The Empress

By M3eChE3

2.8K 86 10

Arrogance doesn't always get you what you want. Will the emperor's son be able to handle Regina and tame her... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:
Chapter Eighteen:
Chapter Nineteen:
Chapter Twenty: Crossover pt. 1
Chapter Twenty-One: Crossover pt. 2:
Chapter Twenty-Two: Crossover pt. 3
Chapter Twenty-Three: Crossover pt. 4:
Chapter Twenty-Four: Final Crossover pt. 1
Chapter Twenty-Five: Final Crossover pt. 2:
Chapter Twenty-Six:
Chapter Twenty-Seven:
Chapter Twenty-Eight:
Chapter Twenty-Nine:
Chapter Thirty:
Chapter Thirty-One:
Thank You Note:

Chapter Thirty-Two:

61 2 0
By M3eChE3

It's been 2 weeks since he left for that meeting with the Hybrids' prince. I'm losing it day by day. I'm absolutely terrified of approaching the prince in case he's alive. I don't want him to rip his heart out before me, that itself would be enough to kill me. Starter's been having to constantly make sure I'm eating because the baby needs to eat. I think Aaron knows that something is wrong cuz he keeps having moments where he just holds my face and stares into my eyes with a look that I can't define.

I'm scared...

------------------------ x -----------------------

It's been a rough two weeks having to deal with seeing my ex everywhere I go on top of missing Gabriel badly. It's like a part of my heart dies every passing day. I'm having a hard time eating but Gina's found a way to make me. If I don't eat she won't eat which means the baby won't eat. So we're both stuck doing this crazy domino effect thing just to stay alive.

Where are you, Gabriel?

-------------------- x ---------------------

Today is the big day where I get to be tortured by the prince himself. I'm surprised he's let me live so long. He hasn't pulled my heart out no matter how much I've aggravated him. Maybe I'll push his buttons just enough today.

He walks in with a devious grin that makes chills go through my bones. He stands before me and says,"You look as dazzling as always".

That was a lie. I'm bruised, exhausted and drained of life. I'm not even hoping to go back home anymore. There's no way they can save me. I just wanna die at this point. He places his index finger on my shoulder making me scream in pain as his skin burns right through mine. One thing to know about a Hybrid, he can't I repeat CANNOT touch a Lycan. It's like we're so opposite that the contact is like acid and it only burns me not him. He's perfectly fine. I'm the exact opposite. He pulls his hand away and I just smell burnt skin making me grimace as nausea starts to set in.

"You know, I've been really nice to you. I could have just shagged you so I can burn you inside out, but instead I'm showing you mercy".

"You call that.. mercy? This... Is torture.. if I've seen it. You are.... A monster. You.. deserve.. to die.. when you do", I spit in his face after the effort I put into saying what I did. He wipes his face and laughs hysterically before slapping me across the face. The sound of skin on skin echoing in the room.

I feel the burn on my cheek literally. I turn back to face him and ask,"That all you got... Chicken?" I taunt him.

He laughs again before grabbing me by my hair and his face right against mine but not touching it. Just enough so I can feel the burn. "I.. will.. not.. kill you".

He lets me go,"You should. Because... If you don't... You will die... When they come to get me".

He cackles,"Are you mad??!!" He asks realistically,"I'm about to continue torturing you daily and all you can say is if I don't kill you, I'll die??? Really?!!? You clearly need medical help".

"Really? I had no idea. I'm too busy in my water bed drinking a scotch while my masseuse is keeping me relaxed. What more do I need?" I answer sarcastically.

He frowns now annoyed by my attitude and says,"if you wanna see your family again, you better keep that mouth of yours sealed".

"What makes you think I wanna see them again? I came here on my own. I have been asking you to just kill me. And I don't get tired of the pain you inflict on me. I'm actually used to it. Does that sound like someone who wants to see his family!??!" I yell at him making him strangle me. The strangle doesn't even bother me but the burn is inescapable. I groan as I feel my flesh getting devoured by the heat from his touch. Soon enough he lets me go and walks out the room without a word.

I feel my flesh start to heal already. This is all a waste of my precious time. I sigh after a few minutes when the other people come in wearing gloves and drag me to my room. They carelessly toss me into the comforter thick bed making me Yelp when I collide with the floor under it. They lock the room and leave me to my misery.

-------------------------- x -------------------------

"EMPRESS!!" I hear a commotion before Tara, Aaron's nanny runs in.

"What what is it!??!! Where's Aaron!??!" I yell at her panicking because he wasn't in her arms.

"They- they t-t-took him", she stammers in horror and fear.

My knees go weak and my legs give out from under me making me fall flat on my butt. My ears start to ring as the world starts spinning around me. Soon I feel a pair of strong arms lift me up bridal style and walk me to what I feel is a car where I am strapped in. I hear the car start as the person drives away. Soon, my world goes dark.

------------------------ x -------------------------

I'm dragged into the throne room where I'm held between his two men as he announces,"There's someone here to see you", I hear the amusement in his voice and I know right away thst this is not going to be funny to me.

"Da!" I gasp as my world stops at the sound of his voice. No. It can't be. He wouldn't... Sure enough, I look up and see Aaron in some person's arms but wrapped in a blanket. He has a smile as he looks at me. I feel my eyes sting as I know my biggest fear has now come to haunt me. I start shaking my head vigorously,"No. No PLEASE!!!! Please don't!!!"

"Don't what?" He asks standing from his throne and he slowly and painfully walks toward the one person in this world that I would give my life for in a heartbeat. The one person I DID give my life for.

"NO PLEASE!!!!! YOU PROMISED IF I CAME YOU WOULDN'T TOUCH HIM!!!" I plead with everything I've got.

"That was before your little fiasco yesterday".


He cackles enjoying my pleas of mercy for my son. He reaches his hand over Aaron's face and I feel this surge of energy course through my body making me knock the guys holding me out and run toward the prince who easily swishes me to the side with his strong arm. "Did you really think you could stop me in your state??!!"

I groan as I stand up again and face him. "I will... Do anything... For my son", I growl at him as I feel my claws and fangs extend anger seeping through my veins in a high rush. "Now give me my child!" I command.

"Or what??"

I lunge at him without a second thought punching him in the face making him stumble before he tries to reach for me, but I dodge and elbow him in the ribs. I run for my son but then I feel a pull at my heart making me stop in my tracks holding my breath in a long gasp.

"You dare... Attack me??? Knowing the consequences!??!"

I can't answer the pain is too excrutiating. I look into Aaron's eyes and it is now that I notice he's crying. My heart breaks as a tear rolls down my cheek accepting my fate wishing my son didn't have to see me die, but soon the pull on my chest starts to loosen up and when I look up at Aaron, his eyes are a bold red orange color, not the whole eye just his ires. The person holding him starts to shake and before she could drop him, I catch him in my arms but he continues to stare at the prince. I slowly look up at him to see his flesh dissolving into his bones. I gasp and look back at Aaron who is still wailing with his eyes bright red orange. I'm so shocked as I turn back to see the prince fall as his eyes are now popping out of his sockets. Is he.... Draining his body essence...? Cuz that is insane.

"Aaron!??!" I hear her voice. I turn to where I hear it from and my heart stops at the sight of my life-drained mate. Soon my other life-drained mate runs in calling for her. They both stop when they see us. She starts crying as she takes baby steps forward and whispers,"Gabriel?"

I feel my eyes sting as a wave of uncontrollable emotions rush through me. I look down at Aaron who is now looking at me and reaching for me saying,"Da!"

I can't help breaking down as I hug him considering I haven't held him for over 3 weeks now. I soon feel two pairs of arms engulf us in a tight and nurturing group hug. We're all crying but I'm sure they're all tears of joy and relief. We all pull away and Starter asks,"How did you...?" He beckons toward the dead prince and we all look at him then I turn to meet their gazes. I chuckle and look down at a smiling Aaron before I say,"He saved me".

They both glance at him confused and back at me. I chuckle and say,"I'll explain later. But I do need a hand. Maybe 4?" They laugh softly. I missed hearing their laughter.

She tries to take him out of my arms but he's squeals making us all grimace and groan. "Maybe just help me up while I'm still holding him?"

"Sounds like a plan", Starter responds as they both lift me up to my feet. "Geez do you gain weight Hun?? My arms almost fell off".

"That must've been the baby. What do you feed him??" I ask her and she rolls her eyes.

"Not this again".

"Oh come on. You know you missed our bickering".

We all laugh before a huge bang is heart and a round of yells is heard as footsteps rush into the throne room. We all stand there expecting the worst but it's actually our own people. We all sigh in relief as they take over and help us out of the building and into one of the two cars they brought with. "Why do you guys always snooze!?? Try being here on time next time? I almost died but my month old son saved my life", they all laugh slightly.

"Sorry sir, your mates and kid are faster than us", my second in command states.

I give him a straight face for a few seconds before I burst out laughing making him laugh,"I'm joking. Relax. Nice come back though".

Regina shakes her head and says,"Alright funny pants, get in the car. It's time to finally go home", she smiles warmly making my heart melt.

---------------------------- x ---------------------------


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