Once Upon a Neighbor

By gkotiaho

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She was the girl who held all the guy's hearts. He was the first one to give his heart to her. She was the o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

6 1 0
By gkotiaho


Jamie Aarons rested her freshly cleaned forehead against the soft green fabric on her knees. She'd just taken a shower after working up a sweat in the gym earlier, and zoomed past Turner awkwardly. Now she was sitting in the corner of her room, scrolling through her feed on Facebook with her knees drawn up to her chest. She didn't know how to feel now that Turner had shown up with her brother. It felt like too much, Andrew in rehab, Declan and Thatcher ignoring her, and now him. He'd abandoned her without an explanation. It'd hurt so much, she'd have done anything just to understand his reasoning. Seeing his blond hair pushed back and the grin that showed his glistening white teeth was overwhelming. She missed him so much. 

A knock on the door made her look up, a greeting playing on her lips but the door opened before she could get a word in. 

"Hey," Turner said. He walked in, bare feet padding against the floor after he gently shut the door behind him.

"Hey," Her voice was soft, resigned and sad. She remembered their first date, him greeting her at the door in a dark blue button up shirt and a pair of khakis. That was then, she told herself as she thought back to how they'd matched, her wearing a dress in a similar shade of blue. This is now. She pinched her forearm to force herself to look him in the eyes. 

"Can I sit?" He gestured to the carpet in front of her. Jamie nodded, a bit hesitant. Was she finally going to get the answers she deserved? And if so, would things be awkward? She assumed that he'd be staying as long as her brother did, after all they did ride together. As her thoughts flickered to Jaden, she hoped he wouldn't be listening in.

They said nothing for a while, Jamie staring at the sleeves of the forest green robe she was wearing. You should've gotten dressed right away, she scolded herself. She was practically naked, not the ideal attire for dealing with an ex.

"I'm sorry," he said after a brief silence. His hand made contact with her knee, the slightest touch making the knot grow bigger in her stomach and spreading goosebumps down her arms. Turner scooted closer to her until he was sitting criss cross at her feet. If she got really angry, she'd have a direct shot at his crown jewels.

His touch, Jamie internally groaned, what I would give for him to hold me again. Thank God the sleeves are down. I can't let him see how he still effects me.

"What for?" Jamie asked snarkily. Her attraction was disguised as annoyance. And truth be told, she was  annoyed. She was pissed. How could he just leave her like that? No word except goodbye.

Her fingers closed in on the skin on her forearm again and they met eyes. His were dark, hiding his true emotions. There was a sudden movement and his hand encased the one that was pinching the other. He took it between his two hands and rested them on his knee. His two thumbs stroked up and down her palm. Part of her wanted to tear her hand away, but she didn't. It was endearing to see him care for her.

"I should never have left," he began. "Never should have left you in that way, and never should have left at all."

"Then why did you?" Jamie asked softly. His fingers stilled and his lips drooped deeper into a frown.

"I don't expect you to forgive me or even understand. But please, just listen." Turner looked at her, lines of worry etched on his handsome face.

Jamie slowly nodded. She was eager for the truth. It'd been over a month of nothing, and she wanted nothing more than to bury the hatchet. If they could at least be friends, she'd be fine with that. 

She watched as Turner stared at her dainty hand between his two huge ones. "I blamed myself for what happened with Andrew."

Jamie's mouth hung open in shock. Turner- to blame? Not even possible. 

His eyes met with hers in a flash before settling back down at the space between them. "The guy who was dealing to Andy- Andrew, sorry- he's my older brother." He sighed, releasing her hand and rose to his feet. He paced nervously, his hair ruffled and sticking out in places. "Jamie, I could have told him to never deal to Andrew, I could have made sure he never even showed up to the party and passed favors around. It's all my fault, I didn't protect Andrew and I didn't protect you." Turner stopped pacing and placed both his hands on the wall, leaning against it in frustration. 

"Turner, no. There's nothing you could have done that would change anything." Jamie stood up immediately. She couldn't believe this. This isn't his fault, it's not even mine either, she realized. "If not cocaine it could've been something else he got into. You telling your brother to stop wouldn't have deterred him if he really had his mind set on it." 

She thought back to the few short meetings she'd had with Turner's older brother. He was angry, secretive, and prone to exploding at his mother if she asked him to do a simple chore. It was no wonder Turner didn't talk about him much, he was a train wreck.

Jamie crossed the room and placed her hand on his muscular back between his shoulder blades. He shivered under the touch, turning to face her as her hand dropped to her side. She looked up at him underneath her lashes, giving him a tentative smile. She wasn't mad or upset. She had no idea how to feel at all.

"You're my first real relationship, Jamie." Turner said quietly. "And I know it was fucked up timing. Hell, after we had sex for the first time together, I ditched you and didn't look back. Nothing can ever excuse that or even make up for it." 

Jamie tensed. She'd had no idea his true reason for leaving. "I thought you left because you'd gotten what you wanted." She said quietly.

