Born Lucky

By Shayde1

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Dylan Walker is a restaurant owner in Seattle, Washington who meets an unsuspecting Devon McKenna when her mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 16 part 2
Chapter 17 part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18 part 1
Chapter 18 part 2

Chapter 14

19 0 0
By Shayde1

As soon as Dylan stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her waist, Devon came in with a smile on her beautiful face,

"Charles called while you were in the shower," she started putting her arms around Dylan's waist as she stood facing the mirror with toothbrush in hand.

Looking at her through the mirror, Dylan frowned, "Charles?"

"My boss...he apologized and wants me back." Devon stated with a smug look on her face.

"Oh, really." Dylan said feeling her anger rise because of the way this jackass had given her an ultimatum. "How do you feel about that?"

"I told him to go fuck himself." She stated with a proud look on her face.

"What!" Dylan choked out with a laugh at hearing such language come from this perfect woman's mouth.

"That's right..." She smiled as Dylan spit her toothpaste out in the sink before turning around and slipping her arms around Devon's waist. "I told him that he was wrong for letting me go the way he did, and I didn't appreciate his ultimatum and I felt it was unforgivable." She added sliding her arms around Dylan's neck.

"Wow, what did he say?"

"He said he knew he was wrong and that he was really sorry he'd acted so unprofessionally, and then he said, that there were a lot of clients asking for me."

"Oh, so his apology is actually to please his clients." Dylan sighed sadly, because she knew how much Devon had loved her job.

"And that is exactly why I told him to go fuck himself." She replied smiling again.

"We're going to have to work on that potty mouth of yours." Dylan teased leaning in to brush her lips with her own. "So what will you do now?"

"I'm not sure what I'll do in the long run," She started then stepped back and untied the sash on her robe and let it slip off her shoulders to the floor, "But for now, I'm going to take a shower." She stated huskily, raising an eyebrow as she bit her bottom lip sexily and then reached out and took Dylan's hand to pull her in with her.


Once out of the shower, the second time for Dylan, they both got dressed and  then Dylan announced that she was going to take Devon out and do something fun...something they hadn't done yet, so they ended up in Tacoma at the museum of glass, which was basically some unique glass blown into unique shapes and sizes, most of it was exquisite, but some was just your ordinary ornaments and knick knack stuff.

Of course, all of Dylan's hopes of whisking Devon off to somewhere special were dashed when she realized that Devon had been here more than a few times for past clients, even some of the staff knew her by name!

Devon, being the good sport that she was, proceeded to introduce Dylan to a new form of art as she explained some of the intricate designs and patterns woven into the glass itself.

"Devon, I'm sorry..." Dylan said stopping to take her hands, "I wasn't thinking that you'd been here a trillion times already, I just wanted to do something different with you and well...the zoo was out once you put on those heels." She added gloomily.

"Honey, anything we do is fine with me as long as we're together." She responded looking into Dylan's eyes lovingly.

"How about we blow this popsicle stand and go have a nice lunch down on the water." Dylan suggested trying to make up for bringing her somewhere she used to practically work out of.

"I'm having a good time darling." She purred raising a hand to Dylan's face, sensing how dumb she felt, "but I will go where ever you want to go."

Pulling Devon against her, Dylan wrapped her arms around her, oblivious to anyone else in the museum, "I love you, Devon." She stated plain and simply.

"Mm, I love you too." She breathed out happily oblivious of all the stares coming their way.

They ended up at a restaurant down on Ruston way, right along the water which was quiet and comfortable, and then decided to do something neither one of them had done in a couple of years, and that was...go to the movies. Dylan had called Mark and asked him if he could handle things tonight, and when he said yes, Dylan told him thanks and she would see him in the morning unless things changed and he needed her to come in for some reason. So after shutting her phone off, Dylan took hold of Devon's hand and they headed inside to find a seat. Dylan felt like she was a teenager again except that she was sitting with a woman who looked like she had just walked off the cover of a magazine, dressed in tailor made slacks, heels, and a blouse that showed just how much of a woman she really was. All the men and boys were breaking their necks when they walked by, and the girls and women were throwing her dirty looks as if Devon was about to steal their precious boyfriends or husbands away.

