
By Kanyell

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By Kanyell

Today is my baby court day. Hopefully he gets out sometime soon. I'm ready to see him. I'm sitting in the court room ready for him to come in. I texted Karly back and heard a door open. Soon as I looked up, there he was.

He looked so sexy, I wanted to kiss him so fucking bad. They sat him down next to his lawyer that I paid for. I was hoping and praying my baby was coming home. He got daughters, a family to come home too.

Alll Rise , Court of Judge Winters is in session for case Robins vs. The state of Georgia.

May the prosecution began.

"The state of Georgia has been within a lot of drug possession crimes in the last few years" said the prosecutor. I moved my feet I was shaking.
"Mr Robins here is just a small character in this problem" she said.

She went on and on about the drug problem. It was time for them to bring out a witness. I was ready to see who was gonna snitch on my man.

"Prosecution please call your witness to the stand" said Judge Winters. The prosecutors talked for a sec then stood up. "Can Dymesha Henderson come to the witness stand ?" Said the prosecutor. I rolled my eyes. This dumb ass bitch ain't never finna snitch.

"Place your right hand on the Bible and repeat after me" said the officer. "I swear to tell the truth, nothing but the truth, in this court of law" he said. She swore than sat down.

"Please state your name" said judge Winters. "Dymesha Henderson" she said. "H-e-n-d-e-r-s-o-n" she spelled. "How do you know the defendant ?" Asked the prosecutor. "He is the father of my 1 year old daughter" she said. "And how long have you been knowing him ?" She asked. "Since the 9th grade" she said.

They asked her some more irrelevant questions. I wasn't paying that much attention. I was just ready for the good part. Cause that bitch be lying.

"Defense Attorney can start cross examination" said Judge Winters. The attorney stood up. "Hell Ms Henderson I am Attorney Aronowitz" said the Jewish Attorney.
"So Ms Henderson, what happened that day , you called the detective office stating that you had information" he said.

"Well I had Found out a little information that Deontre Robins was a wanted suspect in the link to a drug raid, so being a good person I am , I called" she said . I shook my head. Wow this bitch just lies straight through her fucking teeth. That shit crazy abs she better not get caught out on the streets.

"Good person huh ?" He said. "So why after 5 mins of getting off the phone with the Detective, you posted a tweet that read" said Mr. Aronowitz, I leaned forward holding my mouth . I was ready for her response.

He picked up a paper that had a picture on it. "Now , you tweeted ; and I quote" he said. "If I can't have you, the system will" he read. "Please explain" he said . She looked down. "No comment" she said . I covered my mouth, I wanted to laugh so hard.

"Well I talked to my client, and he told me that , you was jealous cause he had his baby mother/ current girlfriend in his house" he said. "Yes that's what happened, but it wasn't out of jealousy" she snapped. The jury shook their heads. "Bullshit Henderson, any woman would be jealous of another woman was in the house of a man that they were in a relationship with" he explained.

"No further Questions your honor" he said . "Ms Henderson you may step Down" said Judge Winters. They went on and on about legal stuff. All of a sudden I was called to the witness stand. I stood up and walked down the aisle.

I winked at Deontre. He winked back. The officer made me swear then I sat down. "Please state your name , spelling the last name" said Judge Winters.  "Vanessa Young" I said . "Y-o-u-n-g" I spelled. "Ms. Young" said Mr Aronowitz. "How do you know My client Mr.Robins ?" He asked.

"Mr. Robins is the father of my 2year old daughters" I answered. "Are you two in a relationship ?" He asked. I looked at Deontre who was smiling. "Yes" I said. "So What happen that night, before he was incarcerated ?" He asked.

"I was home with my daughters, and I decided that, I wanted to go to Mr Robins House" I explained. "We both have keys to each other houses" I stated. "When I came over, Mr.Robins was sleep,so I put my daughters in bed with us and went to sleep" I explained.

"What else happen after you went to sleep" he said. "Well, I woke up to yelling as if somebody was arguing" I said. "I heard Ms Henderson say let me go, who is in your room Deontre, tell that bitch come out" I told. So I put on my shoes and tied up my hair. "Why did you do that ?" He asked. "Me and Ms Henderson has been in physical altercations so many times there is not a time I know when she'll attack me or when I'll attack her" I explained.

"Continue" he said. "So as I came out the room she said why are you at my nigga house and I said bitch this ain't your nigga. Deontre shifted in his seat. "Mr. Robins told me to chill and go get my daughters who were in the room crying" I explained.

"Ms Henderson said yeah go get them lil bitches" I said . "So I ran up and attacked her and we physically started fighting til Mr Robins pull me off her" I said.

"So with that being said" said Mr Aronowitz. " in your opinion, would you say that Ms Henderson, called because of Jealousy" he added. "Yes" I said. I looked at Dyme and was shaking her head  and rolling her eyes. I hate that bitch I'll spit on her ugly ass.

The judge ordered that the prosecution showed evidence that showed Deontre was there.

"Your honor . We have finger prints that link Mr. Robins was there. That's all we have" she said. The judge sighed. They went on and on and it was time for his hearing.

