Supernatural x Reader

By TookieTuTu

21.9K 378 92

(REQUESTS ARE OPEN) This will mainly consist of one shots The characters I will do are- •Adam •Dean •Sam •Cas More

HELLO!!! ( a/n )
Adam Milligan x Reader
Dean Winchester x Reader
Castiel x Winchester!Reader
Sam X Reader
Adam milligan X Reader
Sam X Reader !PART 2!
Sam/Dean!Brother X Sister!Reader
Not a story! SORRY!
Adam Milligan X Reader (+ Latest update info!!! JA x R x MC)
Dean Winchester X Dancer!Reader
Soldier!Dean WinchesterX Reader-AU
Again....not an update! SORRY!!
SPN Preferances
•What YOU like to call HIM•
•How you two sleep•
•Who your best friend is• •What he loves about you•
•Your Pets/Animals Names• •Your Song•
•Your First Time• •Your Home• •Where He Kisses You•
Dean Winchester X Deaf!Reader
•A/N: She's Ok
Castiel X Pregnant!Reader--PART 1
!!! Face Reveal-Yay or Nay? + Update !!!
Castiel X Pregnant!Reader--PART 2
•What Your Name Is In His Phone• •What His Name Is In Your Phone•
700 READS!!! +News on Updates
iM dEAD... 1k READS
Teen!Dean x Teen!Reader - Catcalled
jensen ackles x reader x misha collins PART 2!!
Should I stop Writing???
so uh...hi ; update

Jensen Ackles X Reader X Misha Collins

769 12 7
By TookieTuTu

There's really nothing to say about this, so, I hope you like this one! And comment if you'd like me to do different endings for Jensen or Misha ( like in this you'll end up with Misha-but I can do one where you get back with Jensen ).
And -ugh- sorry if this seems horrible to you-I think it's crap. I can't write for shiznits...

(Your POV)
"Hey J!" I say as I approach Jensen.
"Hey (Y/n)." He says somewhat tiredly. "Aw, you tired?" I ask him. "Yeah, Pretty much. Hey I'm gonna head over to my trailer and take a nap. Jared's working on a scene with Misha right now so they don't need me. That ok with you? I can alway-"

"Jensen Ackles. Go take a nap." I say laughing lightly. "Alright. See ya in a few hours." Jensen says leaning over to kiss my cheek.
Which was weird. He usually gives me one on the lips before he Leaves. He did say he was tired, so...

I watched him walk away, and head to his trailer.

I turned around and saw Rob. A smile graced my face. "Hey Dad, how's upstairs?" I say jokingly. Rob laughs, "It's going fine Gavreel." Then does a tiny bow.

(A/N: Gavreel is an actual angel name, apparently Gavreel means "Angel of Peace"
*I looked it up*)

I play an angel on the show, and I usually play around with Rob, Misha, Mark P. and Richard. Seeing as most of us were angels on the show. Except Rob. We all know who he is. (😉)

We eventually part ways, and soon enough I'm called over to film a scene.


(Normal/Authors POV)
Jensen walked away from (Y/n), quickly looking over his shoulder, seeing if anyone was following him. Instead of going to his trailer, he headed for an Empty one. But one things for sure.

It wasn't empty.

He opened the door, and there she sat.

"We don't have to hurry this time, she thinks I'm taking a nap."
Jensen said Smirking while slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

"Well then... lets have some fun."

2 hours later....
(Your POV)
Me, Plus Jared and Misha, had just finished filming. I sat with Jared, Rob and Richard, while we all talked and updated each other on things that were happening, and what will soon happen on the show. Normal stuff, really. Soon Misha walked up to us. "Hey Cas-what's wrong?" I said as I turned around, but as soon as I seen the look on his face, I knew something was wrong.

Misha had a Sad and pitiful, yet Angry look on his face. "Um (Y/n), can you come over here for a sec. I need to talk to you for a bit. It''s about Jensen."
My face paled. Richard, Rob and Jared had looks of concern etched onto their faces. "Is everything ok?" Rob spoke up first. "Yeah-everything's fine. I just need to talk to (Y/n) for a sec. Sorry if I'm intruding."
Misha responded. Rob just waved his hand in a dismissive motion.

Misha pulled me away to the side. "What's wrong with Jensen? Is he okay?" I said with a worried look. I looked to my left out of the corner of my eye and noticed the Guys watching with worry and curiosity.