It was comforting and a bit awkward to be at just a regular ol' movie with Devon, because in Dylan's mind she was a sophisticated woman and this seemed a little beneath her status, but each time she laughed or squeezed Dylan's hand at something she thought was funny from the rom-com they had decided on, her heart seemed to grow bigger and opened her up even more if that was possible.

When the movie was over and they were heading back out to Dylan's car, she smiled and said, "You really did enjoy that didn't you"?

"Yes, of course, I used to love going to the movies." Devon responded with a smile.

"Why did you stop"? Dylan asked curiously, taking her phone out to turn it back on and saw that she had two messages, one from Lisa and one from Mark.

"It's no fun going alone." She replied slipping her arm through Dylan's.

"Well, you'll never have to go alone again, love." Dylan stated stopping at her car to open the door for her after using the remote to unlock it.

Sliding her arms around Dylan's neck, she kissed her tenderly before leaning back to look in her eyes with a soft smile, "Never, huh"?

"Not if I can help it." Dylan returned evenly before kissing her in return and then waited until she was in the car to shut the door and walk around to her side, slide in and then check her messages.

To Dylan's dismay, both messages were about customer's asking if she was there because they wanted to meet her. Mark said that it was busy and with all the publicity it would be nice if Dylan could come back and show her face so as to insure customers were happy and also encourage them to come back...Dylan loved the fact that the restaurant was busy, but she didn't like being in the spotlight and having to be there to entertain the guests.

"It'll settle down soon," Devon told her reassuringly after she explained the messages from both Lisa and Mark. "But, until then you probably should be there."

"Come with me?" Dylan asked hopefully, looking into her eyes.

With a smile, she reached up and touched her cheek, "How about I let you mingle with your guests for a while and then I meet you later."

Nodding, Dylan started the car and drove her home before calling Mark to tell him that she was on her way.

Once back at the restaurant, Dylan went upstairs to her apartment to change into something more professional, which after looking in her closet, decided on a pair of dark brown slacks and a tan button down shirt, then slipping on a pair of brown loafer looking dress shoes, she headed downstairs to mingle.

It was funny actually, a week ago, Dylan was just another restaurant/club owner and now she was something of a celebrity, and all because she was dating the ADA ex-wife and her family was purported to have Irish Mob ties...and the people were eating it up!

By ten o'clock, Dylan had sat with several different people and shared a couple glasses of wine, but by the time Devon came through she was sitting at the bar talking to Josh, having a cup of coffee.

Sliding her hand along Dylan's shoulder as she walked by, Dylan glanced up and saw that she to, had changed.

"Hi beautiful," Dylan said clearing her throat as she glanced over her perfectly flawless body that was clad in a tailored fitting burgundy dress, which cleaved tightly to every curve of her body and heels to match, "I was wondering when you were going to get here."

"Hello to you to you too sexy," She smiled seeing Dylan's mouth-watering gaze, "How is your night going?"

"Better now that you are here, but very well actually, we're booked through the week," Dylan stated getting up to give her a soft kiss before pulling out the stool next to hers, "you look fantastic." She added practically undressing her with her eyes.

"Thank you, I was thinking the same of you." She responded sitting down on the stool next to Dylan's, "How many women hit on you tonight?" She asked raising an eyebrow curiously.

Laughing a little, Dylan waved Josh over so Devon could order a drink, "Is that the only reason you came tonight?" She asked.

"Absolutely," She stated, before looking up at Josh with a blinding smile, "I'll have a glass of Sauvignon, please."

"Sure thing Ms. McKenna, anything for you, boss?" He asked with a smile, completely taken with Devon.

"I'm good," Dylan laughed lightly, before looking back towards Devon, "I'm hurt that you don't trust me..." She added with a wink and then asked, "Are you hungry?"

"No, I ate earlier," She replied, "How come you're not having a drink with me?"

"I had a couple of glasses of wine with some guests earlier." Dylan admitted but when she saw Devon's eyes widen, she added, "some very ugly guests."

Laughing, Devon rolled her green eyes and took a sip of the sauvignon Josh had placed in front of her, "I bet." She stated.

