Born Lucky

By Shayde1

692 22 16

Dylan Walker is a restaurant owner in Seattle, Washington who meets an unsuspecting Devon McKenna when her mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 16 part 2
Chapter 17 part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18 part 1
Chapter 18 part 2

Chapter 13

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By Shayde1

Even though Dylan had called Mark around nine last night, Dylan still woke up fairly early, mainly because she knew she had a lot going on today.

"Good morning." Devon said opening her eyes to look at Dylan with a smile.

"Good morning to you." Dylan returned sleepily, as Devon nuzzled into her neck.

"Mm, have I told you how much I love waking up next to you." She murmured into Dylan's neck.

Feeling an instant tingle in the land down under, Dylan smiled and pulled her tighter against her, "Yes, and I love that you love waking up next to me..." she said teasingly leaning down to kiss her neck playfully.

"So I suppose you have a busy day ahead...with all the women that want to meet the infamous Dylan McKay." Devon stated with a mischievous smile as she reached up to trace her lips.

"Actually it's a..." Dylan started then remembered she hadn't told Devon about the press conference with Max, "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about the press conference with Max today."

"What?" Devon said pushing Dylan away slightly to look in her eyes as she sat up in surprise.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you but with everything that was going yesterday...apparently, my little news piece got him in trouble with his boss so he called and asked if he could go, "on the air," here at my place, to apologize." Dylan told her as she folded her arms behind her head with a smug smile, after using air quotes for on the air.

"Are you serious," Devon asked again, watching her intently, "I can't believe this is the first I'm hearing about it."

Sitting up with her because she could tell that Devon was a little upset, Dylan took her hand and kissed it gently, "Baby, I'm was crazy, you were over talking to the ladies in the booth and then Lisa came and wanted to show me how crowded we were and then...well, we kinda ended up here." She finished with a smile wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"This is huge Dylan," She responded seriously, "Max doesn't apologize."

Shrugging a little, Dylan reached out and touched a strand of her hair that had fallen across her breast, "I wouldn't suppose he does."

"Did he say he was going to apologize"? She asked somberly.

Nodding, Dylan dipped her head to kiss her breast just above the nipple where she had been playing with the hair that had fallen there.

"Yes, I think his exact words were, my boss is demanding that I go on record and apologize for any harassment that you may have felt." Dylan told her with a serious but playful frown as if she were trying to imitate Max.

Laughing lightly, Devon layed back down and pulled Dylan with her, "This is gonna be good." She stated, referring, of course, to seeing Maxwell swallow his pride. "I can't wait to see it."

Leaning over her, Dylan laughed a little, "You've got a bit of a mean streak in you, don't ya?"

"Only because he's put you through so much." Devon answered softly giving her a soft kiss.

"Well, he's about to have to swallow a big pill." Dylan said, kissing her again with another smile.

Leaning up again, Devon began to throw back the covers, "Well, let's hope he's true to his, how about I whip us up something to eat before showering." She suggested.

"I'm all for the shower part but I'm not feeling hungry yet...maybe just some coffee." Dylan replied watching Devon's lithe body step out of bed and reach for her robe.

"What?" Devon asked, feigning hurt, "You're not hungry?" She smirked knowing full well where this was heading.

Reaching out, Dylan snaked her arm out and grabbed Devon's wrist to pull her down again, "Well, not for food anyway." She stated covering Devon's mouth with her own.

"Mm, one of us is a sex fiend." Devon said laughingly.

"Yes, but which one"? Dylan asked as Devon rolled over to straddle her letting the robe fall open.

Putting her hands on Dylan's breast as she leaned down, her hair spilled out around Dylan's face as she searched her eyes, "I'm thinking maybe me." She whispered as she began to rub her already wet pussy against Dylan's abdomen seductively.

Placing her hands inside Devon's robe, Dylan began to help her undulate against her own stomach and pubis bone, wondering if there was anything this woman did that wasn't sexy?

It only took a few minutes and a few unbelievably sexy moans for Devon's body to begin to shudder as she rocked back and forth against Dylan, sliding in her own wetness. When she finally released herself, she collapsed into Dylan's arms, her hair covering them in a blanket of love.

"Now I need a shower." She breathed out heavily as she kissed Dylan's cheek a few minutes later.

"Damn, that was hot." Dylan stated with a smile as Devon rolled off but left a hand on Dylan's breast.

Laughing lightly, Devon watched her with hooded eyes, "Sometimes, I just can't control myself with you."

Rolling over on her side, Dylan placed her hand between Devon legs, "I'm certainly not complaining." She replied sliding her middle finger down through the wetness with a smirk.

Taking in a sharp breath, Devon shut her eyes, "Darling...I'm not sure I can go again." She told her unevenly.

"You cannot expect me to just watch you get off...on me, and then not do anything in return, do you"? Dylan asked incredulously, knowing she would let her have her as she slowly moved down to position herself between Devon's thighs...and without so much as a protest from Devon, she began her journey into Devon's wonder land.

