Roadie ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓

By asdflkjhg5sos

117K 5.4K 7.3K

In which, Luke goes on tour and meets the new roadie RUKE GREMMINGS COMPLETED 6TH IN THE RUKE SERIES ASDFLKJH... More

warnings and description
[1] 28th June - Sydney, Australia
[2] 30th June - Uncasville, Connecticut
[3] 1st July - Uncasville, Connecticut
[4] 2nd July - Hershey, Pennsylvania
[5] 3rd July - Syracuse, New York
[6] 5th July - Syracuse, New York (+)
[7] 6th July - Darien Lake, New York (+)
[8] 7th July - Bristow, Virginia (+)
[9] 11th July - Toronto, Canada (+)
[10] 15th July - New York City, New York
[11] 16th July - Camden, New Jersey (+)
[12] 18th July - Charlotte, North Carolina
[13] 20th July - Jacksonville, Florida
[14] 21st July - Pelham, Alabama
[15] 24th July - Atlanta, Georgia (+)
[16] 27th July - Auburn Hills, Michigan (+)
[17] 28th July - Moline, Illinois (+)
[18] 29th July - Moline, Illinois
[19] 1st August - Los Angeles, California (+)
[20] 3rd August - Los Angeles, California (+)
[21] 5th August - Los Angeles, California (+)
[22] 6th August - Syracuse, New York (+)
[23] 7th August - Syracuse, New York
[24] 8th August - Los Angeles, California (+)
[25] 13th August - Los Angeles, California (+)
[26] 15th August - Los Angeles, California (+)
[27] 16th August - Anaheim, California (+)
[28] 17th August - Los Angeles, California
[29] 19th August - Maryland Heights, Missouri
[30] 20th August - Kansas City, Missouri (+)
[31] 24th August - Denver, Colorado
[32] 30th August - Spokane, Washington
[33] 5th September - Los Angeles, California
[34] 7th September - Inglewood, Calfornia (+)
[35] 9th September - Chula Vista, California (+)
[36] 14th September - San Antonio, Texas
[37] 17th September - Sydney, Australia
[39] 20th September - Sydney, Australia
[40] 25th September - Sydney, Australia (+)
[41] 26th September - Sydney, Australia
[42] 27th September - Sydney, Australia
[43] 29th September - Melbourne, Australia (+)
[44] 6th October - Sydney, Australia
[45] 19th October - Sydney, Australia
[46] 22nd October - Sydney, Australia
[47] 25th October - Sydney, Australia (+)
[48] 28th October - Los Angeles, California
[49] 20th November - Los Angeles, California
[50] 25th January - Los Angeles, California
[51] 2nd April - Adelaide, Australia
[52] 15th April - Los Angeles, California
[53] 22nd April - Los Angeles, California (+)
[54] 18th August - Melbourne, Australia
[55] 4th September - Sydney, Australia
[56] 11th September - Sydney, Australia
[57] 16th May - Sydney, Australia
[58] 12th June - Sydney, Australia
[epilogue] 15th February - Denver, Colorado
Other Ruke Books

[38] 18th September - The Woodlands, Texas

951 52 40
By asdflkjhg5sos

Hi yes pls comment through our I updated at 1:30 am 40+ comments

There's a moth in my room help me


18th September - The Woodlands, Texas


Luke's fingers twitched as he slept peacefully, his hands were itching to be wrapped around Reece's clothes again, he missed falling asleep beside his boyfriend. Luke frowned as he felt someone nudge his side, "no Reecey." He groaned, his voice thick with sleep.

"Aw." The person cooed and Luke tiredly opened his eyes seeing Michael, "you miss your man."

Luke rolled over, looking away from Michael, "what do you want?"

Michael rolled Luke back over again, "you have to get up."

Luke sighed and Michael tapped his cheek and walked away. Luke huffed and rolled over again, he picked up his phone and saw he had a text from Reece saying good morning and goodnight, he checked the time in Australia and saw it was eleven at night for Reece. He didn't want to bother his boyfriend because he was probably asleep or with family or with friends, so Luke replied saying goodnight with a few love hearts and kisses and got out of the bunk.

Luke spent his day moping with Michael teasing him. Luke first got breakfast with the boys, staying quiet as he ate his cereal. Ashton stared at Luke as he looked down at his food, "Luke, you okay?"