"Welp you don't have enough evidence to link Mr.Robins to the crime" said Judge winters. "But your honor we found finger prints on the door" said the prosecutor. "Only the door" said the judge.

"Jury your welcome to give your verdict" he said. The juror stood up and  Read the verdict" she said.  "We grant that Mr. Robins is not guilty" she said. The judge ordered the court as I screamed as I was happy. "Well Mr. Robins we are not letting you off that easy, you are to see your probation officer and will be placed on house arrest" said the judge.

Deontre was pissed. He was on house arrest for a month last year and he hated that shit . He couldn't go no where. But that's good he can stay with the twins and make sure they get to daycare. I'm glad he finna be home tomorrow. I'm so happy. I'm finna call my bitch .

"Bitchhhh my nigga come home tomma"
"Fr . Omggggg"
"Yess bitch"
"What they say ?"
"It wasn't enough evidence to link him to the case so they let him go"
"Oh okay"
"Yeah he on house arrest"
"Ight imma holla at you later"


"KENDRICK" I called. Lil Jr popped his head in the door. "Not you baby" I said picking him up. "KENDRICK SENIOR !!" I yelled. He came and looked in the room . "Yeah ?" He answered. "Your brother getting out tomorrow" I said. "Drock ?" He asked. "Yea" I said. I put Jr down. "Fr what they say ?"he asked. "He on house arrest" I told him. "Damn" he said scratching his head.

I hugged on Kendrick. He grabbed me tight, then let go. He rubbed my stomach. "I'm ready for my other princess to be here" he said. "Ughhh me too , this girl throws up everything but bananas" I said rubbing my stomach. I looked down and she was moving. "Baby look she kicking"I said. We watched my stomach move. I smiled.

"We got any plans today ?" I asked. "No but we can all get dressed and go somewhere" he said. "Let's go out to eat" I said. "Okay to where ?" He questioned. "Red Lobster" I said. "Do the baby like it ?" He asked rubbing my stomach. "Yes she loves seafood" I said. He twisted his mouth up like I was lying. "I'm foreal, remember when I made them shrimp and lobster tail ?" I asked. "Yes After I ate it I was just fine" I said. "And she ain't make me throw it up either" I said.

"Okay let's go" he said. I got Jr clothes ready. "Karylnn get your clothes ready we finna leave" I said. "I don't want to go" she said. "Well your going so get ready now" I said. "No"she said. I'm tired of this lil girl. I grabbed my belt. Kendrick saw me and ran down the hall after me. I started whacking her.

"What.. the...fuck... I... ..about..telling..." I said as I whooped her. She was crying. "Shut up for I give you some to cry about" I snapped. "Tell me no again and watch what happen" I said. She wiped her tears and got up and grabbed her clothes. "Take your ass in that bathroom and get in the shower" I said. She grabbed her stuff and went in the bathroom and shit the door.

I walked out of the room and got snatched up. Kendrick pushed me to the wall. "What the fuck I tell you about putting your hands on my daughter" he snapped. "I do not care, her lil smart mouthed ass not finna disrespect me I'm her mother" I said. "every body in this house , either came in me or came outta me" I snapped. I walked in my til and got undressed then grabbed my son and took him to the bathroom with me.

I ran our bath water and put him in first then I got in. I can't have the water too hot like I want it cause this lil monkey inside me, and her brother. He played with his toys. Kendrick came in. "Babe you seen my cologne ?" He asked. "It's in my shoe closet" I said. "How did it get in there" he asked. I grabbed Jr ears. "Stop acting like you don't know what we was doing in there" I said sticking my tongue out. "Oh yeahhh" he said smiling. He left out and shut the door. I washed my body and washed up Jr and got out and got dressed.

We left out the bathroom and Kendrick was walking past us. I looked down at his sweats. "Third leg" I said. He smiled. I got Jr lotioned up and put on his lil polo fit. His blue one. I grabbed Kendrick matching one out too. I like picking out his clothes. Kendrick got in the shower. I got dressed then went in the downstairs bathroom and did my hair.

After I was done, I came upstairs to my babies ready sitting on the couch. I put on my blue heels. We all had on royal blue. "Pooh" I said. Karylnn rolled her eyes and scooted close to her daddy. I laughed. "Mad ass" I said. We all got in the car. "Big boy you ready ?" Asked Kendrick. Jr nodded his head. We laughed.

We drove to red lobster after a hour. We got out and walked in. The waitress was black. "How many" she asked; smiling. "4" he said. She sat us down at the booth. They gave Jr a booster seat thing. "What can I start you guys off wit as far as drinks" she said. The bitch was eyeballing my man too hard. I clear my throat. "May I have a water with lemons in it ?" I asked. "Lemonade for my kids"I said. I stretched my hand out and showed my ring and rubbed my stomach and winked at her. She rolled her eyes and walked off. "Damn I'm good" I said. "I know what you doing"said Kendrick. "Okay she eyeballing you too long" I said. "She gon know who you belong to" she said. "Gimme kiss" he said. I leaned over the table and pecked his lips. "Wait she looking gimme another kiss" I said. We started tongue kissing. She rolled eyes and slammed his cup down. "Thanks" he smiled.

