Chapter Three: Pool Day

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A week later, Harrison came over to Carrie's house for game night. Him and Carrie are going to play against Todd and Debbie in a game of Pool.

"Ok, the losing team has to fix lunch." Todd said. Harrison and Carrie looked at each other and smiled. "Ok, deal." Carrie said. After everyone chalked up their sticks, they began to play.


It wasn't looking so good for Carrie and Harrison. Debbie and Todd had gotten Five balls in the whole while Carrie and Harrison had only gotten three balls in. There were only two balls left on the table. One of the two was the eight ball so if Debbie or Todd were to get the eight ball in, no matter how many more balls they had in then Carrie and Harrison, they would automatically lose.

It was Carrie's turn and she grabbed her stick and got ready. She got a ball in and almost started cheering. But soon realised it was the eight ball. "Yes!" Todd happily exclaimed as he gave his mother a high five. "Now, we will be in the living room while you two," Debbie said while pointing at Carrie and Harrison, "fix everyone lunch." Debbie and Todd left Carrie and Harrison downstairs.

"Good job, Carrie!" Harrison exclaimed sarcasticly. Carrie smiled and hugged him. "Do you still love me?" She asked sweetly. "Aw, Carebear, of course." Harrison said as he kissed the top of her head. "Yay! Good." Carrie said. Harrison laughed and let go of her. "Now, let's go fix the winners lunch." Harrison said. Carrie giggled and they walked upstairs.


"Lunch is ready!" Carrie yelled. Todd excitedly ran in. "Yay! What did you fix?" He asked. "Mac and cheese." Harrison answered as Debbie walked in. "Sounds good." Debbie said as she sat down at the table.

After serving the 'winners' Harrison and Carrie finally sat at the table with their food. "This is great!" Debbie exclaimed. "Yeah, Harrison, this is amazing." Todd said. Carrie then glared at Todd. "Thanks, kid. It was very hard work." Harrison said as Carrie glared at him as well. "Hey, I helped!" Carrie exclaimed. "Yeah, sure you." Todd said sarcasticly as Carrie threw a noodle at him. "No, Carrie helped too. Amazing job, sweetheart." Harrison said as he placed a kiss on top of her head.

Todd rolled his eyes as Carrie smiled. "Thank you." She said.

Harrison helped Debbie clean up the kitchen while Todd and Carrie were in the basement. "You don't have to help, Harrison." Debbie said. "No, it's fine. I want to." Harrison said. Debbie smiled. "Thank you. I also want to say, I appreciate all that you do for Carrie. I've never seen her this happy in her whole life." Debbie said. "It's ok, I really love your daughter, Ms. Reynolds." Harrison said. "Please, call me Debbie." She said.

"Ok, Debbie." Harrison said with a smile. "No, like I was saying. Carrie hasn't had the best life and I'm part to blame for that. She's right, I should have left her father ages ago. I know that Todd told you the story." Debbie said. "Yes, he did. I want to know, Carrie will never go through that with me. When I'm with her, I make sure that she knows that she's the most special thing that has hit planet earth. I care about her very much and just seeing a small frown on her face breaks my heart." Harrison said.

Debbie smiled. "Thank you, Harrison. I really trust you with my daughter. When she's with you or just simply talking about you, she's at her happiest state." Debbie said getting a smile back from Harrison. "Thank you, Debbie. It's funny, I've only known her a week and I love her more than I love anything really." Debbie smiled. "I'm very happy to hear that, Harrison." She said.


After cleaning the kitchen, Debbie went to her room to watch a movie and told Harrison that he could go to the basement where Todd and Carrie were.

As Harrison walked down the stairs to get to the basement, he already heard Carrie's voice which immediately sent a smile to his face. "Oh, hi Harry." Carrie said as he came down. He kissed her and smiled. "Hey, Carrie." Harrison said. "I was thinking, do you guys want to go swimming?" Todd asked. Harrison smiled and looked at Carrie. "Yeah, sounds fun to me." Carrie said.

"Ok, just let me go home and grab my swim trunks." Harrison said. "Ok, and I have to feed Lady." Carrie said.


Once Harrison came back, all three got into the pool. "You are third wheeling so hard." Carrie said with a giggle. "I know I am but I don't know anyone here yet. "You know, I think that you would like my brother, Terrance. He's the same age as you." Harrison said. Carrie looked at him with a smile. "I didn't know you have a brother." Carrie said. "Yeah, neither did I." Todd said. After glaring at Todd Carrie looked back at Harrison.

"Next time I come over, I'll bring him. Or, if Carrie comes to my house next, she'll bring you." Harrison said. Carrie raised her eyebrows. "She will?" Carrie asked. "Yes, she will." Harrison answered back with a smile as he placed a kiss on her lips. Carrie nodded her head then looked at Todd. "Ok, sounds fun!" Todd exclaimed.


Once the three got done swimming, they went downstairs and smelt food. They all entered the kitchen with a smile. "Yum, mama! What did you cook?" Carrie asked.

"I made chicken tacos." Debbie said as everyone began to sit at the table. She smiled and gave everyone a plate. "Thank you." Everyone said before digging in.

Debbie smiled and began eating too.


"Thanks for dinner, Debbie, but I'm going to have to go home now." Harrison said standing up at the table as Carrie frowned. "You're welcome, dear. It was nice having you. You are welcome over here anytime." Debbie said.

Harrison smiled. "Thank you." He said. Carrie stood up as well. "I'll walk you out." Carrie said as his smile grew wider.

Once outside, Carrie took his hand and they walked to the front of her yard. "I'm not going to walk you to your house because I don't want to walk back alone so this is as far as  I'm going. Carrie said causing Harrison to laugh. "Ok sweety, I'll text you tonight." Harrison said as Carrie nodded.

"Ok, thanks for coming over." Carrie said. "Oh, I had a lot of fun today. I loved cooking with you." Harrison said getting Carrie to blush.

"Aw, you're so sweet. I'm going back to the house, I love you." Carrie said. Harrison kissed her then started walking towards his house.

Carrie got inside of her house and happily sighed as she ran upstairs to her room.

Harrison got in his house and ran upstairs to his room to text Carrie.

I couldn't resist, I have to update again! I'm so excited and very happy for the feedback I'm getting, thank you all so much! I haven't even had this book out for a day and I've already gotten forty reads and I'm so happy so thank you all so much! 😊😄😆😉

Love, Kendall 💖

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