Luke looked up, "Yeah, just a bit hung over from last night." He shrugged.

Ashton looked at Calum who sat beside Luke, and Cal nodded, "do you wanna come out with me and Ash today? We're gonna get some food and look around."

Luke shook his head, "no, it's fine, I'm just gonna end up being a third wheel."

After breakfast, Luke went to the dressing room where a PS4 was hooked up to a TV. He slipped in some headphones and went and played GTA for a few hours, it was around three in the afternoon when he was brought out of his gaming head when someone put their hands on his shoulders making him jump and rip out his headphones.

He looked up to see Arz and smiled at her softly, "Oh hey, I didn't know you were coming tonight."

"Ash said Reece got sent home? Are you okay?" She asked instantly and Luke turned away from her at the mention of Reece, he missed him already.

"I'm just used to Reece always being there and now he's gone so I feel kinda stuck if that makes sense," Luke said, Arz sitting down beside him on the sofa. Luke paused the game as she did.

"It does, but you'll be back home soon and you'll see him then. It's only a week at most." She said, leaning his elbow on the back of the sofa and then her head on her hand. "He's coming to the show right?"

"I think so." Luke shrugged.

"Well text him to make sure," Arz said and picked up Luke's phone from the table. She unlocked it and handed it to Luke, "text him right now."

"He's gonna be asleep or--"

"He can text back a yes and go straight back to sleep." She said, and Luke sighed and wrote out the text.

Lu: hey I wanted to ask, you'll come to the Aussie shows right?

Luke put his phone down, "happy now? It's five am for him, he'll be as--"

The phone beeped on his knee, and Luke picked it up again to see a reply.

Reecey: of course I'll be there, Char too x

Luke smiled, he was happy Reece would be but now he felt back for waking Reece up.

Lu: did I wake you?

Reecey: no I was up, just showered, I've got college today

Lu: okay love you x

Reecey: Love you too x

Arz smiled, "see, all okay." Luke nodded before Arz put her hand on Luke's shoulder, "Luke chill out, and besides he's your boyfriend now, so technically he can come visit you on tour now whenever he can and not be sent home for being inappropriate," Arz said and Luke pursed his lips.

"You've got me there."


19th September - Sydney, Australia


Reece was back at school, in his final year of college, he and his friends had all taken a year or two after high school before going to college, they had travelled and had fun and then gone to college to pursue what they wanted to do, Reece was taking his extra step by going to Medical school. Everyone else had started back at the start of September but now Reece was joining them, he was a little bit behind but having done some work while on tour he wasn't too far behind, he had all the notes he needed to catch up, so he was fine.

They all currently sat at the lunch table in the cafeteria and Reece was tearing apart his orange, squeezing the pips from some of them before eating them. Everyone was here, except for Q of course, so on his table was Ben, Will, Matt, James, Liv and Char who was doing work on her laptop, his sister was in her first year though.

Matt spoke up first, looking at Reece, "so how was America?"

Reece hummed, "fine, very hot, sometimes pissed it down."

"How was Luke's ass? How was Niall's ass? Did they taste good?" Matt asked, raising his eyebrows with a smirk.

Reece barked out a laugh, "Niall's a good guy, he followed my Instagram and Twitter. Luke's good too." He kept a small fond smile on his face as he said Luke's name. Everyone saw the look on his face, and Matt stuck his nose up at how cute the whole thing was.

"So he's for real, like are we gonna get to meet Luke properly, is he gonna stick around?" Ben asked then, and Reece looked at him. "What about school?"

Reece sighed over exaggeratedly, "I don't know." He said honestly, "I told him about school the night I left and he promised me we'd get through it but I don't know if I could do that, to him and me." He stuffed his mouth full of orange and swallowed it, "I'm a shit boyfriend, I fuck up all my relationships."

Liv put her hand on Reece's arm, "I'm sure you'll be fine, and you're a pretty good boyfriend from what I saw when we visited you."

"I still can't believe you went without me!" Matt raised his voice making Reece smile.

"Yeah, Luke will love you, Matt." Reece said, before looking at Liv, "do you not remember that I cheated on one, one cheated on me, one was a drug dealer, now this one is the lead singer in an international band--when has my luck ever been this good? Also, everyone keeps staring at me and it's annoying."

