Calidisi (Slowly updating)

By SapphireMarie99

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{Falling in love is when she falls asleep in your arms and wakes up in your dreams.} Secrets. Danger. Love. M... More

Chapter 1: Discovery
Chapter 2: Mevel Academy
Chapter 3: Poems and Shopping
Chapter 4: An Odd Encounter
Chapter 5: Liam?
Chapter 6: Shiiii...zingers!
Chapter 7: The Ride
Chapter 8: An Uncertain Meeting
Chapter 9: Dating?
Chapter 10: Learning Day by Day
Chapter 11: Sisterly Love
Chapter 12: Losing Doubt
Chapter 14: Fine or Forgive?
Chapter 15: First Kill

Chapter 13: Nothing More, Nothing Less

34 2 1
By SapphireMarie99

Nothing More, Nothing Less:


"Giler was a bit...critical today," I commented as Liam drove me home.

He pulled into my driveway and turned off the ignition, "I know Giler  can be hard to understand and he has rough edges but really all he does is to better you. He only wants to help you," Liam encouraged.

"I know," I pushed back my hair, "I didn't realize how long my mind dealt with the exercise of my power beyond minor things. Honestly," I thought to myself for a moment, "It was eye opening."

"I'm glad," he smiled, "When will you want to do this again?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Maybe in a couple of days. I need to catch up with some school work."

"Of course," he said. He pulled the keys out of the ignition and I took off my seatbelt, "I'll open the door for you," he quickly said taking off his seatbelt.

"Thank you."

He went around the front of the car and opened my door, "You really didn't have to."

"I wanted to," he smiled and grabbed my hand, "You're my girlfriend right?" he leaned in close to my ear, "Besides they're watching."

He backed away and I looked around. I could see some neighbors pretending to do some garden work but their looks strayed to us. I saw some curtains opened and they closed quickly as I began to look at my surroundings."

"Everyone is going to know about us soon enough," I looked back to Liam, "I'm surprised they didn't know earlier."

He laughed, "Well let's play our parts well."

I smiled at him, "Well let's go boyfriend." I led him to my porch.

We stood outside my door and I hugged him, "Thank you for being patient with me."

He hugged me back tight and laughed, "Really, it's no big deal. I'm surprised you haven't freaked out more about everything or stranded us yet."

"It's my curiosity and my gut instinct that's telling me to stay," I smiled letting go of him.

He smiled back at me, "Well I'm glad something is keeping you grounded to our cause," he then looked at my massive white front doors with gold accents," I guess this is goodbye for now."

"I guess so," I stepped backwards, "Goodbye Liam."

"Goodbye Nailah, see you soon," he began to walk off and I turned around to open the door with the palm sensor.

I stepped inside my house and relaxed my body against the cool door. I sighed to myself happily and bit my bottom lip softly.

"Have fun?" Evie startled me as she walked down the stairs.

I stepped away from the door and pushed back my hair, "Yeah it was nice."

She smirked at me, "That's good."

I ran up the stairs, "Got to go do some homework now." I said before she could inquire more.

I threw myself on my bed and telekinetically closed the door. I kicked off my shoes and pulled the covers over me then I drifted happily into sleep with a wonderful dream.

The next morning I woke up the smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. I rushed down the stairs and walked into my kitchen to see Damon's arms wrapped around Evie as she cooked.

"Oh sorry," I backed out of the kitchen quickly. That was a bit awkward. I wasn't used to being around Evie and Damon so much because they always were together, even from the very beginning.

Evie followed after me, "Nailah."

"Yeah?" I turned around to her.

"Sorry about that," she blushed.

"No Evie, I'm sorry for making it awkward. I guess I'm just not used to seeing that kind of lovey dovey stuff," I laughed nervously, "Seriously it's fine."

Suddenly she laughed, "Oh my sweet, innocent sister," she patted my head.

"Evie stop, I'm not that innocent."

She laughed again, "C'mon breakfast is ready."

I followed her back into the kitchen and I sat at the bar. "Where's the help?" I asked.

"I let them take the day off, I felt like doing stuff today instead."

Damon and I gave each other a look of "yeah right."

"What? I do!" she defended herself, "Here's your plate honey," she handed him a full plate of her delicious smelling breakfast, "and here's yours."

I took the plate and placed a small forkful of eggs in my mouth.

"So?" Evie looked at both Damon and I, "How is it?"

"This is delicious babe," Damon complimented chowing down on some bacon.

"Yeah it's actually really good," I ate some more of my food.

"Good," she smiled, "See I'm not completely helpless," she grabbed herself a plate and ate some of her eggs and spit it out immediately, "Are you kidding me! This is awful!"

We all began to laugh.

"It's your hormones kicking in Evie," I told her.

"I didn't know I wouldn't be able to enjoy food the same way I used to," she pouted, "Oh well I guess this yogurt will have to do."

I finished my food and heard the doorbell ring, "I'll get it."

I looked at the camera above the door and saw it was Yina, "Hey Yina!"

"OH MY GAWD!!" she exclaimed, "How could you not tell me!"

"Tell you what?" I was confused.

"This!" she held up her tablet with a front page magazine picture of Liam and I holding hands.

" travels fast doesn't it."


"Sorry Yina, it really happened fast, come in I'll tell you everything."

"You better, " she stepped into my house and I led her to my room.

We both sat on my bed.

"I want all the details," Yina insisted pushing back her colored hair.

"Fine, okay so his name is Liam. He's a recent transfer to Mevel and we met when you know the guys came to our school. We talked for a while about different things and then he asked me to the dance. I couldn't say no so I said yes. We only saw each other at the dance for a little bit because I had my duties being a child of a competitor and so forth but the time we did have was..."I thought to myself, "was the best."

