"We So Disrespectful"

By ChonnyFromStateFarm

28.5K 1.6K 164


Flashback(2ยฝ years earlier)
Chapter 1...
Chapter 2...
Chapter 3.....
Chapter 4
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7..
Chapter 8...
Chapter 9...
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13..
Chapter 14...
Chapter 15
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17...
Chapter 18....
Chapter 19...
Chapter 20....
Chapter 21...
Chapter 22....
Chapter 23 PT 1 Triplets Bday Party
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26...
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31...
Chapter 32....
Chapter 33....
Chapter 34...
Chapter 35.....
Chapter 36.....
Chapter 37.....
Chapter 38.....
Chapter 39....
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 29..

613 39 11
By ChonnyFromStateFarm


The last past four months has been crazy and busy. Lesha is almost five months pregnant, Yes Santana know if I ain't know no better I'll say he trapped her and to top it off the guys somehow found out we run up in Trinity spot Trigga not talking to me he'll only come get the boys and bounce if it's not concerning the boys we just don't talk period as for Rocey she's a month pregnant Shoota done threating her boss about taking Roc out of work until she have the baby he don't won't her to risk another pregnancy. Banko and I of course we are back on good terms thats bro we talked everything out he had every right to be mad at me and for my mom and dad, he put my mother in her dream house so you know they living it up with no care in the world

I was in my room getting dress due to Momma Anne inviting me to her family cookout the boys was already with Banko so I didn't have to worry about running around like a chicken with it head cut off I smoothed out my red dress turning off the flat iron I pose in front of my mirror to take a picture and put it on instagram

ISoUnique__3: Wild Thoughts #SheIsQueen 👑

"Hey do this make me look fat" I heard Lesha ask coming in my room we go through this everyday

No Lalesha it doesn't make you look fat, you not fat okay you are pregnant so don't start I said unplugging the flat iron putting it back in the box

"Okay sorry, what time we leaving out because I am hungry "

In a few minutes, hey auntie baby I hope you is a girl because we don't need no more boys I am ready to spoil you I cooed at her stomach

"Girl move so I can go grab my shoes you know San want me to come back when its about close to my due date, is you coming with me " she asked turning around

Yes Lesh I am lets just get through the gender and baby shower then we worry about the other stuff I don't need you stressing now go on and get your shoes so we can head out I said grabbing my purse getting my ringing cell phone out seeing Momma Anne calling

Hello I answer putting the phone on speaker

"Hey baby if you go by a dollar store can you pick up some extra cups and balloons for the kids and I'll pay you when you get here"

Sure no problem I'll see you when I get there bye bye I said hanging up "You ready" I asked Lesha looking over her outfit my bestfriend so beautiful with her pregnant glow

"Yes girl I can't wait to get around food, I am so ready to find out what I am having next month so I can shop" she said clapping her hands together as we got in the car

Right because the baby shower is going to be done by yours truly have you told pops you pregnant yet I asked leaving out the yard

"Nope not yet I'll tell him on my own time you know my dad was never a fan of Santana and this doesn't even suppose to be happening remember we broken up "

Girl calm down let me hurry up and feed you so you can go to sleep during this drive I said pulling up to Wendy's ordering her a 10 piece meal with a larger strawberry lemonade

"Thank you so much" she said digging in my purse for the hot sauce I shook my head and continue driving

50 minutes Later

Pulling up to the nearest dollar store I looked over to see Lesh still sleep I parked the car getting out hearing my door automatic lock I walked into the store heading towards the plastic cups getting two packs making my way over to the balloons

"Well well well so we meet again wassup beautiful" a voice said making me turn around to only be face to face with the guy whom ear I gaze making me scrunch up face

Ew bye nigga fuck out face hot ass mouth I said bumping pass him

"Umph you a feisty little thang your man must ain't handling you right, I'll get you right" he said as I pushed him out my way to go pay for my items after paying I walked out the store with dude still on my ass looking up I see Lesha out the car

You okay Lesha I asked seeing that it look like she was about to throw up or has been throwing up

"Yeah its just this heat and baby I'm not feeling it today " she said

Hold up for one second I said opening up my trunk throwing the bags inside grabbing a bottle of water..."here drink this its not too hot it will keep you hydrated come on and get back in the car we only a few minutes away" I said as she got back in as I walked over to the driver side

"You cant keep ignoring me ma I'll get you one day" the guy said as I ignored his comment getting into my car speeding off

"I wasn't really throwing up I made myself throw up its just I saw dude when he walked into that store remembering him from last time so I got out with the strap incase shit wanted to get hectic" she said showing me the gun she had in her bra as I laughed

