I Walk The Line

By Kendall__McCartney

5.7K 292 188

Carrie Fisher's life is crazy. Everything is messed up. She thought that she would forever be forgotten and a... More

Chapter One: I think I'm in love
Chapter Two: The Hungry Monster
Chapter Three: Pool Day
Chapter Four: Fourth Of July
Chapter Five: The Day Together
Chapter Six: One Happy Group!
Chapter Seven
Chapter eight: A Brand New Car!
Chapter Nine: First Day Of School
Chapter Ten: Let's Deal With It
Chapter Eleven: The Games begin.
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen: I'm Ok . . . Maybe
Chapter 17: White Christmas!
Chapter 18: Happy New Years!
Chapter 19: The Day Out
Chapter 20: Valentine's Day!
Chapter 21: Happy Birthday, Todd!
Chapter 22: Get Away From Me
Chapter 23: Fights.
Chapter 24: Our Future.

Chapter Thirteen: Hello, Dad.

200 10 4
By Kendall__McCartney

Eddie looked at Carrie and smiled. "Carrie!" He exclaimed. "Dad, what are you doing here?" Carrie asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

"I heard about Todd, I'm going back there to see him." Eddie said. "But he's not staying long." Debbie added rather quickly. "That is right, Debbie, thank you. Oh, and who's this?" Eddie asked as he noticed Harrison next to Carrie, there hands still together. "My boyfriend Harrison," Carrie said then she looked at Harrison, "Harrison, my father Eddie."

Harrison shook Eddie's hand with the hand not holding Carrie's. "Nice to meet you, sir." Harrison said. "Same to you," Eddie said causing Carrie to roll her eyes. "Now, if you all will excuse me, I'm going to go see my son." With saying that, Eddie moved passed the couple and to the elevator.

Carrie looked at Debbie and got angry. "Just why is he here?" Carrie asked. Harrison gave her hand a squeeze and gave her a look to calm down. "I didn't tell him. With me being an actress now, the paparazzi follows me and my life. So, I guess that it was on the news that Todd got hurt."

Carrie sighed. "He's not staying." Carrie said. "Well duh he's not staying, Carrie. He's going back to Boston tomorrow and he's staying in a hotel tonight." Debbie said. Carrie nodded. "I'm ready to go. Harrison, can you take me since I drove up here with mom?" Carrie asked Harrison. He nodded. "Yeah, of course. Let's go." He said.


Carrie got home and ran up to her room with Harrison with her. "I need to take Lady for a walk. I haven't done it today." Carrie said. Harrison nodded. "Ok, I'm coming." He said. She nodded.

They got outside and walked Lady. "I can't believe your father came." Harrison said. "Yes, neither can I." Carrie said. He sighed and held her hand. "I'm sorry, Carebear." He said.

Carrie smiled. "I'm fine, really. Don't worry about me." Carrie said.


Carrie and Harrison were watching star wars when Debbie texted her.

Mom: Me and Todd are on the way home. You and Harrison make dinner because Eddie's having dinner with us.

Carrie: Are you kidding me?

Debbie: Todd practically begged him. He's your father, Carrie.

Carrie rolled her eyes and put her phone up. "Hey, what's wrong?" Harrison asked.

"Mom wants us to make dinner because dad is coming over to eat with us." Carrie said. "Ok, let's get to cooking.' Carrie sighed and got up with him. "You don't know, Carebear, this might be good for you. Maybe he could move here with you guys." Harrison said.

"No! Everything is much more quieter and peaceful without him!" Carrie exclaimed. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry." Harrison said. Carrie nodded and her mom and brother walked through the door. "Hello, Harrison. Hey, Carrie." Debbie said. Carrie nodded. "Hello, Debbie. What should we fix?" Harrison asked.

"Here, we can fix macaroni and cheese. Carrie, go help Todd get situated in his room." Debbie said. Carrie led Todd to his room and shut the door. "Are you kidding me, Todd?!" Carrie yelled. "What?" He asked. "Mom told me that you practically begged dad to come over for dinner!" Carrie yelled.

Todd laid down on his bed. "Yes, I did." Todd said. "Why?!" Carrie yelled. "Because maybe I don't want to be a broken family any more!" Todd yelled. Carrie shook her head. "Whatever." She said then walked out of his room.

She went back to the kitchen where her mother and Harrison was. "You ok?" Harrison asked. "I will tomorrow, when he leaves." Carrie said.

Debbie shook her head. "You've lived with the man for eighteen years. You have the nerve to tell me that you can't handle spending a meal with him?" Debbie asked. "No, I can't!" Carrie yelled then ran upstairs. Harrison looked at Debbie and frowned. "I'll go talk to her." He said. He then marched up to her room and knocked on her door.

"Carrie?" He asked. No response. "Sweetheart, open up." He said. Carrie sighed and opened the door. She started crying and slammed her head into his chest. "I can't do it, Harry." Carrie said.

Harrison placed a kiss on top of her head and let her cry. "It's just for one night, sweetheart." Harrison said. "I know, but it's going to be a very long night." Carrie said

Harrison nodded. "I know, it might. Next Saturday, we'll spend the whole day together. Just you and me, no one else." Harrison said. "At the field?" Carrie asked with a growing smile. "Of course. You and me, at the field. Just think about that, ok?" He said. She nodded her head.

"Good. Now, let's go help your mother fix the mac and cheese. Your dad will be here soon." Harrison said. He took Carrie's hand and they walked downstairs.


Harrison went home after he helped cook so Carrie could spend time with her family. Debbie insisted that he stay and Carrie begged him but he left anyway and Carrie wasn't very happy that he did.

They sat at the table and began eating. Todd was sitting on Carrie's left and Debbie was in front of her with Eddie beside on Debbie.

"So, you guys like it here?" Eddie asked. "Yes, way more than Boston." Carrie said. He nodded and Debbie shot Carrie a glare and Carrie mouthed, 'What?'.


Finally, Eddie was leaving. "Ok, I'll stop by here before I leave tomorrow." Eddie said getting an eye roll from Carrie. "Can I stay the night with you, dad, and you bring me home before you leave tomorrow?" Todd asked. He smiled and nodded.

"Of course, Todd! If, your mother is ok with it." Eddie said as he and Todd looked at Debbie. Debbie smiled bright. "Well, of course. Carrie would you like to go?" Debbie asked. Carrie rolled her eyes. "No, I'd rather not." Carrie said rather cold.

Debbie nodded and walked the boys to the door. "See you tomorrow." Debbie said. They waved goodbye then walked out of the door.

"I'm sorry I put you on the spot like that . . . I just didn't know if you had changed your mind." Debbie said.

Carrie nodded. "It's ok . . . I'll be honest mom, I hate him." Carrie said. "I know, Carrie, but he is your father." Debbie said. "And why does Todd, all of a sudden, want to spend time with him? Since when?!" Carrie exclaimed.

"I know, care." Debbie said with a long sigh. "I'm going to text Harrison." And with that, Carrie was already up the stairs.

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