Chapter 20: Valentine's Day!

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February 14th, 2017

Carrie woke up to her phone already buzzing. She picked it up and saw a text from Harrison.

Harrison: Happy Valentine's Day!!! ❤

Carrie giggled and responded,

Carrie: Happy Valentine's Day to you too 😚

Harrison: I'm taking you to school today, alright? 😃

Carrie rolled her eyes as she remembered that she had school.

Carrie: Oh, yeah, ok. 👍

She put her phone down and went to change.

She put on her white, long-sleeved, sweater with a pair of pink pants. She put on her white tennis shoes and used two pink hair bows to put her hair in pigtails.

Harrison wore a black t-shirt and put his white Nike sweatshirt on that said Just Do It with the check under the words in black lettering. He put on a pair of jeans and ran out the door.

He asked his mom to take Todd and Terrance the school so that it could just be him and Carrie and surprisingly, she agreed to it.

Harrison: I'm in the driveway

Carrie smiled and walked out of the house. Once she came to the truck, Harrison jumped out and gave her a hug. "Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart." He said.

Carrie smiled and kissed him. "Thanks, you too." She said.

He walked her to the passenger side and opened the door for her. "Thanks." She said. He smiled and went to his side.

"You look do beautiful." He said. Carrie smiled. "Thanks, Harry. I got you something . . . For Valentine's Day." Carrie said.

She then reached into her bookbag and pulled out a Nike shirt. It was red with the Nike logo and check in black lettering. He gasped and took the shirt in his hands. "Oh my gosh, Carrie. Thank you so much." He said.

Carrie smiled. "You're welcome." She said.

He smiled and started driving to school.

Once they got to school, he walked Carrie to her locker. Once she opened her locker, red streamers flew out. She smiled and took a card out of her locker.

My Dearest Carrie,

I love you so much, carebear. Happy Valentine's Day! I am going to make sure that today is the best Valentine's Day you will ever have.

It's our first Valentine's Day together and engaged. I'm so excited!

I love you, sweetheart. Happy Valentine's Day!

Love, your Harry.

Carrie teared up and hugged him. "This was beautiful, thank you so much!" Carrie exclaimed.

He smiled and kissed her. "You're so welcome. Now, ready to get this day started?" He asked.

She giggled and nodded her head. With that, they went to their first class of the day.


For lunch, Harrison and Mark took Marilou and Carrie out for a double lunch date at Olive Garden.

Carrie sat across from Harrison and Mark sat across from Marilou.

"So, when are you two thinking about getting married?" Mark asked.

Carrie and Harrison looked at each other and Carrie giggled. "Well, we were going to try to do it the fall after we graduate which technically is this fall. We really liked the month October, but I don't know. We still have a little while to think about it." Carrie said.

"Oh yeah, totally. You shouldn't stress about it now." Marilou said.


After school, Harrison took Carrie to the field.

"I love this place." Carrie said with a smile.

Harrison smiled and kissed her. "I have another gift that I want to give you." Harrison said.

Carrie gasped as he pulled out two necklaces. Hers was one half of the rebel alliance symbol that had the words 'I love you' written in it and his was the other half of the rebel alliance symbol that had the words 'I know' written in it.

She started crying and Harrison hugged her. "You like it?" He asked. Carrie laughed as she continued to cry. "Like it? Harrison, I love it! Thank you so much, oh my gosh." Carrie said.

Harrison put the necklace on her and she put his on him. Then, they took their halves and put it together.

"I love you,"

"I know."


As they were on the way home, Carrie was playing with her necklace.

"You're so cute." Harrison said as he started laughing. Carrie smiled.

"Thank you, I guess."

They both laughed and he pulled up into her driveway.

"I don't want this day to end, Harry."

Harrison smiled, hopped out of the truck, and went to Carrie's side to get her.

"What are you doing?"

He opened the backseat door and pulled out a box of chocolates, a  bouquet of roses, and a teddy bear.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Carrie."

Carrie hugged him and felt tears in her eyes again. "I love you so much, Harrison, thank you so much. Although, I'm going to need help with taking all of this to my room." Carrie said with a big smile.

Harrison smiled as well. "I'll be happy to help."

They walked through the door and Debbie was in the living room. She walked to the doorway where they were.

"Wow, someone did good on Valentine's Day. Good job, Harrison." Debbie said.

Harrison laughed. "Thank you, Debbie." He said.

"Where's Todd?" Carrie asked.

"He's at Harrison's house with Terry." Debbie said. Carrie nodded her head and went to her room upstairs with Harrison.

They sat her stuff down and looked at each other. "Well, I'm going home. I'll see you at school tomorrow, sweety." Harrison said.

Carrie nodded her head and Harrison kissed her forehead. She followed him downstairs, said goodbye to him one last time, then went to the living room where her mom was.

"Wow, Carrie."

Carrie blushed and nodded her head. "Yeah, I know. I couldn't believe he did all of that." Carrie said. Debbie looked at her neck, saw the necklace and smiled.

"Star Wars necklaces?"

Carrie giggled. "Yeah, I'd seen these before. I've always wanted it with someone. And I've found my someone!" Carrie exclaimed.

Debbie smiled and hugged Carrie.

"I'm so happy for you, I really am, but I'm also tired." Debbie said and Carrie laughed.

"Don't feel bad mom, so am I. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Carrie."

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