They Called Her El Diablo

By coraswan

197K 6.8K 924

Academy fic. According to Sang Sorensen she can't handle her boys and their newfound 'needs'; abandoning them... More

Before we start
Chapter 1: The Downfall
Chapter 2: Enter our lovable Diablo
Chapter 3: Take Action or To Not Take Action
Chapter 4: Who the hell are you
Chapter 5: Whoo-sah
Chapter 6: There are intruders in the office!
Chapter 7: Strangest Lunch
Chapter 8: Numbers Don't Lie
Chapter 9: Smee
Chapter 11: Unpleasant Surprise(s)
Chapter 12: Kill the Occupants
Chapter 13: Just Let Me Go
Chapter 14: Woke,Ran,Found
Chapter 15: H3LL-O
Chapter 16: You're WHAT?!?
Chapter 18: Unwanted Past
Chapter 19: You Win Again
Chapter 20: So far, yet not far enough
Chapter 21: Closer till it burns
Chapter 22: Revival
Chapter 23: Relentless
Chapter 24: Get Outta Here!
Chapter 26: Mistake?
Chapter 27: Presents, Smiles and Truth
Chapter 28: The Past, Unmasked.
Chapter 29: Series of WTF events Part 1
Chapter 30: Series of WTF events part 2
Part 31: United We Stand
Chapter 32: Going Places
Chapter 33: Frankbridge
Chapter 34: Houston; Days 2 and 3
Chapter 35: Houston Days 2 and 3 Part 2
Chapter 36: Yeah...It Ain't Over Yet
Part 37: The Storm Approaches
Part 38: Hero or Zero
Part 39: Schmecovery
NotUpdate: A03 anyone?

Chapter 25: Decisions & Questions & vice-versa

4.9K 164 25
By coraswan

Hayden's POV

They all blinked at me and I blinked back.

''Y-you know Russian?'' Raven stuttered for the first time.

''Wait what? No, of course not, I haven't lied to you'' I replied

''You don't have to do anything you don't want to'' North said softly

I was a little confused. ''But y'all haven't...y'know''

''Haven't what sugar?'' Nate prodded, smirking

''Uh... released?''

''Don't worry about us Mischief, we can handle ourselves'' Gabriel interjected

''Oh, uhm, okay then....'' I faltered

''What did we do to make you think otherwise?'' North pressed

I mumbled incoherently hoping they'd drop it. ''We didn't get that baby girl'' Raven said

''Trent always made me do it, so I thought that that is what you expected in return for...earlier?'' I said, unsure.

''But he never gave you pleasure?'' Nate asked. I rubbed my palms against my warming cheeks. God, this was embarrassing.

''You needn't be shy, baby doll, we just want to know what he did so that we can work to fix it'' Raven rumbled.

I shook my head mutely in answer to Nate's question.

''Fuck! Should go and fucking kill that bastard back there!'' Gabriel ranted. ''He's dead'' I said calmly. Now, this wasn't so awkward any more.

''Well that's what we though last time bu-''

''Nope, I killed him with my own two hands. He's not getting back up. Nor will he be seeing his white masked buddy anytime soon''

''White mask??'' North sounded alarmed

''Yeah, it's nothing, just some phantom guy he made up to make me scared.''

''What did he say about the white mask Hayden. You need to remember carefully. Every detail'' Raven's baritone had taken an urgent tint.

''It's nothing! Really! Some stupid stuff about him working with Trent to get revenge or something on you guys. The first time in the house attack he mentioned white mask too. Said that white mask was co-ordinating all my enemies to get me out of the picture because of you guys. Which is abso-fucking-lutely ridiculous because you guys are upper-society. There's no way to do something and not get the police involved!''

They disregarded my lack of worry and began speaking rapidly in Russian to each other. I heard some of my boys' names come up as well as 'Volto' and 'Sang'

Ugh, why does it always come back to that deserting bitch?

I huffed moodily at the lack of English being thrown around and settled myself back down into Nate's lap. I watched the streets fly by and Nate's gentle caresses made me doze slightly.

When we pulled into the garage the guys split, with North carrying me to the Doc's medical room and the other 3 heading to the living room.

House's clinic room

''Doc, patch her, then we needa have a family meeting about something really urgent'' North announced as he walked in. Doc said something in Japanese and North said one line which seemed to make all the blood drain from Sean's face.

''Volto's back''

Sean immediately got to working on my wounds, gently prodding and asking how I got them so he could assess the severity of each. A good 10minutes later, he was still assessing the wounds and carefully and tenderly wrapping them. I was thankful that he didn't ask questions or pass judgement. Good, he was almost done, if not already done, just checking his work. Perfect, like him. Hehe.

