Hiding from "MY MATE"

By CheezCkae

20.5K 734 60

PROLOGUE Part I Im running as fast as I could Everytime I scent his smell ...Earthen , like woods and freshl... More

Hiding from "MY MATE"
Second Prolouge
Authours Note


125 7 0
By CheezCkae


"please! don't do this!" A house keeper pleaded in my feet. Begging me to spare her life. But I can't ,- just by looking at her blood spilling around her neck because of the scratch I made earlier makes me crave for more. The scent of her blood is sweet . wait! know that I think about it. She must be pregnant.

I pout at the thought poor kid never had a chance to see the chaotic world. I kick off the woman who is clutching my legs.

"stop it. You're making my pants dirty!" I hissed with irritation in my voice.

Her body slammed against the janitors locker we're I found her placing her equipment in place. Her blood shot eyes was full of tears silently begging mercy.

She groaned in pain and shout the pain away but I guess it's not working because she just continue to whimper.

"Okay, I won't make you suffer enough." I smile sweetly to her and grab her collar and bit her neck. She wiggled away from me. It gets weaker and weaker until there's none.

I slowly let her go and lick my lips. Looking at her lifeless body slam on the floor and her eyes wide open. I pout.

"Why human blood tastes soooo good!"I exclaimed sarcastically laughing my way out.

I humm and skip away from the room.
Now where should I go?

Grabbing my things in the suite I hurried myself out and call a cab. I don't want to be here when the body is found. I get in with my D&G aviator to hide the eerie shades of my eyes.It's bloody red with a touch of blue thru the sunlight well it's not a normal human eyes.

"where to?" The driver ask when I didn't say any location.

I raise my brow and sit comfortably."just drive" I closed my eyes and the glint of my necklace caught my attention.

It has been glowing this few weeks continuously. I hide it under my shirt because I've seen the driver glancing at it with curiosity running in his eyes.

He have seen my actions and pretend like he doesn't see anything. I glance back at the window shrugging the scene off. A release a deep breath causing the driver to look at the rearview mirror again.

"To the another side of the bridge please" I said when I finally decided where should I go.

As the car stop at the end of the bridge I jump off and give him a hundred dollar bill.

He shook his head "Im sorry ma'am, do you have a lower bill?" the old man ask uncertain.

I wave my hand no. "Keep it! Buy your grandchild toys" He's eyes widen. probably because of the information about him having a grandchild especially when he looks 30 years old. I didn't wait for hus response and started to walk opposite of the cab and headed to the park near the river. There was a strong scent inside his car and it was similar to his that is when I know he have one.

The stars are bright that make the night park glowing without lights. The cold wind welcomes me with a cold breeze and the night was filled with the sound of cricket in the forest.

I sat on the bench and gaze at the river. It is so beautiful in here but no human have realized it-

A loud joyous laughters caught my attention and saw a group of young people laughing on my left side. They are sitting on a mat place on the grass with the car head light is their only light.

I let out a deep sigh and divert my attention at the sky. The stars are now twinkling though they don't really twinkle. The moon is hidden under the cloud thats why the stars are given a chance to shine.

The breeze became warmer and so is the unfamiliar scent that I inhaled.

My eyes grew wider when the realization hit me "wolves!!" I hurriedly stand and run at the opposite side of the forest.

How I wish they didn't caught my scent then begin to leave this town again.



thanks guys and love lots


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