Camren One Shots

By Lamp_Jaurello

75.9K 1.1K 249

Lol sorry for the crappy titles But um yeah A lot of these are sad because I tend to write when I'm angry or... More

Just A Kiss
Fuck You
Thank You
You Deserve Better
How Do You Do It?
Hurts Too Much
I Have Questions
The Start of Something Great
Hate To Love You
Crying In the Club
Miss Cabello
Running Away
Love Her Better
Camila To The Rescue
You Ruined My Life
Diner Confessions
You Make Me Happy
Just Venting
Just Venting (Part 2)
After School Plans
Best Friend
One Song
Without a Doubt

Birthday Party

1.8K 41 43
By Lamp_Jaurello

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!"

Lauren looked up from her phone as the little raven-haired boy ran up to her. She opened her arms wide and the child jumped into them. Lauren spun him around before setting him back down.

"Hey, Luke. How was your day today?" Lauren asked.

"It was good! Tori invited me to her birthday party! Can I go? Please?" He begged, waving a colorful piece of paper around.

Lauren raised an eyebrow. "Can I see the invitation?"

He gave the paper to Lauren and Lauren scanned through it.

Tori's 6th Birthday Party
-Where it's at- 4132 Harmony st. Miami, FL
-When- Saturday, Aug. 26th
-Starts at 4 p.m.- Ends at 8 p.m.
-If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me with the following phone number- 1236664132

"I think we can go. We should probably go get a gift for Tori, huh? Do you know what she likes?" Lauren asked, and Luke jumped up and down excitedly.

"She loves Gravity Falls!" He gasped loudly. "We should get her a pig named Waddles!!!"

Lauren laughed. "That sounds pretty expensive. Maybe we should get her something... more simple? Like a stuffed Waddles doll?"

"I guess. That won't be as cool though."

Lauren smiled and kissed the side of the 6 year old's head. "Come on, kiddo. Let's go home," she said and they walked to Lauren's car.
Luke knocked on the front door of the house. The door opened to reveal Dinah.

"Hi, Dinah!" Luke said, and she smiled. "Is Dean here?"

"Hey, dude. Yeah he is. He's out back with the other kids." Dinah turned to Lauren. "Hi, Laur," she said, and they walked in.

"Hey, DJ."

A little girl ran up all of a sudden. "Hi, Luke!" She greeted excitedly.

"Tori! Happy birthday! I got you a present!" He said, showing off the box Lauren was carrying.

A brunette woman suddenly appeared beside Dinah. She looked at Lauren and smiled. "Hi, I'm Camila, Tori's mom."

"I'm Lauren and this is Luke," Lauren said, smiling down proudly at her son.

Luke looked up at Lauren, asking for permission to go to the other kids and she nodded. The boy ran off with Tori to the other children.

"Where should I set this down?" Lauren asked, and Camila smiled.

"Follow me, there's a table outside where we have all the gifts," she said, leading Lauren through the house to the back door.

"You can set it down here," Camila said, pointing at the table.

Lauren sighed in relief once she set it down. "Thank god, that was starting to hurt my arms," she said as she stretched.

Camila laughed. "So, Lauren. Tori really seems to like Luke. He's all she talks about."

Lauren nodded. "From the way Luke talks about her, they seem to be best friends."

Camila nodded. "Yeah."

"We should set up a play date for them soon," Lauren suggested as the two watched their kids running around and laughing.

"We should. I'm assuming you already have my phone number because it was on the invitation?" Camila said, and Lauren nodded.

"I'll call it right now so you can save mine," Lauren said, and Camila smiled.

Lauren called the number and Camila's phone began ringing. She then hung up and Camila saved the number to her phone.

"Mommy? Can I spend the night tonight? Please?" Luke asked, popping out of nowhere, Tori by his side.

"I don't know, bud. I'm sure they've got stuff to do later."

Camila shook her head. "No, we're not doing anything later. It'd be fine if he spent the night. I have an idea, how about you both stay? That way both Tori and I aren't lonely? Being a single mother gets kinda lonely at times, if I'm gonna be honest."

Lauren raised an eyebrow. "You're not married? I find that hard to believe."

Camila giggled. "Why?"

"Because I'd expect a woman as beautiful and interesting as you would be taken by now," Lauren pointed out, causing Camila to blush.

"Ewww! Mommy, stop flirting! This is an important matter!" Tori whined, and Luke nodded.

Camila's eyes widened and she looked down at the kids. "We're not flirting. We're having a friendly conversation."

"A little too friendly, if ya ask me," Luke mumbled, making Lauren glare at him.

"Lucas Michael Jauregui, keep talking like that and you won't spend the night," she said, crossing her arms.

"Sorry, mommy," he said.

"So you guys gonna stay?" Camila asked, looking really hopeful.

Lauren tilted her head and looked down at the kids. They both had pleading looks on their faces.

"We can stay," Lauren decided. It's not like she had anyone she needed to go home to.

Camila smiled and the kids hugged  each other then their moms.

"Thanks, mommy!" They said together.

Lauren and Camila laughed and watched as they ran off again. "You sure? I'm sure you've got someone you have to go home to," she said, and Lauren shook her head.

"I happen to be a lonely single mom as well," Lauren said with a shrug.

Camila nodded and Dinah approached. "Aye Lo, Mila, we're at a kids' birthday party. Stop mentally undressing one another. Unless I mean... you wanna give the kids 'The Talk' right now..."

The two sighed. "It's just a friendly conversation!" They explained.

"A little too friendly, if ya ask me," Dinah said, repeating Luke's words. Luke ran over giggling and high-fived the Polynesian girl.

