Still Falling For You (Gilmor...

Per G-Girl2017

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Five years after saying goodbye at Rory's graduation and living separate lives, Logan and Rory's path cross o... Més

Love and Fear
It Hurts
Bottled Up
Used To Be Mine
Dangerous Liaisons
Lights Out
What If
Letting Go
It's Okay
Moving On Up
Rumors and Lies
Life and Death
Family Ties
About Time
Work It
Happy Families
Indecent Proposal
Missing You
Up In The Air
Que Sera, Sera
All That Matters
A New Dawn
Oh! Baby!
Best Laid Plans
The Build Up
The Wedding
The Morning After
In Fair Verona
And Then There Were Four


3.1K 100 18
Per G-Girl2017

Rory had managed to sublet her apartment quickly and she had now officially moved herself into Logan's apartment. Living together and existing alongside each other once again came pretty easily to them and after a few days, it almost felt like that was the way it had always been. It felt effortless and they both enjoyed waking up with each other every day.

That night they had arranged to go out and meet up with their friends Finn, Colin, Rosemary and Steph to blow off some steam, which was much needed after a turbulent few months. Rory hadn't really yet managed to spend much time with their old Yale crew so she was really looking forward to the night out. They always had a great time together.

Rory sipped on a glass of wine and enjoyed taking her time getting ready while Logan relaxed on the sofa watching TV while he waited for. She really wanted to make sure that she looked good - she always wanted to make that little bit more of an effort when she went out with Logan, as she wanted to be sure she held his attention. Although she knew she shouldn't really feel insecure - he certainly never gave her any reason to feel that way - the fact was that he was a really good looking guy, who oozed charisma and commanded any room he was in. Women were constantly throwing themselves at him, but to his credit, he had never looked twice at any of them since being with Rory.

She slipped into the tight red dress she had bought specially for the occasion and added a pair of three-inch heels before she stepped back to take a long look at herself in front of the mirror. She smoothed the tight dress over her slender body. Rory didn't normally go for something so provocative but tonight she felt like being a little more daring. The heels she was wearing made her already long legs look even longer. She had fixed her hair up in a messy bun to expose her neck, and she applied a little more makeup than usual, matching her dress with a rich red lipstick.

When she walked out of the bedroom Logan's jaw dropped. His eyes trailed up her body, all the way from her long legs to meet her sparkling blue eyes. Rory knew in that moment he was mentally undressing her, which was never a bad thing, it always made her feel so desired.

"Wow. You look absolutely incredible" Logan said standing up to walk over to her. "You're going to turn some heads tonight Ace and who could blame them".

Rory smiled demurely at his response to her appearance and kissed him softly on the cheek. He placed his hand on the small of her back and they walked out of the apartment together.


Logan sat in the booth at the bar with his friends as they watched the girls head out on to the dance floor. Colin and Steph had eventually decided to enter into a committed relationship after years of on/off dating, while Rosemary and Finn continued to dance around each other. Logan suspected that was exactly how they both wanted it.

Finn put his beer bottle down on the table. "Ok, so I know she's your woman Logan, but can I just say, Rory looks damn sexy in that dress," he said casting an appreciative eye in her direction. "If she wasn't with you, I think I'd have a crack at her tonight"

"He's right," Colin said agreeing with Finn. "She was always pretty hot at college but she is way hotter these days than I ever remember."

"You're a lucky man Logan, a lucky man indeed," Finn said shaking his head.

Logan smirked and took a swig of his beer. "That I am." he laughed as he looked over at his girlfriend dancing and giggling.

"So the big question on everyone's lips - are you going to put a ring on it?" Finn raised an eyebrow at his friend.

"Huh?" Logan looked at him.

"Rory. Are you going to make an honest woman of her...because looking like that, it's surely only a matter of time someone tries to."

"Oh," Logan said catching on. "I don't know" he shrugged.

"He doesn't know" Colin laughed and picked up his beer. "Of course you are Logan."

"What!" Logan said exasperatedly. "She's only just got divorced and we've only been seeing other for a few months."

Finn pulled a face at his friend. "So what! You're already living together, aren't you? That's pretty serious...You're telling me the thought hasn't crossed your mind?"

"Sure, it's crossed my mind" Logan admitted a little sheepishly "But..." Logan shook his head before continuing "...I doubt that she'd want to rush into anything like that so soon"

"Only one way to find out," Colin said tipping his bottle towards Logan in acknowledgement.


Logan approached Rory as she was dancing with Rosemary and Steph. He slipped up behind her and put his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him. She turned to him and gave him a big smile as he pressed his lips to her exposed neck.

"I have to hit the bathroom Ace; I'll get us some more drinks on the way back?" he said to her and she nodded in response. He kissed her gently on the lips and made his way through the busy bar to the bathroom but when he came back Logan couldn't see Rory on the dance floor anyway. Rosemary and Steph were still shaking their thing for all it was worth but Rory seemed to be nowhere in sight. He walked back over to his friends who were still sitting in the booth and had by now replenished their drinks.

"Have you seen Rory anywhere?" Logan asked his friends as he slid back into the booth.

Colin nodded over in the direction of the bar where Rory was now stood with a tall, dark haired man. She was talking rather animatedly, the result, no doubt, of several glasses of wine Logan thought to himself.

"Who the hell is that?" Logan looked at his friends.

Finn smirked. "Ooh, jealous much? Why don't you go over there and fid out mate! Go mark your territory" he said as he slapped his friend on the back.