He suddenly moved forwards until his hand cupped underneath her chin. "I'll never forgive myself for leaving you, especially after you and I.." He trailed off and gulped. His hand moved to trace from her temple to her cheek.

Instinctively she leaned into his hand and cupped it with her own. She had been and was still hurt by his actions, but at least now she knew his motive.

"I wouldn't have been mad at you if you'd just told me."

"I couldn't risk it. I didn't want the whole ordeal with Andrew to mess us up  and for you to end up resenting him. So I messed us up myself because I don't deserve to be happy. Not after failing you like this."

Jamie sighed and shut her eyes. Her mind was spinning with his confession, finally glad that he was honest with her but still aching from the loss of him when she needed him most. She needed to talk to someone, but knew that her friend Wren in Minnesota was busy with his new rock band, and Thatcher... 

Oh, Thatcher. He wouldn't even talk to her at this moment in time. Her heart ached with all the relationships she'd fucked up this summer, and she knew that it was best if she forgave Turner.

"Turner, I won't lie. What you did hurt me really bad. It made me doubt the sincerity of our relationship. That maybe all you wanted was to get into my pants and none of it was real-"

Turner rushed to stop Jamie's next words, his hand moving from her cheek to her lips. "You were my first." The words tumbled out of his lips and both of them flushed red. 

"Oh, wow." Jamie said and took a step backwards. Her hand flew up and touched her mouth where Turner's hand once was. She giggled a little at how awkward the conversation had turned. "You're really good for a virgin." She couldn't help but say and laughed.

Turner's eyes went wide and he chuckled. It was a natural instinct of Jamie to want to lighten the mood, especially since she decided to forgive him. 

"Thanks," Turner said and scratched the back of his red neck, biting his lower lip. 

"Come here," Jamie said and opened her arms for a hug. His breath whooshed out in relief and he obliged, stepping into her arms. She had to stand on her tiptoes, but when she did she rested her forehead against his. "I forgive you," she murmured. 

"I love you, Jamie Aarons." Turner said simply.

Before she could reply, the door slammed open and there stood a grinning Jaden. He smiled toothily at the two of them, his index finger pointing back and forth between them. There was a loud grumble that came from his stomach which he promptly patted. 

"Let's go get food!" Jamie's twin brother cried out. 

Turner and Jamie disentangled themselves and walked to the doorway. Jamie sighed, shaking her head in silent laughter. Today has been a trip, she thought to herself. She pushed Turner out the door, told her brother to give her a minute and locked herself in the privacy of the guest room. She'd need to get dressed first before they went out. She chose a quick pair of capri leggings, a loose tank top, and her glasses before she made her way out of the bedroom. 

As she stood outside the doorway she looked at the messages through facebook messenger on her phone screen. 

Thatcher: are we okay?

Jamie: yes

Thatcher: i'm sorry

Jamie hadn't replied or even opened the conversation in weeks, too upset with herself and the situation to even bother. Now she was beginning to regret it, wishing that she'd made an effort to fix the tension between them. She desperately needed someone to talk to. She turned the phone screen off and dropped her hand. Turner and Jaden were waiting on her.

Turner and Jaden were sitting on the couch grinning at each other like idiots as they talked in hushed whispers. 

"Am I interrupting something?" Jamie asked, an eyebrow quirked. 

"Jealous?" Jaden replied, mimicking her raised eyebrow. He slung an arm around his tall friend and leaned against him on the couch. Jamie watched in amusement as he inhaled Turner's musk deeply and sighed in content. "I love this man." Jaden said and pinched Turner's cheek.

Turner instantly slapped his hand away and rose from the couch. "What's for dinner?"



Thatcher sat across from Declan at the Mexican bakery Marquez. They'd each downed several burritos and were working on conchas when the bell rang, signaling that the door was opened. Declan ignored it and set his sweet treat down. As he licked the sugar off his fingers he met eyes with his best friend on the other side of the squishy booth. Thatcher's eyebrows were knitted together in concentration as he tried to eat his carne asada burrito starting from the middle.

"This is harder than it looks," Thatcher huffed and took another bite. He was eating it like a piece of corn on the cob, working on the top half, his first bite taken from the middle. A piece of meat tumbled out of the flour tortilla and fell on the discarded foil wrapper. Declan grinned as he saw juice dribble down his buddy's hands. 

"A bet is a bet," Declan chimed. "You're not getting that dollar unless you do it."

"Man, I don't even need a dollar." Thatcher groaned but took another bite nonetheless. 

Declan's eyes shifted from his best friend and outside. It was dark and looked like it'd rain, the humid air slightly cooler than it was when the sun beat down on them. He looked down at his phone and found no new notifications, surprising. Ever since the breakdown Miriam had in front of him, she'd been texting him, relentlessly talking about the boy she was involved with and how she felt guilty hiding it from Jamie. As an effect, Miriam had been avoiding Jamie. 

Declan was confused. Why even think that much of a relationship that was mainly online when you're putting your friendship with someone who is actually present on hold? It didn't make sense to him, but Miriam was her own person and could do what she wanted. He'd come to accept that after she drilled it into his head after he voiced his opinion.