"Moooooooooommmm!" Shouted Dean from the corner of the yard. He and three other children seemed to be covered in chocolate.

Dinah sighed and looked at the two.  "Duty calls!" She said, and went to see what Dean wanted.

The women laughed and turned back to each other. "Dinah makes an interesting mom."

"Yes, yes she is," Lauren said.

"She seems to have a strong bond with Luke."

Lauren nodded. "I've been friends with Dinah since elementary school. She's my best friend. She's like another mother to Luke. And Dean is like his brother. Don't even get me started on the stuff they get into together. Luke and Dean by themselves are fine. They're calm and happy and good. But put them together and it's like a tornado hit the house. I have to admit though, they are just like me and Dinah when we were kids."

Camila nodded and they turned to see the kids jumping on Dinah. Literally. She was laying on the floor and there were two kids jumping on her.

The kids eventually stopped and helped Dinah up.

"I think it's time for cake, don't you?" Camila said.

Lauren nodded and they went back inside to get the cake ready.
"Thanks for coming!" Camila said as Dinah and Dean walked out the door.

"Bye, guys!" Dinah called out and Dean waved.

She shut the front door and sighed in relief.

"Mommy, can we watch Gravity Falls in my room?" Tori asked, and Camila nodded.

"Go ahead, honey. Keep the door open though," Camila said, and Tori nodded before grabbing Luke's arm and pulling him into her room.

"So, Lauren. What do you do?" Camila asked as the two women plopped down on the living room couch.

"You know that coffee shop down on main street?" Lauren asked.

Camila nodded. She'd go there every morning on weekdays. In her opinion, they had better coffee than Starbucks.

"I own it."

Camila raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's cool. You serve really good pumpkin spice lattes."

Lauren laughed and shrugged. "Thanks. What about you? What do you do?"

"I'm a writer," she said casually.

"A writer? What do you write about?" Lauren asked.

Camila shrugged. "It honestly depends on my mood. I have three different stories I'm currently working on, which is actually way harder than it sounds. But I'm almost done with two of them."

Lauren nodded, slightly impressed.

"So, Lauren, you're not with anyone at the moment?" Camila asked.

"Nope. It's always the same situation. It starts off okay, but then they end up cheating or something," Lauren explains.

"Yeah, me too. Anytime I think I find someone actually worth my time, they go and screw it up."

Lauren rested her chin in her hand. "It sucks."

Camila nodded in agreement.

"Would you like something to drink? I have wine, soda, water..."

"I'll have wine, please," Lauren said, and the shorter woman smiled and nodded.

"Alright. You can turn the tv on if you'd like. The remote is right there," she said, pointing to the coffee table.

Lauren nodded and turned the tv on, flipping through different channels until she finally settled on one.

Camila came back shortly with two glasses of wine. "Ooo, I love Supernatural!" She squealed, handing her a glass.

"Me too," Lauren agreed and took a sip of her wine.
Camila held back a moan as Lauren's lips attacked her neck. She pulled the green-eyed girl closer and bit her lip to keep herself from moaning too loud.

She couldn't remember exactly how this happened. One minute, the two were laughing and talking about Supernatural, and the next, Lauren is on top of her and they're making out. Frankly, she didn't care how it happened; she wanted Lauren more than anything now.

The kids were asleep in Tori's room, which Camila was thankful for. She didn't know how she would explain to them why they were making out on the living room couch if they were caught.

Camila was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt Lauren bite down softly. She let out a gasp and felt her smirk against her neck.

Lauren moved back up and they sighed in content when their lips met again. Camila tangled a hand in Lauren's hair, the other on her back, trying to pull her closer.

"Let's take this to my room," Camila mumbled against Lauren's lips and Lauren got up, pulling Camila with her. She picked her up bridal-style, causing Camila to giggle. Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck and Lauren began walking to Camila's room.

Lauren silently shut the door behind the with her foot and carefully placed Camila on the bed. She then crawled on top of her and kissed her again.
Camila opened her eyes, squinting as the sunlight hit her in the face. She realized she had no clothing on, and she immediately felt confused. She slowly turned over, and laying there beside her, asleep, was Lauren. The memories of the previous night flooded her mind and she smiled.

She looked at the clock on her beside table. It was 8:32 a.m. She sighed and shook Lauren softly.

Lauren groaned and weakly swatted her hand away.

"Lauren? Wake up," Camila whispered in her ear.

Lauren opened her eyes and turned to face Camila.

"Good morning," she mumbled in a sleepy voice.

Camila smiled. "Morning. I think it's time we get up. The kids should be up soon."

Lauren nodded and sat up. "Well I had a fun evening," she stated as Camila got up and put on her pajamas.

"Me too. We need set up that play date soon," Camila said, winking.

Lauren laughed. She ran a hand through her hair, and looked around for her clothes. Camila grabbed them and handed them to Lauren. Lauren thanked her and put them on. The two then walked out of the room and into the kitchen.

Just then, Luke and Tori ran into the kitchen. "Good morning!" They exclaimed in unison.

"Morning, kids. How'd you sleep?" Camila asked.

"Good," Luke said and Tori nodded.

"That's good," Lauren said.

"I'm gonna make some pancakes. Do you want any?" Camila asked, and the two children nodded.

"We'll call you when they're done," Lauren said, and the kids ran back into Tori's room.


Lauren turned to face Camila. "Yeah?"

"Would you... want to go out Friday night? Without the kids? Dinah can watch them."

Lauren smiled and nodded. "I'd love to."

"This could be the start of something beautiful," Camila said with a smirk.

"And to think it started at my kid's birthday party? How interesting, huh?"

The two laughed as they began making breakfast.

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Title says it all. Enjoy!