Things were slowing down in the restaurant and since the kitchen closed at eleven, they just sat in the bar talking to a good looking male couple for a while before Dylan announced she should go upstairs to the office and start some of the paperwork for Mark, so he wouldn't be here all night.

"Will you be okay, for a while?" Dylan asked.

"Of course, she will...we'll keep her busy for a little while for you." John, one of the men said with a smile and nod as he patted her hand gently.

Knowing she was in the company of a couple of gay men did make Dylan feel better, but she waited for Devon's nod anyway.

"Yes darling, I will be fine and I'll be up shortly to take you to bed." She told Dylan forwardly, making Dylan's eyes gloss over as she immediately felt a rush of wetness between her legs.

"You go girl" Ken, the other gay man said with high five towards John.

Leaning in to kiss her, Dylan smiled and whispered against her lips, "Don't make me wait too long."

"I wouldn't think of it." She said seductively before she watched Dylan walk away.

Dylan had checked in with Steve before starting the paperwork to make sure everything was running smoothly in the dance club as well, she knew that Mark and Lisa both periodically checked in with him as well during the night, but she hadn't talked with him in a couple days so after talking to him for about ten minutes she did head into the office to get started.

When the elevator doors opened at eleven-thirty and Devon stepped in, Dylan was surprised by the time,

"I got bored and missed you...are you almost done"? Devon asked.

"I'm sorry baby," Dylan smiled, "Yeah, Mark can finish here, and I'm almost done anyway."

"No, go ahead and finish, I'll just wait since you're almost done." She told her and she headed over to sit on the sofa with an understanding smile.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course." She answered pulling a magazine off the coffee table.

Watching Dylan work over the top of the magazine she was leafing through, Devon smiled. Other than mingling with guests, Devon had never actually seen her work before. Not officially anyway, it was ironic really, because in truth she really knew very little about this woman and yet, she knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with her. The heart sure worked mysteriously, she thought. In one moment it would beat regularly and in the next it would be beating so fast that you thought a heart attack was imminent...and this was how it was beating right and a little erratically. Damn, this woman was sexy! And as Dylan leaned back in the chair to stretch and run a hand through her silver hair, Devon knew she could wait no longer.

Dylan could see Devon coming up from her peripheral vision but she thought she was just stretching as she herself had done moments earlier, so when Devon pulled her chair back and lay across Dylan's lap putting her arms around her neck, Dylan smiled.

"Well, hello." Dylan stated.

"I was just thinking..." Devon started returning her smile, "We've never made love in here before."

Raising her eyebrows, Dylan nodded, "That's true, but I'm thinking tonight is not a good night to initiate this room, as Mark will be coming up soon."

"Well, at least someone will be cumming." Devon pouted and Dylan couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, you're the one who told me to finish up here." Dylan stated with a half-smile.

"True..." Devon began, as she started to unbutton Dylan's shirt, "but, now I need you to finish with me."

Feeling a sudden rush of warmth, Dylan layed her head back in wanderlust.

With a single nod of her head, Dylan grabbed the phone and speed dialed Mark's number as Devon used her tongue to trace her jawline and continued to unbutton Dylan's shirt slowly.

"Uh Mark..." Dylan started as her heart began to pound in her own ears to the point she wasn't sure she would even be able to talk "I got most of the totals done except for this last hour...would you mind finishing up, I'm beat." She managed to get out as Devon untucked her shirt and began to kiss her exposed upper chest.

"No prob, I'll leave the totals on the desk for you to see tomorrow." He said.

"Thanks Mark, see you then." Dylan stated snapping her phone shut and standing up carefully as to not push Devon off her lap, then grabbing her hand she pulled Devon with her... "Damn woman, you drive me crazy." She growled dragging her into the elevator and attacking her lips.

It didn't take long for the elevator to get them to Dylan's apartment on the top of the restaurant, or for them to find her bedroom once again in a fit of passion. Soon the back of Devon's knees hit the bed, stopping them both. Dylan's hand found the zipper in the back of Devon's dress and began to slowly bring it down until it hit the middle of her back and then with agonizing slowness, Dylan dragged her hands back up to her shoulders and pulled the dress from Devon's soft shoulders kissing them one at a time before finally letting the dress fall to the floor. Dylan's hands then slid down Devon arms, down her sides, and coming to rest on her hips. Devon let her hands finish unbuttoning the shirt Dylan was wearing before slowly moved her hands back up and over Dylan's breast to rest on her shoulders as she pushed her shirt off. Dylan felt like her body was on fire, and as she looked into Devon's smoldering eyes she kissed her softly, quieting down the moan that was trying to slip out of her own mouth.