A loud choking sound caught Declan's attention and his eyes drew upwards. Thatcher was perched over the table, coughing out the delicious burrito onto the table. It spewed from his mouth in meaty, dark red clumps. He cringed looking at it, mesmerized by the grossness of it.

"Dude, what the hell?" Declan asked, looking on as Thatcher emptied his mouth.

His friend's dark eyes were wide with shock and focused on something behind Declan. Confused, Declan turned around and coughed in surprise as he saw a familiar brunette leaning against the cashier's counter with two tall guys standing behind her. 

Jamie. He admired her long legs in those black leggings and the way her hair was piled messily atop her head. Even from behind, he could tell that loose strands frizzed around her face. 

As one of the guys turned around, Declan suddenly understood Thatch's reaction. 

Jaden Aarons. Jamie's twin glanced at the door behind him as he saw an older couple trailing in. He gave them a soft smile, dimples on display. His brown hair was messy underneath a Nike hat, his hazel eyes gleaming in amusement. That guy never took anything seriously; Declan remembered the pranks he'd pull on his siblings when he was younger. Miriam had a lot to say about his womanizing habits as well when she was gossiping to Declan. 

But who was that other guy?

Declan whirled back around to see Thatcher glaring at the three of them too. 

"Who's that guy with them?" Declan hissed, but shut his mouth immediately after as he saw the group of three walk past them and sit at the booth on the opposite side of the room. Had Jamie really not seen them? 

She's probably just focused on her brother being in town, Declan thought to himself. Wait, what? Why am I making excuses for her?

"I don't know," Thatcher said, teeth gritted. Both guys peeked over and saw Jaden sitting alone on one side, while Jamie sat sandwiched between the wall and the other guy. Declan took in  his features, long legs, toned arms, brown hair with streaks of blond, dark eyes, the mole on his face, the way he sat so close to her like he was familiar. He started to see red when he saw the mysterious guy's hand land on her thigh.

What the fuck? He had no reason to be so jealous, after all they hadn't talked in weeks. But he couldn't stand to see that guy touch her like he owned her. 

Declan pushed himself out of the booth and walked towards the table. He claimed the spot right next to Jaden and watched as Thatcher pulled a chair up to the end of the table. It made an unpleasant noise as it scraped across the ground, and everyone except Declan and Thatcher winced from it. 

Across the table, Jamie's eyes widened in surprise and the guy sitting next to her stiffened.

"Hey guys," Declan said slowly. "Long time no see!" He looked to Jaden and saw a playful smirk on his face. They slapped hands together and embraced sitting down in a modified bro hug.

"Declan, my man." Jaden nodded and then looked to the other addition. "And Thatcher, you beefed up!" He chuckled and cocked his head to the side. "Jamie's always had a thing for strong men." He winked at his red-faced twin sister.

The three guys minus Jaden crossed their arms across their chest. How much did he know? Surely Jamie hadn't told him everything?

"Who's this?" Declan jerked his head towards the silent guy. 

"Turner." Jamie spoke before he could and gave a sidelong glance to the guy. Something passed between the two, and Jamie's eyes dropped to the table, toying with her hands. Declan looked over and saw Thatcher shaking his head in disappointment. 

What the hell is going on? Declan wondered. 

"What?" Turner spat out, noticing Thatcher's head shaking. 

"Nothing," Thatcher said, his eyes shooting daggers. He obviously knew something Declan didn't. "I just find it pathetic that to get Jamie's attention you practically had to ambush her by showing up unexpected."

Woah, Declan thought. Something is definitely going on there.

"Like you did any better by just showing up at our table without an invitation?" Jamie's voice rose an octave as she defended the guy at her side. Declan looked to the side and saw the smirk still present on her brother's face.

Declan suddenly had the urge to punch Jaden. Is he enjoying this?

"He walked out on you after you two fucked!" Thatcher hissed, his finger pointing at Turner aggressively. 

"She forgave me!" Turner threw his hands up in the air, obviously stressed, especially seeing as two guys he didn't even know were arguing with him. 

The waitress set down three plates full of incredible smelling food in front of Jamie, Jaden and Turner, and Declan took that as his cue to leave. He nudged Thatcher's shoulder and as he took the hint, the two stood from their seats. Thatcher walked off back to their table and cleared it of trash. He took his pink concha, shoved it in his mouth and walked outside without a second look.

Declan cleared away his mess as well, but took a minute to purchase a chocolate sugar cookie from the bakery section of the restaurant and brought it over to Jamie's table. He placed the bag in front of her, his hand stroking under her chin.

"Just a little something for my sugar." He swiped his thumb across her lips and winked. At this he saw Jaden flinch and Turner still. Jamie remained steady, not moving or showing an emotion on her face. 

"Later, alligator." He waved and started walking off. Declan chuckled as he heard her reply softly,

"After while, crocodile."

A/N: Two chapters in one day! Woo! To the side is a picture of Ansel Elgort as Turner, and the song is something I listened to while writing this chapter. Things are starting to heat up...

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