Orange is the new gucci (in p...

By TherealestVC

12.8K 272 64

What happens when Max agrees to go on a shopping trip with Victoria?...hilarity ensures, fluff, a bet, and ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Caesar salad and cheeseburgers
Food fight!!!!....and mall jail
Mall jail
Lets go to the movies
I like you okay?
Friday the 13th (special chapter)
Community service
Valentine's Day
I still get jealous
Fix you
Victoria's Secret
Sister Sister
Sisterly love....sisterly blackmail
Max's hometown visit part 1
Finals and Graduation

Max's hometown visit part 2

308 7 2
By TherealestVC

Chapter 19

Saturday morning was finally here, The girls were still sleeping when a loud thud awakened both of them accompanied with a "I'M OKAY!", It was the twins rough housing again. 'Momma really needs to get them to calm down in the morning', Max thinks as she arises first with a groan and stretches.

Victoria tries for a few extra minutes of sleep and hides under her pillow.

"Oh no you don't, It's time to face the masses" Max rubs the other girl's back to fully wake her up.

"Mmm I don't wanna...Can't we just stay in here all day?" Victoria moans getting up as well.

Max laughs at that comment because she would say the exact same thing, "No can do. Breakfast is waiting then we can go explore town and hangout with my family afterwards, alright?".

Victoria smiles at this idea and reaches to give Max a peck on the lips " Sounds like a good idea, mmm good morning by the way", she smiles getting out of bed then heads to the bathroom to go pee and heads downstairs with Max for breakfast.

Max says a quick morning to her brothers in the living room, they were too engrossed in cartoons to say anything. They walk past her father who was sitting at his chair with coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other. When he sees the girls, he beckons Max over for a good morning and stares 'intimidating' at Victoria. That prompts in a playful hit by Max and a "Daddy stop scaring her!".

"I'm only joking but I was serious about that talk. So, what is the plan for today girls?" Ryan says taking a sip of his coffee.

"Well I was going to take Victoria over to town to explore and see if anything has changed" Max smiles at her father and Victoria who smiles back.

Ryan is about to ask if they could bring the twins along but decides against it "Wellup have fun and don't anything I wouldn't do...Ba dum tss", Ryan laughs slapping his knee. (Dad jokes..ughhh).

Max facepalms and groans...Only her father would try and act cool around her girlfriend. Victoria was snickering at his joke 'Max's dad sure is silly', They go next to the kitchen to grab some coffee and say good morning to Vanessa who is cooking a lot of food.

"Good morning Vanessa" Victoria says getting her coffee.

"Morning Momma, What's for breakfast?" Max manages to steal a berry before getting swatted with a dishcloth.

Vanessa says continuing on the eggs, "We are having Eggs, French toast, Bacon, and Fruit...In honor of our guest".

Max started "Wow I shou-" but was cut off by Victoria "That's really generous Vanessa, But you don't have to cook all that because of me". Vanessa laughs at her comment "Nonsense, Besides the boys eat a lot...Uh sweetie is your sister awake yet?" She asks Max who shakes her head no.

Vanessa sighs "I swear that girl can sleep through a tornado...Can you go get the boys to wake her?".

Max nods and goes to the living room to ask her brothers, Victoria was left in the kitchen with Vanessa she was debating on whether or not she should ask to help with cooking or anything. Vanessa calls her over "Yes?" Victoria asked. "Come help me get the utensils and plates, Oh! the plates are in that cabinet over there and the utensils are in that drawer over there. I'll grab the cups", Vanessa instructs Victoria who complies. She knew the other girl had never set a table in her and today would be a good start.

Victoria finds the right amount of plates and utensils for everyone, she heads back to Vanessa with the items for further instructions. Vanessa shows her where to place everything and asks her about how things run at her house, she answers honestly and says that there weren't very many family meals and how she hoped things would change. Vanessa gives her a sad smile, their little moment is cut off with a loud voice "UGHHH I HATE YOU LITTLE RUNTS!" and a "OHHH SHE SAID A BAD WORD" also a "NO SHE DIDN'T IDIOT SHE SAID HATE" all coming from upstairs.

The twins had been successful in waking up Maddie, the loud footsteps and the pitter patters of feet were proof of that. Vanessa groans and goes back to finishing up breakfast. A few minutes later, Max walks back in and gives Victoria a quick smile and a peck of the lips. She had heard some of the tall blonde's conversation with her mother.

When breakfast was finally done, the troops were called in first were Danny and Robby who were elbowing each other to the table...Apparently they had remembered about their house guest and wanted both to sit by her. Next was Maddie all dressed in a off shoulder shirt with capris, she was still moping about her phone being taken away and decided that she wanted to spend the day with her best friend Lisa. Last was Ryan who had finished his coffee and was about to get another cup when Vanessa swats his hand away.

