Be More Chill Oneshots/Scenar...

By NanaSe7en

41.1K 670 871

{REQUESTS OPEN} Lemons, Limes, Drabbles, One shots, Two shots, even three shots, cuteness, happiness, sadness... More

Information Before Reading!!
C'mon, kid (Human! Child! Squip X Reader)
Hey, loser! Just shut up and kiss me! (Jeremy X Reader)
Seriously!? (Human! Squip X Pregnant!Reader)
Hello. (Squip X Reader)
Let It Burn(Rich X Reader)
Dat's Gay(Chloe X Fem!Reader)
Quick Update!
More Than Just "Girl-Friends"(Brooke X Fem!Reader)
Drowning In An Ocean Of Feelings
Quick Question!!
New Book! Also a quick apology and thank you!

The Bathroom's No Place To Hide (Michael X Reader)

6K 135 182
By NanaSe7en

A long sigh escaped my lip as I stare down at the half empty plastic cup, full of spiked punch. I don't even know why I'm drinking it. I even saw Jake put vodka in it earlier. Maybe because Brooke just gave it to me? I don't know. Lifting my head, I spot Jeramy talking to the blonde now. Frowning, I shook my head, feeling another sigh coming. "She promised to stay with me if I came to this fucking party." I mutter, furrowing my brows.

I hated it.

I hated every last minute of this stupid party. With roaming hands crawling towards my ass, and drunk flirts trying to get in my pants, I couldn't take it anymore. With teeth clenched, I turn, glaring at any male that walked my way as I stomped to the bathroom.

That's it, I'll hide out in the bathroom. Like any typical protagonist who is antisocial would do if they went to a high school party. I couldn't go home, since Brooke was my ride, and it was too far to walk. So, why not? Before knocking, I set my drink down on a nearby tabletop, not caring if it got spilled. With a hard knock on the door I wait patiently for whoever was in there to leave.

Knowing most of these girls are lightweights, I wouldn't be surprised if one of them was in there puking last nights dinner. Another minute rolled by and I knocked again, getting slightly angry that no one answered. I checked the handle, making sure it was locked before i could embarrass myself by just standing there looking like an idiot for four minutes, thinking someone was using the toilet, but really there was no one there. Thankfully, it was locked, which kind of ticked me off more.

Didn't they hear me knocking? Or are they passed out? Sighing, I knocked once more, a clear frown on my lips. "Hey, you okay in there? Do I need to call for help or something?" I shout, though not as loud as some people here. The music was blaring, but I'm pretty sure they heard me, because I heard shuffling.

Well, the only reason why I heard shuffling was because my ear was pressed up to the door. "N-no! I'll be out in a second!" I heard a male yell just before hearing the faucet turn on.

After a bit more of waiting, I heard his footsteps coming closer, so i backed away from the door. He unlocked and opened the door, giving me a full view of what he looked like.

Brown hair, swept up into a wave. Dark skin. Glasses. Deep, chocolate brown eyes, though they looked red. He was either smoking weed, or crying. And he didn't smell like pot. "Michael." His name softly left my lips as sympathy mix within my eyes.

The stoner was in my English class. He was failing two weeks ago (even though we haven't bin in school far that long) and Miss. Fleming as me to tutor him. After awhile, we got along well, learning new things about each other. Like how I know that he's not just some gay loser. And he knows that I'm not some stuck up bitch. He turned his head, biting his lip. I sighed, coming a little closer. "Is it because of Jeramy?" I asked. And according to his widened eyes, I'd say I hit the nail on the head. "Yeah." His voice came out broken and was a bit creaky, albeit readable nonetheless.

The teen's eyes slithered down my body, making his cheeks flare. "W-what...are you wearing?" Michael bit his lips, trying to focus of my face but his mind wouldn't let him. Subconsciously, I pulled the skintight dress down, a bit of red tinting my face from embarrassment. "I'm...uh...supposed to be a "sexy" angel." I squeezed my arm, looking over to my right as a dark blush waved my cheeks. "Chloe picked it out."