Devon's taste was exquisite, and after using her left arm to hook underneath one of Devon's legs she used then used her thumbs and index fingers to gently hold Devon open before giving her that first swipe slow swipe with her tongue. "Fuck, your delicious" Dylan stated as she began her ministrations to only have Devon moaning and pulling her hair within a matter of minutes. "Oh my God...yes, right there...that feels sooo...Oh Fuck, I'm cumming..." And that was all the notice Dylan got before Devon came undone by her wickedly skilled tongue.

After cleaning her up with kisses and gentle licks, Dylan kissed her way back up to the brunette who was still trying to get her breath back and had her arm slung across her eyes, "I don't even want to know where you learned that?" She said with a slight smile as she peeked out from under her arm as she spoke, which Dylan had to laugh at, but also found incredibly endearing.

"I think I saw it in a porn flick or something" she winked kissing her lips softly.

Opening her arms to bring Devon into the circle of them as she laughed lightly, "That was an excellent answer baby" she replied before deepening the kiss. "And thank you, that was amazing."

Raising an eyebrow, Dylan shook her head, "Don't ever thank me for doing that...Going down on you, tasting you, THAT, is definitely my pleasure as well as yours."

Finally, after showering they began to dress for the day, and this time Dylan nearly came undone when Devon began to pull on a form fitting red skirt that clung in all the right places, with red heels to match. Then in complete awe of her fantastic body, Dylan watched her slip on a white silk button up blouse and begin to button it.

"Oh, no you don't." Devon told Dylan with a slight smile as she caught her staring at her.

"What"? Dylan asked innocently.

"I know that look," She pointed at her, "and my clothes are staying on."

"But baby..." Dylan said taking a step in her direction, but Devon smiled and sidestepped her.

"Don't, but baby me, you just had me twice in bed and then once again in the shower." She stated matter-of-factly holding up a perfectly well french manicured fingernail.

"Yeah, but this time it's your own fault," Dylan began, "You can't put on those sexy clothes and expect me to not want you." She teased reaching out playfully.

"Wanting me is fine," She laughed out loud, sidestepping her again, "It's the taking off the clothes we don't have time for."

Jumping over the bed to grab her with a smile, Dylan said, "Who said anything about taking off any clothes, I can work around that."

Still laughing, Devon knew she wasn't getting out of Dylan's arms now, "Maybe, I should start wearing overalls." She joked sliding her arms around her neck.

"God no, then I wouldn't be able to see your beautiful legs, not to mention the heels..." Dylan stated, then with a low groan, she leaned her head back, "Mm, those sexy heels."

"I could start wearing sandals." Devon replied innocently.

"Oh, I think we're past that point babe, you've got me spoiled now." Dylan told her honestly just as the phone rang.

Frowning a little, Dylan kissed her nose lightly, "Saved by the bell again...for now." She told her with a smile and a wink before letting her go to move toward the phone.

Devon watched Dylan walk away with a smile on her own face, her heart was pounding like crazy and she knew even then, had Dylan wanted to make love again, she would have. She was a slave to this woman...and she didn't care! She was so deliriously happy it was sinful.

She could hear Dylan was talking to Mark because she said she would meet him downstairs at ten forty-five, then with a smile Dylan made a fist and pumped it once in front of her saying, "Yeah."

Suddenly, Devon's thoughts shot to Max...she hoped this wasn't some sort of a game to Max and that this apology was in fact, the real thing. Even when they had been married, Devon knew that Max would do just about anything to win, so apologizing wasn't exactly his forte.

After hanging up, Dylan tucked in the blue button down dress shirt she had put on to match her Dark blue slacks, "We actually tripled our sales last night." She told Devon as she glanced over to see that she was already looking at her.

"That's wonderful darling." She replied walking over towards her, "Seems like things are looking up for you."

"Finally," Dylan nodded slipping her arms around her slender waist, "Max, wants to meet before the conference."

"Okay, I thought I'd just go shopping or something until it starts." Devon replied looking at the gold watch on her wrist.

"What"? Dylan said in surprise, "I was hoping you'd just hang with me."

"I don't want to be in the way."

Smiling softly, Dylan shook her head, "You will never be in the way, baby."

"Do you practice those lines or are you really that smooth"? Devon asked playing with the short hair on Dylan's neckline.

"I guess you'll just have to stick around to find out..." Dylan replied evenly, before adding, "So will you stay with me?"

Raising her eyebrows, Devon asked, "You mean right now or forever"?

Searching her eyes for a moment, Dylan felt her heart speed up at the prospect of having this incredible woman by her side forever, "I'll let you decide on that."

"I love you Dylan." Devon responded softly as she leaned forward and kissed her warmly.

As soon as the elevator doors opened into the office, Dylan could see both Mark and Maxwell's eyes roll back, but Bill on the other hand, looked Devon up and down appreciatively.