The seating arrangement this time was Victoria in the middle of the twins with them her asking her questions about what superheroes she liked, Max and Maddie on the other side discussing something, Vanessa was sitting on one end of the table Ryan at the other end.

"I like Batman cuz he turns into a bat" Danny says to Victoria.

"Batman is dumb. Superman saves the town and works a cool job like Daddy" Robby retorts back at Danny, Victoria being forgotten in the conversation.

"You're dumb!" Danny retorted back.

"Yeah well you're stupid" Robby throws another retort and reaches over a bewildered Victoria to push Danny, escalating in a little fight.

She was at a lost on what to do and looked over at Max for guidance, Max got her father's attention causing him look up from his paper and get up to pull the boys off each other.

"Now boys apologize to each other", Ryan instructed the boys, who gave each other a light hearted apology to each other.

"Good now apologize to Victoria", they both said sorry to Victoria hugging her from each side. They had been warming up to her, Max sent an aww from her side of the table and Victoria sent her a teasing look back. That resulted in both of them to throw napkins at each other, they were stopped by Max's dad who cleared his throat and said in a "menacing" tone "Now, Do you two need to go to the corner?", They knew he was kidding but said no anyways. The food was served finally and everyone dug in.

The casual table talk was that the twins had decided that both batman and superman were cool, and after breakfast they wanted to dress up as both to fight the evils outside with permission of course. Maddie had continued mope around and it eventually resulted in begging for her phone back, with some tough promises she got it back and went back to eating. The parents of the house were going to lounge around or clean all day. And of course Max and Victoria's plans to go around town.

After breakfast and compliments to Vanessa, Everyone set off to do their activities for the day...Maddie only had to walk a few houses to get the Lisa's house, But promised to text her parents when she got there. The boys were adorable looking their superhero costumes and set off to the backyard to let their imaginations take place.

Max and Victoria both showered (separately of course), and with resistance took money for lunch even though Victoria had her cards. They said goodbye and announced they would be back by 7 p.m. then headed for town in Victoria's car. The weather was nice that day so there were a lot of people outside, their plan was to stop by the local photography store and browse the sections then a movie and lunch.

They stopped at a small photo booth and took some photos to hang up on the walls when they got to Blackwell. They saw also that there had some sort of celebration going down because there was a carnival or fair at the local high school parking lot, 'Hmm I better text Momma and Daddy about that to see if we could all go later' Max thought as they drove past the high school.

Max kept looking out of the window at the places and the music on the radio was rather peaceful, Victoria looked over lovingly at the other girl as they continued their journey to downtown Seattle. After Victoria parked her car, they got out and walked hand in hand into the photo store.

They saw the cutest starter kid camera and Max thought about getting two for the twins, knowing them they wouldn't want to share. However, She didn't have enough for both so with a pout and puppy dog eyes at Victoria..The other girl relented and bought the other starter camera. Max cheered 'Dork' Victoria thought as they headed out of the store to find somewhere to eat.

They decided on the nearby Coney Island where Max got her usual burger and fries combo, Victoria decided on a sandwich and a salad. They sat and ate peacefully, only with the occasional questions where Max learned that Victoria was from Seattle but her parents moved them to Arcadia Bay when she got accepted into Blackwell Academy. She barely recognized Seattle, it had been a couple of years since she had been there last but was surprised that her and Max never crossed paths.

After eating lunch, Victoria wanted to get a thank you gift for Max's parents. She found a mug for Max's father and fragrance/soap set for Max's mom. Max decided to get Maddie some cool phone cases, they spent most of their time goofing around in the entertainment store messing with the massage chairs and cool gadgets. They had almost gotten in trouble when Max decided that a fidget spinner was like a frisbee and threw it a good few meters where it hit a mother.

Needless to say...Max pretended not to know what she did when she heard the woman scream in pain from being hit in the back of the head. Victoria face palmed at this and pulled the girl to another store, before the woman could turn around and yell at them. They went to the next store giggling and skipping around like kids. They had forgotten about the plan for a movie..So they decided after browsing a few stores for the next hours that they would just return back to the house and chill there.

"This was really fun" Max said swinging their hands back and forth as they walked to Victoria's car.

Victoria smirks over at the other girl "Yeahhhh well except for the part where we almost got in trouble because you decided a fidget spinner was a good frisbee...Did Chloe teach you that?" She asks as they reach her car and gets her keys out of her purse.

"Umm maybe...But she told me to look up a video where this dude uses his fidget spinner as a frisbee and it lands on a flat surface and continues to spin. It's so cool!" she excitedly says and helps Victoria put their shopping bags on the backseat and goes over to the passenger side of the car.

"I'm sure it is but I'm sure that guy is a pro. Good thing you didn't buy one of those though. Right?" She looks over to Max who reaches to the back to get something. When she returns, she's spinning a fidget spinner. Victoria face palms and starts the car 'Oh gosh this idiot'.