After Devon pushed Dylan's shirt off she could barely contain the need she felt for this woman. Her own body was betraying her mind, because every time she told herself to be quiet, a moan would slip out. She already knew she had ruined a perfectly good pair of panties while watching her work down in her office, but now, she was almost embarrassed to see how soaked she knew they would be.

Dylan gently pushed Devon to sit down on the bed, in which she obeyed willingly and began to lightly kiss Dylan's stomach as she unbuckled and then unbuttoned her dress pants all the while using her tongue to trace light patterns above her underwear line as she gently tugged the pants down.

Dylan moaned in pleasure letting her head fall back as she reached out and grabbed hold of Devon's thick brown locks just as her pants hit the floor, Devon pulled away and scooted back on the bed laying down. Slowly Dylan crawled up Devon's body stopping to kiss in different places, first kissing her right hip, then her flat stomach, then, of course, her left hip and all the way up until she reached Devon's full lips until she was lying atop of her. Dylan's left hand reach out grabbing Devon's right while her other hand caressed up the side of Devon's bare thigh until it came to a stop on the side of her neck, where she tenderly cupped her face before capturing her lips once again with her own while moving to straddle Devon's legs. Devon deepened the kiss, licking Dylan's bottom lip. She opened and Devon's tongue entered. Their tongues danced with each other. Each one moaning into the other's mouth. Dylan began to sit up, pulling Devon with her, until they were both sitting up enough for Dylan to reach around and unfasten Devon's bra. Letting the bra loosely fall in between them. Devon pulled her arms out of the straps and wrapped her arms around Dylan's neck. Dylan grabbed the bra and tossed it to the floor. She pulled out of the kiss, taking in the form of the beautiful brunette before her. Dylan could practically feel herself drooling at the sheer exquisiteness of this woman.

"What?" Devon asked softly bringing a hand up to touch her face gently.

"Nothing, your just so beautiful" Dylan softly, her eyes glazed over as she leaned in to capture her lips once again, this time licking her pouty bottom lip asking for permission which she eagerly granted allowing Dylan to control the pace. Leaning Devon back on the bed, Dylan's hand moved slowly down from her neck, sliding lower over one of her breast and down her stomach, and then slipping very smoothly inside the silky fabric of Devon's silken underwear. Her left hand taking hold of Devon's right one again and once again their fingers intertwine instinctively. Dylan's lips moved from Devon's full lips to the soft spot just below her ear, all the while letting her right hand begin to pull her panties down as slowly as possible which seemed to be driving Devon a little crazy. After a torturously slow drag past her beautifully full hips, Devon finally kicked them the rest of the way off impatiently making Dylan smile knowingly. Dylan's hand moved up the inside of Devon thigh teasingly tracing slow patterns here and there before coming to a rest just below her hot spot of need. Once again moving her lips to the outside of Devon's ear she let her tongue trace the top of it, then sucked on the one spot that she knew drove Devon wild before leaning up to whisper, "I've been thinking of this moment all day..." her voice husky with want and hot with desire, "and when you walked in that door tonight, looking like you did..." she added nipping her ear gently, before licking it softly, "It took everything I had not to fuck you right there on the bar."

Devon shivered and let out a soft moan at the mere huskiness of Dylan's voice. She was so turned on that she was almost afraid that if Dylan said one more word, she would cum right then. Almost as if she understood how close Devon was, Dylan slowed down and looked into Devon's eyes lovingly before leaning down to capture her lips, "You ready now, beautiful?" she asked gently as she began to slide her hand toward Devon's center. Nodding breathlessly, she reached up and traced Dylan's dimple lines, "yes, baby...I'm so ready for you" she smiled and Dylan thought her heart would beat out of her chest, God she loved this woman! How was it even possible for one person to have this much love for one person, it didn't even seem conceivable to her.