"All right then," Dylan said clapping her hands together to get their attention back on the reason they were there, "What did you need to talk over"? She asked walking over to sit on a corner of the desk where Mark was sitting as Devon headed over to sit on the sofa.

"Uh, hello Devon," Max said sarcastically to Dylan and then looking over at Devon added, "how are you"?

"I'm good Maxwell, thank you." She said politely as Dylan looked at Mark with a shrug.

A few seconds later, Maxwell had gone over what he intended to say downstairs at explaining that somewhere around the end he would be calling Dylan over and apologize to her in front of the camera's and then seal it with a handshake.

With that having been said, Mark suggested that Dylan run down with him to check on the camera crew and make sure things were as they wanted them to be on TV.

Nodding, Dylan stepped over to where Devon was sitting and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Will you be okay for a few minutes"?

Max was sitting at the other end of the sofa and when Devon reached up to touch Dylan's face she saw Max look away, "I'll be fine darling." She replied softly, making her heart pound crazily in her chest.

Giving her a soft kiss, Dylan stood up and looked at Bill and pointed back at Devon, gesturing him to keep an eye on her, in which he nodded his agreement.

Sitting on the sofa only a few feet away from her ex-husband, she wondered how their marriage had lasted as long as it had. It wasn't that Maxwell wasn't a nice enough looking man, because he was, or that he had been impervious to her, because for a short time she had been happy. Or maybe the word was content, because she had never felt this much bliss with Max at any point in their relationship. Even as she watched Dylan leave the room, it felt like a little piece of her was being removed, she hated any kind of was almost painful. Was this how everyone felt when they were in love? Because if it was, she couldn't imagine ever going back to the way it used to be.

When Bill excused himself to go to the restroom, Devon forced herself to look at Maxwell, who was already watching her intently,

"I sure hope you know what you're doing Devon." Max finally said once Bill had cleared the room.

"Don't start Max." Devon countered quickly, looking into his steely blue eyes.

Holding up a hand, he added, "Just because we aren't married anymore doesn't mean I don't care...I just don't think you realize the seriousness of her family's involvement in the IRA."

"It doesn't matter to me about her family's involvement; she's not one of them." Devon stated.

"How can you be so sure"? He asked curiously looking into her eyes.

"Because she told me she's not, and I believe her." Devon replied adamantly, and then took a sip of her coffee.

"Yeah, and you believe everything she tells you right..." Maxwell started, "Where did she tell you that $2,500 was going"?

Snapping her dark head toward him, she felt her heart speed up and her mouth go dry, how did he know about the money? "Are you spying on my bank accounts now"?

Devon asked angrily.

"Your involved with her, I'm trying to protect you." He responded as if doing her a favor.

Standing up defiantly, Devon turned on him, "I don't need protection from her, what I need is for you to stay the hell out of my business." She flung out.

"Well, obviously someone needs to look after you," Max said standing up to face her, "McKay has you so screwed up in the head right now you're not thinking straight."

With her blood boiling, Devon narrowed her eyes and said, "Well perhaps that has been the problem all along Maxwell, I'm not straight, and for the first time in my life, I feel like a whole woman...and the next time you even come near me or my bank accounts, you better have a warrant in hand." She added turning on her heel and almost ran over Bill as he came out of the back room where the restroom was.

"Devon, is everything okay"? Bill asked stepping out of her way.

"Just see him out." Devon called over her shoulder.

As soon as Dylan saw Max coming toward the camera crew, she could tell he was angry so she headed upstairs immediately. As soon as the elevator doors opened into the office, she could tell by the look on Bill's face something was wrong.

"What happened"? Dylan asked worriedly.

"Honestly Dylan, I don't know..." He shrugged, "I went to the restroom and when I came out Devon nearly plowed me over as she headed to the back and then Max left."

Taking a deep breath, Dylan walked into the bedroom and then knocked on the bathroom door, "Devon," She called through the door, "What happened?"

Devon opened the door slowly, and Dylan could see she was on the verge of tears, "Dylan, I think I messed up..." she responded, her voice shaking a little, "Max, knows about the money, he knows it was for you."

Putting her hands on Devon's waist, Dylan felt her heart speed up, "It's okay baby, just tell me what he said."

Sighing, Devon closed her eyes and let Dylan lead her to the bed to sit down. Dylan's heart was breaking at seeing her so upset...she was worried and agonizing over something that shouldn't even be her problem!

As soon as Devon regained control of her emotions, she told Dylan everything that had been said and Dylan pulled her against her chest after sitting down next to her, "Baby, he has no idea where that money went, I left no trail, and everything is just fine." Dylan assured her.

"But he suspects." She stated worriedly looking up into Dylan's eyes.

"Let him, he's just grasping for straws, he knows nothing." Dylan told her stroking her cheek lovingly.

"He's got his eye on my bank accounts." She remarked.

"And maybe we should talk to Bill about that." Dylan returned evenly.

As if on cue, Bill knocked on the door before sticking his head in to tell us that the press conference was about to start.

