With The Bad Boy ✔

By xqueenrosie

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"I wouldn't mind watching you. Maybe we could tan together this summer." He suggested. "Without having tan li... More

Story & Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1 | Take A Picture, It'll Last Longer
Chapter 2 | Anything Cheesy Will Do
Chapter 3 | Bad Boys Over Bad Guys
Chapter 4 | A Drunk Prankster Told Me
Chapter 5 | Who Kissed You?
Chapter 6 | A Victim Of Bellamy
Chapter 7 | Jane
Chapter 8 | A Tinge of Jealousy
Chapter 9 | Third-wheeling
Chapter 10 | Lingerie At Homecoming
Chapter 11 | When Sparks Fly, We Ignore Them
Chapter 12 | How To Drown
Chapter 13 | Catching Feelings
Chapter 14 | All That Leather
Chapter 15 | Friday Night Highs
Chapter 16 | Jump
Chapter 17 | Caramel
Chapter 18 | Charlie, Charlie Are You There?
Chapter 19 | From The Window, To The Bed
Chapter 20 | Mama's Girl
Chapter 21 | Kisses
Chapter 22 | Ordinary People
Chapter 23 | Spill It
Chapter 24 | What Happens Now
Chapter 25 | Secrets
Chapter 26 | Seduce Me
Chapter 27 | I Spy
Chapter 28 | The Longest Day
Chapter 30 | What I Want
Chapter 31 | The Pervy Kid
Chapter 32 | The Creepy Stalker Gets Rejected
Chapter 33 | Girls Chase Boys Chase Girls
Chapter 34 | To Love The Bad Boy
Chapter 35 | Steamy & Dirty
Chapter 36 | They're Coming After Me
Chapter 37 | Her Shadow
Chapter 38 | Bad News
Chapter 39 | The Cookie Thieves
Chapter 40 | The Right Guy
Chapter 41 | Helpless
Chapter 42 | Alive
Author's Note
Chapter 43| The F?
Chapter 44 | This Was It
Chapter 45 | Reality
Chapter 46 | Lights, Camera & Action!
Chapter 47 | Wild Ones
Chapter 48 | Liability
Chapter 49 | Shit Just Got Real
Chapter 50 | Hormonal Teens
Chapter 51 | I'm A Little Insecure But You Can't Know That
Chapter 52 | Caught...
Chapter 53 | Coffee Break
Chapter 54 | Blow A Kiss, Fire A Gun

Chapter 29 | Pills And Kisses

4K 120 8
By xqueenrosie

I heard whispers and soft giggles and I opened one eye to take a peak at the owner of the sound.

"She's awake!" Rosy chirped. She stood up and took a few steps towards me.

"Hi, my little ballerina." I stuck my arms out for a hug and she did the same. She giggled at the nickname I used for her. As I hugged her I looked behind her and found Luke, Natasha, Keith and Bellamy playing a game of monopoly. So that explains everything.

"We're monopoly," Rosy stated before she sat down to continue the game. I slid down from my bed and ribbed my eyes as everyone greeted me a good morning.

"Yes guys, I slept well. A lot better since a few days." I told them. "But I swear I was on the couch with Natasha."

"Your mom thought it would be best to put you here. So your Knight in shining armor brought you here, princess." Keith explained with a grin. I rolled my eyes as I tried to take away some of Bellamy's game money. He obviously saw my not so subtle attempt and smirked as he took his money back.

"My brother calls me princess too," Rosy informed us. "That's because you are one." Luke pinched her nose as she giggled.

"Sorry, my dropped her off because I had to babysit." Bellamy explained. Everyone chuckled seeing the dreadful look on his face.

"You need to stop saying sorry, it kills your aura." I slapped his arm playfully.

His eyes bore into mine and there was a glint of mischief in them. "Whatever," he chuckled and continued with the game.

Once I was done with my morning routine, I checked the time and I realized it was time for Eliza and Brianna to return from their cheerleading competition. As if on cue the doorbell rang before they came inside cheering as their boyfriends covered their ears.

"We came second!" they screamed together. We engulfed them in a hug and cheer like crazy.

I stopped and took a good look at everyone. They were all beaming with happiness  that radiated through me as I watched the boys throw the two girls in the air and catch them. Harry balanced Rosy on his shoulders as they cheered for the little girl too. I was a little jealous of them. Jealous of the fact that they managed to make the right decisions whereas I kept making the wrong ones.

