Norman Reedus images/ One Sho...

By _Lizzie_Black_

34K 575 56

So these are norman reedus images ill do all his characters like Mac (red canyon) Daryl (TWD) Scud(blade 2) ... More

❌meet me by the river❌ Daryl
❌a little i love you❌Norman
❌I'll see you again❌ Murphy
❌Are you ok❌ Mac
❌Any day...❌ young norman
❌ Is that you?❌ Daryl
❌Any day (2)❌ young norman
❌ Little ass kicker❌ Daryl
❌who's that?❌ Merel.
story ideas
❌who are you?❌ merel /daryl
❌were all diffrent❌ daryl
❌Never forget me❌ Daryl
-you found me- Daryl
A/n please read
=little by little then all at once=
=Never forget= daryl
_Love me_ judas
Did you ever love me?_ Murphy
Did you ever love me? Murphy2
Alone Daryl
Surprise (murphy)
merel (suicide)
Merel-im sorry
daryl smuttttt
_love me_ judas 2
my dear daryl

× crazy love × Merel

518 11 2
By _Lizzie_Black_

Ok sorry i havent updated lately, i dont have an excuse i just sleep... Well lets get on with the chapeter!

*y/n p.o.v*

Me and sarah [daughters name you can change it if its your name] were walking down a road.


Ever since shit hit the fan she hasnt talked. I feel so bad because i wont always be able to protect her.

"Sarah ya hungry?"

She nodded and i got whats left if meat we had and gave it to her.

Once she was done eating she looked sad.

"Whats wrong?"

She pointed at my stomach.

No. Im not pregnant i just havent ate. I shrugged it of and we continue walking.


We look up ahead to see a prison. It lookes to have people. Maybe food.

Me and sarah run the rest of the way there.

We stood near the gates. A boy around sarahs age opened the gates.

Once we were in, we were met with glares and stares.

I look up to see daryl. My best friend.

Sarah looks to and runs to him.

"Uncle daryl!" she screams.

He opens his arms and she jumps into them.

I run over and hug him but careful of sarah.

"What the hell?" i heard.

It cant be.

I look up and see merel. My love. The father of my child.

I pull away from daryl and run to merel.

We meet and immediately kiss.

"Yer not leavin my fuckin site ever baby girl." he says

"I love you merel."

"I love you and sarah too."

People gasp all around. Merel must have been an asshole.

Typical merel.

I get food from the woman named carol.
"So how are you with merel. Not in a bad way be he is rude and an asshole. But he seems like a good father."

"He is an awesome father and well i guess you can say we have crazy love." i say

Look up to see merel and sarah running around playing.

God i love my life...


Sorry i havent posted in a while. My great grandmother passed away and i was really close to her.

But we are so close to 1k thank you guys for reading

But thanks you guys 👌

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