...when the cast is introduced

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Bel"But Mama, the bottle really smiled at me!""Stop it, Richard

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"But Mama, the bottle really smiled at me!"
"Stop it, Richard. Or I won't buy that bottle for you at all. I told you to behave!"

"You are such a baby, Maine! Stop rubbing that blanket on your face!"
"But...I love my blankie...it makes me feel safe..."
"Ugh! You pee on it every night! Who pees on their blanket at 9 years old?!"

"How much is this pen?"
"That's a little expensive for you little girl."
"I have my piggy bank savings with me."
"Well it's fifteen pesos."
"Uhm...can you take my ten pesos for now? I'll have to ask my mom for the five..."
"There are other pens worth ten pesos. Why not get one of those?"
"I want this one."

"Do you have any universal remote controls?"
"This way, sir."
"So sorry sir, let me help you with that."
"Uh, don't worry. I'll buy this one."
"But sir, there are other's to choose from..."
"That's fine. This one's good for me."

"Olive, do you have calculator I can borrow for now? I haven't bought a new one."
"Thanks, I'll give it back to you tomorrow."
"Nah, that's yours. It's one of my old ones, kinda tough on the digits but it can still work."

"Sir Richard, your new lamp just arrived. Where do you want it placed..."
"It's a desk lamp, right?"
"Uh, yes sir..."
"So it naturally goes on the desk, right?"
"Yes, sir...?"
"Why that tone? Aren't you sure it's a desk lamp? Or you're not sure that it goes on a desk?"
"Just go. I have no patience with people who don't have common sense. Tell the rest of the staff I need them to do overtime today."

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