"Cool." He answered, awkwardly rubbing his neck, looking everywhere but at me. I sighed once more, getting his attention. "Do you...wanna get outta here? This party is super lame." I folded my hands behind my back, waiting for his reply. "Yes! I-I mean...yeah...sure." He stumbled over his words, making me giggled a bit. "Did you bring your car?" After his nod, I took his hand and led him out of the house full of drunk partiers. "Let's go to the park, yeah?" I smiled, earning another cute smile from the brunette. Soon, we got into the car, a silence wavering over us. Though, it wasn't awkward. It was nice. Calm even. Hell, maybe it was awkward for him yet I didn't catch it? I'd take anything over those crazy high school junkies. He parked the car, leading to us getting out. I scurried to the swings and Michael locked the PT Cruiser.

He joined me on the other as we swayed in silence. Until I couldn't take it anymore and decided to speak up. "Hey, why the hell is Jeramy so different, anyways? He was normal just last week." Michael sighed, shaking his head. "He got a Squip." I raised a brow, confused by his answer. "The...pill from Japan? I just thought that was some myth?" He shook his head no and stared forward.

I frown, and stoped my swaying feet. "Hey, it'll be okay. Jeramy's gonna prove himself wrong and come crawling back to you in no time! Just you watch!" The male looked over, a slight, ghost of a smile on his lips. "I hope you're right."

"I'm always right!" We laughed, going back to swinging.

Suddenly, after a bit of just the sounds of crickets and creaking of the swings, Michael got up. He through me a lopsided grin and held up his finger. I also noticed the tiny shade of pink on his cheeks. "Wait here." I raised a brow as he ran back to his car. Standing up, I watched as he placed the keys in ingestion. I kinda though he was just gonna ditch me, until I heard Bob Marley's 'Sun is shining'.

Michael told me about his love for the Jamaican man after I caught him singing one of his songs during a tutor session. From then on I would tease him about it.

A large grin made it's way to my lips as I snickered, bitting my lip. "What are you doing?" I yelled, holding my arm my hand. Something I'd do if I got excited. The boy laughed, getting out of his car once more. Running up to me and bowing, holding his hand out. "M'lady?" I giggled, taking his hand. Playing his silly game, I grinned, teasingly saying, "Sire?"

He stood straight, a light smile traced his lips as he softly looked down into my eyes. "Can" Bitting my lip, I nodded. "I'd love to."

So we did.

We dance for an hour. I laughed. He laughed. We laughed together. I was having the time of my life. Until Percy Sledge's 'When a man loves a woman' can on. Michael's face turned a deep shade of red as he looked over to his car, debating with or not to change it. I grabbed his hand, bringing it to my hip. He looked over and gulped, not knowing what to do. "Just follow my lead." I whispered into his ear, laying my head on his chest, one of my hands on his bicep, the other snaked around his neck.

I could hear his heartbeat. It was unsteady and incredibly fast. But that was probably because he was flustered. "Calm down, it's just a dance." I smile as we start to move. "(Name)?" Once again, the brunette's voice came out shaky and stuttered. Looking up, I smiled softly. "Yes?" I saw him bit his lip as his eyes trailed to mine.

"Never mind." He turned his head quickly, making me sigh, annoyed with his shyness. My heart fluttered at the thought of kissing this brown haired dork. And yes, I've thought of it plenty of thinks before, but the girl can never make the first move.


Furrowing my brows, I frowned up at the male in front of me. "Michael, just kiss me." His eyes widened as he looked back at me, a surprised and somewhat relieved expression in his face. Smiling once more, I raised a brow. "Well?" He swallowed his built up saliva, closing his eyes as he moved closer. Also closing my eyes, I waited for him.

As our lips touched, I moved my other arm around his neck, hugging it. Both of his hands clasp around my hips, bringing me closer. As expected, his lips were dry and a bit cracked. But they were warm and captivating. I couldn't help but linger. After a few seconds, that could've lasted longer, we parted lips, looking each other in the eye. A longing and caring moment spread between us.

"(N-name)...I...I think Like...a lot." I cut him of with a light kiss. "Yes, I'll go out with you, you dork." He blushed, a large grin creeped onto his lips.

"I'm your dork now."

Yes. Yes he is.

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