Logan shot his friends a look and walked over to where Rory was standing. He slipped his arm protectively around her waist and she turned to look at him with a smile.

"Oh Hey Logan," she said.

"Who is your friend Ace" Logan said with a smile fixed on his face, not taking his eyes off the man stood in front of them.

"Oh, this is Jack Masters. Jack, this is my boyfriend Logan Huntzberger." Rory said by way of introduction.

Logan politely greeted the man in front of him. The guy, who was tall and pretty good looking, seemed to be about in his early thirties and was clearly very fond of Rory. Logan noticed the flash of recognition on Jack's face when he heard Rory introduce them but he was used to that, it went with having the Huntzberger name.

"How do you two know each other?" Logan asked.

"Oh Jack and I were together on the campaign trail a few years ago" Rory smiled.

"What she actually means is we spent a lot of time in dodgy dive bars getting waste on cheap beer and holed up in sub-standard motels where we normally woke up wearing some for of Mexican food, right?" Jack laughed and looked at Logan.

"Really?" Logan asked as he squeezed Rory closer.

Rory smiled and nodded. "It's not too far from the truth." She didn't really want to say much more as clearly, it was making Logan a little uncomfortable.

"I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything Rory?" Logan asked her.

Rory held up her glass "Oh I'm good, Jack just bought me one"

"Okay then, well I'll see you in a minute. It was nice to meet you, Jack." Logan nodded in his direction.

Logan fetched his drink and then went back to the booth and sat back down with his friends. He watched his girlfriend and this guy who was so very obviously into her, talking at the bar. Logan quickly realized that Jack was trying to get closer to Rory and he was flirting outrageously with her. He also noticed that she wasn't particularly evading his advances, seeming pretty comfortable with him. Logan's mind immediately started drifting and he wondered whether the two had ever slept together while on the campaign trail, it looked and sounded plausible but he wasn't sure he really wanted to know the answer.

He really didn't want to come across like the jealous possessive type but for some reason Rory stirred that up in him, he had always hated the thought of Rory with anyone but him and now he was getting annoyed that Jack seemed to be spending more time looking down his girlfriend's dress than at her face. He was getting just a bit too comfortable with her. Logan noticed how Jack leaned in very close to Rory, pretending to need to talk over the music. His arm went around her waist as he spoke into her ear and Rory seemed to find everything he said so very funny. Logan tried to look away and concentrate on what his friends were taking about.

After a while, Rory came back to sit in the booth and rest her feet which were paying the price for wearing such high heels. She slid up next to Logan and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Where's your friend?" he asked.

"What?" Rory looked at him confused before realizing what was going on. "Oh my god Logan, are you jealous?" she teased.

"No," he said as he took a drink out of his bottle.

She looked at him. "Really?"

Logan rolled his eyes at her. "Okay, maybe a little, but it's only because you're so goddam sexy and beautiful. Every guy here thinks that they have a shot with you and that guy was definitely trying it on with you."

"I doubt that's true Logan but even it was, you know that I love you. I want to be with you and ONLY you" she said as she put one hand softly on his face and ran the other up his thigh. "If anyone is going to be jealous, then it shouldn't be you because you are the only one that gets to be with me " she whispered as she pressed her lips gently on his and brushed them with her tongue, asking for him to grant her access. He obliged and for a moment, they were completely lost in the moment. That was until the catcalls from his friends started up in the background dragging them back to reality.

Logan pulled away and smiled at her. "Have I told you how much I love you?"

"Yes, you have, numerous times, but I'll never get tired of hearing it" She smiled. "Come on," she said as she grabbed his hand "Let's go dance".

Rory dragged Logan with her and they danced close together. He slowly ran his hands down her sides and she pulled him in closer to her wanting to feel as much of him next to her body as possible. Logan held her tightly and as he gently ground against her and she sensuously rubbed herself back against him. He whispered something suggestive in her ear and she laughed, throwing back her head. Logan caught his hand in the base of her hair and kept her head still as he leaned towards her. Rory's eyes closed involuntarily at the first touch of his lips and melted into him as he tangled his hand in her hair and they explored each other with their tongues.

"Jeez, would you just look at them two. If they didn't have clothes on, I swear, they'd be having sex right there on that dance floor." Finn said.

"You're only jealous Finn" Steph laughed

"Damn right I am," Finn said. "Have you seen her tonight? Logan is going to get so lucky later"

Steph nodded and greed "He is going to get super-laid tonight".

Finn groaned "Lucky bastard".

"More of that talk Finn, and I know someone who WON'T be getting lucky later," Rosemary said shooting him a warning glance.

"You wouldn't be that heartless" Finn said pretending to be hurt. "Does that mean I am in with a chance?" he whispered in her ear.

"Maybe" Rosemary smiled.

"Oh, here they come, the lovers." Steph laughed as Logan and Rory approached the table. "It's about time you two took a breath, Finn was just about to go and get a hose to cool you guys down".

Rory brushed her hair back self-consciously and Logan squeezed her around her waist. "What can I say? I have the most beautiful woman on my arm, present company excepted" he winked at the girls.

"Come on people, let's have a toast," Finn said as he lifted up his glass and Rory and Logan sat down.

The others all followed suit and lifted their glasses.

"What exactly are we toasting here Finn?" Colin asked.

"Us," he said, "To nights we will never remember, with the friends we will never forget."

They all laughed and knocked back their drinks. "Cheers!"

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