Living next door to One Direc...

Por OneDirection20125

21.3K 168 113

Adriannas parents died when she was very young. Her and her little brothers Christopher and James were sent t... Más

Living next door to One Direction..
Chocolate syrup, whip cream, flour, and Pink goo?
The Carrot King?
A date, death contraption and greasy food.
Everyone has a secret.
More suprises?
To much to handle.
Story contest!!
Thats what you get for waking up in Vegas.
A familiar face?
Going Home
Coming clean
Well that explains it!
Liam knows
I'm sorry


1.2K 12 16
Por OneDirection20125

A/N - SO. I'm going to do Adri's POV last...You'll know why later...(: Fan! Comment! Vote!!~Ana


~Eleanors POV~

The smell of bacon and eggs filled my nostrils. oh! Yummy! Food is exactly what I need right now! I open my eyes and look to my left, only to see that Louis was gone. I have to admit, last night was incredible. But I can't help but feel dissapointed that he wasn't right here next to me the second I woke up.

"Good morning, beautiful!" I look towards my door to see Lou standing there leaning against the door frame. I send him a lopsided smile and attempt to get up. The second my feet touch the cold floor, a wave of nausea flooded over me and I ran straight to the bathroom, barely making it. I puke my guts out and feel Lou right behind me, pulling my hair back. He was whispering soothing words and rubbing circles on my back. After I calmed down and emptied my stomach of the gross stuff I slowly sat up. Leaning my head against Louis shoulder.

"Are you okay, Love?Are you sick?" Lou asks me worriedly. I just shake my head no and send him a nervous glance. I might as well tell him now, before he suspects it later.

"Louis, I have to tell you something.."

"Okay.. What is it?" He asks while trying to make eye contact with me, but I couldn't,not yet.

"Louis, I'm pregnat." It's then when I look up at him and make eye contact with him. A million emotions were flashing through his eyes.Some I couldn't identifiy. His faced paled a little bit and it was then that I regretted telling him. He obviously doesn't want our child otherwise he would have been happy.

"Look Louis if you don't want a child right now then I understand. You have your career to focus on, you don't need a baby to get in the way. I just want you to know and that yes, I am keeping it. If you don't want to be apart of our lives then fine-" I was cut of by Louis smashing his lips onto mine. I was shocked at first but I kissed back. After a few seconds he pulled away and gave me a small smile.

"I'm not going to leave you El, or our baby. I'm happy really! This is great, I was just a little shocked.How far along are you?" He's not going to leave me. He's going to stay and be here for me.I send him a big smile then answer him.

"I'm 2 months Lou! I just found out last week though, the day I met Adri in the elevator. I was going to tell you then but it didn't seem like the right time." I tell him and its the truth, I had known that day but everything was so crazy at the time. I haven't told anyone but Louis, not even my family or Adri know.

"Yeah, that was a crazy day. But none of that matters now. I'm going to be a daddy! And your going to be a mummy! The best mum may I add!"

"And your going to be the best daddy in the whole world!" I tell him and peck him on the lips. We both get up and walk over to my bed, the two of us laying down and just enjoying each others presence.

"I love you" I whisper to him.

"I love you too, and our baby." Then he bends down and plants a soft kiss on my barely visible baby bump. The food I smelled earlier, forgotten.


~Danielles POV~

Just 5 more minutes. Then I can get out of here. I'm currently filming a music video for some new singer. I can't really remember her name, but that doesn't really matter right now. I haven't spoken to Liam in 3 days. He's been so distant, I'm worried. Did I do something wrong? I mean we were perfect until...Until the day at the diner! When I first met Adri! He was acting so wierd that day! Then he was making up excuses about parties and all that just so we could leave.But why? I continue dancing with all these questions running through my head, until I hear the director yell cut. Everyone starts to hug and talk to one another since that was the last shot. We were now done with the video. Now I can go home and call Liam so we can talk through this. I need to know why he's acting like this! My thoughts were interrupted though by my cell phone ringing. I look at it and see a picture of Liam on the screen. Speak of the devil. I answer it.

"Hey babe, whats up?"

"Hey Danielle, listen can we talk?"

"Aren't we doing that now?"

"Uhmm yeah.. but I mean in person."

"Uh yeah sure, my place in ten? I just finished the video."

"Sounds great. Meet you there." He says quickly then hangs up. Well that was odd. I walk outside and go to my car, ready to leave this place. I'm so tired! I get in, ready to drive home and hear what Liam has to say. After a few minutes I arrive at my home and get out, grabbing my dance bag from the car and shutting the door. I notice that Liam is already here and walk into the house. When I step in I see him sitting on my couch, his head in his hands. 

"Is everything alright Liam?" I ask concerned, what is up with him? Liam just looks up at me nervously.

"Look Danielle, I don't think we are going to work out. Recently I've started having feelings for someone else and I can't control them! I keep telling myself that I love you and only you, but I can't help it. I'm so so sorry Dani, I never wanted this to happen.. You have to understand though , that I don't want this to come betwe-"

"I'm Pregnat" Whoa! Why the hell did I just tell him that?! Its not true! But he's breaking up with me! I guess I just said it to make him stay with me. I love him.

"Y-YOUR WHAT?!" Oh crap. What have I gotten myself into?

"I'm pregnat, with your child." Liam started pacing back and fourth in front of me, he was obviously in deep thought. Why did I have to say that? Ughh!! I'm so stupid! And who is this other girl? What does she have that I don't? Liam stopped pacing and looked at me.

"Are you sure?" he asks me quietly. I just nod my head yes. Why? Why must I do this? He was just about to break up with me, he doesn't want me anymore.

