Bad Boy (DeVante Swing)

By xomelanin

186K 7.6K 6.2K

You got a jawline like a model You stay fresh from head to toe Got your own money, never borrow On your grind... More

New Beginnings
What a man..
Cool it now
Sorry Not Sorry
Who's baby?
i love you... to death
It all makes sense..
Birthday 🎈
We need a break
We need a resolution
Issa joke¿
It goes down at the Vineyard
Sparks on the fourth
The nerve
Ride & Slide
Biggest Part of Me
To be or not to be?
She's Out of My Life
On a Prayer
Love in Competition
Baby Zyla
Love Shoulda Brought You Home
Back at One
Bad Boy Q&A
Old Thang Back
My Heart Belongs To U
Heaven Sent
Never Leave
Final Goodbye

She Wildin'

2.3K 125 87
By xomelanin

Just letting you know it's about 5 or 6 more chapters to go before this book comes to an end. Thank you for the endless support and comments. Be sure to check out my other stories.
- D'Andra


Arrington Noel DeGrate
August 6, 2006

"So how was the little couples getaway?" My mom asked as we ate lunch.

"It was beautiful. Donald really did a great job, I felt special."

She smiled. "That's good baby. You ain't pregnant again are you?"

I rolled my eyes. "No mama, geesh. You're the 7th person to ask me this. Donald doesn't always get me pregnant."

"Could've fooled me the way you been popping out these babies. I don't mind cause I love my grand babies. You gotta give me one more though."

I almost choked on my food. "Have you been talking to De or something? I am not and I repeat NOT getting pregnant again."

"You don't have to have them now. You can wait till the twins are like 5."

"Really mama?"

"I'm just saying.." She said sipping her water.

"Mmhm, we'll see. Come on let's go shopping."


Donald Earle DeGrate II

"Nigga you knocking my door like you pay the damn bills." Dalvin said opening the door.

"I fucked up man." I said rushing in the house.

He closed the door looking confused. "What the hell you talking about?"

"The new assistant I hired, Avery. Bruh she kissed me. I was literally in the middle of talking about business and I turn around to grab something. When I turned back around she's half dressed. So I'm like woah calm that down. What the hell is going on? Do you not know that my wife is crazy? Then she jumped on me and kissed me and I'm trying to get the bitch off, but she had strength like a damn sumo wrestler. So I basically threw her to the ground and ran the fuck out of there."

Dalvin put his hand over his mouth. "I thought Avery was a shy, quiet, Christian girl."

"So did I till she tried to rape my ass. I gotta tell Arrington before Avery tries to make up lies."

"Aight bruh just calm down."

"I can't Dal! I worked so damn hard to keep my marriage. I did everything to restore the trust that Arrington had in me. I just got her trust back man and this shit happens."

"De, you said she kissed you first and you pushed her off. You didn't stay and fuck her. Just tell Ari. She'll believe you."

"How the hell am I supposed to tell her though? Tell me what to say."

He sighed. "Y'all be making me feel like I'm in the damn marriage. Just tell her what you told me. Say it kind of casually, but disgusted so she knows you didn't like it."

I nodded my head and then my phone rang I saw it was Avery and denied the call. "Dal the girl keeps calling me. I don't want her. I want Arrington. Like girl I got 6 kids. 4 of them belong to my wife of 11 years who will kill you and I. My kids are mad disrespectful they will tell yo ass straight up you're not my mommy and get out."

Dalvin laughed at my comment. "Especially Zyla grown ass. She'll be like stranger leave."

My phone rang again and it was Arrington. "It's Ari."

"Well answer the phone dumb ass."

I nodded and picked up the phone.


Where you at?

At Dalvin's house what's wrong?

Come home.

You okay?

Yup.. I'm great. Be home soon please.

Alright, I'm on my way now.

She hung up and I just stared at the phone. Then I looked up at Dalvin who looked nervous. "What'd she say?"

I cleared my throat. "She just said come home."

"You think that girl called her."

I got my stuff together. "I don't know what to think man. I gotta go."

I drove home scared out of my mind to what was going on. I hope Avery didn't lie or tell her. I want to tell Arrington myself. I pulled into the driveway and saw another car there. When I walked in the house Ari was standing in the foyer with a black silk robe on with her arms crossed.

"Hey baby." I said kissing her cheek. "You looking sexy."

She nodded. "Thank you."

"I gotta talk to you. Wait where are the kids?"

"With my mom and dad. You had a guest today."

"A guest?"

"Yes, this girl came saying you guys had sex and you've been messing with her for the past three months. Now I find that hard to believe, but before I kick her ass I wanted to talk to you about it. She says she's your assistant. Her name is Avery, is this true?"

"Her being my assistant yes."

"Did you fuck her?" She asked walking around me in a circle.

"No, she kissed me today though. I pushed her off. It was nothing more than that. I didn't even expect it."

She stopped in front of me and nodded. "Avery?" She called and then Avery came out.

She was shocked to see me there, but quickly fixed her face. "DeVante."

Arrington walked away for a minute then returned with her hands behind her back. I sighed knowing what was about to happen.

"You know Avery.. It's a couple things in this world that I don't like. I don't like avocados, squash, or Brussels sprouts. I don't like liars and I especially don't like liars who try to play me when it comes to my man. Cause see I don't play games about my Jesus, my man, my kids, or my food. So I'm going to ask you one more time, because I know that man right there. All the shit he been through, he ain't trying to go back to the dog house with me. So.." She cocked the gun and put it against her head. "Since motherfuckers think lies are okay, you better tell me the truth before I have your brains splattered on this floor. Did you and Donald have sexual relations?"

Avery was shaking. She looked over at me and I shrugged. I told her ass my wife is crazy, she ain't wanna listen. I gave her a warning that what she did could lead to death, did she listen? No. Nobody ever listens to me. They think cause I got the ponytail that I ain't got no sense. BUT this proves that I can still pull a bitch with this ponytail. I mean I don't see Arrington's ass going anywhere.

"The truth is, I kissed him. I am in love with your husband. You don't deserve him." She said boldly.

Now ho why you do that for? I'm not witnessing no murders. Arrington gun butted her. "Bitch don't get yourself killed. Your little ass is like 12, what you want with a grown ass man with 6 kids? If you knew the shit this man put me through you'd think twice about wanting to steal him from me. You think I worked my ass off to make him into the man I want him to be for some young ho to come fuck it up? Get yo ass out my house. By the way you're fired bitch, your check will be mailed to you. If I catch you round my man again, I ain't gonna gun butt you.. I'm gonna shoot your damn leg off."

Avery ran out the house quickly and got in her car. Arrington looked at me and walked away. I followed her to the room as she put her gun away.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked sitting on the bed.

"You not picking your assistants no more. You're going to get a gay male assistant or a dyke. You think it's a fucking game? The nerve of that little ho. Trying to lie on you. I was like bitch how the fuck y'all been fucking for three months and the nigga barely leave the house. WHEN BITCH? My man is a loner."

"She was quite upset when I pushed her off."

"The bitch is like four years old. She's built like a fucking 10 year old boy. Need to do some squats and get that ass fat before she come for my man." She said paving the room.

"Well she's out of the way now."

"She fucked up my whole mood. I was bout to have sex with you all over the house till she popped up at my door."

I looked up quickly. "That can still happen. Don't let her ruin the fun baby." I said taking of my shirt.

"No Donald, I just want yo sleep now. Bitch made my head hurt."

"I'll put just the tip in."

She laughed climbing over me to get in bed. "If you're that horny just do it while I sleep."

"I need your ass wide awake when I give you this dick." I said climbing under the sheets to put my face in her pussy. She let out light moans as I licked and bit her core.

"Mmm.. You know my mom told me she wants one more grand baby." She said. I kissed up her body removing my briefs. I kissed on her neck as I put my tip at her entrance. "Baby are you even listening to – ooh shit." She moaned as I gave her deep strokes.

"Yeah, sleep my ass. You know you love it." I said kissing her neck as her nails ran up and down my back.

These hoes be trying to get you. Almost got her ass killed.
Excuse any errors

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