Chapter Fourteen

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            Happy Birthday, Carrie

October 21st, 2016

Carrie woke up to her mother and Todd singing happy birthday to her. She rubbed her eyes and saw a big chocolate cake with a number one and nine candle.

"You're nineteen!" Todd exclaimed. Carrie giggled. "Yes, I am." Carrie said. "Blow out your candles and make a wish." Todd said. Carrie blew out her candles and smiled.

After she quickly ate a slice of cake, she got dressed and ran downstairs. Once she got down there, Harrison was at the kitchen table. "Happy birthday!" He exclaimed with a smile. Carrie smiled and ran to hug him. "Thanks, Harry." She said.

"As my present to you, I called Dorothy so you and Harrison don't have to go to school today." Debbie said. "She agreed?" Harrison asked and Debbie nodded. Carrie grabbed her keys and she was out followed by Harrison.

"What should we do first?" Carrie asked. "It's your birthday, so you should decide." Harrison said. Carrie smiled. "First, we should go to McDonald's for breakfast." She said. "Oh yeah, because we ran out before we could eat." Harrison said. Carrie giggled. "I'm sorry, geez." She said causing him to smile.


After they ate, they went to the field. "Are we spending the whole day here?" Harrison asked as they laid down on the blanket, staring up at the clouds. "I don't plan on it . . . Maybe just an hour or two." Carrie said as he nodded his head.

"That cloud looks like a frog's head." Carrie said as she pointed up at the cloud. "Really? Because I think it looks like a baby bottle." Harrison said causing Carrie to laugh. "Harry, where did you even get that from? It's not even close to looking like that." Carrie said. "Sure it is, if you look at it from a certain point of view."

Carrie smiled and shook her head. "Ok, Harrison, whatever you say." She said. He smiled and continued looking up at the clouds.


"Yes, Carrie?"

"Remember when dad came . . . . And had dinner with me, Todd, and mom?" Carrie asked. He nodded. "Yes, I remember. What about it?"

"Since then, mom talks to him every once in a while and I'm really scared that he's going to move here. I don't want him here, Harrison. My life has been better and happier with him in it." Carrie said. Harrison sighed and turned over to look at her.

"I'm sure that wouldn't happen, Carrie, and besides . . . She's going to do what's best for you and Todd." He said. "Oh, but Todd just adores him! If mom was to discuss him coming back with us, Todd would be more than happy!" Carrie exclaimed.

"Hey, today's your birthday! Let's not talk about him, alright?" Harrison said as he poked Carrie in the side getting her to giggle.

"Righg?" He asked once again as he poked her some more.

She giggled. "Ok, ok, stop!" She exclaimed while laughing. He smiled and stopped.


Harrison and Carrie went to Reggie's for lunch. After eating, Harrison suggested that they go play soccer together in the park.

"Harry, don't we need a soccer ball to do that?" Carrie asked with a little giggle. "Well, Carebear, if you drive us to Walmart I'll get us one." Harrison smiled.

"Alright, fine. Just for a little while, though. I don't want to be hot and sweaty." Carrie said. "It's October, Carrie. It's not like we're going to be playing in a hundred degrees."

Carrie playfully rolled her eyes and drove them to Walmart.


After spending a couple of hours at the park, it was past three o'clock so they decided to go back to her house.

"We're home!" Carrie yelled once they came through the door. "Oh, Carrie! Guess what?" Debbie said as she came into the living room.

"What?" Carrie asked. "The premiere for Leap Of Faith is in a month! We got the date! Oh, I'm so excited!" She exclaimed. "Oh mom, that's great." Carrie said as she gave her mom a hug.

"Yes, I want you and Todd to come. Also, Harrison is invited if he wants to go." Debbie said and Harrison smiled. "I would love to!" He exclaimed as Debbie smiled. "Ok, we are going to watch tv." Carrie said. "Ok, and I'm going to go cook dinner." Debbie said as she left for the kitchen

After Debbie cooked dinner, she called everyone to the table. "What did you cook?" Harrison asked. "Carrie's favorite, spaghetti and meatballs!" Debbie exclaimed as Carrie smiled.

"Yes! Thanks mom."

Everyone ate and afterwards went to watch Carrie's favorite star wars movie, The Empire Strikes Back. As they were watching the movie, the phone rang. Debbie answered it and rolled her eyes.

"Carrie, it's for you."

Seeing the eye roll from her mother, she knew exactly who it was. She took the phone and put on a fake smile and fake happy voice.

"Dad!" Carrie exclaimed. Harrison knew that she wasn't happy.

"Hello, Carrie! Happy birthday!" He exclaimed.

"Thanks, dad." She said. "Anytime, well I'll let you go. Tell your brother I said hi." He said

Carrie rolled her eyes. "Will do, bye dad." She said then quickly hung up.

Carrie put the phone down and walked to the kitchen. Harrison saw her and followed her. "Hey sweetheart. You ok?" He asked. Carrie slowly nodded.


She looked over at him and ran into his chest.

"Hold me." She whispered.

He nodded and did as asked.


Carrie laid in her bed, at two o'clock in the morning, wide awake. She decided to text Harrison and see if he was awake.

Carrie: Harry? You up?

After a few minutes, she got a text back.

Harrison: I'm here, sweetheart. What's wrong?

Carrie: I can't sleep.

Harrison: Everything's going to be ok, I promise.

Carrie: But how do you know?

Harrison: I just do, Carebear. Now please, try to get some sleep for me. Ok?

Carrie: Ok . . . I love you

Harrison: I know, I love you too.

Carrie put her phone away and finally fell asleep.


Wow. I've got some awesome news . . . I'm working on a new project!!! Hopefully, it'll be up in the next week. I got the cover yesterday, all that's left now is finishing the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed today's chapter and sadly, I'm probably going to have to start updating once a day because I am way more busy than I thought. Also, today has been a week since I published this book and I already have 300 reads!!!! Thanks so much to all of you!!!

Love, Kendall 💖

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