Nodding, Dylan put her arm around Devon and stood up, "We can discuss this later, come on baby." She said gently as she led her out to the elevator where Bill waited, watching worriedly.

"Is everything okay"? He asked once in the elevator.

"Yeah, everything will be fine." Dylan told him as they began the descent downstairs.

The press conference went off without a hitch and Max did exactly as he said he would do except for bringing up the IRA whenever he could and then saying the McKay name right after it. After all was said and done though, Maxwell called Dylan up to the podium and apologized for anything that Dylan had felt was harassment and then shook her hand wishing her luck with her restaurant and alternative dance club as he so eloquently put it.

As soon as the cameras were off, Dylan moved next to Max again and looked him in the eye, "Don't you ever go behind Devon's back without a warrant again, Maxwell..." She started in a low breath, "If you want to know something about her or her bank account, maybe you should just ask her. she didn't deserve that."

"And maybe I wouldn't have to if you kept your hands off of her money." He returned just as evenly.

"I don't what you're talking about with that, but I do know that you hurt her sneaking behind her back like that." Dylan told him honestly.

"I'm trying to protect her, so perhaps the hurt is stemming from the pain you're causing her...maybe it's not me at all," he stated smugly, "Maybe she's just realizing what a God awful mistake she's made hooking up with a person of your social class."

Clenching her teeth, Dylan took a deep breath and looked seethingly at Maxwell, "Get out of my restaurant." She told him with barely enough restraint to keep herself back from punching him in his arrogant face.

Laughing lightly, he tipped his head in acknowledgement but then leaned forward one last time, "Make no mistake McKay," he started with a smug smile, "you fuck up just one time, and I'll bring this whole establishment down around your head."

Feeling her whole body shake as Max walked off, Dylan turned around and headed straight for the bar with only one thing in mind.

Devon had been standing to the side talking to one of the camera crew when she saw Dylan walk by, and she immediately sensed something was wrong by her tight clenched jaw and the tense shoulders as she walked along with the fisting and then unfisting of her hands. It was obvious Maxwell had said something because that was the last person she had been talking to as Devon watched from a safe distance.

Just as Dylan was about to down a second shot of bourbon, Devon walked up and took the shot glass from her, then searching her eyes, she asked, "Okay, what did he say to you?"

"Your husband is and smug son of a bitch." Dylan stated angrily, but kept her voice down.

"Ex-husband, and I'll drink to that." Devon corrected her, and then promptly downed the shot.

If Dylan hadn't been so angry at Maxwell, she would've thought that as being incredibly sexy. Just the way she had tossed her head back and drank it straight was enough for a warm flood to run through her body. Oh hell, maybe she wasn't that mad after all, because the tingle down below told her how sexy it truly was!

"Ex-husband, sorry...he just likes to rattle my cage." Dylan said looking into her gorgeous green eyes.

"So, it wasn't about the money"? Devon asked still worried.

Shrugging a little, Dylan grabbed another shot glass and poured it full then tipped the bottle towards the glass Devon had taken from her earlier to offer her another one, which she declined, Dylan drank her shot down and answered, "Indirectly."

Seeing Mark and Bill walk up, Dylan pulled two more shot glasses out and filled them both, then pushed them out for each of them.

"That went well, I think we're going to busy again tonight." Mark stated leaning against the bar to take his shot.

Looking at Bill as he did his shot, Dylan put the lid on the bottle and returned it underneath the bar, "What do you think"? She asked him.

"I think you did everything right and he said what needed to be said." Bill replied nodding his head, "You shouldn't be harassed anymore, at least not without a legitimate reason...say like, money starts disappearing or the bank records are off."

"That will never happen." Mark stated proudly, as he was in charge of all that.

"This is wonderful darling," Devon stated stepping up to Dylan and sliding her arms around her neck, "it's like starting fresh again." She added before giving her a quick, but soft kiss.

Dylan could still smell the bourbon on Devon's breath and for some strange reason it was quite intoxicating...Damn this woman!

"So, do you think we should bring in some extra servers or will we be alright"? Dylan asked looking toward Mark, but still holding Devon close.

"Probably, wouldn't hurt but I'll have to talk to Lisa." Mark said looking back through the bar to see if he could see her.

"Okay, then I'll leave you two to tie up any loose ends, if anyone needs me, I'll be upstairs...I need to have a word with Devon." She stated and felt Devon's head swing towards hers surprisedly.

After telling both Mark and Bill goodbye, she led Devon through the kitchen toward the elevators. The truth was Dylan didn't want to talk, she had one thing on her mind and for some reason, it was getting stronger by the minute.

"Dylan, is everything okay"? Devon asked worriedly as they stepped into the elevator.

"No..." Dylan replied pressing the elevator button up, "I lied, I just didn't want to say anything downstairs."

Devon sighed, "I knew it, Max has done something, hasn't he"?