She took our order then left the table. I took pictures of my man. He so sexy rn. He rubbed on my leg from under the table. I smiled. "Don't start nothing in here" I whispered. He laughed. After a few mins our food came. I put a napkin on Jr shirt cause he be getting messy. We started eating. Kendrick got shrimps and lobster . I got lobster shrimp and scallop.

"So what pastor we having at the Wed babe ?" Asked Kendrick. "Your moms" I said. "Ohh okay" he said. Jr was tearing his lobster up. "You like it Jr" I asked. He nodded his head. "Mommy can we go get Icecream" asked Karylnn.   "Yes" I said. "Daddy gon take us" I said. We got done eating and she gave us our check. I picked up the check and Kendrick snapped. "Don't play wimme" he said. "Lemme tip her" I said. I gave him 10 he gave it back and pulled out five.

"You never let me pay for nothing" I said. "Shut up, you ain't ever pick up a check when you was with me so what makes you think you finna start" he said. We got up and left and we got inna car  and went to Dairy Queen. We got Icecream and then went home . I ran to the bathroom and threw up after we gon in the house. "See look" said Kendrick. "Ion think she like scallops" I said. I brushed my teeth after. She don't like nothing . I grabbed a banana and ate it.

My lil bro coming home tomorrow. I missed him and he finna be inna wedding . I know they after me. I know the police tryna get prints. I got this bitch drop a month after my wedding . Hope it goes smooth.

I went downstairs to the game room and lit my blunt. I popped in 2k abs started playing. "Babe" Karly called. "Yeahhhh" I said. She ain't say nun . Next thing I know she came downstairs wit a blanket. She came and laid down on me. I rubbed her stomach cause I saw the baby kicking .

"Dadaaa" said Jr. "I'm down here big boy" I said. He walked down and I grabbed him and put him on the floor wit my controller that was turnt off. "Daddy" said Karlynn "I'm down here princess" I said. She came down and laid next to her mom and went to sleep. I love my family. They my life.

I played the game for like 2 hours. I put the girls in bed and Jr in bed as well. I climbed in bed wit my baby and took a nap. I woke up to the smell of food. I stretched. "Baby come downstairs to eat" said Karly. I got up and took a piss and watched my hands. I went downstairs and sat at the table. "Dada" said Jr. "Hey big boy" I said. We ate. "Ouu babe I got my new dress" I said. "You got out rings right ?" He asked. "Yes"I responded.

Women and weddings. What is it with weddings that make y'all so happy ? . I got done eating and went in the living room. "Movie Night" I said. "Babe let's go get some snacks and movies and lay wit the kids in the theatre room and watch movies" I said. "Gimme kiss" she said. I kissed her. "Okay run to the store and I'll stay with the babies" she said. "Okay" I said. "Babe get Oreo.. ill just text you a list" She said. "Ight I said as I left. "Dadaaaa" said Jr. "Come on big boy" I said. He ran toward the door and I grabbed his hand then closed the door. I put him in the front seat, and drove to the store. "Come on big boy" I said as I got him out the car . We walked into Walmart and I grabbed a buggy and put him in it.

We went by the candy aisle. "He is so handsome, just like his dad" said a voice. I turned and seen Yalanda. This hoe . How you fw me but Karly your friend Ts crazy . "Thanks" I said grabbing some Twix and laffy taffy. She walked up toward me smiling. "Bitch back the fuck up your too close" I said.

"Wow niggas was in and out my house, now you a family man" she snapped. "Bitch you was only good for head and pussy" I said. "Wow that shit crazy" I said. She walked off.

Tired of these hoes. I gotta family now I can't be doing that shit. I grabbed a lot of snacks and went to the register. I started putting the stuff on the counter. The cashier smiled and winked at me . I shook my head.

"He is so cute" she said. "Thanks" I said . "What's his name" she asked. "Jr" I said . "He so cute" she repeated. She tried touching his cheek. "No" he said. I laughed. He don't let no women touch him except his mom and Nessa . They got him trained.

We left and went home. I walked in the house and Karly smacked me and started going off. "Bitch you still fucking this hoe ?" She said showing me a old picture of me and Yalanda. "Karly I'm not fucking that girl" I said . Karlynn took Jr to the theater room.

"I swear I'm so fucking done wit you cause I know you lying" she said. "Listen..." I said. "No you fucking listen I'm tired of you fucking around on me" she said . I got mad as hell . I snatched her up. "LISTEN" I yelled at her. "Ain't nobody fucking her" I snapped. "Karly I  haven't been fucking around since the last time I left" I said.

She was quiet ;With tears in her eyes. "Baby ion know if you noticed, but I changed" I said. "I got kids, a fiancé , baby we finna get married this weekend" I said. "Baby we got a baby on the way" I said. "Okay Okay" She said. "I believe you" she said.
"I love you" I said . We kissed. "Now come on it's time to watch a movie" I said.
We Went downstairs and watched some movies. We was all cuddled up and Karly pregnant ass was sleep halfway through it. I put her to bed and then watched the rest wit the kids.

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