Two Hearts (maleXmale) comple...

By Bexx916

78.4K 3.1K 107

a half demon and a half angel. Two hearts kept apart finally together. More

Zephyr Kross
Sylys Rose
The Journey (Zephyr)
Be my husband (Sylys)
United (Zephyr)
Evie Rose
Author's Note
(unknown celestial)
(unknown demon)
With my dream (Sylys)
author's note
My Angel (Zephyr)
Helping Sylys (Niko)
Author's note
Niko (Sylys)
Something wrong with Sylys (Zephyr)
Question from the Author
I got the celestial (Marah)
She took Niko (Sage)
Pregnant (Sylys)
Birth (Zephyr)
Author's Note

Zed Kross

3.3K 174 0
By Bexx916

*Don't own any pictures* 
( Zephyr's father )             
I'm a demon born of darkness, but not all demons are evil as everyone thought. I tryed everything in my power to change the way others saw demons. I fell in love with a human woman named Cordelia. She was my everything, and when she told me she was pregnant with my child I was over the moon. There were alot of people who questioned our relationship. Well more of my commitment to her. I didn't care what others thought it wasn't until Cora started questioning me on my loyalty that bothered me. She was the one person I thought would trust me. I tryed to prove to her, she was my one and only. Nothing I did changed her mind, so I did the one thing she accused me of. I didn't even care for the other girl just some random woman I met. That betrayal broke her heart and she lost the will to live and passed away. After that her good friend Evie tryed to take care of our son Zephyr who was 11 at the time, but her husband Dominic banished him along with all demons on his land. I knew he banished Zephyr because he was bonded to his and Evie's son Sylys from the moment Sylys was born. It wasn't a problem them both being male the problem is Zephyr is my son and thought he to would turn his back on Sylys as I did Cora, and the fact that Sylys is half Angel doesn't help either. I think the higher ups of the celestial world put all this in motion. They feared the out come of such a union​, in other words a half demon, half angel child would be very powerful. The demon Lord's would try to gain control of the child and use him or her to gain access to the celestial world and take over. The old fool used very powerful magic to get Zephyr to forget Sylys, but it didn't work fully all it managed to do was make him forget where Sylys was. I hoped he would just move on find another to be with no such luck no matter how hard I tryed. So I gave in and told him where to find his heart. I kept an eye on them until they entered the sorcerer house. He had a powerful spell over his home to protect from anyone seeing inside or any harm coming to any who entered. So I just stayed in Istiolyn and kept tabs on the small little cottage.  When a blonde beauty sat down infront of me. I knew right away who she was though anyone else would think she's just a normal human.

"Hello Evie, long time no see" I sighed.

"You're not planning on interfering with the union are you" she asked

"Absolutely not, are you" I huffed she was really getting under my skin already.

"No, I never agreed with separating them in the first place. Zephyr should of never been punished for your mistake. I tryed to help change Cora's mind but she wouldn't listen. I want you to know I will do everything in my power to keep my son and yours safe, and the child that will come. I also see they will encounter lots of hardships from demons and celestials alike. They will try to separate them and then take their child. The celestials will just have the child killed and the demons will just him or her to gain power. We can't allow that to happen. Zed I'm asking for your help between the two of us we can keep them and their child safe" she said

"You don't have to ask Evie. I promised Cora that I would protect our son and that's what I intend on doing. Sylys is apart of Zephyr and I know if any harm were to come to him Zephyr will turn dark. Right now he has his mother's goodness and light. And if the demon blood is awoken no one will be able to stop him" I said.

"As will Sylys, and a dark angel is something none of us want" she sighed.

"Agreed, what about Dominic" I asked

"He's unaware they are even together right now. I seen he isn't happy about the union at first but quickly gets over it and supports them any way he can. I even seen them living at the castle for awhile. I'm sorry he will never forgive you for breaking Cora's heart, and with that won't allow you to come to even visit" she said.

"That's fine I don't forgive myself. You need to go before your spell wears off and someone sees you. I couldn't stand it if something were to happen to you" I said

"Thanks Zed, Your still like a brother to me always have always will be" she smiled.

"Well now we're in-laws." I smiled.

"Dom will be thrilled" she laughed and disappeared just as fast as she appeared.

A grandchild!...Cora I give you my word to protect our family.

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