"I love you so much, Devon" Dylan stated as she slowly slid her fingers through her warm, wet folds before finally slipping two fingers inside of her, as she covered Devon's mouth with her own.

"Oh my God," Devon moaned into Dylan's mouth. Dylan stilled her fingers allowing Devon to get used to the feel. It had been far too long since they had made love and Dylan wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Leaning up a little, Dylan said "Look at me Devon, I want to see your beautiful eyes."

Nodding, Devon reached up with both hands and pulled Dylan's hair back, "I'll try baby" she said biting on her lower lip, "I love...oooh,, too" Devon started as Dylan began to slide her fingers out, "You feel so fucking ...good."

Dylan began to pump Devon slowly at first so she could look into her girlfriend's eyes which always seemed to mesmerize her. It was like looking into an ocean of blue greens, they were positively captivating, "Faster baby" Devon begged and Dylan began to shorten her stroke and really began to drive into her. "" she said spurring Dylan to lean down and give Devon's right nipple a lick, "Ah, fuck!" Devon said, in shock. Reaching up Devon ran her fingers through Dylan's silver hair then held it in place over her breast as Dylan opened her mouth and sucked in a full breast as she slid another finger inside of Devon as well as sped up the movements, "harder baby" Devon husked out, as Dylan brought her knees up under her and began to really pump her, while continuing to suck on her breast. It didn't take long before Dylan felt Devon's walls contract, "Baby, I'm...close" she said as Dylan stroked her. "Let it go're so fucking beautiful right now" Dylan said looking up at her girlfriends face. She had always thought this was when Devon was at her most beautiful, and as she sped up the stroke, Devon's body tensed as she practically yelled, "Oh fuck...Dylan, yes, yes, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming..." and Dylan could feel walls tighten around her fingers as Devon's body began to shudder. Dylan let Devon ride the wave of ecstasy for a while before slowing her fingers, and then finally stilled them after a few moments of sheer bliss. Dylan watched her girlfriend slowly recover from the powerful climax before gently pulling her fingers out and then tenderly showering her face with soft kisses. Releasing Devon's right hand she used her left hand to brush some slightly damp hair away from her face as she looked into her eyes again. "Hi there." She smiled down at her. 


"Let's go somewhere for a couple of days when things settle down." Devon suggested after they had made love and were laying in others arms languidly.

Immediately, Dylan felt her body tense. Go away for a couple of days...No! that was not going to happen. Hell, the restaurant was booming and everyone wanted to meet her! This was not a good time to be leaving even if it was for only a couple of, the last time she had gone away with someone, it had been a complete disaster and there was no way she was going to subject herself to that humiliation ever again.

Once upon a time, she had planned a romantic getaway with a woman she had been seeing for a couple of months, one that she actually thought there might be a future with and on the very first night at the hotel they got into a wicked argument and Kristin stormed out of the room. When she hadn't returned after an hour, Dylan went in search of her and found her downstairs in the hotel bar making out with some guy! It was then she just went back upstairs, retrieved her things and left without looking back. Kristin could find her own one hundred plus mile trip back to Seattle. She never heard from her again...and that was her experience with getaways! No thanks.

"I don't know Devon, now is not the best time for me to just go away for a few days." She started finally, "I mean with the business picking up the way it has."

"Well, we don't have to go this weekend, but perhaps next...I know a great little bed and breakfast in Grays Harbor." She suggested fingering Dylan's collar bone.

"We'll see, okay." Dylan told her faking a yawn as if she was tired, so she wouldn't have to talk about this anymore.

"I have the distinct feeling you're trying to get out of this, why?" Devon asked intuitively, as she looked up into her eyes curiously.

Surprised and a little amazed that she could possibly know her that well, Dylan smiled, "I'm not baby, I'm just tired...let's talk about this tomorrow."

With a sigh and a knowing look, Devon snuggled in next to her with a hesitant okay.

Turning off the bedside lamp, Dylan put her arms around her knowing she wasn't satisfied with her answer but just said, "Goodnight Devon."

