His Errand Boy | Kihyun [√]

By myshatae

161K 11.1K 10.1K

Despite being a girl, Choi Minjae is the errand boy of the seven rich lads of Seoul. Hiding one's gender for... More

Chapter 2: A place to stay
Chapter 3: New life
Chapter 4: New world
Chapter 5: Rich jerk
Chapter 6: One sided love
Chapter 7: Gay Kissing
Chapter 8: The aftershock
Chapter 9: A silent storm
Chapter 10: Exposed
Chapter 11: Lies and hatred
Chapter 12: A bitter truth
Chapter 13: A new mistery
Chapter 14: Gay men
Chapter 15: Coffee prince
Chapter 16: An unexpected incident
Chapter 17: New family
Chapter 18: Off to camping
Chapter 19: He's mine
Chapter 20: My second kiss
Chapter 21: Going back
Chapter 22: New feelings
Chapter 23: Second lead
Chapter 24: Confirming
Chapter 25: A secret date
Chapter 26: Coming out
Chapter 27: The truth
Chapter 28: Pain
Chapter 29: To others
Chapter 30: Goodbyes
facts about the book+author's note

Chapter 1: Their errand boy

12.8K 548 516
By myshatae

I'm not like the pretty boys over there,
Excuse me, excuse my charisma


Sometimes I wonder why is it always me? Why is my life like this.

There they were, the seven rich boys with their high end life, sipping tea on a lazy afternoon sitting outside their mansion.

And me? Working hard in that very garden with sweat dropping from my forehead to my toe, with the scorching sun shooting its rays that stung my bare neck under my cap.

It was an unflattering job, errand boy. I didn't have any exact thing to do but execute any small jobs they'd order me to do in the house. Leaving aside this title of 'errand boy' other things in my life sucked too,

1. While the boys lived in one of the biggest mansion in Seoul I lived in a slum. Not quite a hygienic or a good place to stay. Your neighbours could be drunk or having a loud sex anytime of the day and you'd have to endure it all quietly.

2. As much as the aroma of their tea and snacks made my stomach growl and my taste buds produce saliva, aka drool all I could do was to sigh cause I didn't get to eat breakfast. I was already late to my morning job, delivering newspapers when I'd woken up.

3. If I wasn't dirt poor and actually had someone to have my back, I could've gone to college. Not be a loser high school dropout.

I rubbed my sweaty forehead with the back of my palm, dropping the scissor as I pulled out my phone from my back pocket. An incoming text from 'wifu', my face lit up as soon as I read the contact name.

"Oppa, when are you coming? I've been waiting for a while!"

Sending a quick reply that I'd be there soon I turned on my heel with a bright smile, facing my cap the right way that was on my head backwards all this time as I started walking towards the rich bitches.

Yes, that's what they were. Rich bitches.

Honestly, I was content with my life. The smile on my face wasn't fake, the dramatic thoughts from before were true, but the feelings behind them? Fake.

I like to be dramatic sometimes. My life at least didn't suck, not that much because,

1. Even if I lived in a noisy, unhygienic place I could meet the weirdest kind of people all the time. Isn't that a wonderful experience?

2. It was a given that I'd be slurping down on a hot bowl of ramen from convenience store later in the afternoon but these rich lads? I was sure they had never had the heavenly taste of cheap cup ramen after a hard day.

3. And, lastly, who even likes studying? I was glad that I didn't attend college.

But still, it might have been some kind of fun experience. College, that is.

"Kihyun-sshi, I am done!" I smiled brightly at the short latter giving me his back, too invested in his cup of coffee and phone.

"Good job today, minjae!" The adorable dork is what I call him in my mind, Minhyuk smiled at me as he passed by with the sunshine smile on his face.

Followed by a cheeky looking devil, Lim Changkyun, the only rich bitch I couldn't get at all, eyeing me curiously as he vanished through the door leading to their house.

But still no response from the other latter, the nagging mom Kihyun.

"Kihyun-sshi?" I dragged on my word peeping my head from behind. Only then he turned around.

"Oh, you're done?" Asked he but his eyes were on the garden behind me. "That rose plant right there, ten thirty o'clock from the lamp pole, I can see dead leaves."

That's the reason why he was the nagging mom in my diary of nicknames.

"I'll attend to it right away!" I bowed politely before I ran to the lamp pole. My back pocket constantly vibrating for the incoming texts and calls from my beloved wife, Byul.

Just like how it was supposed to go, or wasn't, but happened anyway because of that one short latter, I was late to the designated cafe where Byul and I had agreed to meet.

The cool air from the air condition hit me as soon as I stepped inside. Putting off my cap I ran a hand through my sweaty short hair as I huffed taking a seat next to Byul.

"Sorry I was late!" I could hardly speak. My lungs needed air after all that running, lots of it.

"That's the guy you were talking about?" Finally I had noticed the bulky guy sitting before us, his expression disgusted yet surprised. "T-this puny guy!" His eyes were on the verge of falling out.

"Yeah, he's my boyfriend," Byul nonchalantly linked her arm with mine.

"Who are you calling puny, you donkey's ass?" I shot back. But that only made the guy stand up, aggressively putting his hand up in the air to hit me.

"How dare-"

But before that I pulled out my phone fast, showing him my screen that had 911 written on the dial pad.

"Listen fat rat," I spoke confidently. "I have proof that you stalked her place at eleven am on the twentieth, I was there to film it. And guess what? I sent it to police and they should be there-" I checked my watch before I continued. "Right now, questioning your parents. You live at sangnam-dong with your family right?"

The guy let his hand drop as fast as it was raised up in the air. His face was white like a chalk, it wasn't a millisecond later when he had left the cafe dashing in full speed.

A few minutes went by with Byul and I just staring at the door, then we burst into fits of laughter.

"Oh my God, Minjae! You were so cool I almost fell for you!" Byul slapped my shoulder hard as she kept on laughing. "God! That guy's been bothering me for a while!"

"Anytime baby, anytime for you," I winked at her playfully before she slapped my shoulder again.

"You're such a tease," she complained, but then she linked her arm with mine again. "What do you want to eat today? Treat's on me!"

Well, Byul wasn't like me. Nor was she poor, nor a dropout. But somehow our friendship just happened. It's a long story but I used to deliver milk to her house.

"Don't you have classes today? I have another part time job in half an hour," I said, her face fell.

"Aw come on." She shook her shoulders doing a pouty face, knowing quite well this was my big weakness. "Stay with me for a while please!" Whined Byul.

"Alright," I sighed. "I'll take a cheeseburger."

"Cheeseburger it is!" She smiled enthusiastically, eyeing my outfit for a second before she spoke again. "Ah! As much as I love you in black tee and jeans, I really wish I could someday see you in the skirts and dress I had brought for you."

My mind couldn't process the change of topic so soon, at least 'this' topic but I got back eventually.

"You know that's not gonna happen Byul."

She sighed at my dead response, then she stood up and went to the counter to place an order.

Really for the whole time again, I had forgotten I was a girl.

Living my life as a boy.

A/n: *puts trespass on a loud volume* HOW MANY MONBEBES ARE HERE?


Eitherways, I hope you'll enjoy! Please tell le author oppa if you ever need someone to rescue you ;) I'll be there in a sec baby.

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