"Okay then if you say your pregnat with my child then I believe you. You wouldn't lie about something as big as that to me. " A pang of guilt stabbed my heart. He believes me and he trusts me. How am I going to get out of this one?

"So what are we going to do?" I ask him quietly. I don't want to lose him.

"We'll take it one day at a time, I'm willing to work everything out if you are."

"Okay, one day at a time." And with that, Liam sat back down on the couch putting his head back in his hands while letting out a frustrated sigh. One day at a time, I kept repeating to my self in my head. Then a thought hit me, how the heck am I going to fake a pregnacy?!


~Adri's POV~

"Home sweet home James!" He was finally released from the hospital today and we still haven't finished talking about my situation. I honestly want to just forget all about it. I'm getting worse though. The other day, I coughed up blood. It was horrible but I know this is only the beginning. I decided I'm going to try and find a doctor who can help me. I don't want to leave my brothers or my friends, I love them all way to much. I will do whatever it takes to get better.

It was just me , James and Chris at the moment. The boys and El are going to be over any second now. We are having a movie night! Which means James and I won't be able to talk about me, which I'm super grateful for.

"It feels so good to be back home! I hate the hospital."  I chuckle at that and whisper "Me too" I didn't think he heard me, but he did. Just as he was about to comment though, all of the guys burst through door, all tumbling over each other and landing in a big pile on the floor. They all groaned and started to push each other off one another. Just as they were finally getting up though, Chris ran straight towards them, ramming into their legs and making them all fall on top of each other again. Oh my gosh! Their expressions were priceless! I wish I had taken a picture! Chris just laughed his little head off, even though he was thrown into the mess by tackling them down.

I couldn't control my laughter, I was literally on the floor laughing at them. Which probably wasn't a good idea, because the next thing I knew a bunch of hands started tickling me.

"Can't breathe! Oh my gosh!! Hahahahaha Stop it!"

They all scream "NEVER!" and continue to tickle me.

"You guys!! Please!! I can't breathe!"

"First you have to say One Direction is the best band in the whole wide world and that you love us with all your heart because we are all sexy beasts!!"

"Never!" I scream at harry and try holding in my laughter, even though it was pretty much impossible.

"Then we won't stop tickling you!"

"GIRLS!! I NEED BACK UP!" I scream out to Danielle and Elly who were just laughing at my expense and not making a move to help me. Those meanie heads, why were they going to let me suffer?

"FINE! FINE!! One direction is the best band in the w-whole wide world and I love you all because you are all sexy beasts!!" I scream out in defeat, my sides are killing me! I'm pretty sure I have some killer abs now! The second I spoke those words they each stopped tickling me with smirks plastered on their handsome faces.

"You guys are meanie heads!" I huff. The boys just laugh at me and each of them give me a kiss on my forehead, making my face flush red.

"AWW!! She's blushing!" The boys all coed and pinched my cheeks like I was a baby. I slap there hands away and sit down on the couch pretending to be angry with them.

Niall comes and sits nexts to me, putting his arm around my shoulder. "Aww come on now Adri, your not really mad are you?" He asks me and sends me a puppy dog face. Oh my gosh! He looks so adorable! How am I supposed to stay mad at this adorable little leprechaun?

"Fine, I forgive my little leprechaun!" I tell him and rest my head on his shoulder. I'm so tired, that was probably the most excersise I had in a few years. I really need to get into shape..

I snuggle into Niall and look around at everyone else. Harry and Chris were sitting on the floor playing with Where did that come from? Oh well.. Louis and Elly were cuddling on the couch and whispering to one another, both with huge smiles on their faces. James and Zayn were looking through our movie collection and Dani was sitting on the love seat, staring off into space. Then there was Liam who was sitting on the couch across from Niall and I. He was watching the two of us with mixed emotions flashing across his eyes. I could only make out a few, confusion, sadness, and jealousy? What does he have to be jealous for? He has Dani! Niall was on his phone, probably twitter.

"So, what movie are we watching boys?" I ask them, I've seen every single one of these movies in our collection a trillion times.

"Bambi!" They all chorus and I chuckle. Bambi? Why Bambi? That movie is so sad and depressing!

I was to lost in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed Zayn walk over to me and Niall and lift me up away from him.

"Zayn! What are you doing?"

"Yeah Zayn! What are doing? She was my cuddle buddy!"

"Well, sorry Niall. She's my cuddle buddy from now on." Zayn says as he sits down with me on his lap.

"Zayn!" I complain even though I was loving the feeling of his arms secured around my waist.

"Yes love?" Zayn asks and for a moment I get lost in his beautiful brown eyes.

"U-uh I uhmm can't wait for our date tomorrow night!" I studder, real smooth Adri. Real smooth..

Zayn sends me a warm smile and I return it. "Me neither, its going to be great!"

"Alright!Cut it out love birds! The movies about to start!" I blush and look away from Zayns intense gaze and instead look at an angry and annoyed looking Liam. What is his problem now?

"Wait! Before you start the movie. Elly and I have to make an anouncement!" We all look to Louis and El expectantly and wait for them to continue. I wonder what they are going to say?


SO. SO. SO SORRY!!! I know this is late but I've been sick these last few days and have had a lot of mandatory late night meetings with school! Are you guys shocked with whats happened in this chapter?! I am! And do you think Louis and El are going to tell them about the baby or something else? And were you shocked with the whole Liam and Danielle situation?! So much going on and theres still so much to come!! I hope you all enjoyed the late update! Oh and by the way.. Who do you think Adri is best with? Comment your favorite couple and their couple name! Don't forget to a VOTE! COMMENT! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY FAN!!  I won't update until I get 7 more votes and 5 more fans! Oh and atleast 4 comments! <3 <3 ~Love Ana(:

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