"You just got kicked off a tour for a big band, of course, they're staring, some are probably jealous as hell." Matt scoffed, "I'd love to be you right now, Luke's got a great ass."

"True." Reece said, "I'm lucky to have Luke and I love him, I'm just a little bit terrified."

"Don't be, if you're this worried, talk it out with Luke and get a plan into action," Liv said, patting his arm before kissing his cheek and sitting back in her seat.

Later that afternoon, Reece was done for the day at college, he went to his car, his folder under his arm and laptop case over his shoulder. He unlocked his car and put his bag inside before he heard someone all his name, he turned around and scoffed at the sight of his ex-boyfriend, the drug dealer, Aaron. "What do you want?"

Aaron smiled, and Reece looked him over, his arms were covered in tattoos and he had a few piercings, Iris never liked Aaron. "Preferably you back in my life," Aaron said making Reece scoff and roll his eyes.

"I have a boyfriend," Reece said, putting his folder in the car before getting into the driver's seat.

"You think you'll work out with the boyband member huh?" Aaron said, sounding offended that Reece was choosing Luke over him.

Reece paused and looked at Aaron, "Okay, one, it's not a boyband, they're a band with instruments. Two, you couldn't remember our first time because you were high on something. I loved you and you threw it away to sell drugs. I love Luke, not you anymore." Reece then slammed his car door shut, sticking his middle finger up at Aaron before pulling out of the parking space and driving away from college.

Reece got home and sighed as he slumped down on the sofa, Mal jumping up onto the sofa and lying beside him. Reece held him close before he took out his phone and called Luke's number. It rang a few times before Luke answered. "Hello?"

"Hi," Reece said softly, "I'm sad, comfort me."

"What's wrong baby?" Luke said softly, he didn't like Reece upset.

"My ex came up to me, the drug dealer one, he basically wants me back and says me and you won't last. I told him no and to get lost. He called you a boy band, so I left."

Luke laughed at the last statement, he was minutes from going onto stage but he wanted to hear Reece's voice. "He's an idiot," Luke smiled before he realised that this guy wanted to be with Reece, and Luke was across the world and couldn't stop it. "Wait you wouldn't go back to him right?"

Reece laughed, "God no, I love you."

Luke smiled to himself, "I love you too."

The two talked until Luke had to go and then they hung up. Reece stared at the phone when Luke had hung up, he was already seeing the problem of long distance, barely talking and barely speaking, time zones, Luke's busy schedule, Reece's too. Before Reece could go into panic mode someone knocked at his front door and Mal began to bark loudly so he stood up and went to the door, checking the peephole to see it was covered up. Reece opened the door to see his friends and Char, each of them holding a bottle of alcohol, Matt's was already half empty.

Reece let them in, whispering "Christ" under his breath as six of them piled into his house. Char went for the dog and picked him up, kissing his head. Reece shut the front door and took Mal from his sister's arms before looking at them already taking out cups and filling them with alcohol, "um what's happening?"

"We're celebrating your return!" Will yelled, "everyone from college and high school and work and stuff are coming over to get drunk and eat pizza."

"And what do I do with my dog?" Reece questioned, dogs and parties and drunk people with said dog was not a good combination.

"Just put him in your room, give him food and water and Netflix and he'll be fine," Char said making Reece look down at Mal, he wished he could join him in there.

A few hours later the party was in full swing, Reece was very drunk as he leant against the wall. He had been texting Luke dumb things, though the blond was asleep and would wake up to them tomorrow, it was the thought that counts, Reece was just saying how much he missed him.

His eyes were focused hard on his phone before he felt someone put their hand on his chest. "Hey, baby." Reece looked up and saw a blurry Aaron. "Come to your room, I have a surprise for you?"

"A surprise? My dogs in there, that's not a surprise." Reece said, confused at Aaron's words.

Aaron rolled his eyes before he took Reece's phone and put it in his back pocket, he then wrapped his arms around Reece and forced his mouth onto his. Reece gasped, which made Aaron slip his tongue into his mouth and Reece pushed on his chest, wrinkling his nose up, "no ew, I have a boyfriend."

"Well, he's not here right now," Aaron said and stuck one hand down Reece's jeans, his body was covering what he was doing but Reece looked uncomfortable as Aaron palmed at him.

