...when i say what i mean to say

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Thank you for reading The Voices You Hear. Thank you for the votes, the comments and even the 'promotion' (hehe) on twitter. The idea for this story is, quite obviously, from Beauty and the Beast. I saw the trailer back in January, then the movie came out in March, and I still haven't seen it in full. Haha. Anyway, so I had the plot in my mind and already knew how I would end it, but doing the other chapters in between was more of a play for me. I enjoyed exploring how each of the objects would react and answer, and I really tried to distinguish each of the characters other than what they actually are - a pen, bottle, blanket, calculator, lamp, and a remote control. Bic would be this sarcastic best friend, Bel the doting and caring grandmother or aunt (Mrs. Potts, yes), Binky's the wise uncle, Callie is the bitch officemate, and Lumos is that wingman of a friend. Oh, and Remy is that slightly annoying but really cute younger brother (whom you'd want to shut up but he's too adorable you can't help but cuddle him). I tried to avoid putting in some suggestive, sexual scenarios, but hey, this is me. I didn't go into much detail, though. Maybe in the next fic, hehe.

I suppose we all have moments in our lives when we tend to talk to inanimate stuff, ordinary things we've always had in our possession. I know I do, so don't judge. Most often it's my laptop; at times it could be my bag. Or my shoes. My point is, sometimes we just need to talk to someone, but not really expect them to respond. Sometimes we just tend to let it all out, whether someone listens or not. If we do get a response, well, then we sometimes hope that the response would be what we want to get and hear. But true friends would actually tell you otherwise, and though it goes against what we hope for, we do need to be opposed every now and then. Am I making any sense? Don't mind me. I just needed to let it out, too. Haha.

Sorry if I really don't reply on the comments, but I will try to answer or react to some, even if it's a little late.

Oh, and in my next fic, I'm shifting back to Tagalog. Na-nosebleed ako sa pagsulat nito. Shutafer. 

The Voices You HearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora