Yandere Male x Male Reader

By koshitantan

264K 7.5K 3.2K

Thinking back, I don't even understand why I became friends with him. It was always a mistake, since the very... More

8 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
10 - Yuu ver.
10 - Kou ver.


29.4K 796 199
By koshitantan

(A/N: the calm before the storm...)
Although I have friends, I'm not that close to any of them. It's not like we particularly talk to each other that much, it's just that we get along. I think part of the reason it's like this is because of Kou. Because he wouldn't let me get closer to other people other than himself. So, I have to work on that. Unlike with Kou, I can't let people take the initiative and I have to get closer to them myself. But how?
That's when I saw one of my friends, Yuu.
"Hi, Yuu" I greeted him.
But he didn't respond. Hm? Looking closer at him, he seems kind of dazed and there were dark circles under his eyes. What's the reason, I wonder? That's when he snapped out of it.
"Ah sorry, (y/n), did you say something just now?"
"Well, I just said hi" I responded.
"O-oh. Hi (y/n)" he tried to smile.
If that isn't obvious that something's way off, then I don't know what obvious means.
Just then, the teacher walked into the classroom. Looks like I can't talk to Yuu now.
But as soon as classes were over and lunch began, I went up to him. I chatted with him for a bit before assessing the main topic, but right now it seemed like it was time to.
"So, Yuu....what's wrong?"
"Huh?" He looked a bit shocked at me.
"What do you mean?" He continued.
"I mean, you've been acting weird lately"
"What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine"
"...you're holding your fork upside down" I stared at his hand.
Noticing his mistake, he quickly fixed it with a grunt.
"You can't possible say you're fine now"
He looked away for a moment before sighing.
Since we were eating at the rooftop, there was nobody there except us. So in other words, nobody would hear what he was about to say except me.
"What do you...think about gay people?"
"What do I think? Not much, they're just people" I replied.
His eyes widened.
"Huh? Really? Then you're not..."
I'm not what?
"The truth is...I-I think I might be..." He looked down.
"What? You're gay?"
He looked up at me and blushed.
"D-don't just say it so bluntly!" He exclaimed.
"Is that what you've been worrying about this whole time?"
"Yeah..." He quietly said.
"Well, don't worry about it, I won't judge"
After all, I'm...
"I...didn't think anyone would be ok with it. Thanks..." Yuu blushed again.
After that, Yuu became more open with me. He talked more about how he felt, and I ended up knowing more about him than other people did. It was a nice thing, he wasn't too clingy, but he was kind. Without realizing it, I ended up getting close to him. Although I liked that, someone else didn't.
One day when Yuu and I were talking on the rooftop as usual, I suddenly noticed a presence behind the door. Someone was watching us, but I couldn't see their face. But as soon as I saw them, they backed away and began running away.

A - Go after them
B - Stay on the rooftop

Choice A:
"Sorry Yuu, I just remembered I have important to do right now. See you later!" I said before quickly opening the door and chasing after the figure.
Yuu was a bit confused, but said goodbye anyway.
I began catching up with the person, and saw that they had brown hair and were a boy. But because his back was facing me, I couldn't tell who he was.
He wouldn't listen to me however. Then he opened the door to the cafeteria and closed the door before me. When I opened the door, I looked around but couldn't tell where he was. There were multiple people with brown hair. It seemed as though I lost him.

Choice B:
Were they spying on me? There was no way, right? Maybe I just assumed things. Maybe I just imagined it. I don't think there would be anyone who would want to do that. But still, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. It wasn't like I could just chase after them now, right?
"Is something wrong, (y/n)?" Yuu asked.
"No, I'm fine" I said.
Might as well just ignore that and pretend it never happened. I don't think it was something so serious.

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