Chains ( kakashi love story)

By Firebird4171

161K 4.3K 660

A women is dragged into the village in chains. She was caught outside the village watching Naruto from the fo... More

Student and teacher
Table for 5
B day
Chain training
Quest for the bridge builder
A/n :-D
Time togeather
Dinner and dust
Im sorry
Small moments.
A little help never hurts
A new toy

The gifts we recieve

2.6K 75 24
By Firebird4171

"Every ninja is different" Kushina held her hand out to let a snow flake fall into her palm.

"Our gifts come in all shapes and sizes like snowflakes. One day you will discover it through an experience. Pain or pleasure. Sadness or joy. Or perhaps you may simply stumble upon it." Kushina smiles down at the young girl.
"Always remember," she said as the step through the snow leaving shallow foot steps, " we have our gifts for a reasons. We may never know why or we might know all too well."

She stopped then letting the Snow gentle blanket her red hair like a white veil of stars, "but always remember one thing. That no matter what happens, I will always love you"


"Sasuke no!" Kanata ran to sasuke seconds after he fell to the ground with a wet thump. His body was limp in the puddle.

They had broken free only moments ago bur the rejoice was over before it began.

Haku hadn't hesitated. The senbon flew. Sasuke fell.


It took second for it to hit him.
It took less for him to fall.

Kanata knelt over the body. Rain plastering their bodies in cold. It washed away her already falling tears. Naruto was still at her side shaking with rage. Is fist clenching and unclenching slowly.

Then, she felt it. The hot rage bubbling to the surface. Anger. So much anger. It almost burned her skin.

She looked up to him, knowing the feeling as it seared her skin.

He was glowing orange nails sharp, teeth bared at Haku.

"Naruto...!" She watched in horror as he let out a cry. A cry she had wished she could have forgotten. It was the call of a beast. Nine tails was ready to break out, fueled by naruto's rage. He shots off towards haku already forming chakra tails.

"No!" Her chains traveled as fast as they could,  catching him from behind and coiling around him like a snakes. He thrashed like an animal in a snare, jerking and biting in the air. He was almost dragging her with the force.

"Snap out of it!" She screamed over the rain and his primal growls. Wind howled in her ears as she struggled to hold on. If she couldn't get to him from the outside, she would have to get to him from the inside.

She tried to cokes her chains inside but without his conscious he rejected them. Kanata didn't want to hurt him but this might be the only chance. She forced her chain to meld to him ripping into his mind by force.


It was like his mind was on fire. Flaming and angry. She stood in amidst the chaos frozen cold. They eyes that stared only yard from her face were from her nightmares.

The nine tales screamed as it took her in prowling as if she were its pray.

Kanata couldn't move. Her greatest fear walking before her, rampant and free within Naruto's mind. It growled almost laughing and pounced opening its jaws to devour her.

She opened her eyes to the real world as its teeth closed around her. She was still screaming.

Kanata dropped to her knees on the ground. Nausea sweeping over her. She looked up to look at what had become of Naruto but found his energy lessening as he began to flight less and less. But the orange glow didn't recede into him but onto her chains.  It rushed towards her as if she was extracting the chakra from him.

She let him go and he fell to the ground with a weak thud but the chakra stuck spreading towards her.

"We all have our gifts"

It rushed closer

"We have our gifts for a reason"

It made contact with her skin

"Pain or pleasure"

It spread over her skin

"Sadness or joy"

Fire rushed through her veins
And her mind could only know two this rage and pain.

"We all have our gift"

And she was consumed.

There will be more explanation but for now that's it. This one was super hard to do and I was stumped for months trying to do it. So this is how it's going to pan out I guess. More to come ❤️


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