"Goodnight Dylan." Devon said a little flatly and overemphasizing her name because of the way Dylan had said goodnight to her. She knew it was silly, and even though she absolutely loved the way Dylan said her name, she like the endearments better, so when she didn't get one, she knew Dylan was upset about something...and it hurt her that she wouldn't share it with her. Devon could tell by the abruptness that it was about this little getaway, but she couldn't figure out why, and she certainly was not giving up any information either. Sure, she had said that it was because of business and she was sure that was partly true, but the immediate silence after she had asked her indicated that there was more to her hesitancy than just the restaurant. Usually, Dylan was so open about her feelings on everything but this one seemed so...personal. Well, she did say they would talk about it tomorrow, so Devon guessed she would just have to wait, but until then she would just be content lying in her strong, secure arms.

"I love you" Devon whispered after a minute of thinking it through in her head. If Dylan needed time, then she would respect that.

"I love you too babe" Dylan stated, and the world was right again.


The next morning, Dylan woke up feeling Devon's long smooth leg between hers and her arm across her midsection as she slept soundly beside her. Dylan knew she owed her an explanation about last night's conversation but the truth was...she was embarrassed. Deep down, she knew Devon would never do what Kristin had but still it was a bitter pill to swallow.

"Good morning." Devon said sleepily as she opened her eyes and saw Dylan watching her.

"Good morning to you." Dylan smiled, as she kissed her forehead.

"You looked deep in thought, what's going through that mind of yours so early in the morning?" Devon began, then raising an eyebrow she smiled sexily, "or do I already know?"

With a half-smile, Dylan shook her head, "surprisingly enough, that wasn't what I was thinking."

Sticking out her lower lip in a pouting fashion, "Why not?" She asked feigning hurt.

Laughing lightly, Dylan turned on her side to look her in the eye, "Because for once I was thinking about something other than my libido."

Touching Dylan's face, Devon looked into her eyes, "It must be pretty important then."

"Actually, I was thinking about the getaway you suggested last night." Dylan told her honestly.

"Oh?" She said curiously, laying her hand on Dylan's neck to wait for her to go on.

"Yeah, I was thinking that maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all."


"Why not?" Dylan shrugged.

"What about the restaurant?" Devon asked.

"Looks like I may have to hire another assistant manager to help out." She stated, "I can't be here all the time."

Moving her hand from Dylan's neck to stroke her shoulder, Devon smiled happily, "That's wonderful, I'll call and make reservations for this weekend."

Taking a deep breath, Dylan nodded still feeling apprehensive but forcing herself to do it anyway, she leaned forward and kissed her nose softly, "Okay, sounds good."

"Now, about that libido..." Devon smiled wickedly.


After taking showers and getting dressed for the day, Devon still had the feeling there was more to this going away thing than Dylan was telling, but she figured to just let it go for now and hopefully she would tell her in her own time, but it sat between them even while they were having toast and coffee. It felt like dead weight and Devon didn't understand instead she decided that going home might be the best thing to do and she would let Dylan deal with whatever it was that was bothering her. Devon didn't really want to leave but something felt different and she didn't know what else to do. She understood things like this would creep up, especially since they had confessed their love to one another but she also thought that they would be talking things out, unfortunately, Dylan didn't have that same plan today, so she would leave her to sort this out for herself, at least until she could talk more about it.

Nodding in agreement to Devon's statement about going home, Dylan took a drink of her coffee before saying, "I'll get everything squared away at the club and restaurant so we can leave Saturday, is that going to work with you."

"Dylan, are you sure you even want to go?" She finally just asked.

Surprised, Dylan looked up and met her beautiful green eyes, "Of course I do," She started, "Why would you even ask that?"

"Because, you seemed so...unsure last night, and even now, after you've agreed to go, you seem a little withdrawn." She responded coolly.

Sighing, Dylan looked down and felt the heat rising in her face as she remembered that terrible night and the way Kristin and that man were practically having sex right there in the bar of the hotel...the hotel she and Kristin were supposed to be having a romantic getaway in.

"Dylan?" Devon said breaking into her thoughts, "This is what I'm talking about."

Clearing her throat, Dylan stood up and took her plate to the sink and just as she was about to answer, Devon cut in again.

