나의 반쪽이야 (Half of Me)

By JHnimm

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== TEASER == "Seja Joha [Crown Prince]... Can't you help me? I beg you..." The Crown... More

너와 있고 싶어 (I wanna be with You)
조금만 행복한 시간 (A Little Time of Happiness)
불행한 사랑 이야기를 시작한다 (The Beginning of the Ill-Fated Love Story)
나의 잠에서 방해하는 악몽 (Nightmare that Always Haunts My Sleeps)
지옥 같은 황금 새장 (Hell-like Golden Cage)
견딜 수 없는 그리움 (Unbearable Longingness)
딜레마의 깊은 곳에서 (In the Deep of Dilemma)
사랑하면 안되니? (Can't You Love Me?)
다시 만나자, 내가 너에게 가겠다 (Let's Meet Again, I'll Go to You)
Deleted Part

너를 놓아 줄 수 없어 (Never can't Let You Go)

5 0 0
By JHnimm


Anything, everything, I can bear any punishment as the Heaven gaven me. But is to losing you also the punishment from the Heaven? Then, how can I bear that? How can I bear the pain? How can I bear that punishment? How can I... when you're the one as the reason for me to live. How can I?

(May 13th, 2017)

== CHAPTER 4 ==

Today, the King orders Ji Hyeon to meet him at the Royal Hall.

"Did you know the reason why I give you an order to back to the palace?" asked the King.

"Moreumnida, Jeonha [I don't know, Your Majesty]," answer Ji Hyeon.

"I'll tell you the reason why and I thought this is a good choice for having you here,"

Ji Hyeon anticipated about what might the King's said this time.

"The main reason I told you to come back to the place is I choose you to be the Crown Princess. So soon, I'll held a wedding ceremony for your marriage with the Crown Prince,"

Ji Hyeon really startled as soon as she heard what the King's said.

"Geunde, Jeonha [But, Your Majesty], I already married and have childrens already,"

The King only laughs.

"You married a mere citizen with low rank like that? Do you think I would know about that thing?"

"Jeonha [Your Majesty],"

"Do you think that I really casted you away?,"

Ji Hyeon can't say anything but now she felt the great fear through her body. She'd been worrying that something might be happen to her husband and her childrens.

"Do you know that a Princess can't marry a low-rank citizen?"

"Amnida, Jeonha [I know, Your Majesty],"

"So if you know about that well, do you know what will happen then?"

Ji Hyeon really can't stand anymore. She felt that her legs became weak and she just fallen to the floor.

"Jeonha [Your Majesty...],"

Ji Hyeon kneels down and begging to the King.

"Do I need to explain what will happen to your husband and your children?"

"Jeonha [Your Majesty], please don't hurt them,"

"I will not hurt them even for a bit, unless you dare to disobey my order,"

"Jeonha [Your Majesty...],"

"You'll married to the Crown Prince and become the Crown Princess. If you dare to against this marriage, then don't blame me if something happen to your husband and your childrens. Also, those people who dare to against your marriage with the Crown Prince would be considers as treason and the they'll receive the severe punishment for committing a treason,"

The King become really heartless and put Ji Hyeon in a difficult situation. But she can't do anything and she can't against the marriage to protect Ki Hyun and her children.

"I will married to the Crown Prince, but please, don't hurt even don't ever touch my husband and my children,"

"I still have a term that you should follow carefully. That is, that low rank citizen is no longer your husband again and they're not your children anymore. Also, you can't meet with them again. If you dare to meet with them again, then not only you that would get the punishment, but they'll receive even the severe punishment,"

After listen the order from the King, Ji Hyeon heads to her quarters. While walking to her quarters, she looked spacing out.

"Gongju Mama [Your Highness],"

General Im called her.

"Oh, why?" asked Ji Hyeon.

"Nothing, but you looked so down and I am afraid that you might fall if you walks like that,"

"Oh, gomawo [thanks],"

"Is there something that bothers you?"

"Aniyo [No],"

"I hope it's like you said, but I am really worry about you because you look so down,"

Ji Hyeon only smile with bitter smile.

"Thanks for worrying me. You're always like that since we're little,"

"You're still remembers it?"

"Of course,"

The fact that Im Chang Kyun is the one of Ji Hyeon, Ha Ni, Ah Jin and Crown Prince's childhood friends. Now they're already grown up and Chang Kyun became the personal guard for Ji Hyeon.


17 years ago...

At the broad daylight, the King orders Lee Jin Yi, Chae Book Gi also their 3 daughters to the Royal Hall. It's not a sudden order for a meeting with the King, but Jin Yi and Book Gi already aware about what will happen. They had no choice but to obey this order.

"As you aware about this rule at the palace that we can't kept the twins sister here. It's the custom and rule that has been made by our royal ancestor. So, we have no choice but should obey that custom and rule if we don't wish the bad luck come to our country. Even the Shaman already told us the good day for the one of your twin daughters to leave the palace,"

"Jeonha [Your Majesty], but she's only 8 years old and I can't bear to let her out from the palace,"

Jin Yi begged to the King that she can't bear to let the one of her daughter out from the palace.

