You, And Only You(BWWM)✔

By LouiseC13

252K 12.9K 2K

"So, you don't care that we are so different?" I ask him, his face inches apart from mine. "Does it bother yo... More

1~A leap of faith
2~New beginnings
3~Its MY life
4~What's my name??
5~Don't judge a book by its cover.
6~ Family👪👪
8~ Honesty is the best policy
9~Why can't you just accept it?
11~Marie or Marie-Anne?
12~Fine you're right!!
13~Let's give it a go.
14~Maybe I really do...
15~I surely will...
16~My type of people?
17~I love her....
18~Let's make a deal...
19~Don't leave
20~What's life without you?
21~No longer welcomed.
Bonus Chapter
23~Me too
24~x-mas day
25~Meet the fam.
26~This is NOT your world.
27~Hit me and RUN
29~old friends
33~The truth hurts
35~We got her.
36~Love enough to let go.
37~A girl needs her mother
38~Hating The Argents
39~Love requires sacrifice.
40~Pain is inevitable- LAST CHAPTER

30~You weren't, you just liked the idea.

3.4K 224 32
By LouiseC13

Dylan's POV

She huffs at me and walks out slamming the door very loudly. Looks like I hit a nerve, I open my door and follow her to apologize.

"Rebecca," I yell after her, but she ignores me and grabs her bags from the back of the car. "I'm sorry," I tell her honestly. She looks up to me and just looks in my eyes. I put my face down unsure of why she is looking into my eyes. I hate when people do that, I feel like they can see your soul while looking into your eyes.

"You weren't, you just liked the idea," she says walking towards the house door. I look at the yard of the house I use to basically live in, they planted white roses, Marie-Anne's favorite flower.

"What do you mean?" I asks her while she walks in the house. She walks up the stairs to her old room and I follow her there.

"Never mind, my dad is getting ready for work, let me go download the files into my flash drive before he's done," she says leaving the room. I stay in her room and look at the wall where I wrote my name. The old memories start coming back and I lay on the bed looking at the ceiling thinking about them. You weren't you just liked the idea, I replay what Rebecca just said to me in my head. She said almost these same words to me almost two years ago.

"How does it feel to get your heart broken, not so fun is it?"  Rebecca says as I stand in the middle of the door where I just saw her kissing another guy.

"W-what?" I ask tears threathing to fall.

"You heard me, this was just all a game. Maybe now you'll stop playing with girls' hearts and you can become a decent guy," she says looking at me like all this didn't mean anything to her.

"Rebecca, you played with my feelings.That is not funny, I loved you and you-" she cuts me off before I could continue.

"No sweetheart, you didn't you just liked the idea," she says with a smirk.

"Hey, I got the files," Rebecca says barging in disturbing me from my thoughts.

"Yeah sure," I say and she looks at me with a weird expression. She takes her laptop out and plug the flash drive in. The files pull up and she starts going through them.

"You okay?" She asks, "you can forget about earlier you know," she adds.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say giving her a smile. A low knock on the door causes both of us to lose focus on the files. The door opens in the tall muscular man I know as Rebecca's dad comes in.

"Honey, I didn't know you were coming home," he says in his Hispanic accent.

"Me neither, I wanted to surprise you," she says getting up and giving her dad a hug, "I missed you," she says pulling away from the hug.

"I missed you too honey, I have to go to work, what about we have dinner tonight to catch up on how you are killing them at school," he says checking his watch.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," she says.

"Dylan, what are you doing in my daughter's room?"

"Nothing Mr. Carson and it is nice seeing you," I say, we both chuckle and I get up giving him a hug.

"Yes it is always nice seeing you, Bex did you know that he only comes around when you are here?" He asks Bex. "I haven't seen this boy since you left," he says in a disappointed tone.

"I promise I'll come around more often," I say.

"You better, bye novia," he says giving Rebecca a kiss on the cheek. He exits the room and Rebecca and I go back to reading the files.

"I think I found something," she says after a few minutes.

"What is it?"

"Well, isn't your mother's parents dead?" She asks.

"Yeah, they died when I was a baby or some shit like that," I tell her remembering the stories my mother and father told me.

"Well, it says here that they aren't," she says and I look at it and see what she is talking about. That can't be true, my dad says they were dead and my dad would never lie to me.

"We can use that against her, does your dad know they are alive?"

"No, he says they're dead," I tell her and she smiles.

"Dylan, what is the first step in destroying someone?"

"Turn their friends into their enemies," I tell her.

"Yep, your dad won't be happy that your mom lied to him for all these years," she says and I nod my head in agreement. "Tell your dad," she says.

"I got a better idea, I'll invite them to dinner," I say.

"They live in Hawaii," she says thinking how I would do that.

"And I am an Argent, what's your problem?" I ask and she nods, "I'll have our jet pick them up," I say. I grab my phone and look at their number and call them.

We exchange informations and I tell them that we are having a family reunion. They were so excited to see their long lost daughter after all these years.

"So, they coming?" Rebecca asks once I finally hang up the phone.

"Yep," I say and we both yell in excitement that our plan was working. I stop and she starts jumping up and down in excitement, she is way more excited than me. She stops and looks at me staring at her and she gives me a hug.

She pulls away and looks at me, I stare into her eyes. She comes closer to me and kisses me on my lips, before I could react to what she just did, my phone starts ringing causing me to turn away.

"Hello," I say answering the phone after seeing that it was Esther.

"She's awake, she's awake!" She yells over the phone.

"You're serious!"

"Yes, yes!" she says and I hang up the phone.

"Bex, Marie-Anne's awake, I'm going to see her," I tell her and she nods her head looking a little embarrassed. I rush myself out of the house and drive to the hospital.


I run in the white hallways and reach Marie-Anne's room after speeding my way to the hospital. I open the door and see the doctor still running some tests and writing things down on his clipboard.

"Marie-Anne, thank goodness you are okay, I-"

"Who are you?" She asks before I could continue.


Yay, Marie-Anne is awake, but she doesn't remember Dylan...

I just love DRAMA, Rebecca kissed Dylan that was just crossing the line; Marie-Anne needs to deal with her. BTW, Rebecca is not a bad guy, yes she did break Dylan's heart in the past, but she had her reasons...


Au Revoir...

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