"Oh my gosh this is getting good," Yina squealed.

"Yes well we've been in constant contact and he wanted to see me soon after the dance again so we went out for a little bit and yeah, that's that."

"So you guys are official?"

"Well yeah, I guess so."

"What do you mean you guess so?! Oh my gosh, the whole school is going to be talking about this. I would have never thought...well I mean this guy must be special to be going out with you."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just trying to say is that you close yourself off a lot and you are eccentric to some people but really you're a great person and I'm so happy about this. It's so exciting!"

I shrugged off her comments, "Anyways how was the dance with Thias."

She smiled to herself, "Well you're not the only one off the market."


She laughed, "We got together after the dance, I swear I've been on some happy high."

"I'm so happy for you," I hugged her, "He's perfect for you."

"Yeah," she smiled at the thought of him, "He's really so great and he balances me out. Speaking of great your guy better be great to have you! I want to see who he is at Mevel."

"Don't worry about it Yina, it's just started really."

She eyed me for a moment, "Fine but from the looks of the picture it looks like more between you guys."

I laughed, "He's really wonderful, I'm just seeing how this thing goes."

She smiled at me, "Everything will work out for you Nailah, I just know it."

I hope so, I thought to myself in my empty mind.

Her phone rang, "Sorry its Thias."

"Go ahead take it," I urged her.

"Hey Thias...oh yeah I would love to!" she paused, "mhm yeah. Okay then see you soon!" she hung up the phone, "He asked me out to breakfast."

"Go Yina!" I urged her, "Tell me all about your little date tomorrow at school."

She giggled to herself and held her phone to her chest, "Oh Nailah you don't know how happy I am."

I smiled happy for her, "Yina you guys are perfect, hurry don't keep him waiting too long."

"Fine, but update me on everything with your guy."

"I will!" we rushed down the stairs.

"Sorry for coming on such short notice by the way," Yina apologized hastily.

"Don't worry about it, I'm kind of used to it with you," I opened the door for her.

"Hey!" she laughed, "I don't do that all the time. Anyways bye Nailah, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!" I closed the door when she got into her car.

In the sudden silence I heard Evie giggling in the kitchen then I heard her say Damon's name caressingly. I hurried up the stairs to distance myself from whatever they were doing, knowing I didn't want to find out.

I opened up the door to my room and saw Xander sitting at the end of my bed.

"Hey?" I was surprised to see him.

He looked up at me, "I'm tired," he laid back on my bed.

"It's morning Xander," I laughed and sat next to him.

"Yeah but I haven't slept," he closed his eyes and hooked his hands under his head.

Something was off about him. "What happened to your bed sleepy head?"

"It's not as comfy as yours," he turned on his side, "Oh, I was about to squish," he began handing me Yina's tablet, "your tablet..." he trailed off as the screen popped up with the picture of Liam and I.

I took the tablet quickly, "It's Yina's, she must've left it," I stood up and placed it on my vanity. I turned back around and Xander was now sitting up, staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nai, are you really with this guy?"

"Xander it's pretend, just so we can have easier access to meet up with each other," I turned back around and fiddled with some of things on my vanity, "It's not real."

Suddenly Xander stood right behind me and his hard chest prevented me from turning around.

"Is it really nothing? Because it really looks like you two are really into it."

I grew frustrated and forced myself to turn around to face him. We were close, very close, "Xander I don't want to talk about this with you," I didn't look at him.


I hated when he used my full name because I knew he was serious about something.

"What Xander?" I looked up at him. I saw a flash of hurt, anger, and fear in his eyes and then they glassed over into nothing.

"What's going on?" he asked.

I put my hands on his chest and gently pushed him away, "It's too soon to say anything. I really don't know what's going on but I do know that I'm going to help these people. If they think that I'm this person who can help them and I have the power to do so, then I'm going to help them. I want us to brought together just as much as they do," I truthfully said.

He eyed me for a moment then he spoke, "Fine I get it Nai but please be smart about what you do."

 "I will be, don't worry," I assured him, "Why can't you trust me?"

"Because you trust others too easily."

I slightly tilted my head a little angered, "At least I choose to be around good people."

"What is that supposed to mean? How do you even know they're good?"

"Because all they've ever done is welcomed me and helped me realize that it's okay for me to go against everything for what I think is right."

"Right?" Xander scoffed, "Do you think it'll be right when you look into your father's eyes while Liam has a gun pointed at him to try to bring down the overseers? Isn't that the very thing your afraid your father will do to you?"

"It's not going to be that way," I was furious now, "I only want peace, nothing more, nothing less."

"It's not? I'm not stupid. I see the exact way this could end up if you allow them to lead your choices. I know very well how fast this could turn into total war and destroy every effort of bringing us together."

"Xander I won't allow it. I know what I'm doing, I know it will be for the good of everyone and I will advocate peace and nothing else. I don't want blood on my hands."

He eyed me furiously, "Is it really good for you to against everything, the people you love because of this ridiculous prophecy? If you let this get out of control Nailah, there will be blood." He left me in the blink of an eye and I collapsed onto my bed.

I couldn't allow him to get to me. I wouldn't allow it.

Liam? I hoped I could get through him, that he would have a weak block on me.


I want to work with Giler for this whole week. I just realized I need a lot more training and I won't waste a moment.


AN: Well this is kind of a quick update! Haha well quick for this story. Anyways this chapter has a little drama so hopefully you guys like!(:

Always love, SapphireMarie99

PS: Thank you storyangel98 for reading!

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