"Anyway, you should choose one between your twin daughters!,"

Jin Yi looked at Ji Hyeon and Ha Ni. They're only 8 years old, but as the custom and rule from the royal ancestor, the one of them should be exiled from the palace and live as the mere citizen somewhere so that it didn't bring the bad luck for the whole country.

"If you can't choose between those two, then I'll let the Shaman to choose between your twin daughters,"

The King orders the Shaman to looks at Ji Hyeon and Ha Ni. The Shaman looked carefully to Ji Hyeon and Ha Ni. After she knows the answer, she let the King knows who'll get exiled from the palace.

"Jeonha [Your Majesty], as I see their faces. Although they had exactly same face, but they had different future, even different fate. The older one, named Lee Ha Ni, she has the good future and she has soft heart, also she'll get sick because she's physically weak and need to be treated. But the younger one, named Lee Ji Hyeon, she has the future that I can't tell. But I can see that see needs to be far from anything related to the palace, especially everything that related to the Crown Prince. If she's here from the time being, then the Crown Prince only can suffer with severe disease and the only treatment so that he can recover is to exiled Lee Ji Hyeon out of from the palace,"

"Maldo andwae [No way]," said Chae Book Gi.

"I haven't finished my explanation yet. But I'll tell the rest in private to you, Your Majesty,"

"You heard that? In order to protect the Crown Prince, we should exiled Lee Ji Hyeon from the palace,"

Jin Yi hugged Ji Hyeon.

"Buthakhamnida, Jeonha [I beg you, Your Majesty]. I can't let my daughter being casted away from the palace. I can't bear to let her go,"

"Then you choose the Crown Prince get sick and this country suffer from bad luck?,"

Although Jin Yi and Book Gi begging to the King, but the King still in his decision.

"I already made my decision and my decision same as my order. I order Lee Ji Hyeon to be exiled from the Palace. Outside the palace, she'll be raised by Lady Son and Eunuch Son. If anyone dare to against my decision, I'll punish them severely,"

"Jeonha [Your Majesty],"

Even the Queen shocked by the King decision.

"Prepare for your leaving right now,"

"Ye, Jeonha [Yes, Your Majesty],"

Lee Jin Yi, Chae Book Gi and their 3 daughters leave the Royal Hall. After Chae family left the Royal Hall, the Shaman tells the King and the Queen the rest of her explanation.

"Jeonha [Your Majesty], might I continue my explanation?"


"After a few years, at the most important situation when you need to decide your decision and for the future of Crown Prince, you can bring Lee Ji Hyeon back to the palace. Because after a few years, she has a sign that she'll shine and she can be the great help for the future of this country,"

"But why did we need to exiles her out of the palace if she had that good future?"

"We need to throw away that bad luck outside the palace, so that we need to exiles her from the time being,"

Meanwhile, at Chae Family's quarters, the royal maids already prepare Ji Hyeon's belonging that would be taken with her as she being exiled from the palace.

"The King has planned it before we know about it," said Chae Book Gi.

"Aga... [My baby]," said Jin Yi while hugging Ji Hyeon tight.

Jin Yi really can't bear to let Ji Hyeon go.

"Eomma Mama, nan gwaenchanhda [Mom, I am okay]," said Ji Hyeon.

"Ji Hyeon-a..."

Ha Ni can't let her twin's hand go.


Ah Jin also can't bear to let her sister go.

"You should treat and protect our mother and father well here. I'll be okay although I didn't live at the palace with you and our parents. I believe that I can be back here someday,"

"Aga... [My baby],"

"I should take my leave now since Lady Son and Eunuch Kim already waited for me,"

"Ji Hyeon-a..."

Although it hurts but Jin Yi should let her daughter's hand go.


Ah Jin tried to chase Ji Hyeon, but Chae Book Gi holds her.

"Abeoji, nwa [Let me go, Father],"

Lady Son and Eunuch Son take Ji Hyeon and they're heading to the main gate.

"Gongju [Princess]..."

Right before they reach the main gate, the sweet voice calling for Ji Hyeon.

"Seja Joha [Crown Prince],"

Ji Hyeon, Lady Son and Eunuch Kim greets the Crown Prince who was calling for Ji Hyeon.

"Are you really going to leave the palace because of me?"

"Aniyo, Seja Joha [No, Crown Prince]. But it was the order from the King that I should leave the palace in order to protect our country from the bad luck,"

"But you'll be backs, right?"

Ji Hyeon can't answer to the Crown Prince's question.

"If you can't comeback, then I'll find you out of there. I'll search you through the whole city so that I can find you and bring you back here. Just wait for me until the time is coming for me to escort you back here,"

"Joesonghamnida, Joha [Forgive me, Your Highness], but I can't make such a promise,"


"Because I might can't back to the palace forever,"


The Crown Prince can't continue his words, as if something blocked him to let everything out to prevent Ji Hyeon's to leave the palace. But he knows that it's impossible for now.