The room was suddenly encased in blue-light, making me tense. ''Don't worry Boo, that's just Corey and Victor scanning the house for bugs and cameras that aren't our own''

''Ah,'' I relaxed and moaned a little as Sean's fingers accidentally brushed the bottom of my one-piece which was covering my core.

''Well, that's unexpectedly soaked'' He grinned salaciously ''That's not an injury at all, is it?''

I squeezed my thighs together, keeping mum.

''Did you moan for them? Did you squirt all over their hands as they brought you to your orgasm?'' I gasped at his dirty words, feeling myself get wet, further drenching the poor brand-new one-piece. Jeez, I'm not wearing this again. Sorry Gabriel.

''Tell me, minx, what did they do, ''He breathed into my ear

''North filled me, with his big fingers and Gabriel sucked me, hard'' I said huskily, trying to get him to lose control, much like they did to me.

''And I didn't come, until I was told,'' I whispered slowly

He made a strangled noise and grabbed the back of my neck, forcing me to stay still as he meshed our lips together. His fingers slid down, without any pre-amble and entered my one-piece, cupping me. ''God, you're still fucking wet. Naughty girl'' He purred, pushing a single finger in.

I rocked myself on his finger trying to get the release I now craved, but he tightened his grip on my neck, pushing slightly against the bruises, causing a delicious mix of pain with pleasure. Hm, I seem to be liking the pain, I mused.

''Not till I give permission, little one'' He growled, leaving love bites all over my collarbone. I ran my fingers through his golden curls, tugging as the pleasurable sensations rose. He tried pushing in another finger, but it was a tight fit and I was already on the verge of releasing.

''What do you want?'' He asked seductively

''I want to come, oh, I need to come so bad, please'' I cried

He made a rumbling sound that I felt more than heard with his chest pressed so close to mine, and said, "Come for me baby, scream for me."

I moaned really loud, not caring if the others heard, and forgetting that they were expecting us to hurry to discuss the 'urgent' issue. Screw that, I thought as I slowly came down from my high.

"Not that I'm not enjoying the view, my Queen, but we really need you two to be at the meeting." Victor's polished tone came into the room.

I lazily laid back on the table to stare at him dead in the eyes. "Aw, you won't be joining us?"

"Oh, there's plenty of time for that later" he winked

"I'll hold you to that," I promised, adjusting my one-piece as Sean slipped his hand away.

I started to walk towards the door when Sean cleared his throat.

"In the meantime Vic, won't you have a taste?" I turned slightly to see him holding out his glistening fingers. The most devilish look appeared on Victor's face and he walked forwards. "Let's share that" he countered.

Sean licked part of his finger while Victor engulfed the rest of his finger into his mouth. All the while I was watching, not breaking eye contact with either of them.

"Y'all are driving me nuts" I told them and walked out, my nose in the air.

Along the way, the duo flanked me, both sporting impish looks. When we were about to enter, either Sean or Victor gave me a sharp smack on my ass making me yelp, gaining the attention of everyone else.

"Had fun?" Dakota drawled sarcastically.

"More like... tasted something delicious " Sean winked, much to my embarrassment.

"Sean!" Axe and Owen chided lightly

"Y'all are just jeaaaalous" Sean crowed plopping himself on the sofa, making North who was also on it, bounce a little. North glared a little. And Victor guided me to sit on his lap, and the meeting started again.

"So, as we were saying, Volto's back and now he's going after Hayden. We have to make sure at least two of us are with her at all times. Even at nights. And-"

"Wait, Owen, hold up. White mask guy has a name? And he's come after you guys before? What does he want?" I cut in

Owen sighed but Axel answered me instead. "Volto, white masked guy's name, has been after Owen and some of the guys since they were teenagers. We didn't always call ourselves a family... Marc, the twins, Raven and I didn't join this family till about 4years ago. Volto was always sending threats and interrupting our lives. It caused problems for us. Some stuffs happened and we took the vacation from our companies, which brought you into our lives. We hadn't seen or heard from him since we left. Volto has no care for lives or reasonings. He hates us, and now that he's resurfaced, there's no telling what he won't do to hurt us. "

I knew that they were holding back huge chunks, especially since I was 90% sure that Sang was in their lives during the Volto attack period. And there was something in Axe's voice that made me suspect he was hiding something too. Not Sang, but something else.

I raised my eyebrows to show I knew he wasn't telling me the whole truth and hummed.

"So, how're you planning on getting him?" I asked instead

I pretended not to see the guys visibly relax when I chose not to pursue the missing information chunks. Geez boys, I can be sensitive too.

