through that. We lose some and gain some. That's just how it is." She shrugs trying to stop the butterflies in her stomach.

"I don't want that to happen to us." Amelia whispers. "I don't know what I'll do if I lose you." She meets green eyes and they are filled with worry and fear.

"We'll try our best but no matter what, I'll always be there for you." Maxie takes those soft hands into hers. Little did she know how that reassurance is the thing that glues them together.

It was the first time Amelia saw Maxie, her friend of 4 months now, livid and her voice cold and harsh. She doesn't know who the person was but if it's making the usually calm girl shake in anger then Amelia deduces she might have done some pretty bad things to be at the receiving end of such wrath. When she listens to Maxie recalls the story, she feels herself getting worked up and angry towards Cindy. She's known people who get so caught up with others but Cindy is definitely on a different level. She suggests they go somewhere else and is glad when Maxie offers up her place. She's only been to Maxie's place once and that was about a month ago or is it 2 months ago, but she's certain the girl didn't have a cat before so color her surprised when the moment she steps into the apartment she is greeted by a tabby kitten on the doorway.

"Oh hi little guy." She crouches down and pet the kitten who rubs against her hand. "He's cute. I didn't know you had a cat." She says towards Maxie who shrugs her shoulders.

"Careful. He seems cute but he's quite an evil little thing." Maxie warns her, eyes narrow on the creature currently rubbing against her hand.

"I think you're exaggerating." She dismisses giving the cat one final scratch on its tiny head before walking further into the place. "When did you get a cat?" She asks curiously.

"Grandma thought it would be best to give me a companion so I won't be lonely." Maxie answers putting cat food on the bowl with the name Licht in it. "Although he hates me." The girl mutters as Licht struts to his bowl and eats his food. Amelia all but chuckles wholeheartedly.

"I think he likes you." She offers getting a scoff from her friend.

"He only likes me because I'm feeding him." Maxie declares walking to the kitchen while Amelia sits on the couch. "By the way, how's your quest going on for Cody's affection?" She hears the girl shout from the kitchen.

"It's been cut. He sees me as his little sister and he actually has a girlfriend." Amelia shouts back bitterly as Maxie comes back with two water bottles in hand.

"So you broke up with me for nothing?" The raven haired girl teases as she sets the bottles on the table and takes a seat beside her on the couch. Amelia sighs dramatically before closing the gap between them, curling herself against Maxie.

"I guess you'll always be the one that got away." She teases back getting a chuckle from the girl. Despite meaning it as a joke, she somehow feels there's some truth to it. Jordan's words suddenly takes the forefront of her mind.

"Hey, everything okay?" She hears Maxie ask, no doubt worried as to why she suddenly stiffened against her. She looks up to see amber eyes swirling in concern.

"I was just wondering. Back then when we were in bed together." She starts, waits for her friend to nod before continuing. "Why didn't you kiss me? What stopped you from doing so?" By the time she finishes the question she finds herself holding her breath as she carefully studies Maxie's reaction. At first the raven haired girl didn't give off anything but soon she sees her expression change from nothing to a mix of emotions.

"I didn't see the point of kissing you when no one was around." Maxie answers, her eyes guarded and for the first time Amelia is seeing a very different side of her friend than what she's used to. Maxie turns away from her and she reaches up, guiding the girl's face back to hers. She slowly leans in and the last thing she sees are those amber eyes widen before she closes the distance between them, tasting those sweet, addicting lips once again. Ever since they kissed during their girls' night out, she has been longing to do it again but she was too scared to initiate it. She feels Maxie kissing her back and she relaxes despite the awkward position she's in. She pulls away only to make herself more comfortable by facing the girl before pressing her lips once again to Maxie's. She knows if they don't stop that it could change the current dynamic between them. There's no alcohol involved, no relatives or friends to pretend to. This is by their own consciousness, by their own volition. But for the life of her, she can't seem to be rational at the moment, not when she feels a confident tongue tracing her bottom lip. She pulls away before she implodes and to catch her breath but rests her forehead against Maxie's to keep any sort of contact with the girl.

"Maxie.." she trails off not knowing what she wants to say.

"We should stop." Maxie says but she feels the girl's hands squeezing her hips. "We should stop before we do anything we regret." There's contrast between the girl's words and her actions as she's being pulled closer until she's straddling the girl.

"Maybe we can do this one time. Get it out of our system." She offers weakly eyes lock with her friend's. "Just for today." She barely stops her hips from rolling against the girl's.

"Just for today." Maxie echoes and Amelia almost cries when she feels the girl's hips rolling back against hers.

"Bedroom." She whispers as she feels herself being lifted up and she shouldn't really be surprised at how strong the girl is. A part of her is screaming to stop this before it gets too far that she is being driven by her hormones and lust. Yet another part of her is encouraging her to follow her instincts and rejoices when she feels her back hitting the soft mattress and Maxie's body on top of hers. She caresses the girl's cheek to reassure her that this is okay, that this is the best thing to do to let off their sexual attraction with one another. Silencing the logical part of her brain, she pulls the raven haired girl down and kisses her passionately.

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