Chapter One: I think I'm in love

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Carrie turned to face him. "Oh, uh, hi." Carrie said as she shook his hand.

He smiled at her Wow, she is gorgeous. He thought.

Carrie smiled as she shook his hand. His hazel eyes! Oh my God I could melt! She thought.

"I'm Carrie." Carrie said. "Are you new around here?" He asked as she nodded. "Yeah, I live right there." Carrie said as she pointed to the house next to his.

"No way! I live next to you!" Harrison exclaimed. Carrie smiled and felt a tug on the leash. "Oh, you have a French bulldog. Is it a boy or a girl?" Harrison asked as he stepped off his bike to pet her. "A girl. Her name is Lady." Carrie said.

He smiled. "I have a seven week old Husky named Fiona. She's a girl, as you can tell by the name." Harrison said nervously causing Carrie to giggle.

Harrison looked at her smile and thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. "Would you . . . Would you like to go get dinner with me tomorrow night?" Harrison asked.

Carrie looked up at him with a shocked face. "You want to go to dinner with me?" Carrie asked. "Well, yeah. Who wouldn't want to go to dinner with you?" Harrison asked causing Carrie to blush. "Thank you, I'm flattered. And sure, it sounds fun." Carrie said.

Harrison smiled. "Do you have a cell phone?" Harrison asked as Carrie laughed. "It's 2016, I'm almost sure everyone does." Carrie said. Harrison smiled. "Right. Can I have your number?" Harrison asked.

Carrie grabbed a sharpie and wrote her number on his arm along with her name and a heart. "Don't forget to text me, alright." Carrie said with a smile. "How could I?" Harrison asked. Carrie smiled and said, "Make sure you text me with your name so I know it's you. See you tomorrow." Carrie said as she started walking back to her house with the dog.

"She is amazing," Harrison said aloud to himself and got on his bike. He turned around and rode back to his house.


Once Carrie put Lady in her room, she went to the basement where Todd was. "Hey Care, want to play a game of pool?" Todd asked. Carrie smiled and picked up a stick. "Sure."

As they played, Carrie told Todd about the man she met in front of the house, Harrison. "Since we sort of don't have a dad, if he hurts you Carrie, I'll kill him." Todd said. Carrie smiled. "Aw, Todd! That's so sweet!" Carrie exclaimed. "Yeah well, someone has to and since we have a sorry excuse for a dad, it's now up to me." Todd said.

Carrie smiled and walked up to her brother and hugged him. "That's adorable. Thank you, Todd." Carrie said.


After beating Todd at a game of pool, Carrie went to her room where her phone was charging to see if he had texted her. Sure enough, he had.

Harrison: Hey Carrie, it's Harrison. I don't know if I can wait until tomorrow to see you so I was wondering if we can go get ice cream?

Carrie smiled and answered him.

Carrie: Yes, I'd love to. Meet me outside of my house in thirty minutes.

Carrie turned her phone off and got ready. She put on her army green Rouge One shirt that Todd got her for Christmas and her jean shorts. She put her hair in a ponytail then ran downstairs.

"Hey, where are you going?" Todd asked a little upset. "Todd, I'm going to get ice cream with Harrison. I don't want mom to know yet so just tell her that um . . ." Carrie said but Todd helped her out, "That you went to the park." Carrie smiled at Todd for helping her. "Thanks little bub, I love ya." Carrie said as she gave him a hug. "Love you too. Go have fun and get a boyfriend. He may be your only hope at love." Todd said with a laugh. "Laugh it up, fuzzball!" Carrie yelled before running out of the house. Todd laughed and went to swim in the pool.

Once Carrie got outside, she saw Harrison waiting in front of her house like she told him to. "You like star wars too!" He exclaimed with a big smile. "Like it? I love it!" Carrie exclaimed with a smile.

"Ok, I think I like you more than before." Harrison said. Carrie laughed. "You like me?" She asked as he stuttered.

"Harrison, I like you too." She said as he smiled. He took her hand and they started their walk to the ice cream shop.


"You're adorable," Harrison said as Carrie got ice cream all around her mouth. "What?" She asked with a smile. "You've got it all over you." Harrison said. "And, that makes me adorable?" Carrie asked causing him to blush. "Maybe," He said as they got to her house.

They stood in front of her yard staring at each other. "Carrie," Harrison started as Carrie looked at him in confusion. "I . . . Uh . . . I think I might be in love with you." Harrison said causing Carrie to smile. "You mean it?" Carrie asked with a big smile. "Carrie, how could I not?" He asked.

Carrie took her hand that wasn't holding her ice cream cone and placed it in his. "Harrison, I feel the same way." Carrie said nervously. "Hey, you ok?" Harrison asked. Carrie smiled a fake smile and Harrison immediately knew was fake. "Carrie, what's wrong?" Harrison asked.

"Are you going to ask me to be your girlfriend?" Carrie asked abruptly. Harrison nodded. "Yes, I was planning on it." He answered. "Can I trust you?" Carrie asked.

Harrison gave her hand a squeeze and looked into her eyes. "Carrie, of course. Talk to me, what's bothering you?" Harrison asked. Carrie finally realized what she asked him and shook her head. "Nothing, I'm sorry. Anyway, you are going to ask me?" She asked as a smile crept on her face.

He smiled along with her. "Yes. Carrie, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked. Carrie giggled and placed a kiss on his hand. "Yes, I would. We're still on for dinner tomorrow, right?" She asked. He smiled. "Yes, we are. I'll see you tomorrow and please text me." He said. Carrie nodded her head and started walking to her porch. Harrison did the same and headed for his house beside hers.


Harrison walked into his house with the goofiest grin. "What's wrong with you?" His brother Terrance asked him. Harrison laughed and looked at his brother. "It's called being in love, Terry. I have a girlfriend." Harrison said as he smiled at the thought of Carrie being his girlfriend.

"Who would want to date you?" Terrance asked getting a glare back from Harrison. "The most amazing woman in the world apparently." Harrison said. "I can't believe that." Terrance said. "Neither can I, kid. Neither. Can. I." Harrison said.


Carrie ran in the house and knocked on Todd's door. "Todd! Open up!" She yelled. Todd opened his door. "Geez, Carrie! What?!" He yelled. Then, he noticed a tear rolling down Carrie's cheek. "I'm scared." Carrie whispered.

"What's wrong, Carrie? Did he hurt you?" Todd asked with concern written all over his face. "No, just the opposite. Todd, he loves me and I think I might love him too." Carrie said. "Well, that's great! Why are you scared?!" Todd happily exclaimed. "Because, I don't trust men. After the way dad treated mom, I have bad trust issues." Carrie said.

"Care, not all men are like dad. I don't think that will happen to you. Do you think he would do that to you?" Todd asked. Carrie shook her head. "Then why are you scared?" Todd asked. "I don't know!" Carrie yelled as she collapsed on his bed.

I couldn't help it, I had to write another chapter! I'm in love with this book already. Thanks for the support I'm already getting. I love you all 😊

Love, Kendall 💖

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