... when rumors are confirmed

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Due to advancement of technology, the water dispenser as a center of office gossip has now been replaced by cyberspace. Online chatting is now a norm, be it openly or secretly, with options to add more people to a conversation, staying off the record, going invisible, or even just lurking. Nevertheless, whatever the medium is, rumors remain a dynamic essential to the work environment.

You will not believe who I spotted at the mall yesterday.

Your landlady.


Ooh, was it Mike's ex? I heard he now hangs out at the mall, picking up random guys!

You do know I'm in this chat, right?


Too late, screen capped it. I'll deal with you later Ed.

So, who'd you see, Carlos?


What's the big deal with that?

Yeah, I always see him and Miss Maine having dinner.

He was alone.


Carlos, you're a really bad gossip.

Chat with us again if you have juicier news.

He was alone. And he was at a jewelry store.


Ok, that's more interesting.

What was he looking at?

Is he buying a ring?!

Oh my god, oh my god, that's so romantic!

Is he buying a ring?!

Makes sense, they're almost nearing a year now, right?

He started buying us pizza July last year.

Great. My boyfriend and I are pushing three years and all he's given me is chlamydia.

Ugh! Mildred! TMI!


TMI Mildred, geez.

Guys, Carlos hasn't replied yet.

Hey Carlos, so was he buying a ring?

Shit. Log out!

The source was currently hunched over his laptop, with their boss hovering above him, with a very unreadable expression on his face. It appears that the source was caught, and the boss seems to be very unhappy. Or maybe not. The staff could not tell for they were all crouching way down in their cubicles, trying hard not to breathe loudly. It's already been a year since they've noticed the changes in him, but they are still careful not to cross the line. They are still enjoying the pizza that he has delivered for them every Thursday.


"Uhh...yes, sir?"

"Today's Thursday, right?"

"Uhh, yes sir."

"Order pizza and pasta today. For everyone."


"And yes..."

He made his voice louder for everyone to hear.

"I did buy a ring yesterday at the jewelry shop. And that's all you need to know."

He made his way back to his office, smirking. He closed the door and let out a chuckle, torn between amused and annoyed at how his staff keeps gossiping about him and not bothering to talk to him straight. He realizes that it might take more than just pizza and pasta to make them more open to him. After all, he'd been that 'terror' of a boss for the past five years.

"So dude, are you going to show me the ring or not?"

He sat down on the chair behind his desk, and took out a purple velvet box. He pulled the lamp closer, and then opened the box. There sat the most elegant empire cut yellow sapphire ring, and the lamp illuminating it made the ring sparkle.

"That is one kick-ass ring."

"I know. The moment I saw it I knew it was for her."

"You think she'll love it?"

"That really isn't the question right? Do you think she'll say yes?"

A loud gasp was heard outside his room. He raised his head up and saw backs retreating, and some feet tripping, as some of his staff went scrambling back to their desks. Pings on computers started to go off.

A hundred bucks she says yes.

Make that two hundred. She says not yet.

Count me in.

What the hell.

Hey, new bet?

What does it look like?

Aww, stop that. Stop betting. Miss Maine and Sir Richard are so in love, they're bound to get engaged sooner or later.

I bet she's pregnant.

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