Lesh if you don't put that damn gun up before you mess around and shoot out my window, we one block away thank God

"What I know how to shoot people must not know who my daddy is one phone call I'll have this bitch burnt down let a muhfucka play with me damn Ms. Anne done bought the whole city out with this one look there go baby daddy and his hoe" she said as I look up seeing them hand to hand I just shrugged it off getting out the car

Look its too hot so one wrong move or word somebody getting these hands prime example look up I said nodding my head towards Santana and Paris grabbing the bags out the trunk

"Ouuuu they have a beautiful daughter looking like her father"

Lesha don't act like you ain't never been around that man daughter stepmomma

"Girl whatever and come on because ms Anne got me up a big slice of cake she said as I looked at the dress she got on that shows her baby bump clearly

Making our way up to the door first person I spotted was Trigga's uncle with his old flirting ass

"Baby girl first off let me say you looking good this evening looking like a meal and appetizer you wearing that dress but baby girl them damn kids of yours is BAD you ain't going to never last in a relationship with kids like them so I came out here fresh in all white everything but as you see now I am fruit punch why because of that MiKing NiKing whichever king I just told him to stop running soon as I get ready to sit down my seat get pulled back and juice get splash on me BeBe get your kids " he said

Okay Unc I'll get them I do apologize on his behalf okay I know he ain't mean no harm, come on Lesha I said laughing opening the door ignoring the stare dragging Lesha right in the kitchen with me I mean why stare and not speak damn

"Hey Momma Anne " Lesha spoke up grabbing her attention as I wave

"Hey baby I was just about to call you, hey Lesha look at that belly oh everybody this here is Pecan, Kingston's kids mother and this is Lesha my other son San child's mother" she said introducing us as we all shared a hey

Momma where's Miking at I got to get his to apologize to Uncle Troy

"Girl please Troy dirt bag ass been picky at them boys all day he deserve whatever he got, hey y'all can leave out the kitchen now I got my helper here with me now Lesha have a seat while I get that cake and ice cream for you Roc and Tony haven't made it yet but they on the way, Pecan fill up them balloons for the kids take it to the back and make sure MiKing dont have no water gun he almost sprayed some lil girl eye out talking about its eyedrops "

Let me see your apron I don't wont my dress to get wet I said as she handed me an apron I put it on and start filling up the balloons

"So Lesha you ready to find out what your are having next month "

"Yes Ma'am I think its a boy Pecan want it to be a girl but it really doesn't matter what I'm having I'm going to love he/she no matter what"

Awwwl look at you okay y'all I'm going to drop this out back I'll be back

"Hurry up so you can get started on these greens and pineapple cake now don't be out there too long "

Alright I said walking out to the back door with a big ass bucket fill with balloons I already know muhfuckas was staring

"Aye sis you need a hand " I heard looking up I see it was Banko coming towards me taking the bucket out my hand

I had it Bank, where the boys at I was about to come out here early but Momma Anne made me fill these up

"Word oh they over there by Trigga you know he about to snap you got on that tight ass dress got all his little ass horny cousins staring like you some type of meal"

Mommy Jeyvin yelled jumping up causing everybody head to pop up as Miking and KingJ run over to me

Hey babies I miss yall give me some love I said as we did our hand shake making our way towards the picnic table I felt eyes burning into my soul

"Butter P you can't speak" Murda asked as I sat down not before speaking everybody said hey except for Alicia and Paris

"You know what I told Anne if I had to walk my fat pregnant butt out here in this heat to look for you I was going to drag you by your head " I heard Lesha say turning around to see her with her hands on her hips looking like her belly done grew rounder some hours ago

Girl I was about to come back I had to say hey to my kids

"Whats up baby mom you need a seat because I'll make these bitches get up " Murda said as she shook her head no

"Boy watch your mouth while my kids at the table " Trigga said as I rolled my eyes

Auntie Lea baby okay Jeyvin asked her touching her stomach as she smile

"Yes baby is ok Jey, I'm about to head back in its too hot and Pea hurry your ass back in before Anne come out looking for you the food is not going to cook itself "

Lesha you ok I asked as she nodded yeah I could tell by the look on her face she was getting too hot and that dress wasn't helping

Oh shit Murda yelled as I see Santana jump up I turned around to see Lesha almost falling until some man caught her I got Jeyvin off my lap and run to her side reaching in a cooler near by I grab a water

Shit Lesha here Santana give this to her she been dehydrated all day I told her to keep her cup by her at all time I said as we made it inside into the sitting area laying her down on the couch

Lesha you just don't listen huh I said coming over putting a rag on her forehead "

