... when clothes get drenched

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Thunder still looms from a distance, the building still vibrates as a reaction. The electricity kept fluctuating, and some employees are slowly getting out of their offices, hesitating to brave the rain yet not wanting to stay any longer in the building. The lights from cellphones illuminate the dark hall, most of which are making their way to the exit stairs. Yet three figures remain, facing each other awkwardly.

"Andrew, how'd you get here? The light was out, the elevator shouldn't be working..."

"I was on my way up when the electricity went off. Then it turned back again and now I'm here. I'm fetching you, to hand you an umbrella because you always forget to bring one when it rains."

"That's a long back story just to give her an umbrella, but she already has one. Hi, I'm Richard, her boyfriend."

He extends a hand to Andrew, who just looks at it and turns his attention back to her.

"Are you leaving already? The rain's still pouring outside. I parked my car nearby, I can take you home."

"Maybe you didn't hear me because the thunder probably damaged your eardrums but like I told you, I'm her boyfriend. So maybe you should just take your umbrella and pick someone else to take home, Andrew."

"Maine, is this seriously the guy you replaced me with? He seems to be such an ass."

"You're the ass, Andrew."

Both guys looked at her, stunned at how boldly she spoke. She stepped from behind Richard and faced the guy who had the nerve to show up and arrogantly offer to take her home. In front of her boyfriend.


"You heard me. And you heard him. He's my boyfriend and we're going home together. What made you think I would just easily go with you? We've broken up almost a year ago."

"But we're still friends...you like my facebook posts..."

She rolled her eyes, making Richard chuckle. Andrew glared at him but faced her again, stepping closer to her. Richard was quick to shield her again.

"Dude, maybe you should just back off now."

"I'm not talking to you, DUDE!"

"You really want to do this here?"

"Is that a dare?"

"Oh please, Andrew, just leave. Liking your facebook posts does not translate to me wanting to get back with you."


"I've moved on. Even when Richard was not yet my boyfriend. And I'm so glad I already did before he came into the picture. Because any trace of you was already washed off of me."

"But I've changed Maine, I think we can still make this work..."

"Well, I don't. And I don't want to. Andrew, for once, please listen to me. Don't ever think that I would want to get back with you. I'm happy with Richard, and I love him. And that's something that I don't think I ever felt with you."

"You can't be serious..."

"I definitely am."

He looked at her with puppy dog eyes, which really didn't suit him, for he looked like a stray dog next to Richard. The electricity turns back on, and the hallway lights almost blind them. She took the umbrella from him and closed it, then gave it back. The elevator door pings open.

"Andrew, I really hope you'll be happy with someone else. Someone you won't cheat on. And someone who can actually tolerate you more. Please take the next elevator, we're going on this one."

He just stares at them as they enter the elevator, her arm around Richard's waist, his arm around her shoulders. As the doors close, he kisses her head.

"How is it possible that I've fallen more in love with you?"

"Because I was brave back there, ha!"

"You sure were! Have you ever talked back to him like that before?"

"No. I was surprised, too, but you're with me..."

She turned her head up, aimed to kiss him and he met her lips halfway.

"...and I found my strength."

They were still in liplock when something started vibrating between them. He reached into his pocket and tapped on the screen.


She snuggled close to him, as he talked to the person on the other line. They were nearing the ground floor.

"Huh? Ahh...I can't quite hear you, I'm in the elevator...wait..."

They stepped out on the ground floor, a crowd of stranded employees still standing around the lobby. She held his hand as he continued to talk on the phone.

"Uhm...ok...ok...where are you again? Ok, just...just stay there..."

He clicked his phone, ending the call, and looked back at her. Breathing deeply, and with a slightly irritated look on his face, he spoke.

"That was Andrea, her car broke down and she asked me to pick her up."

Lightning flashed outside, and the crowd gasped.

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