The Ninja of Time

By MultiFangirl7148

2.1K 136 42

You almost never hear about adventure stories that start with a boy getting crushed by a tree. But Omar's sto... More

Chapter 1 A Normal Life
Chapter 2 Time for Training and I'm Getting Started
Chapter 3 Spinjitsu Power Inside
Chapter 4 Sensei Found Him and Warned Him of a Darker Side
Chapter 5 Get up, Get Your Ninja On
Chapter 6 On a Path to Bring Them All to Light
Chapter 7 Take It Out On Garmadon
Chapter 8 Do Not Look the Snakes in Their Eyes
Chapter 9 Straight Home
Chapter 10 Something Ill is Going Down
Chapter 11 The Best Way to Defeat Your Enemy
Chapter 12 To Know Your Enemy
Chapter 13 We Feel Defeated
Chapter 14 Ice
Chapter 15 Lightning
Chapter 16 I Knew the Time Would Come
Chapter 17 Earth
Chapter 18 Fire
Chapter 19 Something to Prove
Chapter 20 Time to Save this City and I'm Ready For It ~Part 1
Chapter 21 Time to Save This City and I'm Ready for It~Part 2
Chapter 23 Gotta Know Your Friend
Chapter 24 Messin' with the Ninja Has a Penalty
Chapter 25 Nobody's Gonna Stop Us Now
Chapter 26: Growing Up is Such a Blast
Chapter 27 Causing History to Unfold
Chapter 28 Danger Lurking in the Depths of Ninjago
Chapter 29: Not One But A Million
Chapter 30: In Too Deep to Cash Out Now
Chapter 31: Ready for the Fight
Chapter 32: Each Second Counts
Chapter 33: Ninjago's in Trouble
Chapter 34: Evil Can't Stay

Chapter 22 Gotta Push Our Game

39 3 7
By MultiFangirl7148

A/N Hey everyone we're back with Season 2🤗 and a big shoutout to Cico20 the only person to see the pattern with the chapter names!Congratulations‼️

A few days later, we were helping to fix up the city from our path of destruction.

"Finally. All fixed up and Serpentine free." Cole smiled. "I'm just glad we dropped Lloyd off at the Arcade. I don't want to have to keep track of him all day." I said.

"He's better stay there this time." Jay said. I'm thinking about implanting a tracking device in this kid's head!

Kai tried to use his powers every single day since the Battle. To be honest, I think he's the one who's most peeved that he can't shoot his element anymore.

"This is frustrating! Our weapons are gone, most of our Elemental Powers are gone, I mean, we can still do Spinjitzu, I just feel so, I don't know, limited!" Kai grunted.

"And thanks to the Devourer, our tanks out of commission, our Dragon's hurt, and now that the Bounty's destroyed, we don't even have a place to sleep!" He finished.

"We could live with my parents..." I trailed off. "No!" Kai, Cole and Jay shouted. "No one said being a hero was easy. While our good deeds may never make us rich, they make us rich in other ways." Zane said happily.

"We really should get paid." I mumbled. "And I don't feel rich." Kai tried to ignite a flame.

"I for one, enjoy pitching in. I've always wanted to feel part of a community. Speaking of which, has anyone seen Nya? She said she was gonna help." Jay asked.

"And I have." Nya drove up in a motorcycle. "I may have found us a place to live!" She said cheerily.

"Really? But there's a waiting list a mile long to live in Ninjago City. How's you do that?" Jay wondered.

"I know this guy who knows a girl. And she knows this girl who knows a guy. And this guy knows a girl who's a real estate agent, and she can help you find a place, if you catch my drift." She said quickly.

"No. I don't catch your drift. Spit that out for me in English. Slowly. With actual names. And maybe tiny, little pictures." I said still trying piece together what she said. "Not gonna happen." She shrugged.

"Where are you off to?" Jay asked. "We need to pick up supplies to fix the Ninja Tank. And the Dragon's Medicine had finally arrived. It's a days trip, but once we return, he'll be flying again. Also, I love scenic drives. Punch it, Nya!" He laughed. "Aye aye, sensei!" She said as she drove off.

"Patty Keys Real Estate Agency. This is perfect! Once we get a roof over our heads, we can start training Lloyd." Jay said as he looked over the flyer.

"Good, because if we know Lord Garmadon, he won't be taking any breaks. Don't forget, the Serpentine are still at large." Cole explained.

We called the agency, set up an appointment, picked up Lloyd, then went to the dingiest apartments any of us have ever seen.

"No wonder there was no waiting list." Kai mumbled. "Not even broke hobos would want to live here." I responded.

"This one bedroom, one half-bath is a cozy dream! Who needs extras when everything's in arms reach?" Patty said in her peppy voice. "Now wait until you see the lighting!"

She flipped the light switch, and the bulb fell out and crashed to the floor. "Who needs lights when you have this view?" She opened the blinds, only for them to fall off. This is the Bounty all over again.

"This, is a view, of a brick wall." I pinched the bridge of my nose in a stressful manner. "Why do I smell old people?" Lloyd asked. If he wasn't 7, I'd give him a cuff on the back of the head.

"Look doll, I'm trying to work around your budget! This all you can afford!" Patty dropped her peppy voice.

"My parents..." I whispered. "Not doing it." Kai said flatly. "We'd have more than half of a bathroom..." Jay chimed in.

"This, looks... promising. Remember guys, our main goal is to train Lloyd, not kick our feet up in some swanky suite. If this is all we can afford, it's all we can afford." Cole admitted.

"If this about Lloyd, shouldn't we live somewhere that makes his training easier?" Jay asked.

"If we're trying to get Lloyd ready to save Ninjago from his father, shouldn't he at least have his own room?" Kai pointed out.

"You just don't want to share a room with the kid." I smirked. "Do you?" He retorted. "Good point." "Technically, that does not matter. It only matters that-" Jay elbowed Zane in the gut.

"Were just thinking about the children." Jay chuckled. "I do have another property that you'll just love!" Patty returned to her voice.

We were transported to a magical apartment, spacious and comfortable.

"This is the eight-bedroom Hero Suite. Floor-to-Ceiling windows, Digital wall Television, state-of-the-art game console..." She started. "Wow." I gasped.

"It seems a little out of our price range." Cole winced. "Sure it cost a little more, but you deserve it. I forgot to mention, there's also a Dragon Keep on the roof." She told Cole. "Nice!" He nodded.

"Maybe we could get a hero discount. After all, we are the Ninja who saved the city." Jay said slyly. "I thought Lord Garmadon saved the city." Patty responded. Jay sulked.

"We could get day jobs, to pay for the extra expenses!" Kai brightened up. "We always said we could use a little more responsibility!" Zane added.

"I have never said that." I said before Zane elbowed me in the stomach. "But we have to train Lloyd!" Kai realized.

"Did I mention the in-house training facility?" She pressed a button, a door slid open, revealing a training course just like at the monastery.

"We'll take it!" We chorused. And now the hard part. Getting jobs.

Knowing my musical passion, I got a job at, you guessed it! A hot dog store. Nah, I'm kidding. A music store.

Everything was great, just moving along with my job, until this old man comes in and yells at me. "I want a toaster!"

"I'm sorry sir, this is a music store. Toasters aren't available here." I explained. "But I want a toaster!" He repeated.

"Sir, this is a music store, I can't get you a toaster here." I tried again. "But I want my toaster!" He persisted. "And I want my Golden Glaive back, but I'm not bugging you about it."

It went on like this for the next few days. I felt like a hamster, running in a wheel. I really couldn't wait to get home.

"My feet. I can't... feel... my feet!" Cole moaned. "There were so many of them, and they wouldn't stop!" Kai said with a crazed stare.

"My gears locked up several times! I didn't even know my gears could lock up!" Zane complained. "The old man kept asking for a toaster. It's a music store. There are no toasters! What do I do then?!" I yelled.

"I don't even have enough energy to play video games." Jay slumped to the floor.

"But I thought you guys were gonna train me when you got home." Lloyd said sadly. "Sorry champ, but we can't until we make rent. How close are we, Jay?" Cole asked.

"Is this jar getting bigger? We're not even close!" He moaned. "And our rent is due tomorrow." Zane sighed. "We could pay in toasters." I said groggily.

"I could call a double shift." Cole offered. "And I could do overtime!" Zane suggested. "I could give the man a toaster!" I cheered up. "Maybe I could sling a few more pizza pies." Jay smiled.

"And I could make a little extra if I do the human piñata." We all looked at Kai. "Don't ask." He finished. "So our priorities are set. Tomorrow, we make rent." Cole convinced himself.

"What about me?" Lloyd asked. "How about you go and fetch me some more ice, eh?" Cole said.

And the next day, we got back to it. "Alright. Here he is." I said to myself as the man came into the store again. "Do you have my toaster?" He asked.

"No, I don't. This is a music store. Go to the convenience store." I told him. "I want my toaster!" He yelled. "I don't have a toaster for you." I said bluntly. "Give me a toaster!" He said, his face turning red.

"Here! Take this!" I picked the man up and threw him out the window! I turned around to find my boss staring at me.

"I guess I'm fired." I said nervously. "Out." He said through gritted teeth. I exited the building, and confronted the old man again. "Where's my toaster?" He asked angrily.