"Look Dylan, if you don't want to go, just say so..." Devon stated getting up as well, "Don't pretend you want to if it's not something you want to do." She added sounding a little annoyed.

Turning to meet her eyes, Dylan felt her heart drop at thought that Devon might be upset or sad at something she was doing, or not doing in this case...suddenly Dylan wanted to explain, but she was frozen, no words were coming out...what if she did do the same thing that Kristin had done?

Dropping her plate in the sink loudly, Devon shook her head and turned to face Dylan again, "You know what Dylan, just forget it..." She stated before turning and heading into the bedroom.

Dylan knew she should go in there and talk to her but fear and pride were nailing her to the floor, it was getting the best of her and she didn't know what to do about it. Dylan didn't want to admit to the woman she was in love with, that she'd been dumped on a weekend getaway and now she was too scared to go on another one.

When Devon returned a few minutes later, she was carrying her pocketbook and her overnight bag and suddenly, Dylan realized just how upset she really was.

"Devon..." She started softly but Devon held up her finger to silence anything more and replied,

"When you decide that you want to be in this relationship and you want to talk about whatever is bothering you and making you put up some kind of wall, we can talk, until then, why don't you take some time to think about it and I'll be at home."

"It's not like that." Dylan said following her to the elevator.

"Then how is it Dylan, I'm good enough to bring home but not go away with"? She asked curiously, her eyes blazing in a way that she wasn't used to, "I get that we've only been together a short time, but I'm not going to start a relationship with someone who can't even communicate when there's a problem."

Dylan couldn't believe what she was hearing, "What are you saying...what is it you want from me?" Dylan asked raising her voice incredulously.

When the elevator door opened, Devon stepped inside before looking back at Dylan sadly, "Apparently more than you can give." She stated as the doors closed.

Stunned, Dylan stood there staring at the closed elevator door wondering what in the hell she had just done. Had she just let the woman of her dreams, the woman she loved with all her heart just walk out on her because she couldn't let go of something that happened three years ago? Was she too chicken to tell her the truth because of her own ego? How crazy was she, or was there another part of her that really didn't want to be with her? Was she trying subconsciously to sabotage her own relationship because she didn't think she deserved to with someone so good? But she did! She deserved happiness too! No, she was just being prideful and that's exactly what Dylan would tell her truth!

Stepping to the elevator quickly she pushed the button and waited for it to come back up, hoping she could catch her down in the parking garage...practically holding her breath the whole way down, Dylan literally ran out of the kitchen area to the back door but only to catch Devon's taillights as they exited the gates of the parking garage.

"Damn it." Dylan grumbled thinking she could call her but decided that a personal apology would be better.

Devon knew she had reacted rashly, it was clear Dylan wanted to tell her something but couldn't. What she didn't understand was why Dylan had let her leave the way she had? Didn't she care? What if Dylan had just been using her all this time...and she had just given her the perfect way out? Suddenly Devon wanted to cry, her heart felt like it was breaking! No, that couldn't be right, Dylan loved her, she loved Dylan, they loved each other...this was all wrong! The argument, the silence, the way she'd left, everything...What had she done?

Using her voice activation, Devon called her sister and asked her to meet her at her house in an hour, she knew Selene would help her straighten up her thoughts and ease her heavy heart.

Mark and Lisa were both already in the office so after going over the books and telling them about her plans for the weekend, Dylan asked what they thought about bringing another assistant manager to ease their load now that business was picking up. They both agreed, so Dylan told them to work together on finding someone and to let her know when the interview progress started, and then around three-thirty, she announced that she would be leaving to go mend fences with Devon.

With both Mark and Lisa looking at her curiously, she shrugged, not wanting to explain it to them, so they just smiled and wished her luck as she left.

Dylan felt nervous about just showing up at Devon's doorstop, so she stopped to buy a dozen roses hoping that would help with the apologizing she was about to do...She wasn't used to apologizing, so this was a first for her and she truly hoped Devon would accept it because if  she didn't, Dylan knew in her heart, she would be crushed.


Thanks for reading you guys, I'm such a closet writer that putting this out there has been scary for me. So, I really appreciate any comments or constructive criticism and of course any likes, that are given. 

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