Looking down, Dylan smiled to herself as the doors opened, thinking she was going to play this to the end. Then without saying another word, she headed straight for her bedroom leaving Devon standing there.

Within moments, Devon was behind her, "Dylan, please just tell me what he's done and I'll straighten it out." She said sounding almost scared and very unsure of what was happening.

"This has nothing to do with Max." Dylan stated turning around to face her with a serious look.

"Then what"? Devon asked alarmed, her eyes searching Dylan's for some sort of an answer.

Taking the needed steps to close the gap between them, Dylan reached out and slipped her hand underneath Devon's hair and pulled her head back to kiss her neck roughly, "It's you, damn it..." She breathed out against her soft skin, "I can't concentrate when you look so...fucking hot." Dylan added, the latter part with a distinct Irish accent.

Breathing in deeply, Devon put a hand to the back of Dylan's head and uttered a very relieved, "Oh."

"The way you walk..." Dylan whispered, flicking her tongue out to taste the sweetness, "the way you talk...the way you smell...the way you taste," She added, tracing her jawline until her lips found Devon's, "I can still smell the bourbon on your breath."

"Mm, shall I..." Devon started but was interrupted by another soft kiss, "...go brush"?

"God no," Dylan responded, snapping her head up to look in her eyes, "the way you threw that shot back is part of what got me going...that was sexy as hell." She admitted.

Leaning back to look at her, Devon raised her eyebrows, "It was"?

Moving her fingers to the buttons of her blouse, Dylan could feel her breathing grow labored as she struggled to maintain control, "Oh yeah."

"Do you know what I think is sexy"? Devon asked huskily.

"I can't even imagine." Dylan told her as she pushed the blouse off her shoulders and felt her own knees practically buckle beneath her as she touched the smooth creaminess of her skin.

"Watching you undress me." She responded almost breathlessly.

Running her hands down Devon's arms, Dylan took a deep breath and watched as her eyes turned a shade darker right in front of her, "I may have to sell the restaurant just so I can be with you 24/7."

Reaching around, Devon unbuttoned and unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor before saying, "I have never wanted you more than I do at this very moment."

Swallowing as she felt her body begin to lose control, Dylan looked up at the ceiling for a moment before leveling her gaze on Devon,

"Forgive me for not being able to control myself, but I need you right this minute." She stated and within moments had Devon naked on her bed and was licking and sucking her to orgasm.

Although it had only been three hours since they had made love last time, it felt like a lifetime, and all Dylan could think about was running her tongue across Devon's soft, smooth wet lips before burrowing it inside of her to taste her delicious honey.

This time when the phone rang, it wasn't Dylan's but Devon's. Unfortunately, Devon was too far gone to concentrate on anything but the two fingers that were sliding in and out of her as well as the hot tongue that was stroking the tip of her clitoris.

"Jesus...Dylan," She said raggedly, "I can't...cum...anymore." She added as her whole body convulsed in shockwaves.

As Dylan held her down and continued to lick her dry, she knew Devon was telling the truth as her body shuddered violently for the third time. So with a satisfied sigh, Dylan pulled her fingers out gently, kissing the soft wet outer lips as she did.

Taking in a sharp breath as Dylan's tongue crossed over the tip of her clitoris one last time, her body jumped and Devon reached down to push her head away but Dylan was already making her way up her body, stopping only to kiss each breast tenderly before moving up to cradle Devon's head in her arms as she layed atop of her.

"Are you trying..." Devon started as another tremor ran through her body, "to paralyze me"? She asked running a shaky hand through Dylan's hair.

"Is that what it would take for you to stay naked in my bed"? Dylan asked with a slow smile.

"No..." She whispered, "All you have to do is ask."

"That's it"?

Wrapping her legs around Dylan's torso, she pulled her head down to hers and slid her tongue into Dylan's mouth and almost made Dylan cum right there. Just touching her and hearing Devon breathe was enough, but each time Devon cried out her name, she seriously thought she was going to cum with her, but instead, she controlled her own emotions and concentrated on Devon.

"Be careful babe, I'm barely hanging on myself." Dylan told her after a few seconds of letting Devon's tongue explore her mouth.

With a wicked grin, Devon rolled her over and untucked her shirt, and started kissing Dylan's stomach. Then as she began to unbuckle and her slacks, she teased,

"Then maybe I shouldn't do this."

Unzipping Dylan's trousers, she layed them open and then pulled down the waistline of her briefs and began to use her tongue to trace just above the well-trimmed hairline of her pubis bone.

"Or this." She added her voice still husky from the passion they had just shared moments before.

"Woman, I'm not joking." Dylan stated taking in a deep breath, "One lick and I'm history."

Grabbing the pants and briefs from Dylan's hips, Devon pulled them down and said, "We'll see just see how many licks it takes."

