Guys Our Age (Wattys2017) (UN...

By ChasingMadness24

147K 7.7K 4.5K

Hannah and Hailey; identical twins with one truly terrifying thing in common. Their father is the Sex Ed t... More

Prologue (Hannah)
Prologue (Hailey)
Chapter 1: First Day (Hailey)
Chapter 2: Cake By The Ocean (Hannah)
Chapter 3: Stay With Me (Hailey)
Chapter 4: In The Night (Hannah)
Chapter 5: What I Didn't Say (Hailey)
Chapter 6: Playing With Fire (Hannah)
Chapter 7: Me & My Girls (Hailey)
Chapter 8: Little Things, Big Problems (Hannah)
Chapter 9: Young and Reckless (Hailey)
Chapter 10: Alex From Target (Hannah)
Chapter 11: Late Night Talks (Hailey)
Chapter 12: I Want It That Way (Hannah)
Chapter 13: Just One Yesterday (Hailey)
Chapter 15: Get Your Head In The Game (Hannah)
Chapter 16: Training Wheels (Hailey)
Chapter 17: Life Is A Highway (Hannah)
Chapter 18: Living In Denial (Hailey)
Chapter 19: Unsteady (Hannah)
Chapter 20: Red Faced (Hailey)
Chapter 21: I Hate You, I Love You (Hannah)
Chapter 22: Champagne in Paper Cups (Hailey)
Chapter 22 pt2: Champagne In Paper Cups (Hannah)
Chapter 23: Awkward, Morning & Night (Hailey)
Chapter 24: Raise Your Glass (Hannah)
Chapter 25: Empty Halls and White Walls (Hailey)
Chapter 26: These Four Walls (Hannah)
Chapter 27: Break My Heart (Hailey)
Chapter 28: Fix a Heart (Hannah)
Chapter 29: Living On The Edge (Hailey)
Chapter 30: Gone, Gone, Gone (Hannah)
Chapter 31: We All Fall Down (Hailey)
Chapter 32: When You Wish Upon a. . . (Hannah)
Chapter 33: The Happiest Place On Earth (Hailey)
Chapter 34: I Just Want To Be A Real Girl (Hannah)
Chapter 34: 'Tis The Season To Feel Guilty (Hannah)
Chapter 35: The Devil's Tale (Hannah)
Chapter 36: Sisters Before Misters (Hailey)
Chapter 37: White Christmas (Hannah)
Chapter 38: Playing House (Hailey)
Chapter 39: Just Hold On, I'm Going Home (Hannah)
Chapter 40: Talk To You Later (Hailey)
Chapter 41: Night Changes (Hannah)
Chapter 42 pt 1: Under The Stars (Hailey)
Chapter 42 pt2: Because Of You (Hannah)
In The Light (Hailey)
Chapter 44: Picture Perfect (Hailey)
Chapter 45: Piece By Piece (Hannah)
Chapter 46: Congratulations & Johnny's A Pervert
Chapter 47: Shut Up and Listen, Moron
Chapter 48: One Last Time (Hailey)
Chapter 49: Goodbye Means Forgetting (Hannah)
Epilogue: To Forever (Hailey)
Epilogue: Forever Isn't Long Enough (Hannah)
Break Our Hearts

Chapter 44: Walking The Wire (Hannah)

1.7K 113 96
By ChasingMadness24

"I'm going to throw one of my banana peels at you, you dirty dinosaur!"

My threat sent my sister and Mason rolling around on Walt's couch, laughing their asses off as they paused the game.

"What's so funny?" I asked, narrowing my eyes as I looked back and forth between the two of them, "It's not my fault Mason keeps on knocking me off the track."

My sister draped her arms over Mason's shoulders from behind him, "Yes, he is kind of a cheater when it comes to Mario Kart."

"I am not!" Mason shouted, clearly offended, "You people just can't stand against the power of Yoshi."

Hailey and I exchanged a look just as Walt walked in through the front door, eyes on his keys as he shut it behind him. "Hannah? It's nice to see you again."

"Hi, Walt." I waved shyly, "I hope you don't mind me hanging around here today."

