Homerun (camren)

By tanathetiger

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Homerun (camren)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaper 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 15

14.5K 332 36
By tanathetiger

Camila's POV

So I lost my memory from the past two months, it didn't seem like a big deal but my patents told me that a lot had happened. I got up to look in the mirror, I still looked the same. Wait, why do I have a hickey on my neck? Do I have a boyfriend? wait, I couldn't... I'm gay? Could I have a girlfriend?
So many questions ran through my head, until my door open & 4 gorgeous girls came in. One of them caught my eye, she looked damaged. She had perfect green eyes, and long dark brown hair. She was perfect.
"Hey Mila, how are you feeling" the shortest one said
"Um, I'm okay. Who are you?" I asked
"I'm Dinah" said the tallest one with light brown hair
"I'm Normani"
"I'm Ally"
The last girl paused before she spoke, finally Dinah nudged her. "I'm Lauren" she said looking at me with tears forming in her eyes.
"Why are you crying?" I asked her
"I thought I lost you" she replied.
"I'm still here! So are we all friends?" I asked smiling.
"Yeah, well actually, you &..." Normani spoke but before she could finish her sentence Lauren hit her arm, as if to stop her from talking.
"Me & who?" I asked
"Nothing. We're glad to see you're doing good" Lauren spoke.
Why didn't she want Normani to finish what she was going to say? there was something about this girl that seemed special.

Lauren's POV

We stayed in Camila's room for a few hours catching up with her life from the past 2 months. Except everything that happened between us. I didn't think she would fall in love with me again, I'm no good for her. I want her life to be great, without me as her girlfriend. I'm just holding her back. I miss her already though. She might be sitting in front of me but I missed her in my arms, I missed the taste if her sweet lips against mine, I miss her so much.
It was getting late so me, Ally, Dinah, & Normani was going back to my house to stay the night & come back in the morning. When we got in the car, Dinah turned towards me.
"What the hell Lauren?"
"Why didn't you tell her you two are dating?" she said to me with her voice getting louder.
"She's not going to fall back in love with me again! I'm no good for her! she actually has a future, she told me she wanted to sing but if we're dating she's not going to do it cause she'll have to leave me for months! I want her to live the life she wanted" I say with my voice getting louder & tears rushing down my face
"Lauren, you love her. Love always has a way of working out" Ally says grabbing my hand.
"I just can't right now." I say pulling my hand back from Ally and looking out the window.
Maybe when I know Camz has fallen back in love with me, I'll tell her, but I just can't right now.
We all got to my house still In silence. And eventually I laid down and fell asleep as well as the other girls. The next morning when I woke up, all of the girls were gone, along with my car.. really?

Dinah's POV
Ally, Normani & I was at the hospital about to talk to Camila. She has to know that her & Laurem are in love. Lauren might not think that she will fall in love with her again, but the way Camila was looking at her yesterday she already has.

'Where are you guys?'

'Went out to bring some breakfast back, when we get back we'll go to the hospital'

I had to lie to Lauren, if she knew what we are about to do, she would kill us. We walked into Mila's room & she was wide awake

"Hey guys!" she says with excitement. She always loved making new friends "where's lauren?" she asked losing her smile.
"At home. She doesn't know we're here" I tell her
"Why?" she asked confused.
"Cause you & Lauren are in love. She didn't want to tell you because you wanted to become a singer & she felt like she was holding you back. Camila, Lauren is head over heels for you" ally spoke.
She didn't say anything. She just looked at her hands and moved her eyes back & forth as if she was trying to figure out something.
"I knew it!" she finally said
"Huh?" I asked
"When she came in my room yesterday, I felt a connection between us. I don't know her that well, but I think I love her back"
"YES, I KNEW IT" Normani screamed. We told everything that her & Lauren did & she seemed rather happy with everything we said.
"So how are we going to get you guys back together?" Ally asked.
"I have a plan" I said with a evil smile
"Let's hear it!" Mila said with excitement.
After I told them my plan we went home to get Lauren as if we were never at the hospital. We walked in the house & saw a depressed Lauren lying in the couch watching tv.
"Get ready, and put something cute on" Ally demanded while we entered her house
"Why?" she questioned
"JUST DO IT" I said
"Alright, alright. I'm going!"
We waited on Lauren for about 30 minutes & then made our way to see Camila.
"Guys, wanna tell me what's going on?" she asked from the back seat.
"You'll see" Normani responded.

Full day of doing nothing for me tomorrow so I'll try & write a few more chapters tomorrow💞

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