Bellamy took my hands in his and the warmth immediately made me feel better. "You're a part of this." He whispered into my ear before leading me to the others. He practically dragged me because I was so caught up with his presence. This was probably the moment I realized that this was more than just a crush.

The evening was spent celebrating. Mom brought home lots of cupcakes since it was some apparent tradition. After everyone reluctantly went back to their own homes, mom sat down with me and Brianna and discussed what happened yesterday. Thats when I realized she was given a fabricated story. Brianna saw through it but was a better emotional support this time.

"I've been thinking about it and I found out you didn't take any help when it happened." Mom said after a while. I didn't realize why she didn't simply say the words I was learning to come to terms with. "We could talk to a therapist if you want."

"I think mom's right. There's only so much you can hold in. I remember when my goldfish died, I was so cranky because I kept everything in me but then I cried, for like three days." Brianna said.

My glared at her and so did I.

"Dads not a fish and I'm doing okay. Trust me, I don't know what happened yesterday but I promise it won't happen again." I told them.

"Alright sweety but can you come to my room for a minute?" I nodded my head as I licked the frosting off my cupcake.

"What is it, mom?" I asked as I found her going through her purse.

"I discussed everything with my colleague and he recommended that you take these." She gave me a prescription bottle with my name on it.

"Anti-depressant pills?" I asked taking the bottle from her.

"It'll help. You're a lot like your father. He kept things to himself no matter how much it hurt him and—"

"Can you please not talk about him when you have a boyfriend. It's just...weird." I said.

She nodded and I took that as a chance to walk to my room. I sat on my bed and examined the bottle. This wasn't the first time someone gave me these. Whether from the doctor or the quiet kid at school, I knew I overdosed on this a couple of times and here it was again, in my hands. There were fifteen tablets inside, each as tempting as the other. I was staring at them for hours and I only put them on my nightstand when my phone buzzed because of s text message.

I smiled when saw it was a goodnight text from Bellamy. I quickly replied and got under my covers but I couldnt help but stare at the prescription bottle through the dim moonlight that was in my room.

The next day I was trying to figure out what to do with the medicines. I wanted to keep them in case I really needed them but at the same time I didn't want them on or near me. Something about the discreet way mom gave them to me told me that Brianna didn't need to know about them. So that left only one person I could give to keep safe.

I thought I would freeze to death as I waited for someone to pen the door at Bellamy's house.

His mother opened the door and greeted me in.

"It's great seeing you here," she said as I followed her into the kitchen or maybe I just followed the smell of hot chocolate.

"It's been a while, Bellamy doesn't invite anyone so I thought of showing up myself today." God was that a lame thing to say.

"Well I woke him up a while ago so he should be down here by now and you're just in time for some hot chocolate." She placed one mug beside me and one in front of me. I smiled and held the mug close to my lips as I inhaled the delicious scent.

"I hope Rosy wasn't too much trouble at your house. She managed to fill Bellamy's room with glitter while he napped yesterday." She shook her head as we laughed.

I was dying to see him now.

"Isn't trouble making her brothers department?" I chuckled. "The little beasts love to torture me." She said.

"Who does what mommy," Bellamy came into the kitchen and tightly hugged his mom.

I couldn't contain my laugh when I saw traces of glitter in his hair, on his skin and on his clothes. There were shades of pink and golden and somehow he still looked hot.

He quickly backed away and stared at me his wide eyes. "Don't be rude,  say hi to your friend." his mom nudged him before walking out of the kitchen.

"Hi," I waved at him as I smiled brightly. "You look lovely." I giggled again.

He muttered something before taking his mug from next to me. "Don't you dare laugh at me again Jane." He warned.

"I'm sorry Mr. Sparkle," I tried to pinch his cheeks but he swatted my hand away.  "You suck." He said.

We sat with his mom in the living room talking about random things as we finished our drink.

"You two clearly don't want me here so I'll be in my office doing what I always do." She dramatically waved her hand around before exiting the room.

"Your mom is the best." I commented. "I am her son." Bellamy smirked and I rolled my eyes.

We were alone and it seemed like a good time to tell him but the doorbell rang and he left. I opened my purse and looked at the orange translucent bottle. Bellamy was responsible enough to keep it and give it to me if I really needed it - that's if I give it to him.

The room quickly filled with multiple bags of fabric and pre-made dresses. "Mom, work is here." Bellamy yelled through the house. I laughed as I stood up from the couch and watched five people dressed in distinctive outfits look through the things they brought with him. They didn't even see me walk past them to where Bellamy stood talking to his mom.

