The Voices You Hear

By burijoonche

45.9K 4.9K 344

richard and maine share a secret: they have friends who are not your typical 'friends'. a test of loyalty, fr... More

...when the pen speaks up
... when the light nags you
... when the digits are a bitch
... when the bottle comforts you
... when the elevator closes in
...when the secrets are revealed
...when the office is empty yet full
... when the scratch turns to breakfast
...when the morning becomes tomorrow
...when the remote gets overeager
... when pizza changes everything
... when an 'apparition' appears
... when a flip and a leap becomes the opening act
...when stories are told
...when the lights dance
... when the doors open
... when the video clip show less than more
... when the blanket makes sense
... when the ice cream melts
... when familiarity gets mixed with drama
... when the panic turns to a tease
...when the remote is naive
... when the staff puts the pieces together
...when the dictionary is of no help
...when the waves bring promise
... when the ride up excites
... when the pen has a field day
... when the rush almost ruins
... when the spice burns
...when reality gives a scare
... when thunder and lightning drown out the rain
... when clothes get drenched
... when old umbrellas are disposed
... when reason trumps whining
... when rumors are confirmed
...when the question is asked
... when there is silence
...when the cast is introduced
...when i say what i mean to say

... when the office feels tense

879 144 10
By burijoonche

His eyes were glued to the computer monitor in front of him, focusing on the presentation that his staff had earlier submitted to him. It was Monday afternoon, the deadline he had set for them to give him the revised presentation. Outside his room, there was an eerie silence except for the familiar sound of computer keyboards typing away.

And they weren't even working.

Carlos, you're nearest to his room, what does he look like now?

Will you guys just chill? He's still reading!

Is he still reading?

What's taking him so long?

Faulkerson's got his Poker-face on, we're doomed!

Shut up guys, he's standing up!

He went out his room, his phone in his hand and walked away. His staff didn't dare turn around. He went straight to the elevators and they heard him talk to someone.

"Hi. I'll meet you downstairs."

When they were sure that he was out of earshot and the elevator doors have closed, one by one his staff stood up.

"What the fuck was that?"

"How could he just leave like that? He wasn't even done reading the report!"

"Where was the weekend magic?"

"Mina, you talked to him this morning, was there anything different with him?"

They turned their eyes to Mina, Richard's assistant of three years and most familiar with the moods of their boss.

"Something definitely was different."

They huddled close to Mina's table and held their breaths at what Mina was about to reveal.

"He asked me how my weekend was. And ... he was smiling!"

"Shit! His dimple showed?"

"The whole time I was in his office, he was smiling! His dimple was so present I was tempted to take a selfie with him!"

"Hah! Pay up guys! That's a full five-minute dimple exposure!"

"Oh God, he's dying, isn't he?!"

"Spill guys, one of you definitely put a curse on him!"

"Who put a curse on who?"

They all jumped when they heard his voice. They scrambled back to their tables, leaving the poor assistant to face him.

"'s Mike. We, ahh...we think....his ex-boyfriend put a curse on him! That's why he's so miserable..."

"Oh. Is he ok? Tell him if he's feeling a little under the weather, he should go to the clinic on 3rd."

It was only then that Mina noticed that he had a bouquet of carnations on one hand and a paperbag on the other.

"Uh, yes Sir. I'll tell him. Uhm Sir... you need a hand with that?"

"No, thanks Mina, I'm fine."

He walked on to his room then turned back as if remembering something.

"And please send a message to the rest that the presentation's looking good. I know you're all chatting online. I'll do the finishing touches."

As he closed his door, he can't help but chuckle at Mina's face when he told her that he knows about their online chatting, and that they were all anticipating what he has to say about the presentation.

"Dude, you can really be sick sometimes."

"Give me a break, Lumos. I know I've been an ass, but let me have some fun at shocking them."

"So are you telling me you're a reformed guy now?"

He contemplated a bit and stared at his lamp.

"I don't know. Maybe. It's only been a weekend."

"Flowers, dude. You got her flowers. On a Monday. That Mike guy might think it's for him, he's gonna cry again for sure."

He smiled and stared at the carnations he had delivered. He was meeting her again later.

"What's in the paper bag?"

"I got the staff some sweet treats. There was this lady selling them at the lobby."

"Dude! You're giving your staff a heart attack at this version 2.0 of yours!"

"I know! And I'm kinda enjoying how they pretend to be busy."

His phone vibrated, indicating that a message came through. His eyes lit up. It was from Maine.

"Ahh dude, you got it bad. What'd she say?"

"Just asking if I prefer fish or chicken. She's cooking me dinner, this time."

"Oh, man! I wish I were just a penlight so you could take me with you! I want to meet this Maine girl! Look at you! Even your eyes are smiling!"

He wasn't even listening anymore. He quickly answered 'fish' and 'can't wait to see you again', clicked send and went back to work. He glanced out through his glass wall and caught some of his staff still hovering by Mina's table. He stood up and took the paper bag. As he went out of his room, the staff pretended to go back to their own businesses.

"Mina? Can you give these out to the rest of the guys? Just some sweets. And give extra for Mike. I read somewhere that indulging in sweets can help ease a broken heart."

The sound of somebody falling on his chair was heard, along with a faint cry. 

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