"Stop it, no I don't like you--"

"Who the fuck let you in here?!" Someone yelled and then Aaron was being shoved away from Reece and Matt and Ben stood in his place, protecting Reece. "And who the fuck do you think you are touching him like that? I didn't see an ounce of consent there, kid!" Matt seemed to square up against Aaron and Reece shrank away and turned around, going to his bedroom. He slammed the door behind him and went to his bed, falling on it and feeling Mal lie against him. Reece teared up, before sobbing, had Aaron really just done that? In front of everyone?

The door opened and Reece felt the bed dip before a hand was on his back, "Reece?" He lifted his head to see Ben with Matt standing above him. "You alright?"

"He had my phone." Reece frowned, but then Matt pulled it from his pocket and Reece took it. Reece's fingers went quickly to Luke's name and called his boyfriend, pressing it to his cheek and leaving it there so he didn't have to hold it. But Luke's phone went to voicemail and Reece whimpered, "he won't answer." Reece sobbed and rolled over, "I want my boy back, I miss him." He felt Ben lie down on the bed and pull him into his chest, Matt moving around the bed and cuddling him from the other side.

"You'll see him soon, I promise," Ben said, kissing Reece's head. "You're very drunk, you should sleep."

Reece nodded, hiccuping after his crying session, "okay." He said and closed his eyes.

His phone woke him a few hours later and Reece found himself alone in his dark room in his shirt and boxers, his friends must have undressed him. He looked to see his phone on the floor so he picked it up and blinked seeing Luke's name, followed by a bunch of love hearts.

He answered the call, "Hello? Lu?"

"You called me, what's wrong?" Luke asked.

"You remember the ex, he came to my party and he tried to kiss me, he stuffed his hand down my pants," Reece said, tearing up at how uncomfortable he had felt. "Matt and Ben made him leave and I tried to call you but you didn't answer and I was so scared." Reece let out a small cry, his bottom lip wobbling before he bit it. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry baby?" Luke asked softly.

"Because it's only been a few days and stuff is already fucked, I just need you so bad Lu." Reece cried.

"I'm gonna kill him, I'm actually gonna ki--"

Reece cried out, "no, please, I just need you. Can you just talk to me? I like your voice."

Luke smiled softly, trying to push away his anger and focusing on Reece, "how about I sing to you?"

"Sing me to sleep? It's four am." Reece said and Luke chuckled.

"Of course I will."

After a while of Luke singing, Reece still wasn't asleep so Reece spoke up, "Okay this isn't working, especially if you're singing about sex."

Luke laughed, "then you should just try and sleep, I'm distracting you."

Reece pouted, "okay fine." He said, "I love you, Luke, I'll see you soon."

"I'll see you very very soon, I love you so much okay?"

"Okay." Reece smiled, "Bye Lu."

"Bye boob." Luke hung up before Reece could reply to that odd goodbye and Reece smiled before sitting up a little, he looked down to see Mal sat between his legs and his head on his knee. Reece frowned at the slight half hard morning wood he had. Reece turned on his lamp and took a photo of Mal between his legs, texting it to Luke.

Reece: you have all the toys and I'm horny, this is sad

Luke: buy one and I'll pay you back in kisses when I see you again, when you get it we can Skype

Reece: you'll be back home by then

Luke: Oh well just buy one

Reece searched the internet for something good and brought a toy, seeing it would take three to five days and in five days Luke would be on his way home. Reece bit his lip before he nudged Mal and he looked at Reece and he gave Mal a look and he got off the bed and toddled out of the room. Reece then slid his hand into his boxers and sighed, he hadn't had to do this in a while.

Afterwards, when Reece had finished, he was still a mess so he took a photo and sent it to Luke, adding that he missed him. Reece saw the three dots pop up as he typed.

Luke: duck

Luke: fuck*



Ok I need sleep and I've barely been sleeping properly so iM FCUKED LOL


Luke and Arz? She's not gonna be in it much but she's mentioned a lot so it's all cool, they're over now irl so all is peaceful

Reece and back at school? His friends? When you pre named his friends and now two are (sort of) exes rip Matt and Will

Reece and the ex? Aaron? The party? What Aaron did?

Reece and Lu? Soft I love cute boyfriend buT WILL IT BE CUTE FOREvER???? MUHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm tired help 

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