He waved me off, eyes glistening with warmth, "Of course not. As long as you promise not to throw a party here, you can spend as much time here as you want." I grinned.

"Dammit. There go my plans for this weekend." I slapped my hand against my knee. He chuckled as he headed off down the hall. My sister and Mason were watching me with a smirk.

"So," Mason started.

"You and Johnny?" My sister finished. Instead of responding, I shifted and set my remote on the table.

"Ugh, you guys are going to be one of those couples that finish each other's sentences." I shuddered disgustedly, avoiding their suggestive looks as best as I could.

"What?" I threw my hands up when they continued staring at me, "He's okay, I guess. What do you guys want to hear?"

"Johnny doesn't let girls stay the night." Mason said, leaning back and pulling my sister against his chest, "Especially if they aren't sleeping with him."

"So?" I shrugged.

"So he obviously likes you, Han." My sister said enthusiastically, "Didn't you have a crush on him too?"

"In seventh grade." I laughed, "Oh God, I was so stupid back then. I wanted to do everything to impress him."

"Obviously the only thing he's impressed with is you being you." Hailey smiled sweetly, "He's not a bad guy after all, I suppose." I took my controller from the table again and turned back to the screen with a shrug.

"Guys our age are immature idiots."


Walt was nice enough to drop me off at home on his way to pick up Faith for a date. Being the nosy person he was, he tried to pick at the conversation he must have heard us having earlier this morning.

"So, you and Johnny Carson, eh?" he joked, "You do know there's an old celebrity named that, right?"

"Didn't have any idea." I laughed, "And no, there's no Johnny and me. We're just-"

"Yes?" Walt prompted me to go on, but my eyes had fallen on the police lights coming into view. When I realized they were all in front of my house, I could feel a mixture or worry and anger spreading through me.

"Well that doesn't look good." Walt stated the obvious as he pulled the car over to the side of the road and put the car in park, "Any idea why there's two police cars and an ambulance in front of your house?"

"Nope." I sighed as I climbed out of the car. I met Walt in front of it and we headed toward my driveway together. I was surprised to find all three of my favorite people cuffed and sitting on the curb.

Justin sat by the police car, his entire face smeared with blood. Bruises had begun to appear under both eyes and he looked ready to pass out. Johnny was on the other side of my father, the dried blood from Justin's nose on his knuckles. He looked pretty banged up himself, with his swollen lip and black eye, but looked nowhere as bad as Justin. My father didn't look hurt at all, but looked as if he were ready to throw up.

"Hannah!" they all gasped in unison. The cop in front of them turned with a frown.

"Do you know these men?" she asked.

"Unfortunately, yes." I rubbed my forehead, "What happened?"

"I came to check on you." Johnny spoke up a few minutes later, realizing nobody else was going to, "To see how you were doing. Your dad said you were with Hailey and Mase at Walt's, so I shrugged it off and started to leave. Then this dipshit showed up and expected nothing more than a friendly handshake." Johnny shot Justin a dangerously dark look before turning his attention back to me.

"Why are you cuffed?" I asked my dad, "And why are the cops here in the first place?"

"They started fighting on my property, coming into my house without being invited in. When I tried to break them up, your boyfriend here elbowed me. By the time the cops got here, I had hit Justin and they had seen it." he shrugged as if nothing he said was a big deal to him.

"Ma'am, it's unclear who started this,which leaves all at fault, but two of the men here have alcohol in their system. We can jail them over night if you would feel safer." the cop said, obviously aware of who I was.

"Which two have it in their system?" I knew without a doubt Johnny was the only sober one, I just wanted to hear it out of the officer's mouth.

"Mr. Justin Davidson and your father." she answered. I started to nod, catching them off guard.

"I would feel a lot better if you could let them sleep the alcohol off under your care." My dad started to protest, yelling profanities at Justin as cops led them into different cars. Once the cops uncuffed Johnny, he rubbed at his wrists. Walt waited until the coast was clear to turn to me with a worried look.