"I-I don't know how to put this. And I'm really sorry! I just found out, not even 10 minutes ago, when I went to go check up on him. But I had to come and tell you since you're basically my best friend-"

"Misha Collins! What's going on?! Tell me!"
I said, interrupting him.
He sighed, then looked down. Misha looked back up, and then looked me in the eye.

"So, when We just finished up filming, I decided to go and find Jensen so we could go hang out here with you and the others. I walked towards his trailer, and knocked on the door. I tried calling his name-but he didn't answer. I opened the door, and he wasn't in there,"

Misha quit talking for a sec, so I nodded trying to get him to continue. He sighed, then nodded.

"So after I walked out, I looked around, to see if he was walking towards the set or anything. And that's when I saw it. I seen an empty trailer-but you could tell that someone was in there. It was....moving."
My eyes widened slightly, and He continued talking.
"Not even a second later Jensen walked out. Buttoning up his shirt, then he fixed his hair. As he was doing that, a girl stepped out and....kissed him..."

He had had a look of pity and sorrow on his face-with a bit of anger in his eyes. My eyes widened more and tears filled them.

I couldn't believe it. My heart dropped.

"He...what? That...he couldn't...He didn't!" I say, my voice breaking and tears falling.

(Misha's POV)

She looked broken. Tears started falling down her face and she put a hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry, but it's true. I took a picture just in case you didn't believe me..."
(Y/n) nodded with her eyes closed.
" me pl-please." I quickly took out my phone, then pulled up the picture. "Here."

She carefully took the phone, and looked at the picture. The second her eyes landed on the photo, she froze. Then she let out a strangled sob. "N-no! Misha, please! Tell me this is fake!"

"Its not, I promise. I'm sorry..."
(Y/n) slowly handed me my phone back and

Her heartbroken state made me want to cry myself. My eyes even started to water, "I'm sorry, but it is. I'm so sorry." I say as I took the phone from her and pulled her into a hug.
She sobbed harder. I rested my head against hers as she cried.
After a minute or two, she calmed down. "Can we just...g-go sit down? I'm just...tired-Emotionally and Physically." She said while wiping her eyes with the back of her hands.
"Of course we can, how 'bout we sit with Jared and the others? Is that ok?" I asked gently.

She sniffed, and nodded. "Yeah. It's fine."
I nodded back and led her over to Jared, Richard and Rob.
I'm going to kill Jensen...

(Authors/Normal POV)

Misha led you over to the guys, and you both sat down. All of a sudden Jared spoke up.
"Is everything ok? What happened?" He said softly.
"I don't think it's a-"
You interrupted Misha, "No Misha, it's-it's fine. I'm going to tell them. They deserve to know too..."
Rob, Richard, and Jared all sorta leaned in a bit, silently telling you to go on. "Well um...I just found out about this, as you can tell. But uh, J-Jensen cheated. On me..." You said, choking up a bit.

All of their eyes widened in shock. Then their expressions turned into angry and frustrated ones.
"He did what?!" Richard spat.

"When did he do this?!" Rob said.

"He did what now?! Oh my god! Wait-Misha how did you know about this?!" Jared said with anger and confusion clear in his voice.

Misha spoke up,
"I just found out not even 20 minutes ago. I was walking towards his trailer, planning on getting him up from his so called 'Nap' and get him to come hang out with us. But when I seen that he wasn't there, I came out of the trailer, looked around, and saw an 'Empty' a certain way. Then it stops moving-and out comes Jensen, buttoning up his shirt with messy hair. And right after that a girl comes out with only a oversized shirt on, kisses him, then walks back inside."

Richard, Rob and Jared all had their mouths open, clearly shocked and appalled at what Misha had just said. After a second or two Richard spoke up. "Now, it's not that I don't believe you-it's the fact that others might not. Do you have anything to prove this? So that they will believe you?" He said, while moving his hands when he talks.

Misha nodded and brought out his phone.
"Here. I took it right before I came to (Y/n)."
He handed the phone to Richard and he passed it around to Rob and Jared. The two other men looked at it and just sighed in disbelief and disappointment.

"I can't believe he did this! God...we have to talk to him." Jared said looking at all of you.

"Talk to who?" A new voice rang out.

(To Be Continued....)

HELLO PEOPLE!!! WAIT WAIT-BEFORE YOU LEAVE- you need to know that this is not the end for this one shot, I'm planning on doing another part. And if you DO want another part, then just say so in the comments.


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