Dylan was wrong, it took fifteen before she turned to a puddle in Devon's mouth, and she didn't even have to completely remove her pants to do it! Then, when she unbuttoned Dylan's shirt to kiss her way back up, Dylan couldn't control the electricity that ran through her body, it was like being in an electrical storm and her body was hooked up to a lightning rod that left her body feeling like she had a live current running through it.

"You make me feel so sexual when we're together, I want you in ways I can't even describe." Devon said once back up to her lips as she kissed each one individually.

"Jesus Devon, I'm barely in control now." Dylan growled against her neck.

"I like it when you're not in control." Devon responded tilting her head so Dylan could nuzzle it.

"Well, I am definitely not in control today...all I can think about is touching and tasting you." Dylan told her thickly, as she kissed the hollow of her throat.

Holding Dylan's head in place, Devon closed her eyes and felt her body start to tingle again and just as she was about to lay back and let Dylan have her way again, her cell phone rang once more.

Looking up to meet Dylan's dark eyes, she reached up and touched her face gently, "I better get it this time, it could be important."

"Uhggg." Dylan groaned but knew she was right as she fell back against the pillows dejectedly.

Watching Devon as her flawless body slipped out of bed and to the dresser where her phone was ringing, Dylan swallowed hard in awe over the perfectness of her was it possible for one woman to have gotten it all?

"Okay, that's fine..." Devon was saying, "Tell her I will be there in about an hour."

Sitting up curiously, and quite frankly, a little disappointedly, Dylan asked, "What's going on"?

"I have to pick up Lexi, she's not feeling well and Selene's in Olympia antique shopping, I'm the closest one on her emergency list." Devon told her as she came back toward the bed, "I'm sorry darling, we'll have to continue this later."

"Yes, we will," Dylan stated meeting her mouth again, "Is Lexi okay"?

"Yeah, Selene said she thinks it's just the flu bug."

Reaching up to cup her soft breast, Dylan smiled a little, "I'll miss you."

Closing her eyes, Devon reached down and covered her hand with her own, "Mm, you could come with me."

Running a thumb across her already hard nipple, "I think I just did." Dylan replied with a half-smile.

Opening her eyes, Devon leaned forward and captured Dylan's lips, "You are so bad..." She whispered, her eyes dark again, "Maybe I better just go myself, my body could use the rest."

Laughing lightly, Dylan asked, "Are you sure"?

"No, but it sounded good." Devon remarked with a light smile.

"Okay, I should probably stay here anyway, just in case it does get busy again." Dylan remarked truthfully.

"Well, okay but promise me you'll stay away from those women." Devon replied as she moved away from the bed.

"Which one"? Dylan asked jokingly.

Turning around, Devon pointed at her accusingly, "All of them..." She started as she began to pick up her clothes and put them back on, "You're a hot topic right now, a bit of a star and women are going to be throwing themselves at you." She stated.

Laughing a little, "I think you may be overreacting a little, honey." Dylan told her.

"I don't..." she declared picking up her blouse and slipping it on, "I swear, all I'm ever doing is putting my clothes back on when I'm around you." Devon added sounding a little irritated.

Watching her for a moment as she slipped her skirt on, Dylan wondered if she really did mean that? Did she think that's all they ever did? Is that what she thought of her, that she was just a sex partner?

Sliding off the bed, Dylan walked over to her and put her arms around her slender waist and looked in her eyes that did in fact, look rather upset.

"Devon, I'll come with you if you want me too," Dylan told her softly, "Mark can watch over things here, everything will be fine, I'm sure."

Sighing deeply as she looked into Dylan eyes, she smiled a little and shook her dark mane as she slid her arms around her neck, "You're amazing, do you know that"?

"How so"?

"Because my green eyed monster was coming out and you knew exactly what to say." She answered softly.

"I love you Devon, and I would rather be with you anytime of the day than be here by myself pretending that I'm glad to be here." Dylan stated matter of factly.

Closing her eyes, she layed her forehead against Dylan's chin, "I'm sorry those women got under my skin yesterday." She started then looked up at Dylan, "I know you love me darling, I just don't want to leave, we were in such a wonderful place."

"And we will be again soon enough." Dylan said and then assured her by pressing her body against her and kissing her deeply.

Taking in a deep breath, Devon bit her lower lip, "I'm going to kill Selene for this."

Laughing, Dylan kissed her again, long and slow as her hands molded Devon against her intimately.

"Stop that, it's hard enough for me to leave as it is..." Devon told her stepping away, "And button your shirt." She added walking into the bathroom.

Dylan sat down on the edge of the bed and ran a hand through her hair, maybe it was good that Devon was leaving...because now she might actually be able to get some work done.

When Devon stepped out of the bathroom looking refreshed and exactly like she had this morning which made Dylan's mouth water all over again, her eyes raked in the red heels and perfect calves that ran up to her tight just above the knee skirt...

"What're doing"? Devon asked interrupting Dylan's thoughts.

"Undressing you with my eyes." Dylan confirmed.

"Any other time I would welcome it, but I'm having a hard enough time without you looking at me like that." She told Dylan as she smoothed out her skirt.

"Then maybe you should hurry back."

"I was kind of hoping you would come to me tonight, I made you a spare key." Devon replied with a smile.

"It may be late." Dylan told her, her mouthwatering as she could not take her eyes off of Devon's fantastic legs.

Stepping up to her, Devon put her hand to the side of Dylan's face and looked in her eyes, "Hence the key and you know I don't care what time you get there as long as you come."

"I wish you would stop using that word." Dylan said as Devon stepped up to the dresser to grab her phone.

"And I asked you to button your shirt." She winked as she headed out into the living room, "Now are you Cumming to walk me out or not." Devon called over her shoulder.

Dylan did button her shirt and she did walk her out to her car, where Devon gave her a house key and then with a long kiss goodbye, Dylan watched her drive away feeling a sudden emptiness she didn't care for. Was she too attached? Was this all too soon? Why did it bother her whenever Devon wasn't by her side?

Sighing Dylan shook her head and went back upstairs to tinker around or help with whatever needed to be done for this evening.

Devon felt silly for having let her jealousy show, but the thought of all those women talking to Dylan made her feel crazy...and a little sick. Devon hadn't even known she was a jealous person until the other night when that blonde bimbo, was literally hitting on Dylan right in front of her! She had never exhibited any signs of jealousy when she was with Max or for that matter when she had dated in high school either. Of course, no one had ever made her feel the way Dylan could either. Devon supposed it was only natural for her to feel that way, because if she saw Dylan as sexy, why wouldn't other women as well?

Even her employees watched her through hooded eyes she had noticed on more than one occasion. This must be the downside of being in love with an incredibly stimulating and sexy woman she guessed...a small price to pay, she sighed thinking of the way Dylan made her feel just by looking at her.

Throwing herself into work was exactly what she needed and there was plenty of stuff to do. The restaurant opened at four, but Mark thought since things were picking up that they should start opening at three instead and from four o'clock to ten-thirty, the restaurant was jammed packed. Reservations after reservation, they sat them, fed them, and then sent them on their merry way.

Of course, it had always been Dylan's ultimate dream to have a gay restaurant but so far it had been pretty much straight clientele. Tonight and last night had been completely the opposite, and mostly of the female persuasion.

A lot of the ladies flagged Dylan down to congratulate her or just to meet her and even though it was a little embarrassing having all the attention, Dylan was enjoying the fact that the community had taken notice. Most of the women were more interested in her background and seemed to label Dylan as a rebel with a cause...and more than a few of them were interested in getting to know her a little more intimately as well.

"Devon, I'm not saying I don't like her because I do..." Selene stated in Devon's kitchen after arriving to pick up Lexi who was laying upstairs in Devon's bed watching TV, "...I'm just asking how much you really know about her"? She added referring to Dylan.

"I know exactly what she tells me." Devon stated.

"Which could be all lies." Selene told her matter of factly, sweeping her arms out for effect.

Turning to get two wine glasses down, Devon shook her dark mane, "She has no reason to lie to me." She replied grabbing the bottle and pouring some in each of the glasses, "Besides that Selene, she's been in the US since she was eighteen; she ran away...I've seen the look of disgust when she talks about her family ties to the IRA, I've seen her reaction to her own father, in person, and you can't fake that." Devon told Selene handing her a glass, "its sad Selene."

"I just don't want to see you get hurt sis," Selene said taking a sip of her wine, "You've already had your name all over the news, you've lost your job and it's only been what...two weeks"?

"I know it's only been a couple of weeks, but it's long enough to know that I'm in love with her." Devon admitted looking in the mirrors of her own eyes.

Sighing lightly, Selene nodded, "I know...I can see it in your eyes... actually," she smiled, "I can see it all over you."

Laughing lightly, Devon nodded, "I can't help it, I've never felt this way...not with anyone."

"Not even when you first met Max"? Selene asked curiously.

Shaking her head, she took a sip and smiled, "Not even close, it's kind of weird huh, but what I feel for her is so strong it shakes me to my core."

"Do you think it's because it's new and different"? Selene asked watching her sister interestedly.

"No, I mean it was strong from the moment I saw her, just standing on the curb beside her's like I was drawn to her." Devon answered, "And it just gets stronger and stronger."

Nodding as she looked over the top of her wine glass, Selene asked, "Butterflies"?

"Just thinking about her."

"Wow, you got it bad." Selene stated with a smile as she took another sip.

"Tell me about it...I wanna be with her all the time, she's everything all rolled up in one, smart, sensitive, funny, sexy..." Devon said with a sigh.

"Yeah, but is she good in bed"? Selene asked with a devilish smile.

"Oh my God, you have no idea," Devon told her feeling her body almost shudder just thinking about it, "Never in my wildest dreams, did I think making love could be so utterly mind blowing."

Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Selene asked, "Didn't you and that girl Cheryl do it"? She asked curiously.

"Yes, once, but Selene it's nothing compared to this, Jesus, she takes me to another world every time." Devon responded, her body flooding with warmth.

"Your flushed Devon McKenna..." Her sister laughed, "Maybe I should try it with a woman."

Laughing embarrassedly, Devon replied, "I don't think it's just because she's a woman, I think it's because she knows what she's doing." She added and quickly took a drink to cool her body down.

At eleven, Dylan decided to call it a night, the restaurant was closing anyway and she hadn't talked to Devon all night. So after checking in with Mark and Lisa who had stayed later than usual, Dylan got a change of clothes and headed out to Devon's. Even though she had been busy, her mind constantly wondered back to Devon and by the end of the night she was tired of pretending that she was glad to meet all these women, nice looking or not, she wanted to be wrapped up in Devon's loving arms. A month ago, she would have been happy as a clam to have all these women interested in her but today, she was happy with her life just the way it was and that was with Devon by her side.

When she pulled in the driveway at a quarter to midnight, Dylan could see the small lamp on in Devon's bedroom but aside from the porch light, those were the only two on that she could see. Silently hoping she was still awake, she cut the engine of her car and walked up to the door locking her car with the remote as she went.

Devon heard Dylan's car pull up and suddenly felt that familiar tingle begin. She had almost worked herself into a little frenzy this afternoon talking with her sister about Dylan's skills as a lover.

And now lying in bed wearing a pretty silk lavender short negligee, she wondered if maybe she was being too expectant. If the restaurant had been as busy as Dylan thought it would be, she was probably pretty exhausted...after all, Dylan hadn't even called tonight, so she must have been busy...maybe, she should just pretend to be asleep so Dylan could get a little rest?

After checking the downstairs doors and windows, Dylan tip toed upstairs quietly. Seeing Devon laying on her side with her back facing the door, she felt a pang of disappointment but just smiled and kicked off her shoes and began to undress.

Leaving on just her boxer briefs, Dylan pulled the covers back and slipped in between the sheets, turning off the lamp as she did so...then scooting close to spoon Devon, she slipped her arm underneath her pillow and layed the other one across her hip.

Reaching an arm around to run her fingers through Dylan's hair, she turned her head a little and asked,

"How was your night sweetheart"?

Knowing she wasn't asleep now, Dylan pulled her even closer so her abdomen was touching Devon's lower back, and then leaned in to nuzzle the back of her neck, "Busy as hell." she admitted realizing she was in fact, pretty tired.

"That's wonderful darling, you must be exhausted." She responded, still running her fingers through Dylan's hair.

Feeling her pulse speed up a tad, Dylan yawned and nodded, "Actually, I am." She said truthfully.

"Well, you're home now, just get some sleep..." Devon said softly, "...we can talk in the morning."

"I thought about you all afternoon..." Dylan started but yawned again, "I love you babe." She added but was asleep before she even heard Devon's response.

The next morning, Dylan awoke in the same position she had fallen asleep in and to her surprise Devon hadn't moved either. Inhaling the perfumed scent of her hair, Dylan thought back to last night and how much she had wanted her on the way home, and then how she had practically fallen asleep telling her goodnight!

Running her hand along the satiny material over Devon's hip and then down to her soft bared thigh, Dylan could barely tell the difference in feel, but her mind knew, and as she slid it back upwards pushing the material up with her hand, she could feel the soft hollow just in front of Devon's hip as her fingers caressed over the bone.

Feeling Devon stir under her touch, Dylan slid her hand upwards underneath the material and cupped one of Devon's glorious breasts.

Reaching around to hook her arm around and hold Dylan's head, Devon breathed out, "Well, good morning sleepy head, I see someone is finally awake."

Propping herself up on her elbow, Dylan smiled as Devon turned over on her back and reached up to touch her face gently, "Good morning, I'm sorry I fell asleep on you last night."

"Don't be, you were exhausted." Devon returned, a soft smile in her beautiful eyes.

"My intentions were to come home and ravish you whether you were sleeping or not." Dylan stated honestly.

"And I would have let you." Devon replied honestly.

Leaning down to cover her lips, Dylan slipped her hand downward and cupped the soft velvet between Devon's legs, "Would you let me now"? Dylan asked knowingly.

"If you don't...I may have to do it myself." She stated laying her hand on the back of Dylan's neck.

"Really"? Dylan smiled, raising her eyebrows, "I'd like to see that."

Laughing a little, "I would much rather have your hands on me than my own." She admitted.

"Oh, they will be but what that would be great foreplay before I get started." Dylan commented before kissing her again, but this time slipping her tongue inside her cool mouth.

"Maybe next time," She breathed out, putting her arms around Dylan's neck, "Now please...for now...just touch me."

Knowing she couldn't resist her, Dylan rolled on top of her and put her hands underneath her shoulders as she leaned down to capture her wonderful mouth again, "How can I say no to that"?


Sorry for any mistakes, I kind of rushed through this chapter with only a light amount of editing!

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