The car ride back is quiet with the only sound being the spinning of Max's new toy. Victoria has to confiscate it though when Max tries to spin it on the steering wheel. Victoria promises to a pouting Max that she will get it back when they reach the house. Without her new toy, Max decides to listen and sing along to the radio.

When they reach the house, Max reaches over Victoria to get her new toy but is stopped by Victoria. "Ah ah ah, You aren't getting this back without a kiss first" She is met with a peck.

The fidget spinner is still held hostage when they reach the front door with shopping bags in hands "You are going to have to do better than that", Victoria teases holding the spinner out of Max's reach. Max pushes her up against the door and starts to kiss her again this time more passionate and moves down to her neck, where she lets out a moan. The fidget spinner being forgotten and their bags thrown down by their feet, as they start making out. It goes on for a few minutes when they get interrupted by the front door opening.

When they look up at the person who interrupted them, seeing no one until they look down and see Danny looking at them shocked with his hands over his mouth "Oohhhhh you guys were kissing! Ewwww!" He says before noticing the cameras sticking out of the bag and proceeds to push Max out of the way to get to the new toys.

He is stopped by Max picking him up and carrying him inside "Now mister, I don't think that's the proper to get a gift huh?" She says tickling the little boy who giggles trying to get out of her arms. The boy looks over to Victoria for help who is carrying their shopping bags inside and shrugs while laughing at the sight.

"Sorry sorry uncle uncle but is that for me?" He says trying to catch his breath after she stops tickling him. Max places him on the ground and he waits for her to answer.

"Yes it is and Robby too, Where is he by the way?" Max looks around for her other brother.

Danny points to the timeout chair in the corner of the living room where Robby is sitting pouting and has tear tracks on his face.

Victoria hands him one of the mini cameras and he rips the package open, Victoria helps him with the buttons as Max goes over to talk to Robby.

Max walks into the living room over to Robby and gets permission from her mother to talk to him.

"Hey buddy...What did you do now?" Max said crouching down to his level.

When Robby notices Max, he sits up "I was being mean to Danny and wouldn't listen to Momma when it was nap time", He says putting his head down.

Max gets his attention again "Robby Bobby...I know that I'm gone half the time but you're the second man in the house so it's your job to help Momma out and be nice to Danny. Oh! I have a surprise for you also" she finishes tickling him.

"Really?!" Robby gets excited at this.

"Yeah haha but you have to apologize to Momma and Danny first okay?" Max picks him up then puts him down in front of their mother who is sitting down reading a magazine.

He goes on apologizing to their Mom then goes to apologize to Danny who just accepts and shows him his new toy (camera). He looks up at Victoria and asks her for his new toy. He gives her a quick hug when he receives it and runs off to play with Danny.

The rest of the evening goes by nicely, Victoria gives Max's parents her thank you presents...When Maddie decides to come back, Max gives her the new phone cases that she bought her. Max suggests they all go to the carnival at the high school, they go and enjoy the rides and games. When it came to the talk that Victoria had with Ryan, it went surprisingly well...He even told her to take care of Max and not hurt her or he will come for her. He wasn't joking that time.

When they saw the scary big rides, Max and Victoria wanted to ride them but that decision changed quickly when Ryan started reminiscing.

"Man I remember that ride...I think that's the one your mother puked on. Ohh...Were you guys going to ride that one? Oopsies" Ryan saying and looks at their scared faces laughing.

Max and Victoria both groan and walk towards the Ferris wheel, "Let's go on the ferris wheel before your dad says anything about it" Victoria grabbing her hand giggling.

Once they get in the seat and the ride starts, they cuddle in a peaceful bliss..When they reach the top, they could see Max's parents and the twins going to some kiddie ride. They could Maddie talking to some of her friends and showing them her new phone case.

"This was the best trip ever, Too bad we have to leave in the morning and study for finals", Victoria pouts.

Max pecks her pout away "Aww you like my family...We can visit again", She smiles as the ride ends.

"That would be wonderful, Come on I think your brothers are getting tired" Victoria laughs and looks over at the twins who were whining to Vanessa and Ryan.

They all decide it's time to go home and grab some greasy food from the fair to eat for dinner in the car ride back home. That night the girls go to sleep with smiles on their faces, the trip may have been short but both really enjoyed it. In the morning when they get all their stuff ready, Max says goodbye to her family with hugs and kisses...Victoria receives hugs from everyone and trades contact information with Max's parents.

They both wave goodbye when they in the car, and drive off back to Oregon.

"This was a great weekend...Now back to reality", Max says with a frown.

Victoria smiles at her...'Yes it will be with finals and graduation'.

Victoria start to feel new worries on what will happen after Blackwell...Well they go to the same college or even stay together?

What will happen after Blackwell...

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