"Okay, here's what you're gonna do. See this? This is a straight line. I want you to walk on it until you reach the end. You should get to a pier. At the end of the pier is an ocean. Your toaster is in there. Just jump in and find it. Do you understand me?" I asked him.

"Okay." He shrugged and walked off. Then, I heard sirens and saw police cars going in the direction of the bank. I ran after them. I met Cole, Kai and Zane there.

"Looks like we're all in the same boat." Kai said when he saw us. "Eh, that's okay. I hated that job anyway." Cole shrugged. "Come on, I overheard them saying something about the subway." He told us.

"Good call. Let's go!" Zane gave the command. "Ninja-GO!" We chanted as we suited up. "Has anyone seen Jay?" Cole asked. "Nope. Normally, I hear him first." I responded.

We made it to the tracks when we heard the wheels of a train car rumbling. We jumped on, and rode the top.

"Isn't there an easier way inside?" Cole yelled. "Not without a ticket!" Kai said before falling through a hatch in the roof. "I believe Kai just found it!" Zane chuckled.

"Nindroids first." Cole gestured. "Oh, you're such a gentleman." Zane played along. "More like such a coward." I jumped in, Cole and Zane behind me.

"Let me go, Snake!" Kai grunted as he tried to escape from the Constrictai General. "Welcome to the party." The Fangpyre General threw a punch at Cole.

"Care for a drink?" The Venomari General spit venom at Zane and I. We barely dodged and it burned a hole in the window. We fought a while longer. These seemed to have gotten harder to beat.

"These snakes are a lot harder to defeat without our weapons!" Kai yelled. "Who needs weapons," Zane asked. "When you can make your own!"

He took apart a support beam and threw a shuriken-like object at the Constrictai. "Good idea Zane! Here Kai! Omar, take this!"

Cole handed us rods of different sizes, and we tried to beat off the snakes with those. "Keep fighting! We're not gonna let these fools get away with this!!" Cole grunted as he broke a window.

"Get away?" The Fangpyre hissed. "We aren't trying to get away. We're just trying to distract you long enough so that Skales can kidnap Lloyd!"

"What?!" Kai shrieked. "We could care less about the money, we just wanted the boy! Who's the fool now?" He cackled.

I rattled the balancing poles and knocked the snake over the head, and barely dodged getting bitten! As we continued to beat their butts I just hoped Lloyd was ok.

"Hey guys," called, "I think I found Jay!" We left Kai behind in the train car and rushed to the front, but no one was there!

"Where's the driver?" Cole asked. "The train appears to be automatically controlled!" Zane shouted. "You mean it's not gonna stop?!" Cole shouted.

"Come on guys, pull!" I encouraged. We all yanked back on the lever. "We're not strong enough!!" Cole yelled. "I'm coming!!!" Kai shouted and helped us out.

We pulled back as hard as we could, barely stopping before Jay was diced liver! "There you guys are!" Jay shouted excitedly. "I could use a little help?"

We untied him and ran back to our apartment building, only to find it empty! "Lloyd?" Kai called. "He's not here." Zane said, afraid for the worst. "We shouldn't have left him." Kai groaned.

"We shouldn't have taken those jobs in the first place! What were we thinking?" Cole sighed. "Losing Lloyd is by far our greatest loss." Kai dropped his gaze.

"But it could be your greatest lesson." We heard Sensei's voice. "Lloyd!" We all exclaimed. "You're okay!" Kai celebrated.

"I wasn't going to be, until Nya and Sensei showed up at the last moment." He sighed thankfully. "I go away for a day, and everything falls apart!" Nya said sarcastically.

"I guess we learned we don't need all the fancy stuff. We just need each other." Kai smiled."Thats so cheesy, I can smell it." I sighed.

"You want us to help you clean up?" Sensei raised an eyebrow. "Well, we are a team." Kai smirked.

"Nya, I think it's time for another road trip." Sensei said. "I have a better idea." Cole said.

We went down to the dumpy apartment.

"It's not much, but this one bedroom, one half bath is a cozy dream. Who needs extras when everything's in arms reach?" Cole repeated as he stepped aside to let Lloyd pass with another box.

Lloyd lost his grip, and dropped his box on Kai's foot. He yelped in pain and got the object off. "Feels like home to me." Jay laughed. "Hey, at least we can stay in Ninjago City a little longer."

"Even though I'm sleeping on the floor." I sighed. "And now with out the distractions we can put all our energy into training Lloyd." Zane finished.

"Who's there?!" Lloyd called as he tried to see over the box he was carrying. "I know the Serpentine Generals got away, but you never told us, what happened to Skales?" Kai asked Sensei.

"Oh, he found a home too. But it's not quite as roomy as here." Sensei hinted. "There's somewhere with less room then here?" I asked.

"Yep." Nya smiled. "The city jail." We all laughed and continued to get settled.

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