"Are you going to be okay here alone?" he asked, "If not, I'm sure Faith wouldn't mind if-"

"I'll be okay, Walt. Thanks." I hugged him. He held on tightly, kissing the top of my head in a fatherly way that I missed more than he could imagine.

"I'll see you soon, Hannah." Walt started to back away, "And you, Carson boy, you take care of this girl. She's one of a kind. You'll never find another one like her." I smiled, feeling Johnny's hand on my shoulder as we watched Walt get back in his car and take off. Johnny squeezed my shoulder once Mason's uncle was gone and laughed.

"Well, that was a crazy night." he rubbed his hands together.

"My night was actually normal until I came back here." I stated proudly.

"Mind if I come in and wash up for a few?" he shifted on his feet, looking as exhausted as I felt. Spending the day with a couple that was totally okay with PDA was tiring, one of the people in the couple being Mason made it a whole lot worse.

Johnny cleaned the blood from his knuckles once he was inside, muttering under his breath. I hung my jacket and started to strip down until I was in just my tank top and jeans, running my hands through my messy hair. I'd have to take a shower first thing in the morning.

"Sorry you had to come back to that. I should have kept my issues away from your house."

"Issues?" I repeated, sitting on the kitchen table.

"Yeah. How I feel about Justin is one of them. I want to hit him with my car repeatedly." I smiled a little at the dark look that passed through his eyes.

"Johnny, honey, you sound jealous."

"Jealous? Of what? A piece of shit that doesn't even know how to treat a girl with respect? A guy that can't have sex with a girl without leaving bruises all over her body? Yeah, Han. I'm really jealous of that." He ran his hand over his bicep, as if it were some sort of habit. I hopped off the counter and nodded toward the hallway.

"You can take Hailey's room if you want to crash here. It's almost midnight and there's supposed to be a storm." I shrugged, "It's your choice."

"Why can't I sleep with you?" a little of the old Johnny came to the surface as he smirked.

"You can. But be warned that I snore a little and kick in my sleep." I joked, heading down the hall.

I leaned down to pluck a bra that I was positive didn't belong to me from the ground and tossed it in my trash bin. When I turned back around, I was greeted by Johnny's bare chest. I lifted my head in amusement, smiling when I saw the goofy smile plastered to his dumb face.

"You're so short." he stepped forward, resulting in me stepping back, "What are you, five two?"

"Five four." my breathing suddenly felt heavy, "That's normal. You're just a giant."

"I'm on the b-ball team, babe, I have to be a giant." I laughed nervously, feeling my back slam into the wall. I hissed in pain, but it quickly subsided when Johnny took my chin in his hand and warmth spread through my entire body. I hadn't ever felt anything like this.

I'd had butterflies in my stomach and felt my heart flutter or clench, but I had never felt as if my entire body were one fire in the presence of someone else.

"It started when you came over that day, when you pretended to be Hailey. You honestly thought I couldn't tell the difference and that in itself made me like you." he pressed his palm against the wall behind me, "Then that kiss, Hannah. Jesus, that was the best kiss I've ever fucking had. And the only reason you did it was to protect your sister. Walt's right, you're one of a kind."

I didn't get a chance to question how I felt about Johnny's confession. His lips brushed against mine for a fraction of a second and my body acted on impulse.

I leaned into him, deepening the kiss as I tangled one of my hands in his shaggy black hair and let the other grip his shirt. He pressed his body against mine, throwing my stomach into a frenzy I couldn't contain. Before I could do anything else, he slid his hands beneath my butt and lifted me enough to be able to set me on the bed a few feet away. He looked ready to join me when my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I tried to catch my breath as I pulled the phone out, silently relieved that our make out session had been interrupted. I didn't want Johnny to end up as a rebound and that's what this would have ended in.

"Who is it?" Johnny questioned breathlessly. I sat up, my lips parting in surprise when I read the text.

"Sophia." I answered, wishing the night would just end, "And she's down at the police station with Coach Fuller."


I am super excited for Brianna's next chapter, it's going to be great. 

Hope you guys enjoyed! 

Let us know what you thought! 

~ChasingMadness24 & BriannaVore

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