"Joesonghamnida, Joha [Forgive me, Your Highness] but we should take our leave now," said Eunuch Son.

"Annyeonghi gashibsio [Goodbye]," said Ji Hyeon.

Eunuch Son and Lady Son take Ji Hyeon out from the palace and pass the main gate that means that she really leave the palace and start her new life as a mere citizen.

"But I can't bear to live without you here,"

Although he can't spit out that words verbally, but he already knows that he needs Ji Hyeon by his side.

End of flashback...


At the small house, Ki Hyun sat in front of his house. He is also spacing out and looked so down.

"Abeoji [Father], why did you let them bring mother?"

Hwa Young's voice brought his soul back and he only looked at Hwa Young and Hwa Rang that standing in front of him.

"Abeoji [Father], can't we bring mother back here? Can't we?"

Hwa Young start to cry. Seeing his daughter cried, Ki Hyun pull his daughter into his hug. He hugged her tightly and let her cried as much as she wants.

"Abeoji [Father], can't we go to the palace to ask for Eomma to come back here?"

"Hwa Rang-a..."

"Why did you let them brought Eomma?"

"It's a difficult choice for your Eomma too. She left us because she wants to protect us. She doesn't want us to get hurt. Same for me too, I don't want my childrens get hurt too so I hurt myself to let her go. But, I am sorry because I hurt you as well. But we have no choice,"

"I don't care if they'll hurt us whatever they like. But can't they let our Eomma back here?"

"She'll receive a punishment from the King if she dares to come back here,"

Ki Hyun caressed his son's face.

"But I want Eomma back,"

Hwa Young cried again.


Ah Young out of the house with worry expression.

"Wae [Why]?"

"The triplets fever can't goes down, also they're always calling for their mother,"

Ki Hyun rushed in into the house to check his childrens' condition.

"Eomma..." said Yoon Ah.

"We should tell Ji Hyeon Eonni to see them right now,"


"Eomma..." said Yoon Gi.

"See? They wanted to see their mother,"

"Eomma..." said Yoon Jin.

"Go to the palace right now, at least they should let Ji Hyeon, ani, Gongju Mama [no, Her Highness] to see her sick childrens,"

"Would it be okay?" asked Ki Hyun.

"We'll protect Yoon Gi, Yoon Ah and Yoon Jin, so please go tell mother, Abeoji [Father]," said Hwa Rang.

"Arasseo [Alright],"

Although he is afraid that they'll hurt his childrens, but he has no choice then to ask them to let Ji Hyeon see her sick childrens, like Ah Young said. Also, although there's no chance that they'll give Ji Hyeon the permission to see her childrens, but at least he should tried to ask them. Even if they'll receive the punishment, he can take the punishment by himself. But right now, the most important thing is his sick childrens that longed for their mother.


Meanwhile, after thinking about it for long time, Ji Hyeon decides to meet the Crown Prince. She'll try to persuade the Crown Prince to prevent their marriage.

"Lady Song,"

"Ye, Gongju Mama [Yes, Your Highness],"

"I'll go to Crown Prince's quarters,"

"I'll escort you to go there,"

Ji Hyeon came down from her quarters. As he seen Ji Hyeon's out, General Im escorted her too right away.

"Is the Crown Prince in his room?" asked Ji Hyeon.

"Ye, Gongju Mama [Yes, Your Highness]," answer General Lee.

Then Eunuch Kim informs Ji Hyeon's arrival to the Crown Prince.

"He said you can meet him in there," said Eunuch Kim.

Ji Hyeon goes inside the Crown Prince quarters without Lady Song and General Im. As she came into his room, the Crown Prince already waited for her.

"Wattnya [You're here]?" asked the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince welcomes her with warm smile, but Ji Hyeon only give her cold gaze.

"Seja Joha [Crown Prince],"

"Neomu oraenmanida [It's been really long time],"

"Let me straight into the point,"

"Geurae, joha [Alright, that's good],"

Crown Prince still warmly smiles although he's anticipated what is going to Ji Hyeon said too.

"Seja Joha [Crown Prince]... Can't you help me? Buthakhamnida [I beg you],"

Crown Prince didn't say anything.

"I think I don't need to explain it to you because you are knows well about that too. I can't marry you,"

He knows really well more than anyone how Ji Hyeon's actual situations, but he can't help himself too but the selfish thought fulfilling his mind and his heart. Actually, he loves Ji Hyeon too, since he was little. Unconsciously, that thing called love growth more and more.

"Seja Joha [Crown Prince],"

The Crown Prince just staring to the woman that he loves. He can't help but letting Ji Hyeon kneel right before his eyes. Although it hurted him so much too, but he can't do anything.

"Gongju [Princess]!"

He can't hold it anymore.

"Eotteokhae ittneunnyago [I asked you how]?" asked the Crown Prince.

Slowly the warm smile from his handsome face fading away and in the end he let his tears falling down.

"How can I help you when I... WHEN I LOVED YOU AS A MAN TOO!!"

"Seja Joha [Crown Prince]..."

To be continued...


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