"What was that all about?" I asked as we climbed the stairs to the second floor.

"Mom's working on a new project and her team of enthusiastic freaks decided to have a meeting here since some of the roads were blocked around her office in the city." He explained.

My jaw dropped when I walked into his room. I could see Bellamy's attempt at cleaning it but there was still glitter, everywhere.

"This is incredible," I squeaked before having a laughing fit. Bellamy watched me with an unamused look. His hands were resting on his hips and he nodded at me.

"Let's see just how incredible it really is," he said. I gave him a confused look but I understood what he meant when he lunged for me. I screamed but it didn't do me any good when he threw me in his bed. He landed on top of me and the impact caused the glitter around us to jump in the air before settling onto us.

"Not so funny now, is it?" he asked before tickling me like crazy. I tried to move away by somewhere we just rolled together and got even more glitter on us.

"Stop! I beg you, please!" I pleaded and he finally stopped.

When I opened my eyes, his face was just a few centimeters away from mine. He leaned in closer until our breathes matched. His eyes pierced through mine and I felt my body freeze into place. Only my eyes moved as I gazed down to his lips which he softly licked. He lips brushed mine and I closed my eyes, my heart was frantically beating and I felt completely alive.

"What's that?" he asked and I opened my eyes and followed his to the prescription bottle that fell out of my purse.

He stretched his arm out and examined the bottle as we both moved away. I cursed in my head.

"Who, when did you get them?" he asked.

I sighed. It was was hard for me to look at him without thinking about about our almost-kiss but he seemed unaffected. I guess I had to play along.

"My mom, but I'm not ready to take them." I said. "But will you?" I shook my head at his question.

"I was hoping you could keep them, if you can that is." I told him.

"Can I ask you why?"

"I said I'm not ready. I can't trust myself with these that's why I'm telling you it keep it. If you think I really need them then you could maybe give it to me." I slowly lowered my voice because I realized how stupid I sounded.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked. I nodded my head. "Then  I'll keep them close by. I hope you don't, but if you need them then tell me and if you need anything else, tell me that too." He said. I smiled at him.

Now that that was settled, my mind went back to a while ago when we nearly kissed. An awkward silence took over us and maybe he was thinking about the kiss too. I cleared my throat to grab his attention. I was going to say it.

"Were you going to kiss me?" I asked in a hushed tone. He shrugged in response. "Come on, tell me." I pressed.

"Uh, I don't think it's important. Let's forget it happened." He said.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and agreed even though every inch of me wanted to do otherwise.

My phone rang and I took it as an excuse to leave his house. He walked me to the door and I went straight to my car and drove off without a second glance in his direction.

"You called?" I asked.

"Boy trouble, come to my house right now." Natasha ordered and hung up. I sighed and drove in the direction of her house.

"I'll help you if you help me, okay?" I told her as I walked into her house.

"You have boy trouble too?" she eyed me up and down before climbing the stairs to get to her room.

"We'll start with you." I said.

"So Toby invited me over for dinner with his parents." She said it like it was a bad thing.

"Isn't that what you want? A serious relationship."

"I do but his brother is so distracting. He's really hot and he flirts around like crazy even when Toby's around." She said.

Of course she would think that.

"Just focus on Toby. Pretend his brother doesn't exist." I said dramatically.

She shoved her phone in my face and I held it back to take a better look at the picture it had.

"Woah, did he come out of instagram?" I said as I zoned in on each oart of his body.

"So will you go with me?" she whispered.


"Just come with me to dinner. Distract his brother so I get to impress his parents without distractions." She pouted and I shook my head. "I'm not distracting that guy, and it won't work." I told her.

"It will, you just need to dress up nicely and bat your eyelids at him. He'll totally fall for you." She argued. 

"Okay, I haven't agreed to anything yet and ew, I won't do that. What you're asking for is too much, I won't do it." I honestly told her.

She looked upset and I instantly felt bad. It couldn't be that bad, she just needed me to divert his attention so should could get through the night. She deserved to be happy and as her friend it was my responsibility that she was.

"Fine, I'll do it but no one hears about this. It's a secret we're taking to the grave." I said.

She clapped her hands together snd giggled before hugging me and jumping around at the same time.

"Thank you," she repeated several times as I tried to get the demon off of me. "I swear I'll do anything you ask! I can't tell you how much I love you for this." She grinned and danced around her room. I chuckled at her behavior.

I decided not to tell her about my almost-kiss. I guess the fifteen year old me controlled my emotions. It wasn't a big deal, I told myself multiple times.

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