Native American Stories

By EmberL16

6.1K 158 45

Stories that have been told to me since I was a baby and stories that I have made up. If you don't like peopl... More

Where the Creator Sits
First encounter
Legend of the Swampy Village
Northern Lights: Inuit tale
Northern Lights: Saulteaux tale
Memegwesi and nawus
Journey on the red path


235 17 7
By EmberL16

In my culture they say never to kill a bear. I never understood why but I listened to the elders. I asked them how come we couldn't kill a bear and their reply was always, "would you kill your own brother".

As I grew knowledge of my spiritual beliefs started to grow as well. I learned things on my own and found a legend saying we were created from the rib of a bear. So how could one purposely hurt something that gave a part of themselves to give you life. I've heard stories from the elders that, more or less, are saying to purposely hurt another you are hurting yourself and those you love. I've never come face to face in a situation where I hurt someone on purpose. Until a few years ago. I witnessed a friend of mine kill a bear because he wanted to see if he could kill one.

"Jason, I don't think this is a great idea maybe you should leave him or her alone what if they have cubs" I spoke anxiously. Jason sighed and his shoulders sagged. I knew he was getting frustrated with me but this all felt like I was doing something illegal. "I think you should go back in the car and wait for me there" He spoke quickly, pointing in the direction we parked. Shaking my head I stood my ground refusing to move, "what about what the elders say, never harm another". Jason stared at me blankly and then slowly walked my way. With each footstep harsh words came out. "You talk about the elders rules like they're written in some sacred book, is the lettering written in gold or something, you let them control your decisions all the time!", I was at loss for words. My friend had sounded nothing like himself, "Maybe I'm suppose to kill the bear because it seems to me that they want me to. Since it just happened to show up when we were hunting". Before I could utter so much as a sound the bear had fallen to it's grass covered bed and didn't move. Jason had shot the bear in the chest. He whipped his head in my direction and the smile on his face made my stomach turn. I tried to listen to what he was saying but I was in shock all I heard was white noise.

The only thing I remember is the blurred scenery of trees and bushes. He ran after me and tackled me to the ground. His hands were shaking me vigorously. It was then that I came to and realized I was screaming. "You killed him! what if I get ohginuh! you're crazy what is wrong with you!". The shaking stopped but he still held me in place. "Calm down Lena it's alright nothing is going to happen" ,he said. "I'll say sorry and it'll be okay", Jason began mocking our beliefs. "Are you serious right now! it's not something to joke about Jas! this could follow us for generations" I yelled at him. I had to do something for the bear and myself. So I did the only thing I knew, put tobacco out for him and said a prayer.
"Gizhemanidoo wiiji'ishin! I offer this Tobacco for the Makwaa my friend killed out of greed.", I stared to pray in my head so Jason would stop cutting me off and to stop his mockery. "Once you're done with your hook-a-hay come help me with this." Jason spoke rudely.
I refused to help him butcher the beautiful makwaa. My mind was everywhere except the present. As Jason was about to start he dropped his tool and shook his head. I asked him what was wrong and he replied with nothing. The guilt was heavy on my chest and all I wanted to do was get away from him. His lack of guilt terrified me.

After that day of hunting with Jason I tried to ignore the events of that day. It got harder and harder to act like it didn't happen but Jason kept bringing it up and mocked me. I'm still here, Lena. He would say proudly. That's when I gave up being his friend. Years went by and I felt lighter knowing he wouldn't be there to put his negative views in my life.
Then a few days after the Indian summer while I was cleaning my sage the phone rang. My gut sank as I grabbed the receiver knowing the caller on the other end wasn't going to give good news.  "Lena I don't know what to do" , a low raspy voice sobbed. "she's gone there was an accident and she didn't make it, my baby is gone". My heart sank knowing who I was speaking to. I asked him what had happened and he went on to tell me how they were out buying groceries and a truck came flying out of nowhere and hit the cart his baby was still in. The child did not make it. Putting aside my plans I went to him and his wife to help with the grieving. Time went on and they gradually healed.

A few more years later I received another call from him. His wife had been battling cancer for some time and she was beating it until recently. Test results had come in and it had speard all over and was more aggressive. Unfortunately she hadn't made it. He had lost everything and kept questioning why him. So I told him to go to a medicine man and find out. He took my advice and found a healer but asked me if I could accompany him so I did.

I waited with Anna, the wife of the healer Jason was with. We chatted over a cup of tea waiting for the ceremony to be done. When Jason came out he appeared surprised. We parted ways with the nice couple and made our journey home. I could feel Jason wanted to tell me something but couldn't so I spoke first. I asked him if he wanted to talk about it or if he understood what Cisco told him. "He said I did something in the past of out greed", he stopped talking and waited for my reaction. I knew right away what that meant but didn't say anything. It was quiet for awhile until Jason spoke up again quoting something he heard, "this will follow us for generations, you said that the day I killed the bear Lena. Is this what you meant. He told me the spirits showed him a cub looking for his mom and then me standing over a naked bear holding the fur  around myself."
There was a fight happening in his eyes. A lot of emotions appeared on his face. Sadness, anger and then understanding. He stopped the truck and his shoulders started to shake. Stepping out of the vehicle he walked to the ditch and fell to his knees. I'm sorry he yelled over and over. I let him be and waited for him to calm himself. I then got out and embraced him, softly patting his back. "The bear you shot was the mother right." , I spoke quietly. Not knowing what else to say. He shook his head letting me know I was right. "I never told you this, Lena, but right as I was about to cut that bear I seen a child in its eyes but I told myself it was just my mind playing tricks on me."
My eyebrows went up as I heard him speak. That was the spirits showing him his child in the future. It was their way of telling Jason he would lose his child because of what he did.

"Do you understand why you saw that, Jas?" I asked him. Wanting to help him but there was only so much I could do. "Yes, Lena, I understand. It all happened because I took a mother away from her baby. So the spirits took away the things I held dear. I mocked you when you said it would follow me. The tobacco you put out that day helped for a bit." He chuckled sadly, "but because I didn't see the wrong I'd done they took them."


thanks for reading :)

I got this idea from reading stories online and seeing a picture of a bear that had no fur and from a story my mom told me, I of course changed some things. I do believe in this story very strongly. It's basically a story about Karma.

ohginuh- basically means karma.

if you do something bad, like tortrue animals, that will affect you or your kids or their kids and so on.
Makwaa - bear
Wiiji'ishin - help me
Gizhemanidoo - great spirit
-em :)

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