Corey intervened. "Vic and I using our latest software development from HLG Tech to backtrace, Pendrigo's steps in the past 72hours. Kota will be running background checks on those that Pendrigo said were working with Volto, so you have to help him with that. He'll also be tracking everyone Pendrigo had contact with, so you'll be identifying anyone familiar. The rest of us will be running point on security, and staff maangement. Also, we need to keep our companies running, it can't take another hit, AND we can't let Volto detect a change in our behaviours''

''But, you must remember. If it comes to choosing between the company and a situation that we might have at home,'' a discreet look at me, '' Family comes first.'' Axel decreed.

''I am willing and will obey'' The guys responded.

Cult much?

''Baby girl, you needn't worry. Just help Kota and one of us will come by later to discuss with you the rotations that we've made for us to be with you at all times.'' Raven intoned

I deadpanned, bringing up my legs so that I could rest my arms on it. ''You do know, that I can take care of myself right? And I just killed Trent, by myself. Who held me at gunpoint, today!, so whoever this freak is, he should be scared, not me.''

The guys who'd been at the Rings stiffened slightly. Silas stepped in now. ''We believe you, zoi mou (my life), but just humor us, for our peace of mind okay?''

''If you put it like that...'' I sighed heavily, giving in.

''One last thing before we all go. Would you like to explain why you did what you did?'' Owen said strongly.

''I am my own person, Owen. I don't need any of your permission to do what I want. I do however, realize that communication is important, so I will let any one of you know the next time I decide to go to the Rings. It's a part of me, guys,'' I looked at each and every one of my angels. ''And, I just can't see myself going without it... It got me through the most dire period of my life... you can't just expect me to give that up....'' I said softly.

They spoke briefly in what sounded like Russian, slightly arguing as I huffed and waited.

Few of my angels look a little put out as it appeared that they lost the argument. ''Next time, please tell one of us. Some back-up never hurt. In the meantime, you'll have to bring someone along everytime, just so we can be your second pair of eyes.''

''In the meantime?'' I asked Axel who was sporting a uncharacteristic cat-like grin.

''I'm sure we'll find a more engaging and exciting activity for you to partake in. Soon enough.''

''Oh?'' I challenged. He nodded. The rest were guffawing at my expression of bafflement. And then, the innuendo sank in.

''Oh.'' Dear mother of god.

''Hey, Hayden, '' Luke asked after they'd calmed down, mostly.

''Yeah?'' I replied, wary of any potential sex jokes they might send my way.

''North and the guys mentioned that Trent called you, Diana...'' He started

''Oh.'' I cringed at that name. It was bound to come up sooner or later, Haydes. Keep it factual, and scrape off all the dirt. ''Diana's the name I used to go by. It's my middle name. My caretakers hated my name- Hayden, said it brought them bad luck or something. So, they used Diana. I don't use it anymore as it's an ugly reminder of my past; one that I'd rather erase from memory.'' I said quickly, keeping it brief and factual.

''So! Shall we go Dakota?'' I broke the tense silence that had ensued after I answered Luke's question

''Ahem- Yes, we all need to get down to business. Let us convene in a kitchen in 3 hours, at 0800 for breakfast and progress reports.'' Owen cleared his throat and directed everyone away.

I followed Dakota to what I think was his shared office seeing it had a couple other desks in the room, all overflowing with tons of screens, blinking lights and keyboards.

He gestured to the leftmost desk station and booted up his computer. Our seats were such that we could see everything else in the room and they could see us. Each desk was positioned such that they formed a large circle, so that its occupants, presumably Dakota, Victor and Corey, could easily talk to each other while working. This was so cool, I thought to myself

He pulled out a spare chair from a side desk and parked it in front of his monitors, gesturing for me to take a seat, having already taken one himself.

I glared at the innocent looking leather-chair.

Damnit, I was still....wet....down there and if I moved too much, the one-piece would fucking squeak against the leather and Dakota, that horny wolf, would totally investigate. Can't go and change now, either, or I risk his attention too.

Just then, Core and Vic sauntered in, getting themselves settled, each with a steaming cup in hand. Smiling and oblivious to my dilemma, they handed identical cups to Dakota and me each before settling themselves in at their respective desks.

Fuck. 3 potential witnesses if I so much as slid against the leather, I gulped, gingerly lowering myself onto the seat.

''Let's get down to work and catch this son of a bitch'' Dakota announced cracking his knuckles as he started typing furiously.

Oh boy.


New Chap up! Hope you guys are really getting intoo this story! Your comments are always making me smile, and I will get around to replying them! I am constantly working on a new chapter for y'all so I'm really grateful for your kind support!

Do Vote/Comment or Share! Whichever works well for you, because every bit of love and kind support does go a long way!

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