"I'm sorry I should've just waited in here with Momma Anne " she said playing with her fingers as I looked at Santana staring blankly at the wall

"Lesha you really trying to have me going crazy if something would've happen to my baby and you what if you would've hit the ground and landed on your stomach what if dude wasn't there to catch you learn how to sit your ass down man"

"Hey whats going in here everything okay" Momma Anne asked walking in mixing up the cake mix

Yeah she almost fell outside trying to come look for me I said

"Oh my God is everything alright is the baby okay have you felt around to check hold up let me go and grab the doppler" she said sitting the bowl down heading toward the back as the side door open seeing Trigga and the gang walk in

"Baby mom you straight " Murda asked as she nod her head

"Okay I'm back lift up your dress so I can check Pea scoop over let me sit here" ...I got up and move to the side Santana was sitting

"I can't do that Momma I can't lift up my dress"

"And why is that Lesha" she asked as everybody was waiting on a answer I started laughing because I knew excalty why

"Because I just can't and I won't"

"Man Lalesha stop playing bruh and lift up your dress damn " San yelled

"Aye whats going on in here " Shoota asked coming in with Roc ahead of him
"Pecannnn I miss you sisterrr whats going on with Lesha , Lesh you okay baby girl" Roc ask as Lesha nodded yeah

Girl her ass ok she almost fell out now she dont wont to lift up her dress so we can check up the baby

"Lesha girl stop playing and lift up that dress you better be lucky I don't have my stethoscope on me " Roc said as she started crying

"Lesha why is you crying baby" Momma Anne asked

"Because its hard when you almost five months pregnant and cant get down there and missing out on your wax appointments due to being sleepy lazy fat and hungry" she cried out as I bust out laughing

"Damn Leafrog you talking like you got hair growing out your pantie you must got a forrest with some new growth down there " Shoota said falling out laughing as Roc slapped his head

"Oh shoot hush boy Roc give me that blanket so she can cover up yall turn yall heads around" Momma Anne said as everybody turned around except for me and Santana as she quickly lifted up her dress as San placed the blanket over her private area

"Done" lesha said as Santana wiped her tears as Momma Anne placed the doppler on her stomach turning up the volume

"Wow somebody hyper today huh " she said as we heard the baby's heartbeat

"Let me see the rate I figure oh snap now 150 " Roc said clapping I was so lost and due to Roc being in the nursing field she know all about that type of stuff

"I would tell yall what I think you having base off the heartbeat but I don't wont to spoil it, Pea lets go we got to finish cooking so wrap it up " Momma Anne said getting up leaving out the room

"Alright San lets go I know Faith looking for us " Paris said with her arms crossed over her chest

"Mane Faith know her way in here and she playing with rhe other kids you can go head on out I'm busy" he said

"Why you trying to stay in here no disrespect I know you checking up on your ex but she's fine now "

"Look Paris I told you I'm good damn let a nigga be we not even together shit " San said as we all looked back and forth between them

"Really you acting like you the father or something damn"

Well technically...

Shut up Pecan stay out of their business Roc said cutting me off as I mugged her ass... as Santana stood up the fuck he think he going

"Look Paris that because I am the father of her child that is my baby , the reason I aint tell you because I am not with you I am single Faith will not be the only child no more and I wouldn't treat her no different and No lesha doesn't suppose to be pregnant I trapped her , so don't bring no stress to this one because I will not play and you better not even mention this one I don't have time for the fuckery I'm only obligate to take care my kids and make this money you hear me" he said sitting back down rubbing Lesha stomach as Paris run out the door

"Well got damn track star number one" Shoota said laughing

"Nigga did you just confess about trapping me, you a sorry stupid mitch" Lesha said puching and mugging San

"Man it's already done so what I can't take it back" he said

I knew it I knew it, damn right nobody better not mention that one nor the last one again because this time I am getting involved we can play all day about anything but when it comes to family I'm snatching heads off about mine I said getting up walking by Alicia

You hear that I said when it comes to family I'm snatching heads off about mine , that nigga ain't mine but he belongs to my kids so if any harm comes to him you better hope and pray my kids not around keep that snake shit far far away I said directly to her walking out leaving everybody puzzled

If only they knew shit going to reveal itself sooner...Trigga them got some snakes on their team every body isn't who they say they is



Lawwddd I Miss Y'all I had to update something might not be the best but its something

What do yall think Lesha is having?

Rocey one month pregnant?😍

Why Trigga ain't speaking to Pea?

Santana hurt Paris feelings

Who on the team snaking With Alicia ?? Hmmmm this one going to catch yall off guard

This was the longest chapter I wrote so I hope yall enjoy .

Night I got work in the morning 😂

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